In a twinkling of an eye, it has entered the third year of Tianqi. In mid November, Li Yuanqing and the children of his longevity camp have been resting in Zhaling Weibao for three days.

It's not that Li Yuanqing doesn't want to go on fighting. The main reason is that the snow is too heavy.

For three days in a row, the rate of snowflakes had no sign of stopping. The thickness of the snow layer on the ground was more than half a meter deep, and it was still increasing.

In such bad weather, Li Yuanqing can only choose to temporarily yield to the authority of God.

However, although the army did not continue to March, all kinds of work never stopped.

The first to bear the brunt is the supply of all kinds of combat readiness and supplies.

Different from the cotton padded jacket of the children in the camp, the women and slaves here mostly used the fur of various wild animals for clothing.

Although the cotton padded jacket of the children of Changsheng camp is thick enough, it is really hard to eat in such a weather.

The main reason is that it is too windproof.

The winter in southern Liaoning can be regarded as cold, but compared with this side, it is still very small, and the gap is quite obvious.

Li Yuanqing estimated that, even in normal times, the wind force here should be more than 6 or 7. If it catches the gale, I'm afraid it will reach force 89

Although the cotton padded jacket is carefully sewn up by the women's dependents of Changsheng island women's camp, because of the density, it still can't be compared with animal skin.

The clothes of local women and slaves were mostly made of deer skin, fur, even leopard skin and tiger skin.

The fur of these animals is not only thick but also soft and warm.

At this time, he conquered the two fortresses of kemore River and Zhaling Wei successively, and Li Yuanqing also gained a large number of various kinds of fur.

In this state, of course, he will not be stingy.

In the past three days, in addition to distributing the fur coats captured from Tartars and slaves directly to soldiers, Li Yuanqing distributed a large amount of captured furs to various squadrons, so that children could make fur coats themselves.

But the soldiers can kill and fight, do needlework, they are obviously not good at it.

Li Yuanqing also consumed a lot of brain cells for this.

Finally, he simply adopted the simplest, but also the most effective way, which was to sew all kinds of animal skins into waistcoats and put them over the soldiers' cotton padded jackets.

Although this is not beautiful, but practical effect, especially excellent wind resistance.

Moreover, the soldiers can show the sleeves of the red mandarin duck war jacket, and they can better distinguish their companions when the visibility is not high.

As for all kinds of ready-made fur hats and boots, Li Yuanqing took the lead in distributing fur hats and boots to the children who needed it most directly through the town carers at all levels according to their mission requirements.

At this time, it was deep winter, and the mountains were blocked by heavy snow. Tunpu like Kemer River and Zhaling Wei had abundant winter food. After all, it was difficult for them to hunt and hunt in winter.

Ke Mo and He Wei are only small fortresses, and the harvest is still a little less.

But Zhaling Wei side, Li Yuanqing harvest is extremely rich.

All kinds of bacon, bacon, and dried meat, including mushrooms and fruits, could add up to more than 100000 Jin, enough for Li Yuanqing's children to eat for a month.

Although there are not many horses, only more than 400, Zhaling Wei has more than 200 mules and more than 100 hounds.

These animals can carry on the transportation task alive and eat meat when they die.

Naturally, Li Yuanqing collected all of them according to the order.

However, the weather is so bad that most children want to learn how to ride a horse, which is not realistic.

Fortunately, most of the children in Li Yuanqing's camp were born in the Liao Dynasty, and there were not a few who could ride horses. At this time, Li Yuanqing already had more than 800 horses, so he simply selected some smart and courageous children from various departments to join the scouts.

As a result, Li Yuanqing's number of scouts was over 800.

In addition, shuluohuan also had more than a dozen armored slaves, domesticated falcons and hounds.

Li Yuanqing's investigation ability in this area is almost invincible.

Zhaling guard hall.

The brazier will make the room as warm as spring.

Li Yuanqing, wearing a vest made of old tiger skin, sat down on the main seat.

Duan Xiliang, Xu Heizi, shunzi, Liu Dadou, Huang Guoshan, Kong Youde, Li Sansheng and other major generals served respectively.

Shuluohuan is respectfully kneeling among them, carefully reporting the situation to Li Yuanqing, "master son, the maid has already inquired. In the past few days, the nearby Fushan guard, youtie Wei and Hushi gate guard have already contacted nurgan Dusi in the northeast. According to my servant's information, just in these days, nuergandasi has prepared to gather more than 3000 troops. There are also more than a dozen Tunpu in the west, and nearly 2000 people are ready to gather to encircle Zhaling Wei. "

Hearing this, Duan Xiliang sneered, "these dog bastards! If I don't go to them, do they dare to come to me? Good coming! It just saves Lao Tzu's time and makes a pot stew of these dog scrapsKong Youde was also very excited, "general, this is a great opportunity! As long as we defeat their main force, there will be no match for us in this area of thousands of miles! "

Shunzi also said, "general, that's right. One by one, it's better to annihilate at one stroke! Since they dare to come, they have saved us a lot of energy. "

Xu Heizi, Liu Dadou, Huang Guoshan and Li Sansheng all nodded their heads.

Li Yuanqing nodded lightly, but did not show much.

