At this time, the abundance of horses and mules under Li Yuanqing's command saved a lot of energy in the process of transporting various materials.

Even a hound can carry a cloth bag of dozens of Jin.

At this time, these animals seem to consume some forage and meat, and waste human care, but they are also food.

In case there is a shortage of grain and grass, it can be slaughtered and eaten directly.

Li Yuanqing took the simplest but most effective way to control his subordinates, shuluohuan and these Tartars.

In addition to the 300 most elite Scouts of Liu Dadou's scouting team, all of them own war horses, and there are more than a dozen tartar slaves who are most familiar with the surrounding terrain. All other people, including Li Yuanqing, are not allowed to ride horses. All the war horses are used to transport materials.

In this way, there is the deterrent power of cavalry. Even if the tartar wants to escape when the situation is bad, he has to weigh it carefully.

The company moved slowly northward.

At this time, in the middle of the team, there were more than 100 British cavalry, waiting respectfully on the side, facing the cold north wind, their horses constantly snorting.

Not far in front of them, three general officers knelt down in front of Li Yuanqing, listening to what Li Yuanqing said.

Although I have made up my mind to confront the main force of Houjin.

But Li Yuanqing did not put all his eggs in one basket. He left a way for him and his children.

Li Yuanqing walked by the three senior generals one by one. He shook hands with them one by one and said with a smile: "you are all the elite of my long life camp and the most elite warriors under my command! This trip, I have no other requirements! I just want to see you alive in Changsheng island! Come on, serve the wine


"General, we are willing to stay here and fight the Tartars to the end with the general."


The three of them always shed tears and kowtowed desperately.

Li Yuanqing personally raised the wine jar and filled three wine bowls. He laughed and said, "man, what are you crying for? What is there to cry about? How many Tartars can kill Li Yuanqing? Look up to me

The three chief officers did not dare to neglect them. They raised their heads and looked respectfully at Li Yuanqing.

Li Yuanqing handed the wine bowl to the first one, "Wang Damao! You are in Sanchahe, do you follow my old soldier? "

Wang Damao was holding a wine bowl, and his tears began to pour down. "My humble duty is to follow the general in Sanchahe and join the Changsheng camp to kill Tartars!"

Li Yuanqing laughed, "when we left, your boy's mother-in-law's stomach was just more than five months. Now, it's almost eight months. If you return to Changsheng Island successfully, you can just catch up with her delivery! Not bad! I can't be told that I'm not sensible! "

"General, what does my wife know! How dare she blame you! She really dares to speak ill of you. She must have a big ear to beat her! Humble duty... "

Wang Damao wanted to say something, but Li Yuanqing kicked him on the shoulder, "what's the second example of the eighth military regulation of my Changsheng camp?"


Wang Damao was stunned and said, "no violence to your family! We should pay attention to maintaining family harmony! "

Li Yuanqing a smile, "know you boy still dare to commit a crime? Do you think our army sticks are not strong enough

"I dare not to be humble!"

Wang Damao said, but the tears could not stop.

Li Yuanqing's eyes are also a little red, busy don't over look, "you motherly Wang Damao, don't give me nonsense! Drink the wine quickly! Zhang Yingchun and Cao Jizhou are still waiting! "


Wang Damao did not dare to speak any more. He drank up the strong liquor in the bowl in one breath. He poured the wine bowl respectfully, but did not drop a drop.

Li Yuanqing pulled him up and patted him heavily on the shoulder, "Damao, I want you to live well!"

Wang Damao knelt down on the ground and kowtowed desperately, "my humble duty will surely live to see the general again!"

Li Yuanqing laughed, "this is my good man! Come on, you two... "

After drinking Zhuang Xing wine, Wang Damao led the more than 100 cavalry troops to the East in a hurry like the north wind.

They want to return to kemore River Wei, from which they arrive at the seaside, build ships, return to Changsheng island by sea, and inform Guan Canghai to lead the fleet northward to meet the main force of Li Yuanqing.

Seeing them go away, Xu Heizi did not look too busy, wiped a few with his sleeve, turned and said with a smile: "general, Da Mao and Yingchun are all good men! Don't worry, they will be OK! They must be able to get the message back to Changsheng island on time. "

Looking at their figure has disappeared in the field of vision, Li Yuanqing this just took back his eyes, "I also believe them! No matter where I go, the children of my long life camp will stand up to heaven and earth! "

"General, there is a humble position in the camp, will be able to build more solid than the Fuzhou City!"……

In a flash, seven or eight days have passed.

Li Yuanqing and the main force of Changsheng camp came to a big lake.

This is a big lake in the lower reaches of Heilongjiang Province. Two hundred miles to the East, it is sarhuwei.

To the West and north of the lake are continuous mountains. Although they are not too high, at this time, the snow covered mountains are more spectacular than the real snow mountains on the Qinghai Tibet Plateau.

Along the way, Li Yuanqing and Xu Heizi have discussed many times.

The campsite in the decisive battle must be close to the water source. When the weather gets warm, the warships can come directly. Moreover, there must be abundant wood reserves to ensure the army's heating work at this time.

