"These doggies! Ah

Shuqi clenched his fists, his face turned red, and his teeth were about to be broken.

After all, he is old, facing the cold north wind at the head of the city, just like a single old wolf, with a bent body and shivering.

"Amar, are you all right?"

Shuluohuan was startled. He quickly came to help him and pat him on the back.

For a while.

Shuch, that's better.

He vomited out a long old-fashioned, deep in the eye socket, but a fierce.

For a moment, he suddenly sneered: "these dog scum, want to kill me? Ha ha ha How could it be so easy? "

Although Nuzhen in the later Jin Dynasty was thriving, with the capture of Shenyang and Liaoyang, the old slaves moved their capitals to Liaoyang and Shenyang, and the center of gravity of the whole later Jin Dynasty had been transferred to Liaozhong region.

The interests of the old slave's Chieftain Prefecture, together with the powerful officials of the Yeren, Haixi, Beishan and other Nuzhen tribes, their interests also shifted.

At this time, the vast fertile land in the lower reaches of Heilongjiang Province and the former nurgan Prefecture of Daming became a little chicken ribs.

As the saying goes, people go up, water flows down.

Compared with the densely populated and fertile Liaozhong plain, this large area of nurgandus is just like a wilderness, and rabbits don't poop

The reason why Shuqi came here is because it is so wild that he doesn't have to face the internal conflicts of interests in Houjin. He can leave some family property for his weak son outside the whirlpool, so that he will not be hungry and frozen.

Life in the world, mixed into the share of Shuqi, in fact, is almost complete.

It is just that people have misfortune and fortune, and the moon is full and clear.

How can everything in the world be satisfactory?

If his three sons are brave, how can he need this? Retreat to the wilderness?

According to the present reward system of the later Jin Dynasty, as long as we can achieve meritorious deeds in the war, there will be great opportunities for both land, property and slaves.

However, Shuqi deeply understood that his three sons were not capable of fighting at all. He was still good at doing small business and playing a bit of caution. If he was involved more deeply, he would not be a man at all.

In particular, the old slave was nearly seventy years old, and the infighting between several big Baylor became more and more serious. He also wanted to leave a way for his family.

It's a pity that when the Dragon meets the shoal, it's a prawn show, and the dog bullies the tiger!

In the past year, his days in zalingwei were not very smooth.

Around these savages, Haixi and Beishan nobles, they did not buy him too much as a pure nobleman of Jianzhou.

In order to leave a way for shuluohuan, he tolerated a lot of things, but he didn't expect that these people were getting more and more!

At this time, Li Yuanqing has been soldiers, soldiers in the city, but these dog scum, actually no one, want to send reinforcements!

This -

isn't that pushing him to the end?

But anger turned to anger. After dealing with Li Yuanqing for many times, Shuqi deeply understood that Li Yuanqing was a cruel, resolute and resolute person, and he was extremely hostile to the real woman!

Once he breaks the city, his people

Shuche is not a fool.

How can it be possible to resist Li Yuanqing's 5000 elite army with 300 people?

It's better to be stripped of clothes and flogged

Thinking, he suddenly slightly sneered and waved to the side of shuluohuan.

Shu LUOHUAN is also flustered at this time. His Laozi is his backbone. He hastens to listen carefully.

With Shuqi whispering a few words, shuluohuan's pupil was not suddenly enlarged, and he said in a low voice: "ah Ma, this, this Big brother... "

Shuqi said with a cold smile, "don't worry about it. Take care of the present. You go there in person. Remember, don't annoy Li Yuanqing. If he has any request, you can agree to it first. "

Shuluohuan quickly nodded, with a few confidants, hurried to leave.

Looking at the back of shuluohuan, Shuqi couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of turbid gas. It's no wonder that he did so!

At this time, a slender girl of about fifteen or sixteen, dressed in a tiger fur jacket and a tiger skin hat, with a shining steel knife in her hand, ran to this side in a hurry, "Amar, my daughter heard that minggouzi has been killed? Let's go out of town and fight! "

Shuqi's pupil was not forced to shrink and yelled: "nonsense! Somebody, take her down! She must not be allowed to leave the room without my order


Several slaves rushed up and took the graceful girl down the city.

"Amar, Amar, let me go. I want to fight with you out of the city..."

Listening to his most familiar and tender voice like Oriole getting farther and farther away, Shuqi tightly grasped his fist and murmured in his heart: "eternal life! Please bless your most devout people... "……

Outside the South Gate of Zhaling Weibao.

Li Yuanqing met Shu LUOHUAN smoothly.

At this time, it is already noon, but the sky and floating fine snowflakes, faintly have more and more meaning.

Nearby, the firemen are already cooking.

According to Li Yuanqing's plan, half an hour after dinner is the time to conquer Zhaling Wei.

It's not that he deliberately grinds. It's mainly because it's too cold here. But at this time, it's just entering the early winter, and there are more terrible cold storms waiting for him. He also hopes to use this kind of field training to make the children adapt to the rhythm faster.

At the same time, it also put more pressure on the Tartars in the city.

After all, it's always killing people to fight.

However, every boy in Changsheng camp is very precious to Li Yuanqing, especially at this time when there is no way to replenish the follow-up troops, he has to choose the most secure time to fight, trying to save the lives of every one of them.

