The dark shell, in the eyes of the people, actually hit the target.


The shell smashed through the target made up of branches and fell into the soft sand.

Kong Youde could not help but wave his fist excitedly. He quickly came to Li Yuanqing and knelt on one knee. "General, please test the results!"

Around will also be a burst of discussion, repeatedly nodded.

Duan Xiliang also responded at this time and couldn't help murmuring: "it's really accurate!"

When he was in Guangning City, he followed Li Yuanqing as an old soldier. He was Li Yuanqing's confidant and won his trust and biography.

He had never stopped all the battles of Changsheng camp. He had a deeper understanding and perception of firearms than ordinary officers.

The range of the red suit cannon can reach one and a half miles away. It is faster, more accurate and more ruthless than the red suit artillery of Shenyang City captured in Fuzhou before.

If we can equip all the departments of the Changsheng camp with these sharp weapons, what will happen even if the eight banners of the old slave's iron cavalry are brave? Can they be vigorous over the ten jin big iron ball?

Li Yuanqing also nodded with a smile.

These red coated cannons that Yang Xiaobo and they got from Macao were obviously improved compared with the guns introduced before and in the early Ming Dynasty.

The longest range of the red coated cannons in Shenyang City is about a mile and a half, and the actual effective range is only a mile or more.

At this time, the effective range of these new red coated cannons should be further. Although the target is one and a half miles away, the angle of attack of the muzzle is not high, and there should be a lot of spare power.

The main target is the beach, the soft beach absorbed most of the impact of the shell, and did not impact the maximum ejection effect.

Even if it's enough for Li Yunqing to talk about it, it's not enough to talk about it.

There is no silver in vain.

"Ha ha. Let's go and have a look. What is the effect? "

Li Yuanqing waved his hand, and Niu Gensheng quickly brought his horse.

Li Yuanqing turned on his horse and took the lead in the direction of the target. All the generals and Joseph followed him in a hurry.

Before the party arrived at the target, some of the left behind soldiers had cleaned up the place and stood by respectfully, waiting for Li Yuanqing's inspection.

Li Yuanqing turned and dismounted. Surrounded by a group of generals, Li Yuanqing came to the target to investigate the situation.

Although the target is made of branches, its thickness is about ten centimeters. Due to its soft elasticity, it can also unload part of the projectile's force.

But even so, the shell went through the target two or three meters, and sank into the sand about 30 or 40 centimeters.

Kong Youde's eyes lit up with excitement. "General, this new type of red cannon is really sharp!"

Around, Duan Xiliang, shunzi, Huang Guoshan people, are also some amazing.

This is a soft beach, because of the terrain constraints, can not fully play the real effect of red cannon, if in the battlefield, this

Li Yuanqing nodded with a smile. Small hole, Joseph, foreign brothers, you have worked hard. "

The people were overjoyed.

Joseph hastily learned from Kong Youde and knelt down in front of Li Yuanqing. "It's my honor to share your worries for you, a noble general."

Although they didn't want to kneel down, they didn't dare to hesitate when Li Yuanqing's sharp eyes were swept away. They fell down on their knees one after another, complimenting constantly.

Li Yuanqing smiles.

These white haired ghosts are interesting, and he doesn't mind giving them a few bones. Otherwise, Changsheng island needs fertilizer everywhere.

Although the generals around him are excited, but Li Yuanqing's heart is very calm.

From the perspective of the scene, the power of the red cannon is indeed good, which is quite bluffing. However, Li Yuanqing has experienced many battles and is extremely experienced in battle.

On the battlefield, although it is not as soft as the beach, the post Jin army is not a fool. The cowhide chariot and various terrain, including the simplest round shield, will affect the power of the red cannon.

If it is winter, the ground is frozen solid, the effect is better, but in summer and autumn, especially after the rain, the ground is soft, and the effect is almost the same as that on the beach.

In the final analysis, although the red cannon is powerful, it is a solid bomb after all.

Basically, the damage caused by the red cannon still depends on the ejection of shells. In the dense infantry crowd, the effect is not necessarily very good, not to mention the galloping cavalry crowd.

To a large extent, the red coated cannons at this time were similar to the nuclear weapons of later generations, and had more deterrent effects. They could not completely dominate the complex battlefield.

In particular, the cost of solid iron ball shells is very high, which requires hundreds of rounds in the first World War, which can not be borne by everyone.

However, anxious can not eat hot tofu.Li Yuanqing, including the whole Ming Dynasty, is still too shallow to explore and study this aspect.

Li Yuanqing can only bear to go step by step.

After checking this side, Li Yuanqing, with a smile, encouraged the people to return to the artillery under the trees and continue the test firing, especially the 6-pound and 8-pound guns.

In the actual battlefield, in addition to defending the city, because of its huge volume and heavy weight, the effect of the red cannon in the field is not good.

On the contrary, it is a light and easy to carry 8-pound gun and 6-pound gun, especially the 6-pound gun, which has the most extensive and effective practical use.

The effect of the 8-pound gun is quite good. The range is a little more than 1 mile. Although the effect is not as good as that of the red coat gun, it is not much weaker.

However, Li Yuanqing was not satisfied with the effect of the 6-pound gun. The range of the actual test was maintained at 1 mile in front of him, but the impact force caused by it was unsatisfactory.

After calming down for a while, Li Yuanqing also knew that this was the limit of the whole world's science and technology tree at this time.

These light and heavy guns were first used on warships by Western devils.

In the naval battle between warships, the primary goal is to sink the opponent's warships. In this regard, solid ammunition is the main method.

In addition, due to the limitation of steel smelting technology at this time, the strength of gun chamber is still insufficient.

