When Guan Canghai and the fleet arrived at the Heilongjiang estuary, it was in the middle of March.

At that time, the river mouth had thawed, and the center of the river was barely passable.

Although the Heilongjiang Basin is located in the north, compared with Siberia and the Arctic Ocean, the weather conditions are much softer.

Worried about Li Yuanqing's safety, Guan Canghai hardly stayed there, so he went all the way up the river to Fushan Wei.

However, even if the river was still frozen, the tartar allied forces on the side of nurgan Dusi had already been broken up by Li Yuanqing, and there was no climate at all.

Guan Canghai's voyage along the way was very smooth, and there was little resistance.

But they did not encircle the surrounding fortresses in order to make time.

At this time, the fleet went down the river, whether it was the strength or morale, or the supply of supplies and weapons. All aspects of the conditions were ripe. Naturally, these Tunpu would not be regarded as nothing.

After careful deliberation, Li Yuanqing soon issued an order.

Each of the thousand regiments went forward to encircle the surrounding Tunpu, and joined up at nurgan.

The size of the fleet is too large. Even if the river is very wide, even if it is narrow, there are more than 200 steps, but so many ships are anxious to gather together, it is difficult to raise the speed.

There is no strong armed forces around, and Li Yuanqing will not worry about the loss of the young men of the various squads.

Soon, the order went on.

Duan Xiliang, Huang Guoshan, Kong Youde and Li Sansheng, the four thousand regiments, went to the lower reaches of the Tunpu to collect the money buried by the troops before, and to clear up the armed forces of the tribes.

Around Li Yuanqing, only the private battalion, the 2000 corps of Guan Canghai, and some of the main attendants of Xu Heizi department were left.

Since May, the weather has become warmer and warmer. At noon, it has begun to feel hot.

Li Yuanqing stood in the bow of his huge boat, facing the cool and gentle river wind, scanning the surrounding scenery.

In later generations, Heilongjiang, as the boundary river between China and laomaozi, had only a very small section.

But at this time, the broad river was clearly a river of Daming, just like the Yangtze River and the Yellow River. Li Yuanqing only inspected the gate of his home.

On both sides of the river, everything begins to recover. More and more green can be seen on the black land.

The ship was in the middle of the river. On both sides of the river, thousands of war horses ran freely along the river bank.

At the eye's eye, there are bright red Ming army's war robes everywhere.

Some cavalry, accompanied by tribal slaves, hunt on both sides of the river, while others directly pull up fishing nets and fish in the river.

Changsheng camp has a lot of experience in fishing.

At this time, although these fishermen were not as professional as those of Wang Hai's No. 4000 corps, they also had models and had good harvest.

The gentle River breeze is like a girl's gentle hands, blowing on people's faces, not cold or hot, very comfortable.

Li Yuanqing is also in a good mood.

Thousands of miles, the king of the house!

At this time, here, Li Yuanqing and his children are the real kings of the river.

Liu Qiao and Shu Murong also came to the deck to breathe.

But they were all pregnant. Li Yuanqing was afraid that they might catch cold, so he forced them to put on their caps and hats.

However, this did not affect their mood at all. The two women even let their relatives and soldiers make two fishing rods. They also learned from the nearby fishermen to fish on the calm river.

What makes Li Yuanqing speechless is that the two women seem to have a good harvest.

Liu Qiao caught two trout, and Shu Murong also had a carp.

The happy laughter of the two girls also makes the whole world more vivid.

It was about noon. Li Yuanqing was preparing to roast the fish that the two girls had caught. At this time, a small boat rowed over not far away.

Someone yelled in the boat: "brother Niu, I'm shuluohuan. I want to see the general

Niu Gensheng takes a quick look and sees that Shu LUOHUAN, accompanied by several slaves, is rowing hard to get close to Li Yuanqing's boat. He quickly comes to Li Yuanqing and reports to Li Yuanqing in a low voice.

Li Yuanqing couldn't help laughing.

Shuluohuan drag to now to find him, is really beyond his expectations, this guy, temperament is OK.

For a moment, Li Yuanqing said with a smile, "let him come up!"


Soon, the boat put down the rope and shuluohuan was taken to the boat.

After searching the body by his own soldiers, the boy knelt down in front of Li Yuanqing respectfully, "maid, please see the master and son-in-law. Master and son are in good health. "

He said, and secretly glanced at Shu Murong not far away.

Shu Murong's abdomen has been bulging a lot at this time, quite a scale.

With Li Yuanqing's flesh and blood, the legitimate sister is quite beloved and gives shuluohuan greater courage and confidence.Li Yuanqing noticed Shu LUOHUAN's eyes, but with a smile, he helped Shu LUOHUAN up, "brother LUOHUAN, looking for me so urgently, but something is wrong?"

