The chilly north wind whistling past, with bursts of snow foam, and then disappeared.

It's midday and the sun is in the sky, but although the sky is clear, some of these terrible cold waves from Siberia farther north are still hard to face.

Under the city, there are about a thousand slaves of all nationalities, who have been driven to the city within a hundred paces.

They quickly pile up a snow wall, constantly approaching the city.

Behind them, three cattle records with white flags and about half cattle records with yellow flags were ready to follow the slaves, ready to attack the city.

At the head of the city, Li Yuanqing was lying behind a simple crenel, quietly observing the movement of the later Jin army. On his upright face, there was not much expression.

At this time, this environment, for their own defense, there are a lot of geographical advantages.

But things are relative.

Near the city, the snow is really too thick, shallow should also have half a meter, deep fear is more than a meter.

The latter Jin army did not even need to build a ladder, but simply let the slaves push the snow over. The snow would soon solidify and was even stronger than the stairs.

Under such weather, heavy snow will fall at any time. It is impossible for Li Yuanqing and his children to clean up the snow.

"How clever these Tartars are

Seeing that the snow wall had been pushed to 80 steps under the city, Xu Heizi could not help but spit.

In terms of the city, all kinds of defense are well calculated, but at this time, there is nothing he can do about the situation outside.

"Don't worry, Master Kong. Wait until they're ten steps ahead. We will let them understand. "

Not far behind him, shunzi's 500 bird and blunderbuss were already ready. The barrel had been roasted, and the pellets had been pressed into the chamber. They could be fired directly by lighting the fire rope.

Xu Heizi nodded, and now, it is the only way to suppress these Tartars on the outside line.

Soon, the snow wall of the tartar slaves had advanced to 70 steps, and had entered the shooting range of the bird gun soldiers of Changsheng camp.

Kong Youde and shunzi, who are not far away, have the same look. There is no need to talk about it. Shunzi has already understood it.

He gave a slight sneer, and the steel knife in his hand suddenly came out of the scabbard! Kill these Tartars for me

For a moment, the soldiers of the bird and blunderbuss took out the fire clasps that had already been prepared, ignited the fire rope, and aimed at the tartar slaves in the city.

"Bang bang bang!"

In an instant, the white smoke of gunpowder rose, and a series of crisp birds' blundering, hundreds of black bullets, like lightning, went straight to the tartar slaves nearby.

Most of these tartar slaves also wore one or two layers of armour. In addition, the weather was extremely cold at this time, and everyone was wearing a thick fur coat and cotton padded jacket.

After the round of the long life camp, the effect was not very good. Only a dozen people fell to the ground. The rest of the tartar slaves, like frightened birds, quickly hid behind the nearby snow wall.

"Damn it!"

Kong Youde also found something wrong and spat hard.

The weather is terrible.

If the situation goes on like this, the role of the bird spear soldiers will be greatly limited, and it is difficult to cause too much damage to these tartar slaves, not to mention the white flag main force hiding behind these slaves.

Shunzi was also a little angry, and cried out, "all his mother, open your eyes to me, aim and fight again!"


The children did not dare to neglect and filled the pellets orderly.

However, due to the bad weather, it is almost impossible for a skilled bird and spear soldier to reach its peak as usual.

Fortunately, after a shot, the gun tube has been heated, so it is no longer necessary to use the bonfire to heat the gun tube to melt the ice.

"Push it up, and let these dog slaves push up! Ha ha ha

Du Du was surrounded by many warriors with white flags in the direction of the battle line in the later Jin Dynasty, and he issued orders to the slaves and slaves in front of him.

Although he had never fought against Li Yuanqing, he was also the blood of an old slave. He had been fighting since childhood and had rich experience in war.

Arrogant as he is, he is by no means a fool.

As a matter of fact, before he came to Beidi, Du Du had already gone through careful planning, especially the close relationship between him and Ning wan me, which was far beyond ordinary people.

Du Du even gave me a beloved concubine.

Before he came to Beidi, he had a hangover with ningwani. Ningwani also stood in his perspective and carefully analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of Li Yuanqing and his Changsheng camp for Dudu.

Ming people are good at firearms.

In particular, the firearm of Changsheng camp has been well-known throughout the later Jin Dynasty.However, Ning Wan was a Han nationality. I had been familiar with hundreds of schools since I was a child. I also had a lot of experience in war. He clearly knew what the weakness of firearms was.

If it's really normal, Changsheng camp's blunderbuss can break armour in 70 steps.

Even warriors in triple armor can be wounded or even deadly.

However, it is not only cold but also windy in the north. In addition, both warriors and slaves wear thick armour and cotton padded jackets. Although the shooting speed of blunderbuss is much faster than that of bows and arrows, these gales will inevitably change the trajectory of some projectiles.

Even a little bit is enough for the warriors of later Jin Dynasty.

As long as it is not hurt to the weak key, with thick armor, it is impossible to cause fatal damage to them.