However, the production of Huahua bomb is not too complicated. It is mainly due to the limitation of thinking. It is very difficult for people in this era to bypass this bend.

Li Yuanqing has 500 years of experience beyond the world. At this time, he has sufficient financial resources, and there is no shortage of craftsmen under his command. He has enough confidence to make this kind of super killer come out as soon as possible.

By the end of all the tests, it was evening.

In addition to Huang Guoshan and Li Sansheng staying on duty, the rest of the crowd rushed to the official hall to attend Li Yuanqing's dinner to welcome Joseph and other foreign devils.

Xu Liang and Yang Peifu, the two main managers of the blacksmith's shop, were also invited to attend.

Although Li Yuanqing's official hall is not magnificent, its advantages lie in its spacious, large space and grand structure. The hall can accommodate hundreds of people, which is more than enough.

Accompany them to drink a few glasses of wine, the atmosphere also gradually lively.

These foreign devils are out of breath, how ever have they been so favored? Everyone was very happy, the smile on his face could not be covered.

They never thought that they would receive such preferential treatment as Li Yuanqing when they arrived at Changsheng island.

Li Yuanqing clapped his hands at this time. All of a sudden, the noise in the hall soon dissipated, and everyone paid attention to Li Yuanqing's direction.

These foreign devils did not dare to talk freely. They had clearly seen Li Yuanqing's power, but they never wanted to give this Ming man a face and offend him at the muzzle of his gun.

Li Yuanqing laughed, "today, is a happy banquet, but also a successful banquet. Ben will be here. I wish you all good food, drink and play well in advance. But before that, I have a few things to announce to you. "

Although what Li Yuanqing said was relaxed, everyone raised their ears.

Joseph, in particular, looked at Li Yuanqing eagerly, but did not dare to blink. He had already guessed, I'm afraid, that there would be an official post on his head.

Li Yuanqing glanced at the crowd with a faint smile, "from now on. The blacksmith's shop was renamed the weapons workshop. Xu Liang is in charge of the ordnance workshop, and Yang Peifu is the deputy director of the workshop. "

All of this was expected by all, and there was not much consternation.

Xu Liang and Mr. Yang rushed out of the train and kowtowed to Li Yuanqing.

At this time, Li Yuanqing said faintly: "Joseph, an English gentleman, is appointed as the third deputy director of the ordnance workshop to be responsible for the research and development of gun test firing, with an annual salary of 80 Liang and enjoying the treatment of 1000 households."

Joseph was overjoyed and knelt down to kowtow to Li Yuanqing. "Your most loyal servant, Joseph, is willing to serve you sincerely."

Li Yuanqing laughed, "from now on, Yang Xiaobo has been promoted to the director of the artillery battalion, and he has been promoted to the guerrilla position. He has assisted the ordnance workshop and worked together to test fire and research and development of artillery."

Although Yang Xiaobo had expected it for a long time, he was very glad to hear that Li Yuanqing announced his appointment in front of so many people. He hurried to Li Yuanqing and knelt down respectfully and said, "Yang Xiaobo, a humble position, is willing to die for the general!"

Li Yuanqing laughed and helped Yang Xiaobo up with his own hands. "Boat, manager Xu, manager Yang, manager Joseph. After that, please come to you!"

The crowd fell to their knees again, "willing to die for the general!"

After the announcement of the appointment, the banquet atmosphere became more and more enthusiastic.

Li Yuanqing accompanied these executives to drink a few glasses of wine, and then left first, giving the time to these upstarts.

After all, with Li Yuanqing here, they are too powerful to let go.

Back in the inner study, he closed his eyes for a moment. Nian'er hastily brought a bowl of wake-up wine soup, and carefully came to Li Yuanqing. "General, you can drink some."

Xingjiu soup was just ready, but nianer didn't expect Li Yuanqing to come back so soon. Her heart was filled with joy.She finally had time to be alone with the general.

Li Yuanqing a smile, took a sip of Xingjiu soup, sour and sweet, taste good, smile: "read son, hard you."

Read son pretty face more and more ruddy, busy whisper respectfully way: "for the general to share the worry, is the servant's blessing."

Li Yuanqing a smile, casually seized her small hand, "the master is a little tired, help the master knead."


Nian'er hurried to Li Yuanqing and kneaded his head for Li Yuanqing.

Today's banquet is the home of Li Yuanqing. His words can determine the fate of the world. He just drank a few cups of wine without any discomfort. His mind was clear.

The light of Li yuan'er's body is turning, and she is also feeling the subtle fragrance.

Obviously, we can't rush to develop the bomb, but we can't delay the financial affairs any more.

Especially for the Qu family, with an account of more than 500000 Liang, this burden is absolutely heavy for the Qu family.

In other words, the reason why Qu Mingrui is willing to help Li Yuanqing with all his strength is to gain more benefits and benefits. At this time, it has been more than two years, and he has really put his efforts to help Li Yuanqing, but he has not received too much dividend. With emotion and reason, Li Yuanqing is somewhat unreasonable.

Moreover, Li Yuanqing must report to sun Chengzong in western Liaoning as soon as possible.

The old man's days in the Liao area are not many.

It's not easy for this veteran of the three dynasties and the emperor's teacher to hold on to this time.

In particular, these backbones under his command have grown rapidly.

Thinking about it, Li Yuanqing suddenly burst into a sneer and grabbed nianer's little hand and pulled it to himself.

Nian'er was startled and exclaimed. But when she saw Li Yuanqing's eyes, she also understood. She hesitated for a moment. Her face was ruddy, and she leaned under Li Yuanqing

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