He stood up, looked at the map carefully for a while, and said to shuluohuan with a smile: "brother LUOHUAN, it will be at least a few hundred miles to Zhaling Wei from nuergandasi, not to mention in the West. It will take ten days and a half months for these ten troops to gather together."

Shu Luo Huan hastily respectfully said: "master son Ye is wise. These leaders, on weekdays, are more active in fighting for merits than others. But if we want to send troops to fight against the heavenly army of our Changsheng camp, I estimate that they will have to ink for at least half a month. This is when the weather is normal. If the mountains are blocked by heavy snow again, I'm afraid it will have to wait until the Chinese New Year. "


Duan Xiliang was stunned and said, "this son of a bitch, do you want to wait for the new year? This, this battle still fights an egg

Confucius has virtue and many people are speechless.

I thought it was a good opportunity, but I didn't expect that these Tartars were so inked that

Li Yuanqing but a smile, "we have not been here for ten days. They can have such a speed, it is not too slow. Since they want to unite, we must help them. But

Li Yuanqing's words suddenly changed, "how can I let these humble Tartars lead the nose? Brother Luo Huan, how long can the snow fall

Shuluo Huan said, "go back to the master. According to the slave's experience, the snow should stop at the latest in the afternoon. There may be strong winds in the next few days. "

Li Yuanqing nodded faintly, "the children have been resting for three days, and all aspects of affairs are also reasonable."

Saying, his face suddenly a Lin, "pass my military order! The whole army will rest for two hours! Two hours later, the soldiers will enter Fushan guard! "


The generals also understood what Li Yuanqing meant and left in a hurry.

Shuluohuan also kowtowed to leave.

The hall suddenly became empty. Li Yuanqing stood up and moved his hands and feet. His bones made a "click" sound.

After the screen, Liu Qiao hurriedly came with a cup of warm hot wine, "Sir, please use it."

Li Yuanqing smiles, drinks the wine in the cup, and looks at Liu Qiao.

Liu Qiao's pretty face was a little feverish, so she quickly lowered her eyelashes and did not dare to look at Li Yuanqing's eyes.

Li Yuanqing a smile, casually put the glass aside, "her side, you take care of a little more. In a quarter of an hour, let's have dinner. In an hour, let's go

"Yes, sir."

Liu Qiao was about to leave, but Li Yuanqing grabbed her small hand with a backhand, and forcefully held her in his arms, close to her ear and whispered: "eat more. Only then will have the strength. I want you to live well. "

Liu Qiao's body was stunned, but she couldn't help but be overjoyed, and her tears would flow out. "Master, maidservant, maidservant will surely live well."

Li Yuanqing a smile, slowly spit out a long breath, "go."


Looking at Liu Qiao's most familiar gentle curve disappeared in the field of vision, Li Yuanqing slightly narrowed his eyes.

Although gentle country is good, but at this time, it is not the time to enjoy!


In the middle of the afternoon, the heavy snow in the sky began to weaken.

Children are already ready, Zhaling Weibao north gate, they braved the wind and snow, stand in a straight line.

Around, five or six hundred horses were scattered around, whistling in the cold wind.

Dressed in tiger skin vest and armed with a sword on his waist, Li Yuanqing rode on a tall black steed. Beside him, Niu Gensheng cooperated with more than 100 relatives and soldiers, fully armed and escorted.

Glancing at the sun hidden in the clouds in the East, Li Yuanqing waved his hand and said, "go


For a moment, the horn horn sounded.

Fifty or sixty hounds opened the way, and five or six hundred cavalry escorted them.

In the sky, seven or eight falcons were flying, and the red flag of red eagle was leading the way.

A large group of men and horses, slowly but quickly to the north direction of Fukuyama and go.


Fushan Wei is very close to Zhaling Wei, about 50 or 60 li away. However, one is in the south of the Yangtze River and the other is in the north of the Yangtze River.

If you want to cross the broad Heilongjiang in summer, you must spend a lot of thought.

But at this time, it was deep winter, and the river was completely frozen, just like a flat land, without any obstacles at all.

Because of the harvest of Zhaling Weibao, the scale of Li Yuanqing's team has grown a lot.

There were also many mules, horses and women's wives in the brigade.But Li Yuanqing issued a death order before leaving.

These female dependents who are willing to follow the team must firmly abide by the military rules of the team and can only walk. Even Liu Qiao and Shu Murong are no exception.

Otherwise, they will be directly kicked out of the army and left in Zhaling Wei or in the wild.

In this era, women are also valuable assets, especially young women.

Unfortunately, Li Yuanqing is not a philanthropist and can not give them too much preferential treatment.

Zhaling Weibao is already an empty city. Stay here. They know exactly what their end will be. Therefore, most people still chose to follow the troops to continue the battle.

After all, their treatment is not high, but compared with the soldiers, they hardly need to bear weight, and they are in the middle of the team. In addition, they are all local people, and they have already adapted to the climate here, and the pressure is not great.

For all the meat and grain, Li Yuanqing used all kinds of cloth bags, which were assembled on both sides of mules and horses, and no cars were provided, just for the maximum mobility of the team.

After a day and night's rush, the next evening, the team arrived outside the east gate of Fushan Wei!

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