Li Yuanqing finished, also no more words, respectfully stood aside, waiting for Wei Zhongxian's consideration.

For a long time, Wei Zhongxian's face gradually softened. Some kind-hearted people looked at Li Yuanqing and said with a slow smile: "Yuanqing, this matter, I know you have grievances in your heart. Mao Wenlong is a good man. However, you are running too fast. Mao Wenlong is afraid that he will not be able to hold you down in the future

Li Yuanqing said, "father-in-law, my humble duty is just a vulgar warrior. I always keep in mind my father-in-law's teaching. Try to win the battle and share the worries for the emperor and the father-in-law. If the father-in-law has difficulties, the humble position will not cause trouble to the father-in-law. "

With that, Li Yuanqing was stubborn.

Looking at Li Yuanqing's appearance, Wei Zhongxian couldn't help laughing, "Yuanqing, you. How old are you? Still like a child? All right, all right. I know that you feel aggrieved, but I said do not support you? Just a Changsheng Island commander-in-chief, if I don't give it to you, what will the world think of it? Is it like such a heartless person? "

Li Yuanqing was overjoyed. He knelt on the ground respectfully and kowtowed to Wei Zhongxian again and again, "my father-in-law's kindness to my humble duty can only be rewarded by crushing his bones and bones!"

Wei Zhongxian burst out laughing and affectionately patted Li Yuanqing on the back of the head, "you child! Get up. I will arrange this matter as soon as possible. The emperor should also be very interested in your Mongolian strategy. Let's go and see the emperor. "

Li Yuanqing was even more overjoyed. He said respectfully: "haha. Thank you for your help. "

On the other hand, Mr. an has been completely speechless.

Damn it.

My big brother, you're the chief soldier?

Watching Wei Zhongxian and Li Yuanqing leave, Duke an can't help but clap his brain. "The ancestors have opened their mouths. How can this matter go?"

We have to find a way to narrow the relationship between Li Yuanqing and Xia.

Think, an father-in-law's brain suddenly a clever, right, this elder brother of oneself, is not about to get married?


At this time, Li Yuanqing had no mind to pay attention to the idea of Duke an.

The emperor was not in the imperial study at this time, but was busy with carpentry in his bedroom.

When Li Yuanqing and Wei Zhongxian arrived, he was directing several small eunuchs to cut wood chips. Seeing the two men coming, he was also very happy and said with a laugh: "big companion, General Li, are you here?"

Wei Zhongxian and Li Yuanqing hastily saluted the little emperor Tianqi.

Tianqi, the little emperor, with a smile, guided them to see his masterpiece, "my companion, General Li, look, how about my treasure boat?"

In front of you is a one meter long model of a sea boat. You can even see the carving in the cabin door of the ship clearly.

Wei Zhongxian said in a hurry: "emperor, your craftsmanship is becoming more and more exquisite. This treasure ship is much more exquisite than the one last year. "

The little emperor could not help laughing, "what's the matter? You have to try water before you know. General Li, what do you think? "

Li Yuanqing said with a smile: "the emperor's craftsmanship is unparalleled in the world. I really admire his humble position. By the way, the emperor, in the next few years, my humble position also wants to build several real warships. At that time, I would like to ask the emperor to give more guidance to my humble position. "

"The real ship?"

The little emperor's eyes brightened, "wonderful, wonderful! General Li, when you start to build, you must inform me! Ha ha

After some greetings, the Duke of Wei told the emperor Tianqi with a smile and mentioned Li Yuanqing's Mongolian strategic plan.

Tianqi, the little emperor was more interested and said, "my partner, General Li, this is not the place to speak. It's too hot. Let's go to the palace

Emperor Tianqi took the lead in entering the palace, and Li Yuanqing and Wei Zhongxian hurriedly followed him.

When the emperor was seated, a eunuch offered him tea. After a few sips, he said in a hurry: "my partner, General Li, what is the matter with this Mongolian strategic plan? Tell me quickly. "

Wei Zhongxian looked at Li Yuanqing with a smile, "Yuanqing, you'd better explain it to the emperor."