At this time, the main force of the later Jin Dynasty has been chasing this side, and it is less than five days away from the main force of Changsheng camp.

Their outposts have approached the periphery, occasionally entangled with the sentinels of the camp, each with casualties.

After staying here for half a day, Li Yuanqing and Xu Heizi decided to take this place as a camp to confront the main force of the later Jin Dynasty!

Xu sunspot is full of confidence in this. Five days is enough for him to build the camp scale he wants!

As Li Yuanqing's order was passed down, the whole team quickly began to be busy.

These tartar women, including these tartar women, no longer only assume the most primitive role, but are also forced to join the army of labor.

Although the terrain near the lake is flat and almost defenceless, it also has a great advantage. The mountains in the East and North are like two huge natural barriers, completely isolating the threat from both sides, and gathering the main battlefield to the lake and open land in the South and East.

This will save a lot of energy for the children in the camp.

At this time, the land is rigid and it is very difficult to dig trenches, but it is very simple to pile up snow walls.

In just one afternoon, a huge wall of snow has surrounded a small city with a circumference of more than ten miles.

The town is built on the back of the mountain and faces the lake directly. It is a rectangle with some ellipses, covering a depression on the surface of the lake, which can ensure the safety of water intake and water supply for the army.

In terms of defense, the children of Changsheng camp are more experienced.

With the felling of trees here, a dozen watchtowers with a height of more than 10 meters have been set up in several important corners in the evening.

In the city, more than a hundred cauldrons are burning vigorously, and the strong meat aroma is almost spread to more than ten miles with the cold north wind. Some inexplicable wild animals smell the smell of food and gather outside the city, ready to move.

Unfortunately, in the face of the high wall of snow wall, there are thousands of fierce hounds, they are powerless, only dare to hide in a good distance secretly covet.

Under the escort of Niu Gensheng and dozens of his own soldiers, Li Yuanqing personally supervised the battle on the front line.

These tartar slaves can't help themselves even if they don't want to. After all, they have already had a personal experience of Li Yuanqing's butcher's knife.

In addition, Li Yuanqing gave them good food treatment, so they had to work hard.

Night had come, and bonfires were burning everywhere in the city.

In the north and west of the town, laolinzi is afraid to stretch for dozens of miles, with sufficient wood to provide heating materials for the town.

Because of her good performance, Shu Murong did not get the seed she wanted most from Li Yuanqing, but she gained a lot of autonomy.

Even if Liu Qiao or not relaxed with her side, but at least, she can finally like a normal person, can temporarily stroll in the town.

With the development of the situation, Shu Murong didn't expect that Li Yuanqing would give up the ready-made Harbin sub guards, but chose to build a city in this deep mountain and old forest to fight against the main force of the later Jin Dynasty.

Shu Murong's talent and wisdom, coupled with the hardships of these days, her mind, has long been far from that pretty girl.

Calm down, she soon understood some of Li Yuanqing's intentions.

To a large extent, he and his Changsheng camp are on the same level with the main force of the later Jin Dynasty when the battlefield is pulled into the old woods.

Even, because of the problem of preparation, the main force of Houjin still has some disadvantages.

At first, when she got the news of the main force of the later Jin Dynasty, Shu Murong was still dreaming that her people could kill Li Yuanqing as soon as possible, cut off Li Yuanqing's dog's head and save her from the fire.

However, as she strolled around the town and all the affairs were carried out in an orderly manner, Shu Murong suddenly had an illusion that this desire of hers would probably become a mirror image.

She couldn't describe how she felt about Li Yuanqing.

When he was fierce, he would tremble for a long time.

Even if Murong is too gentle to bear a daughter for him all his life, it's not like that.

Especially in recent years, Li Yuanqing's attitude towards her has obviously softened a lot.

This makes Shu Murong form a kind of illusion. She and Li Yuanqing have already "run in" quite tacit understanding"Bah..."

In the darkness of the fire, Shu Murong spat carefully.

How could she have such an idea?

You know, how can she forget the hatred when he killed her father and nearly killed all her servants and people?

It's just

And think of Li Yuanqing's gentleness, her mind, like a boat in the swing back and forth, so that her spirit is a little trance.

At this time, a familiar figure appeared in front of her. Li Yuanqing said with a faint smile: "why don't you go to the tent to have a rest? Come here? "

Shu Murong hastened to salute deeply, "your servant has seen the general."

Li Yuanqing a smile, a grasp of her soft and warm hands, "go, accompany me to dinner."

Behind him, Liu Qiao hurriedly followed up.

Feeling the heat of Li Yuanqing's hands, Shu Murong's heart is trembling. She suddenly feels that as long as she is close to him, her consciousness will not be controlled at all. Maybe, she can only become the most miserable female slave


Time in a hurry, blink of an eye, has reached the third year of the Ming Dynasty apocalypse.

The construction of the small town has been basically completed, and various fortifications have been formed.

At noon, the snow was blowing for several days, and finally it was a little smaller. But at this time, the southern side was noisy and the most familiar banners appeared outside the town as promised!

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