Simangtai was so straightforward that he couldn't hang his face any more.

But not at that time, the once powerful yehebu had already disappeared. Buhanggu had to bear it and said with a smile, "brother mangtai, don't worry about it first! Although I am the emissary of Da Jin, we should discuss the specific matters together. "

In terms of lineage, bukhanggu is ten thousand times higher than simantai.

At this time, even if the Yehe tribe has declined, but after all, they are Jurchens, and most of the leaders around are from Yehe tribe.

Seeing that burhanggu's attitude was so low, simantai also felt that his attitude was too much, and his tone could not help but soften up a little, "brother hanggu, this is not the old brother's bad luck for you. But now Li Yuanqing's military front is in front of us. What should we do? We have to come up with a regulation! "

Bulhanggu said with a smile: "what brother mangtai said is very true, so we should discuss it together."

Next to him, a head of Yehe's Department said, "Li Yuanqing's troops are sharp. We can see it with our own eyes today, and we should not be careless. I mean, we should still focus on defense. First of all, we should stabilize our formation, try our best to avoid confrontation with Li Yuanqing, and wait for the arrival of our main force of Dajin, and then annihilate it in one fell swoop! "

The head of the Yehe tribe, named Huqi, has been married to abatai, the seventh son of the old slave. His daughter is now his concubine.

It was also the most powerful branch of Yehe department at this time.

At the same time, it is also an important force that bourhangu needs to master most.

At this time, suddenly Qi made a speech, and everyone nodded and talked in a low voice.

Bulhanggu said with a smile: "what Huqi said is right. Li Yuanqing has the advantage of Hushi gate guard, and his troops are far more than us. We should not act rashly."

Huqi took a look at buerhanggu, but he didn't take a look.

Buhanggu was embarrassed for a while and was busy trying to find an excuse to distract the topic. At this time, a servant reported outside the door: "master, the Ming army has been drawn up and has no intention of continuing to attack us."

Everyone was relieved when they heard the speech.

The heart that bourhanggu had been holding on to, also put down slightly.

As long as Li Yuanqing doesn't attack, he will have time to slowly infiltrate and control the team and take down Huqi, a stubborn traitor.

"Ha ha. Li Yuanqing is also clever. He knows that we are far from being comparable to those scumbags on the eastern route. What's more, let's talk about our ideas. "

Buerhanggu looked at the crowd with a smile.


At this time, Huang Guoshan and Kong Youde, the guards of Hushi, had successfully returned to the army, and the work of counting the war merits and spoils after the war was proceeding in an orderly manner.

Surrounded by dozens of generals of Changsheng camp, Li Yuanqing, who is guarding the west gate of Hushi gate, is observing the situation in ancient buerhang not far away.

At this time, it's about two o'clock in the afternoon.

The war at noon took only a little time, apart from the process of platoon and deployment and walking on the road.

Seeing that Huang Guoshan and Kong Youde were so relaxed that they won such a great victory, all the generals could not help but go to war one after another, hoping to take down the Western Front allied forces on buerhanggu side in one go.

Li Yuanqing, however, was not in a hurry. He said with a smile: "there are almost three thousand people here in buhang ancient times. According to the formation of the lineup, it is much better than those odds and ends on the east line. In addition, they have built up a wall of snow against the river, so it is unwise for our children to rush through

"General Ren Yi! I admire you

The generals also understood what Li Yuanqing meant and nodded in succession.

Kong Youde said: "general, our children's morale is booming. I'm afraid the main force of the later Jin Dynasty is slowing down to our side. We can't waste too much time. We must pull out the nail of buerhanggu."

Li Yuanqing slowly vomited out a long breath, and nodded with a smile, "pull must be pulled out. But not now! Give me my orders


The crowd around him fell to his knees.

"The whole army is ready for war and rest! At midnight tonight, it's time to go out to war! "


The generals understood what Li Yuanqing meant. They were all overjoyed and rushed to prepare.

Li Yuanqing looked at the tartar camp not far away, showing a slight sneer.


This is a key piece!


The time soon arrived at night.

Although Li Yuanqing did not launch an offensive, the terrorist deterrence of defeating the eastern front allied forces at noon made these tartar allied forces on the western front look like frightened birds. Hundreds of sentinels surrounded the two armies, closely monitoring every move of the Ming army.

However, Li Yuanqing did not send too many sentries to pester them. He acquiesced in their actions and reassured them.

Shuluohuan's side and the clan slaves are back.

There is also a general figure in the statistics of the town governors.In the battle at noon, more than 800 Tartars were killed and more than 200 prisoners were captured alive. The rest were defeated and fled.

Shuluohuan and their pursuit of more than a dozen miles, but also only 50 or 60 of them.

The weather and terrain here are too bad. In addition, it has been snowing all the time. A small group of people have entered the old forest, which is really difficult to find.

