Du Du fled back to the main battle line in confusion. He was originally a horse face, but at this time, it became longer than a donkey's face.

He was like a defeated rooster. He came to Dai Shan and bowed his head. He knelt on one knee. He respectfully said to Dai Shan: "second uncle, nephew, nephew is guilty."

Dai Shan stares at Du Du Du for a long time, but his complicated look gradually softens.

Although Du Du was wild and unreasonable, he was the blood of his elder brother Chu Ying.

Chu Ying's affairs have always been a problem in the minds of Dai Shan, mang gurtai, Huang Taiji and Amin.

Although Chu Ying was executed by the old slaves in the name of timidity and indolence in war, he was after all their own brother. When he was a child, he had a lot of care for them.

As the saying goes, death is great.

Chu Ying no matter how bad, he has died, and Du Du, is his own blood.

Look at the Buddha's face without looking at the monk's face.

What's more, Du Du's "trip to thunder" has been successfully completed.

At least, they have already understood that Li Yuanqing's firearm, at this time of year, has no power in the past.

"Dudu, winning or losing is a common business of soldiers. You should get up first." The tone of Dai Shan is quite soft.

But Du Du hesitated for a moment and bit his teeth firmly, but he didn't get up. "Second uncle, I blame my little nephew for his recklessness. I'm willing to ask him to punish him."

Once Du Du lowered his posture, manggutai and Amin's hearts softened.

Manggutai said, "Dudu, get up. It's not entirely your fault. Or you don't know Li Yuanqing. "

Amin also said: "Dudu, we'll call back if we lose this time! Li Yuanqing is here. Can he fly away with wings? A man, a man, can take it up and put it down! Get up and talk first

Although Du Du was their nephew, he was also the flag leader after all, and he also represented the eldest brother Chu Ying. When he was kneeling and talking like this, Dai Shan's face was a little embarrassed.

"Thank you for your tolerance."

Du Du nodded respectfully, saluted several people one by one, and then looked at yuetuo. His voice was very low: "yuetuo, I'm sorry."

Although yuetuo hated Du Du Du, he became inferior when he fell into trouble. He calmed himself for a moment and then said, "Du Du, we must not be careless in dealing with Li Yuanqing."

Du Du nodded his head and sighed: "Li Yuanqing is really good. We really can't rush this moment. "

"It's good that you can think of it," said mangurtai! It's a pity that so many warriors' bodies have not been recovered! "

He said, his face is not from a dark, his blue flag, died under Li Yuanqing's warriors, also do not know how many.

Du Du couldn't help gnashing his teeth, "if I don't get revenge, I will not be a man!"

At this time, it was almost evening. Dai Shan said, "it's cold. Let's go back to the camp and discuss the war."

They all nodded, turned their horses and retreated to the camp behind them.


At the head of the city, Li Yuanqing lowered the alert to the battle readiness by one level. Shu LUOHUAN and his minions quickly came to the city and began to clean up and clean up the mess.

At this time, it was getting dark and the air was much colder.

Many corpses of Tartars are directly stuck to the ice. If they are slightly covered, they will soon be integrated with the city wall.

Li Yuanqing didn't care about the heads of those miscellaneous Tartars before. However, the Tartars under Dudu's command were all elite with white flags. When they were handed over to the imperial court, they were all practical achievements, and Li Yuanqing would not let them go.

Soon the heads of the tartar bodies were cut off, and their bodies were thrown directly under the walls.

In this season, water has turned into ice. As long as the battlefield of the city wall is cleaned up and stabilized, and then a layer of water is poured on it, there is no need to worry about the occurrence of plague.

As for the stairs pushed by Du Du Du, it is hard to get rid of them immediately.

Li Yuanqing ordered Xu Heizi to take his men to make holes in these stairs and wait for a while. First, the part connecting the wall was blown up to prevent the later Jin army from sneaking attack at night.

Today is the new year's eve of the third year of the apocalypse, so it's time to set off fireworks for children.

After dealing with all this, the sky has been dark, the chilly north wind whistling past, the sky began to float fine snowflakes.

However, just under the city head dozens of steps away, the bonfire under dozens of big pots is booming, and the thick broth in pots and pans, under the influence of the north wind, exudes an attractive fragrance.

At this time, the city's grain and forage supplies are very abundant, there are also a lot of grass, the first battle victory, today is the new year's Eve, Li Yuanqing naturally will not be mean to the children, meat enough, rice tube full.

Unfortunately, there is not enough liquor in the city.

At this time, liquor became the best medicinal refreshing thing, and Li Yuanqing did not dare to drink too much, so it must be used at the critical moment.After all, under such conditions, no one knows when the war will end.

If you are prepared, you will be safe.

The weather was so bad and it was in the wild. Li Yuanqing didn't worry that the main force of the later Jin Dynasty would sneak in at this time. In the deep winter of the northern region, this was almost impossible.

However, Li Yuanqing did not dare to neglect the work of guarding the city at night. He was directly in the city, accompanying his children to spend the new year's eve of Tianqi for three years.

Today we won the battle, and the food was so abundant that firewood was enough. The children gathered together in small groups and gathered around the campfire. All of them were happy.

From the beginning of the war to the present, there are less than 50 children killed in the Changsheng camp. Although seven or eight brothers have been killed in the battle today, some generals will surely bring their bodies back to Changsheng island to enjoy the most solemn incense offering.

