Two days seems like a short time, but for Mao Wenlong, it is enough for him to do a lot of things.

Most of the refugees and deserters came with their families. Naturally, Mao Wenlong was not polite. He digested nearly 300 young men into his stomach and acted as soldiers and sailors.

As for their old and weak families, they were transported back to the West Bank of Sancha River and the actual control area of the Ming army by four ships day and night. At this time, Mao Wenlong had a "gold medal arrow" from the governor. In addition, it was a great achievement for local officials to recover their children. They would certainly find ways to settle these people's homes for their own interests.

The power of the surprise attack team has grown rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Li Yuanqing also received a huge bonus, which was different from the last time he selected people in Guangning city. At this time, Li Yuanqing was already a deputy official and the "chief gun" of this small-scale military operation. He selected 20 young people with a strong sense of reason. As a result, Li Yuanqing's direct subordinates are close to 30.

It was the morning of the third day after finishing cleaning up these things. According to the spy, there was already a cavalry of more than 1000 people in Haizhou, and they were rushing towards this side.

Of course, Mao Wenlong would not stay any longer. With a wave of his hand, the fleet continued to sail to the sea, without even leaving the rear of his head to the cavalry of the later Jin army.

The number of personnel increased a lot, and the four sand boats also became lively.

These young people were all from central and southern Liaoning. Their homes were ransacked by the Tartars of the later Jin Dynasty, and their relatives were killed. They hated the Tartars of the later Jin Dynasty. They were full of the desire of revenge. Compared with Liaoxi, which had not been occupied by the later Jin Dynasty, they were more suitable to be excellent soldiers. Even as coolie sailors, they even had no complaints.

A few days later, the fleet has entered the territory of Gaizhou and arrived at the hinterland of Liaodong Peninsula.

Although the eight banners of the old slaves were powerful, they were not able to find out the whereabouts of Mao Wenlong's tribe on the sea. They could only be anxious.

Looking at the hinterland of the land not far away, Mao Chenglu proposed to Mao Wenlong that he could follow the method of the Sanchahe river before and make a vote to expand the scale of the team.

Mao Wenlong thought about it for a moment, but he still refused the proposal.

The main reason is very simple. It is not a problem to close down the deserters and refugees, but it is too far away from the actual control of the Ming army. How can we pacify their small home?

Although Mao Chenglu wanted to repeat his old skills, he also understood that what Mao said was correct. If his family was not happy, he could not guarantee that these people would work for themselves.

The fleet kept a safe distance from the land all the way to the south, spying on the situation of the later Jin army in Liaodong Peninsula.

At this time, Li Yuanqing did not care about these matters. All the 20 recruits under his command were young and strong. The oldest was no more than 30 years old, and the youngest was no less than 20 years old. They were the most prosperous years in their life. In addition, they hated the establishment of slaves. Without much effort, Li Yuanqing raised their spirits and established their authority.

In the evening, the army came to the shore and took water from an estuary.

With the increase of the number of people, the consumption of food and fresh water has also increased dramatically. Fortunately, the governor has provided enough food for the people. Otherwise, it will be a real trouble.

Mao Wenlong decided to stay at the estuary for a while to inquire about the situation of recruiting people and horses from the next three routes.

In this era, Liaoning was a cold and bitter land with a small population density. In thousands of square kilometers of land, there were only a few million people, especially in the southern part of Liaoning Province.

The army stationed in this terrain, unless the eight flag cavalry with wings, or even face-to-face, the army also has enough time to return to the ship.

When the soldiers were able to return to the land to rest and rest, their spirits and spirits were much higher. In addition, Mao Wenlong turned a blind eye to the "hunting for wild food". The food of the soldiers was greatly improved. The morale of the whole team was like a rainbow and the hearts of the people were high.

Soon, the messengers who went to Yang Yuwei and Shan Jinzhong also found this place through the intelligence network. They were not as bad as Mao Wenlong and Chen Jisheng had expected. They were not willing to return to Daming, and refused Mao Wenlong's surrender. After all, Mao Wenlong was just a guerrilla and was on the same level with them.

Mao Wenlong is not very angry about this. The attitude of Yang Yuwei and Shan Jinzhong, as he expected, depends on the situation of Chen Jisheng in Jinzhou.

The next day, Chen Jisheng finally came back with news that Liu Aita, a guerrilla in Jinzhou, was loyal and willing to surrender to the imperial court. He was willing to appease the people in Jinzhou and wait for cooperation with Mao Wenlong.

Mao Wenlong was overjoyed. He immediately wrote a letter in his own hand and sent it back to the messenger. He agreed on the time and date to discuss the plan.

The whole team was overjoyed by the news.

Liu Aita has thousands of people under his command, nearly a thousand soldiers and young people. If he can get his support, the power of the surprise attack team will be expanded several times.

After all, the way to Jinzhou is not long enough.


Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it was June. During these days of practice, the more than 300 young recruits gradually adapted to the pace of life in the army, and had the appearance of a soldier. However, there was some shortage of food and grass.Seeing that it was about to enter the middle of June, Mao Wenlong no longer stayed in the whole army, and the fleet continued to move south.

On June 18 of the first year of Tianqi of the Ming Dynasty, the fleet arrived at Hongyazi. At this time, the fleet encountered a headwind, and its speed was slow. There was little water left. The soldiers were thirsty.