"My servant, shuluohuan, has met Li junmen."

In the battle line of Changsheng camp, shuluohuan kowtowed respectfully to Li Yuanqing, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

Li Yuanqing didn't expect that someone would be so proud. In his subconscious mind, Tartars, especially Nvzhen Tartars, have always been united and stubborn. For such people, Li Yuanqing has only one attitude, that is, they must be completely eliminated from the body.

"Do you know me?"

Li Yuanqing looked down at Shu LUOHUAN from a commanding position, with a faint smile, but he didn't mean to get up at all.

Shuluohuan hurriedly said: "back to Li junmen, my father is Jiala Zhangjing Shuqi under the red flag. My father said, "he has made old friends with you."

Shuqi said, quickly dropped his head, the atmosphere also dare not breathe.


Li Yuanqing was stunned. For a moment, he couldn't help revealing a deep smile, "ha ha. pretty good. You and I are really old acquaintances! Yes? Now, zaringwei is under your Amar? Is he not in Liaozhong? "

Shuluohuan said: "back to Li junmen, AMA was injured in the battle of Lushun. Since then, he has come here to cultivate himself."

Li Yuanqing couldn't help laughing, "Shuqi is such a good schemer! Good, good! "

Shuluohuan did not know, so he did not dare to answer Li Yuanqing's words. He knelt at his feet respectfully.

For a moment, Li Yuanqing said with a smile: "you Alma asked you to come, don't you just want to say hello to me?"

Shuluohuan was surprised and said, "Li junmen, Amar means, he doesn't want to be the enemy of you. Ah Ma is willing to give all the property of Zhaling Wei. Please let Zhaling Wei go! "

"Ha ha! Ha ha ha... "

Li Yuanqing couldn't help laughing, as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world.

For a moment, his whole body momentum changed. His evil spirit forced people to stare at Shu LUOHUAN and said, "Zhaling Wei, I want it, I will take it by myself. Why should he give it to me

Shuluohuan was shocked.

Although Li Yuanqing did not touch a finger of him, but this kind of evil spirit, which was like the devil in hell, made him unable to resist at all, only felt that his bones were going to be soft.

A moment later, shuluohuan responded, "Li junmen, this, this Amar didn't want to be your enemy! Li junmen, please think twice

Li Yuanqing smiles, "if Shuqi wants to save Zhaling Wei, let him roll over and talk to me. You are not qualified yet. "

Li Yuanqing said, looked up at the sky, the snow in the sky more and more big, it seems, not long, the storm will come.

"I'll give you a quarter of an hour. A quarter of an hour later, if Shuqi doesn't roll over, our army will attack directly. After the city is broken, there will be no chicken or dog left! "


Shuluohuan was scared to pee.

He had heard of Li Yuanqing's name for a long time, but never thought that Li Yuanqing would be so domineering and savage. In his mind, the Han people are not all gentle and courteous?

But at this time, their father and son have been so low profile

Looking at Shu Luo Huan did not respond to come over, Li Yuanqing faint smile, "I advise you better run quickly. Time is running out. "


Shuluohuan this just returned to God, like a dog, limping, but quickly toward Zhaling Acropolis in the past.

Around him, Kong Youde said with a smile, "general, do you think he will come

Although Kong Youde did not take part in the Lushun defense battle, he always mixed up with his relatives and veterans and knew every detail of it.

At this time, here, unexpectedly met the famous Shuqi, he is also extremely excited.

Li Yuanqing smiles, "this? Only their longevity knows. "


Time flies, not much time, more than ten minutes has passed, but there is no sign of anyone going out of the city.

Li Yuanqing suddenly gave a grim smile, "come on, pass my military order! The whole army is ready to attack the city"Yes

Soon, through the banners of the heralds, the military order had been conveyed to the four thousand headquarters of Changsheng battalion.

At this time, Zhaling Wei had already been surrounded by four thousand regiments of Changsheng camp. On the north side of the river, Duan Xiliang's "chief swordsman" of the 1000th Corps was even more. He was very comfortable with these people. Unless they flew out with wings, they would have no chance at all!

But just when Li Yuanqing was about to order the siege, Zhaling Wei's south gate opened, and a familiar figure, with dozens of people, rushed towards this side.

Kong Youde's 600th general team is just in charge of the attack of the south gate. Seeing them coming, Kong Youde can't help laughing and waving his hand.

In an instant, a total of long spearmen, mixed with more than a hundred bird and blunderbuss, had been surrounded by the wind.

After a while, Shuqi ran to this side in a hurry.

As soon as he saw Li Yuanqing, he couldn't help but show a wry smile. He knelt respectfully on the ground and kowtowed to Li Yuanqing. He said, "it's a pity that I've met Li junmen."

Li Yuanqing a smile, "Shuqi, a year more than not seen, do you not hurt?"

Shuqi is a little speechless, but the situation is better than people. Li Yuanqing's butcher's knife has been put on the neck of him and his people.

For a moment, he said in a hurry: "Li junmen, everything in the past has been like clouds. Sin will only want to save my family and my people. I also ask general Li to take benevolence and righteousness as the foundation, and let go of the sin general and his people. "

With a faint smile, Li Yuanqing said, "let go of your family? Let go of your people? Maybe. But you must die


Shucheden was stunned on the spot.

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