Li Yuanqing saluted Wei Zhongxian respectfully. Of course, he understood the meaning of Wei Zhongxian's carrying. He took out the map carefully from his arms and explained it carefully for the emperor Tianqi and Wei Zhongxian.

For going deep into the hinterland of Mongolia, Li Yuanqing did not feel hot at the moment, but after careful consideration.

In fact, the nine border areas of Daming, especially the towns of Yansui, Datong, Ningxia and Xuanfu, have never stopped trading with Mongolia for many years.

In particular, Datong Town, even if the valley king, also in private transactions, a lot of profits.

Daming is not short of guides from Mongolian ministries.

In particular, it is about to enter winter, after the Mongolian ministries have stabilized.

As a direct descendant of Genghis Khan's gold family, Lin Danhan is a bit incompetent.

Afraid of being beaten by the later Jin Dynasty, he came to meet Daming, but he didn't have a trace of practical sincerity. The inferior horse was sold at a high price, and it was hard to get a horse.In the final analysis, this guy still wants to take advantage of Daming's weakness and bite hard.

In Li Yuanqing's memory, the expedition to Mongolia by the later Jin Dynasty should not be far away.

And Lin Dan Khan's combat effectiveness is really urgent.

He fled all the way from the south of the desert to Mobei. Finally, he fled to Da caotan in Qinghai Province. However, Houjin did not catch up with him. Under the attack of fierce fire and gas fire, he was unable to resist.

He died before he was forty.

Poor his wife, countless cattle and horses property, eventually became the plaything of the later Jin Dynasty.

At this time, although Li Yuanqing did not have the strength of cavalry in the later Jin Dynasty, the infantry had gradually grown up, especially the equipment and improvement of firearms were gradually improved, which also made him have more confidence. In this cold winter, he bit a piece of fat from Lin Danhan.

After listening to Li Yuanqing's explanation, the little emperor of Tianqi couldn't help boiling with blood, "General Li, if so, he really has the courage of that year's champion Marquis!"

Huo Qubing went on an expedition to Xiongnu in those years. "He was determined to eat the meat of the Huns, and talked about drinking the blood of the Huns with a smile."

The biggest reason for his success was that he was the brother-in-law of Emperor Wu, who was trusted by Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty.

In addition, he was really ruthless. He was so ruthless that he was so cruel that the Huns were afraid of him. Finally, he did not dare to face his soldiers directly.

But at this time, as Li Yuanqing's identity and energy, he obviously could not get the support of the imperial court as it was for Huo Qubing.

However, Li Yuanqing also has a huge advantage, that is, his knowledge of the terrain, understanding of the world, including modern common sense of dealing with various complex climates and diseases.

The most terrible thing about the expedition to Mongolia is not the Mongols, but the complicated environment that may kill people at any time.

At this time, seeing that the emperor was so excited, Li Yuanqing said: "emperor, I dare not compare myself to the champion. I just want to share the worries of the emperor and open up the land for the Ming Dynasty. As long as I have a horse in Daming, I will be able to fight the old slave and Houjin openly and uprightly! "

The emperor could not help laughing, "General Li, I believe you!"

Then he looked at Wei Zhongxian and said, "if General Li has made such achievements, I will make you the champion Hou. What's the matter?"

Wei Zhongxian was not surprised, but in a flash, he also understood that even though Li Yuanqing was brave, he could not defeat Lin Danhan.

For a moment, he also said with a smile, "General Li, thank the emperor for his grace!"

Li Yuanqing is also a little excited.

But he also knows that it is almost impossible to get this position.

But when the emperor's attitude was done, he naturally accepted it. He pretended to be very happy and said respectfully, "I'm humble. Thank you for your grace. With the words of the emperor, even if you die in a humble battle on the grassland of Mongolia, you will have no regrets

The little emperor of the Apocalypse said in a hurry: "the event has not yet begun. How can you say such despondent words? General Li, later, you will be fined three drinks! "

Li Yuanqing said with a smile: "thank the emperor for punishing me!"