Li Yuanqing did not want to annihilate all these Tartars. After all, they are indigenous people here. Even the modern army of later generations can hardly do this.

What he wants is to create enough chaos and panic here, so that these Tartars are afraid of his power!

However, although he had made a lot of contributions, Li Yuanqing was unable to report to the imperial court because of his lack of carrying capacity. He had to leave the corpses in place to let the beasts have more delicious food.

After dinner, detailed tasks were assigned, and it was already 9 o'clock.

The night in the north is extremely cold. Especially at night, the wind is blowing harder and stronger, which seems to be more than ten degrees colder than in the daytime.

The only advantage is that it is white everywhere. The river is like a mirror. Under the light moonlight, the visibility is not bad.

Under the city, behind the high snow wall, Duan Xiliang and Li Sansheng, the main attackers, have begun to reorganize the army.

The two wings, Kong Youde and Huang Guoshan, are also ready.

Li Yuanqing was not afraid of a head-on confrontation with buerhanggu at all. On the contrary, he was afraid that he wanted to leave when the situation was bad.

To be on the safe side, he could only delay most of the day and choose the attack time in the evening.

In the distance, in the direction of buerhang ancient camp, there is a strong bonfire. Standing at the head of Hushi gate guard, you can see that there are lots of sparks, which are mixed among the white and green trees. The scenery is very beautiful.

Their scouts had already shrunk two miles away from the camp line, and they did not dare to rush in.

At this time, a close soldier ran over quickly and whispered a few words to Li Yuanqing.

With a faint smile, Li Yuanqing waved his hand and said, "almost! Let Kong Youde and Huang Guoshan start first

"Yes The soldiers left in a hurry.

Soon, Huang Guoshan and Kong Youde, the two wings of the city, began to mobilize closely.

Hushimen guard is located in a plain area, surrounded by flat plain landform washed out by the river. Although there are many trees and some cover them, the terrain is extremely flat.

Burhanggu's camp is located behind a small river. They camped behind the river. Taking advantage of the river's geographical location, they built high snow walls and hid them behind.

At this time, the two camps were almost two and a half miles apart.

According to the marching speed of Changsheng camp, we can arrive in half an hour.

If you want to make an impact, it can be faster.

However, in order to prevent burhangu's main force from escaping, he had to cover his pocket tightly.

Soon, Huang Guoshan and Kong Youde had already set up an array. According to this formation, they could enter the battle directly before the Western Front allied forces of buerhanggu.

It was almost time for Li Yuanqing to wave his hand and "go

With the order quickly passed on, nearly 3000 soldiers, including Huang Guoshan, Kong Youde, Duan Xiliang and Li Sansheng, were slowly but rapidly encircling the tartar camp on the western front.

Li Yuanqing also came to the lower part of the city. Surrounded by his family camp and shunzi's 400 bird and blunderbuss, he ran to the West.

In this era, many people have night blindness, especially the northern aborigines, who are mainly meat-based and lack various vitamins of vegetables. Even if the Tartars are better, they are not strong enough.

When the children on this side of the camp went out for more than a hundred steps, they found the abnormality here, and they were shocked one after another.

However, there was no fire on the side of the camp. They couldn't tell the scale of the camp's number of soldiers. They just felt that it was black and overwhelming.

As the news reached the Western Front camp, the camp became a mess in an instant.

Simantai was already flustered and wanted to run away with his department.

Buerhanggu was also flustered. He never thought that Li Yuanqing would sneak camp in the middle of the night.

At this time, the warriors just took off their armor and went to sleep. Many of them were awakened in their dreams and rushed to get their armor, waiting for the orders of the leaders and the officials.

"Brother mangtai, you can't go!"

Burhanggu, with a dozen followers, quickly stopped simantai, who was in a hurry to run away.

"No? Don't you want to die here Simantai was very angry and waved his horse whip. He wanted to leave.

Bulhanggu said busily, "brother mangtai, if you leave now, how can you explain to the Khan?"

Simantai also came back to God.

Yeah! If he ran away now, how to face the anger of the old slave.

Although Jurchen treats Mongols more gently than Han people, the bloodstains of last year's Khan's own expedition to Mongolia are not completely dry, so simantai really dares not to mess around for a while."Bourhangu, then, what shall we do now?" Simantai was already flustered.

Bu hang Gu Yin Li said: "we have so many fortifications and so many warriors. Why should we fear Li Yuanqing. Brother mangtai, hurry to greet the children. We are worried about the land, and Li Yuanqing has no way to take us! "

Although simantai had no choice but to listen to buhanggu's advice, he hastily called on his servants to prepare for the battle.

In the face of this situation, even if Huqi didn't want to fight, he had no choice but to take the slaves with him.

But just after they arrived at the fortification, many people had not even had time to put on their armor. Not far away, the surging red tide of the Ming army had already surrounded them, less than 300 steps away!

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