Hongyazi is a garrison of the total troops. Mao Wenlong immediately sent people to go there and told the general that he hoped that the fleet could send people to fetch water.

But Zhou Yongzuo, a hundred household official of Hongyazi, refused the fleet's request.

In desperation, Mao Wenlong had to order the fleet to move on.

There was no water, and against the wind, the soldiers and sailors were exhausted, and the Raider unit encountered the biggest test since the expedition.

Li Yuanqing is not feeling well at this time.

Water is the source of life.

Without water, people's physical strength dropped especially badly. In only a few days, Li Yuanqing's mouth had already swelled several huge blisters.

Li Yuanqing is still a real duty officer. He has some special treatment. As for the soldiers, it's even worse. If they don't drink water for a few days, they can't even urinate. What kind of pain should this be?

What's more, God is not open-minded. In the midsummer of June, there is not even a drop of rain.

However, although the environment was extremely bitter, few soldiers and officers complained that their hatred for the Empress Dowager women allowed them to let go of everything.

Fortunately, the pain is always temporary. On June 23, the fleet arrived at a small island called pig Island, which had no garrison. There was only a small village with sufficient fresh water resources.

After the fleet landed, dozens of households in the village ran away in a flash, but they left a lot of livestock and 20 cattle.

Mao Wenlong immediately ordered that all cattle and livestock be slaughtered to reward the three armies.

In a moment, the morale of the small unit soared, and the bitterness and fatigue of the past few days dissipated in an instant. Both soldiers and officers drank and ate meat, which was even more enjoyable than the Spring Festival.

Li Yuanqing is also crazy to supplement the energy consumed in these days. Moreover, one of Li Yuanqing's recruits was born as a fisherman. During the rest days in Zhudao, Li Yuanqing carefully asked him to learn how to fish.

In fact, fishing is very simple. At this time, it is in the middle of summer, and there is no over fishing in this area. Li Yuanqing, a novice, can easily get started.

Seeing the great achievements, Li Yuanqing simply interrupted the training, so that all the soldiers under his command took part in the fishing and gained a lot.

Mao Wenlong didn't expect Li Yuanqing to have this ability. He couldn't help admiring him.

Chen Zhong said with a smile: "Yuan Qing, this boy, has many skills. In my opinion, if he is to be the general manager of the goods and materials, we will have no worries. "

Mao Wenlong, however, smiles. Along the way, he clearly knows the value of Li Yuanqing.

The boy seems to be doing nothing, but in fact, he shares his worries and solves the major troubles of the team everywhere. He is the general manager of logistics? Isn't that a monster?

On the first day of July, Mao Wenlong decided to go to sea and go to Guanglu island.

The blue sea is full of blue waves. After the supplement and Cultivation in Zhudao, the soldiers' spirit and spirit have improved a lot.

Standing on the deck of the bow, Li Yuanqing was also fresh and fresh.

Although Liu's power has increased to a certain extent, it is still more difficult for Liu to join the force.

I tried my best to set foot on this big ship, and finally it was harvest time.

These days, Li Yuanqing and his soldiers really caught a lot of fish for the whole team of about 500 people for a month, more than enough.

At noon, there was a whole fish feast. The delicious fish soup smell pervaded the four ships, which made people only smell it, and they all had a big appetite.

"Ha ha, Yuanqing. It's a nice day today. Let's have a drink." Chen Zhong smilingly carrying a small wine pot, came to Li Yuanqing.

In these days, because there was no city in the shore, there was not much wine for the team. Chen Zhong didn't know where to get a pot of wine. Obviously, he wanted to show off with Li Yuanqing.

Li Yuanqing is also very happy. In this era, without cigarettes, wine is the best partner for men, and also the lubricant that can shorten the distance between men.

"Ha ha. Elder brother Chen is very kind, but my younger brother is not respectful. "

Chen Zhong laughed, "OK, Yuanqing, who are our brothers. If it wasn't for you, my brother would not have eaten such delicious fish. Come on, walk one. "

Chen Zhong laughs and hands the pot to Li Yuanqing.

Li Yuanqing is not polite, laughing and drinking a lot, "happy."

At this time, Li Yuanqing's fishermen ran to Li Yuanqing and said in a panic: "Li Tou, it's not good. The storm is coming."

"Nonsense. The sun is fine in the sky. Where is the storm? " Chen Zhong didn't know anything about the ocean, so he couldn't help yelling."Wang Hai, don't worry. Speak slowly. What's going on?" Li Yuanqing carefully comforted the fisherman soldier named Wang Hai.

Chen Zhong has no idea about it, but Li Yuanqing has learned fishing with Wang Hai these days. Although Wang Hai is only 20 years old, he has lived by the sea since he was a child. He knows the habits of the sea very well. At this time, he will never shoot at a target.

Wang Hai said, "Li Tou, as the saying goes, June day, baby face. Although it was July, it was also the rainy season in this sea area. Look at the sun. It's not as bright as it was just now. I've been fishing in this area with my father before. I've had some experience. A storm is coming soon. I can't be wrong. "

Li Yuanqing looked solemn and said to Chen Zhong, "Wang Hai is an honest man. He won't lie. We must report this matter to the general at once

Seeing Li Yuanqing's solemnity, Chen Zhong also knew that something was wrong. He was just about to get up and go back to Mao Wenlong for a boat ride. Suddenly, there was a sharp flash of lightning in the sky. Then, without any sign, the pea like raindrops fell from the sky.

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