Shuluo said happily, "you are really the ancestor! If there's nothing wrong, I dare to come on this boat and disturb your peace. "

After thinking for a moment, Shuluo said respectfully, "yes, there are some things. You see, the fleet is about to return. How can the slaves, the maids and the slaves of these tribes get along with themselves? "

Li Yuanqing couldn't help laughing and looked at shuluohuan's eyes, "brother LUOHUAN, how? Can't wait? "

Shu LUOHUAN is about to roll his eyes, but who is Li Yuanqing? How dare he be half disrespectful?

He was busy, careful and respectful: "master, you also know that the maid can only rely on you now. If you don't want slaves, you will not be able to live

This guy said, tears all flow out.

Li Yuanqing laughed, "brother Luo Huan, don't worry about this. I have a plan already! Don't worry! You are my brother-in-law, and I will not treat you badly! "

"Eh? I thank you for your kindness

Although did not get the exact answer, but with Li Yuanqing's personal assurance, Shuluo also slightly relaxed.


Although the troops had already taken over the surrounding Tunpu, there were a lot of them. It was not until the end of May that Li Yuanqing's fleet met in nurgan Dusi.

Nurkandusi was the core of Beidi established in the early Ming Dynasty.

However, the scale of the city is not large, and it may not be better than a county in the pass.

At this time, the army was at the foot of the city. In less than half a day, Li Sansheng took his children and captured the city.

Li Yuanqing sits on the tiger leather throne of the main seat in the commander's Hall of nuerganda, and the generals and officers of the Changsheng camp sit on both sides.

Perhaps because of the northern environment, these Tartars' leaders and dignitaries like tiger skin throne.

After these years of adaptation, Li Yuanqing also fell in love with tiger skin, which is not only soft and warm, but also very comfortable. What's more, it is domineering and side leaking.

Although Li Yuanqing's power at this time does not need tiger skin as a foil, but the tiger king's momentum, to add a little more to Li Yuanqing, is also a beautiful thing.

In later generations, even if you have billions of dollars, it is impossible to enjoy tiger skin in such a blatant way.

But at this time, Li Yuanqing can do everything with his own will.

In the official hall, an accountant's room is holding a pile of thick documents, carefully reading out the harvest of these days of clearing the surrounding Tunpu Generals, generals and gentlemen, as of May 27 today, our Changsheng camp has harvested a total of 12320 taels of gold and 2130782 taels of silver, as well as countless meat, baggage and fur. A small preliminary estimate shows that if all the materials are sold off, it will be nearly 700000 Liang silver. "

He said, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then continued: "in addition, during these days of my long life camp, a total of more than 3700 tartar slaves, more than 3900 tartar young women's dependents, as well as some old and weak women and children..."

With the reading of the cashier, everyone in the hall was beaming with joy.

Li Yuanqing also showed a faint smile.

Now he still owes Qu Mingrui more than 500000 liang of grain money. Now, the account is settled.

In addition, last year's food and rates should be very generous for the past year and the middle of next year.

This does not include the weapons and armor captured by the children. If these are included, it is appropriate to surpass one million two levels.

It's no wonder that some people said, "when the cannon goes off, gold is ten thousand taels."



It's always the fastest and most effective way to get rich!

As for the distribution of property, Li Yuanqing is in charge of everything, and the generals themselves have no objection. This is also a common practice.

However, there was a lot of controversy about the distribution of these Tartars' young women.

In a word.

These tartar young women, they all want it.

After all, these Tartars' young women can only be used as concubines without any pressure and burden in their hearts.

However, if you marry a Han woman as a concubine in Changsheng Island, you not only need a lot of dowry gifts, but also have a very high status in the Changsheng camp. If you do whatever you like regardless of the mood of your wife, you will even be called to talk by Zhang yunniang and Qu minqiu. If you are serious, you will be expelled from the army.

In this way, these tartar wives naturally become the hot cakes.

Fortunately, Li Yuanqing had already had the experience to deal with this matter before, so he made a decision immediately.

These tartar women's dependents can be used as rewards for meritorious soldiers. However, each of them has to pay a deposit of ten Liang silver, which can be directly converted into military merit.

There were 3000 people before, but now there are nearly 4000 people, which is basically enough.All the generals were overjoyed.

Li Yuanqing nodded his head, which means that each of them can have more delicate tartar concubines.

After the discussion, Li Yuanqing chuckled and raised an issue, "the lower reaches of the river are rich in resources, which is really a treasure land! It would be a pity to give them to Tartars? What do you think? "

As soon as Li Yuanqing said this, shuluohuan's ears stood up.

He was invited to participate in the meeting on an exceptional basis. Although he was at the bottom of the table, Li Yuanqing could hardly be seen, but it was very helpful to Shu LUOHUAN's heart.

At least, the Lord and his son have regarded him as a man.

Guan Canghai and Li Yuanqing got to know each other, and strode out of the line and said with a smile: "this matter, I think, completely occupy, is not the way. After all, our Changsheng island is thousands of miles away from here, and there are many inconveniences to travel between. In a certain sense, we should control foreigners with foreigners and hand over the dominance of this area to our close tribal minions. "

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