At this time, seeing that the conjecture had been realized, Du Du's mood was incomparable.

As long as the warriors under his command push the snow wall past and rush to the city head, how can these despicable Han dogs like Li Yuanqing compete with his warriors?

"Come on, push it up!"

Dudu couldn't wait. He yelled.

Dozens of trusted slaves around him rushed to the front, shouting and drinking the slaves forward.

How dare these slaves neglect? Pushing the snow wall desperately, soon, it has already rushed to the distance of 50 steps below the city.

At the head of the city, the Ming army's blunders were ringing one after another. However, as the Tartars' Snow walls piled up, the shooting effect of the birds' blunders became worse and worse. It was very difficult to kill the Tartars when they hit the snow walls.

Kong Youde and shunzi were both a little anxious and rushed to the front line of the city to supervise the battle.

Later, Jin Jun also hid behind the snow wall, shooting arrows into the sky, trying to use the parabola trajectory of the arrow to kill the Ming army.

Li Yuanqing's expression is still not much changed, as silent as water.

Du Du's offensive, let him also see a lot of their own shortcomings.

After all, the firerope gun is not a suicidal gun, especially in such bad weather conditions. Without sufficient strong terrain support, its fragile side will be revealed.

Of course, this is not to say that bird and spear soldiers are not good.

However, according to the current science and technology tree of Changsheng camp, the bird blunderbuss made are not powerful enough to fight in such extremely bad weather.

Chinese textbooks once recorded that in the era of the slave chieftain Kang Xiaoma, Lao maozi had only 400 Musketeers in Yaksa, which blocked the attack of nearly 10000 people of the Qing army for nearly a year, and disgracefully lost a million kilometers of territory.

Of course, in the era of kangxiaoma, the combat effectiveness of the eight banners of the Manchu and Qing dynasties had already degenerated. Obviously, it could not be compared with the Eight Banners iron cavalry in the heyday of this time. On the other hand, the mature use of the firerope gun by Lao maozi was also the most critical factor.

At this time, since the power of the birds and blunderbusses could not be magnified, Li Yuanqing simply stopped wasting the bullets and ordered all the soldiers to step back and put the Tartars at the head of the city.

All the generals understood what Li Yuanqing meant and began to decorate them one after another.

The birds and spears retreated, the swords and shields came forward, and a line of long spearmen came up to fill the position.

In the final analysis, in this era, hot weapons are not perfect. At the critical moment, cold weapons still play a decisive role.

This is why Li Yuanqing made great efforts to develop long spearmen with little consideration of food and salary, so that they could eat well, use well and enjoy the highest glory.

At this time, since Du Du wanted to die, Li Yuanqing wanted to use a more direct way to help him.

Under the city, facing the sudden dumbness of the Ming army's bird and gun soldiers, the Tartars' morale was greatly improved.

Dudu laughed and ordered his servants to come forward.

Soon, the snow wall with white flag has been pushed 20 steps away, trying to pile up a snow layer, trying to pile up a ladder between the city wall and the city wall.

Less than a mile behind them, Daishan, manggutai, Amin, yuetuo, and many other powerful kings of the later Jin Dynasty were also watching closely the movement ahead.

But when they saw that Du Du's advance was so smooth, they all couldn't react for a moment.

Yuetuo said: "is it true that Dudu's blind cat has caught a dead mouse this time? Can you attack the city so smoothly

Manggultai said, "it's not good to say it now! Li Yuanqing's long spearmen are more sharp. I'm afraid it's probably a trap he designed. "

Amin said: "it's a trap. We'll find out in a minute. However, Dudu has some skills. "

Dai Shan didn't speak. He widened his eyes and carefully observed the war ahead.

Soon, the snow walls of the later Jin army had been piled up and became a line with the walls of the Ming army. The warriors with white flags began to rush towards the city head.

Du Du also came to the city 50 steps below a snow wall, shouting and drinking his slaves rushed to the city.

However, there was a lot of silence on the side of the longevity camp on the head of the city. There was almost no movement. It seemed that they had given up the resistance.Near the gate, Shu Murong looked at the tall man in front of her.

She couldn't imagine that the Jin army had already rushed to the bottom of the city and was about to rush to the top of the city. He was still so calm.

Is it true that he is so confident in his spearmen, who are looking at their rudimentary condition?

Shu Murong is no stranger to war. Does he have to rely on these long spearmen with single armor to deal with the warriors with white flags?

But before Shu Murong had time to think about it, dozens of Tartars with white flags appeared in front of the city.

They are ferocious smile, shout, rush to the city head, want to rush to the front.

But before they could hold their feet, a sound of command that Shu Murong was very familiar with began to ring again.

"Stab to the right -- stab!"

In an instant, before Shu Murong could see clearly, a row of bright red figures, against the white ice and snow, were like a neat red line, rushing towards these Tartars!

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