Unfortunately, this big new year's, but can not accompany his wife and children together.

As the night deepened, the noise dispersed. Except for the children on duty, most of them went back to their tents to have a rest. There were only a bunch of vigorous bonfires, which kept the whole camp warm and warm.

At the beginning of setting up the camp, Xu Heizi had already considered it carefully.

The camp is under the city wall, all of which are similar to small squatter buildings. They are surrounded by snow walls. After being watered, their toughness is less than that of ordinary stone walls.

It's full of firewood. In this way, the firewood can provide a lot of heat without being blown out by the wind or even causing a fire.

And the children's tents are all built on the foundation of snow walls about half a meter or one meter high. The temperature of these campfires can just reach the ground of the camp.

The reason why we want to build foundation is the compulsory requirement of Li Yuanqing.

From later generations, he deeply understood that in this extreme weather, the heat expands and the cold shrinks, and the cold air will sink sharply. Children do not have beds. If they directly set up tents on the ice, it is easy to freeze people out of trouble.

As long as the most terrible bottom cold air is isolated and the campfire is kept strong enough, most of the cold problem will be solved.

Later generations, Li Yuanqing was barely half a donkey friend. In this respect, he knew much more than ordinary people, which was one of the key reasons why he dared to go to the north.

It was dark, and the camp suddenly became very quiet. In addition to the "crackling" of a strong bonfire, there were occasional howls of wild wolves in the dense forest in the north.

At this time, Li Yuanqing also inspected the camp and returned to his big tent in the middle.

Waving their hands to Niu Gensheng, they went to the next camp to have a rest. Li Yuanqing, a little tired, climbed the steps and walked into his tent.

What you want is better than others.

This has always been Li Yuanqing's Creed.

At this time, although the conditions on our side were bad, the latter Jin army had just arrived, and I'm afraid it was not as good as here.

With the company of more than 20000 people, he and his children are not alone.

Walking into the tent, a sudden burst of warm wind hit.

Several braziers crackled, but in the tent door, that is, in the south direction, man-made left a not long not short gap.

This is also a mandatory requirement of Li Yuanqing.

Even in later generations, cases of carbon monoxide poisoning are not rare.

Especially at this time and here, in such extremely cold conditions.

Fortunately, Li Yuanqing captured a lot of barracks from Kemer River Wei all the way. In this respect, there is no shortage.

What's more, although it is extremely cold here, due to the terrain and weather, the wind is blowing from Siberia in the north. The wind path is very straight. We only need to defend the north, and the other three sides are much softer.

This also saved Li Yuanqing a lot of energy.

However, under such conditions, it is not appropriate to use large accounts.

First, the space in the city is too small, and the large account will inevitably occupy too much land. Secondly, the big account is not plush and thickened, which is not applicable here.

Li Yuanqing's camp at this time was only about seven or eight square meters, and the brazier occupied some positions, with only 56 square meters for sleeping.

But for Li Yuanqing, Liu Qiao and Shu Murong, this is enough.

In the camp, Shu Murong is in the innermost part of the camp. She has already gone to sleep and emits a lovely and melodious breath.

Liu Qiao also lay down, see Li Yuanqing come over, busy struggling to get up, "Ye, maid to serve you."

It's too cold. Even in the camp, I can only sleep with my clothes.

Even if Li Yuanqing is interested, the cold weather has dampened his interest.

Li Yuanqing reached out and touched Liu Qiao's green silk and said with a smile, "don't be busy. I've been tired all day. Sleep. "

With that, Li Yuanqing is going to lie outside.

Liu Qiao said in a hurry: "Sir, you sleep in the middle. Your maid has warmed you. "Looking at Liu Qiao's expectant eyes, Li Yuanqing was stunned for a moment, but he didn't refuse. He nodded with a smile, "it's OK. I sleep with you in my arms. "

Liu Qiao pretty instantly a blush, cleverly serve Li Yuanqing lie down, lean to Li Yuanqing's arms, like a clever kitten.

Maybe it was the first time that I was so close to Li Yuanqing's arms. I was too tired today. Soon, Liu Qiao fell asleep and snored softly.

Li Yuanqing smiles to help her tight quilt, but not too sleepy.

Although some people are worried about the success of today's war, they are still worried.

There are more than 60 cattle records in the later Jin Dynasty, more than 20000 people and tens of thousands of war horses. This is not a joke.

Between the thoughts, Li Yuanqing suddenly felt that Shu Murong inside moved.

For a moment, her hot thigh gently rubbed Li Yuanqing's big hand.

Although separated by the thick fur coat, Li Yuanqing felt very clear.

Li Yuanqing can't help but turn his head. Shu Murong's hot red lips have been forced to lean over.

Li Yuanqing just walked in in the strong wind. She was not warm and cold. But Shu Murong stayed in the camp for a long time.

Tangled for a long time, Shu Murong murmured in a low voice: "master, your servant will serve you."

Li Yuanqing naturally understood her meaning, and then looked back at Liu Qiao around him. Suddenly, he had a kind of sneaky impulse and said in a low voice, "how do you serve me?"

Under the flickering fire light, Shu Murong's pretty face was flushed. She clenched her red lips. She turned carefully, untied her clothes, and leaned toward Li Yuanqing with her snow-white plump and soft curve

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