Wei Zhongxian had already seen that the emperor wanted to keep Li Yuanqing for dinner and said with a smile, "emperor, you can be accompanied by General Li at noon. There are still a lot of memorials to be dealt with

Tianqi small emperor a smile, tone also soft down, "big companion, hard you."

Wei Zhongxian's tears flashed in his old eyes. "With the emperor's words, I'm tired and satisfied."

The little emperor of the Apocalypse said with some displeasure: "look at you two. Why do you always say despondent words? Partner, you go to work. General Li, go and have dinner with me. "

When Wei Zhongxian left, Li Yuanqing accompanied the emperor Tianqi to talk about the war situation of the day, waiting for the imperial chef to eat.

The little emperor's mood became more and more clear and said with a smile, "General Li, it's a great pleasure. I'll wait for you to settle the trouble of Houjin for me. "

Tang Wanqing went to his post and went to his knees

The emperor's lunch was very rich, with hundreds of dishes.

There are almost everything that flies in the sky, climbs on the ground, swims in the water and grows in the earth.

Even if the water for tea is the dew that the maids toil to pick in the imperial garden early in the morning.

The little emperor of Tianqi said with a smile, "I can't finish all the dishes by myself. General Li, if you are a general, help me to share more. "

Li Yuanqing quickly said with a smile: "humble duty is willing to serve the emperor."

How dare Li Yuanqing eat like this? Carefully accompany the emperor Tianqi to eat and drink.

They had just had a few drinks when a little eunuch outside called out, "the Queen's mother is coming!"

Tianqi small emperor a smile, "General Li, the queen came, just as it happened, she said before to thank you."

Li Yuanqing's heart "bang bang" straight jump, busy way: "empress mother of the world, her old people can remember the humble position, is really the honor of humble position."

With that, he bowed his head respectfully and did not dare to say more than half a word.

The little emperor of Tianqi said with a smile, "it should be. You saved her life. I saved my life. HeheAt this time, empress Zhang, wearing a Golden Phoenix crown and a gorgeous and intimidating Palace Dress, came over.

"I have seen the emperor." Empress Zhang said.

The little emperor of Tianqi said with a smile: "the queen is exempt from gift. Come on, let's have dinner together

On one side, Li Yuanqing hastily saluted empress Zhang, "humble Li Yuanqing, I have met the empress, the empress is thousand years old, and the Phoenix body is Jin'an."

Empress Zhang glanced at Li Yuanqing lightly and sat beside the emperor, but did not speak.

However, the little emperor of Tianqi was very happy. He exchanged with Li Yuanqing with a smile and drank wine one cup after another.

But he was not able to drink, and the weather was hot. After drinking more than ten cups, he began to feel sleepy. He said helplessly with a smile: "empress, you can have a few drinks with General Li. General Li, I'm not feeling well today. Let's drink again in the evening. "

Emperor Tianqi was helped to rest in the palace by eunuchs and palace maids. Only empress Zhang and Li Yuanqing were left at the huge dining table. The eunuchs and eunuchs withdrew to one side.

When the emperor left, empress Zhang had a trace of smile on her pretty face and said with a faint smile: "General Li, I'd like to offer you a cup."

At this time, Li Yuanqing finally had time to see empress Zhang's pretty face. However, she found that her makeup was obviously thicker. There was an indescribable sadness in her expression.


Li Yuanqing busy way: "thank empress Niang, humble job first for respect."

They were about five or six meters away. After drinking a few drinks, empress Zhang suddenly stood up with a smile and went to Li Yuanqing's side and poured a glass of wine for Li Yuanqing.

Smelling her familiar fragrance, Li Yuanqing was in a trance for a moment.

But for a moment, empress Zhang suddenly whispered, "at the beginning of May, I had a miscarriage."

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