Li Yuanqing and shunzi live in mud Lane in the east of Shenyang City.

From the name, you can probably guess. Yes, this is a continuous shantytown.

Under the great influence of the little glacier climate, Daming, including the whole of East Asia, suffered from natural disasters, resulting in large-scale and large-scale production reduction of various crops. For the feudal agricultural society of Daming, the amount of blow can be imagined.

In the middle of the Wanli period, due to the implementation of Zhang Juzheng's "one whip" law and the foundation left by his ancestors, the Ming Dynasty still had a certain degree of response to the disasters in various parts of the country. However, by the year of Tianqi, "a skillful woman can hardly make a meal without rice.".

At this time, at the entrance, there were dilapidated houses with mud and rammed earth walls. At the foot of the house, the mud was frozen hard because of the cold weather. When Li Yuanqing stepped on the worn shoes, he was very uncomfortable.

Along the way, shunzi tried to talk to Li Yuanqing several times, but he was stopped by Li Yuanqing's cold eyes. Seeing that he was almost home, shunzi could not help but murmured: "brother, we..."

But before shunzi finished speaking, Li Yuanqing suddenly slapped him in the face and said, "you're a long winded fart. If it wasn't for your sister's sake, I'd cut you to death. Come on, go back and pack up. After tomorrow, I will eat and drink spicy food with me every day. "

Shunzi's aggrieved tears all flowed down, but seeing Li Yuanqing's cold face, he didn't dare to say a word more. He ran quickly towards the direction of the home in front of him.

Looking at shunzi running more than ten steps, Li Yuanqing was not in a hurry. He hummed a little tune and walked towards the front. However, at the corner in front of him, Li Yuanqing's afterglow glanced back quietly.


Li Yuanqing's family is a small three room house, which is the property left by Li Yuanqing's ancestors. Although it is not large and dilapidated, it can also be regarded as a "high, rich and handsome" family in Shenyang.

Shunzi's house is separated by a wall. However, although shunzi's family has a large population, it is only a small house with two rooms. It is very low, and it is in a dead corner. There is no sunshine all year round. Even though Li Yuanqing's home is dilapidated, it is definitely a "luxury sunshine suite" compared with shunzi's.

Because she is a neighbor and knows her roots, and Li Yuanqing is also a big soldier with an iron rice bowl, shunzi's old mother intentionally betroths her daughter, Zhang yunniang, to Li Yuanqing as her daughter-in-law, the legendary "child bride".

Although Zhang yunniang is not very outstanding, she is superior in her cleverness and her figure is very good. Li Yuanqing basically agreed to this matter. However, due to the fact that Li Yuanqing has been in a tight position recently and has been injured, this matter has not been really implemented.

But the two families are almost the same as one family.

Shunzi's mother and Zhang yunniang also moved out of their leaky house and moved to Li Yuanqing's home. On the one hand, it is convenient to take care of the injured Li Yuanqing. On the other hand, shunzi's mother also hopes that her daughter can enter the role as soon as possible.

Li Yuanqing walked into the courtyard. The light was still on. Shunzi squatted beside the stove with his face covered. He didn't talk to his mother and Zhang yunniang. He seemed to be sulking.

Li Yuanqing's mouth slightly a Yang, quickly walked into the room.

"Yuanqing, you, you and shunzi, why are you back at this time?" Although shunzi's mother, Chen Shi, has little insight, she is quite good at running a family with diligence and thrift. However, she has no choice but to rely on her future son-in-law.

Next to her, the green and astringent Zhang yunniang is also looking at herself.

Li Yuanqing smiles, "it's OK. Come back and do something. "

Said, Li Yuanqing ruthlessly took a look at shunzi.

Shunzi didn't dare to look at Li Yuanqing's eyes and said, "brother, I didn't say anything."

At this time, this is the situation again. For shunzi, a half grown child, Li Yuanqing certainly doesn't speak about democracy and truth. He always puts the first priority on stabilizing the general trend.

Li Yuanqing nodded to shunzi, motioned him to get up quickly, and said to Chen and Zhang yunniang, "Auntie, yunniang, what happened outside the city, have you heard?"

The two women nodded their heads and Chen said, "Yuanqing, this day's killing, how should we do it?"

Zhang yunniang's big eyes were full of fear.

Kaiyuan and Fushun's war, more or less, spread to Shenyang. What can the common people do except fear the massacre of the Tartars in the later Jin Dynasty?

Li Yuanqing's eyes narrowed slightly. For a moment, he stretched out again, "Auntie, Yun Niang, I have made arrangements for this. You pack your stuff. Come with me. "

After all, shunzi is a child with little hair. As the only real man, Li Yuanqing's words are absolutely the same.

The two women did not dare to refute and rushed to pack up.

Li Yuanqing is sitting on the chair with the sword in his hand.

I'm afraid we can't even think about this situation in the era of "women can be half sky" in later generations?

If you lose, you will gain.Looking at Li Yuanqing's indifferent expression, shunzi didn't dare to stay here. She hurried to help, and the three of them quickly packed up a few bags.

Although the family has been considered to be able to eat a meal, but the two families together, there are few valuable things.

Seeing that he had already cleaned up, Li Yuanqing nodded to several people, "you wait for me for a moment, I'll go to make it convenient."

Chen and shunzi are nothing, but Zhang yunniang's small face, but can not help but emerge from a faint, for the future, her mother has said a lot to her.

Entering the courtyard, Li Yuanqing suddenly turned around and winked at shunzi.

Shunzi a Leng, a moment, also understand the meaning of Li Yuanqing, busy closed the door.

Li Yuanqing slowly exhaled a mouthful of turbid air and came to a corner of the courtyard, and "Xixi Li" put out the water.

In the night sky, the fine sleet is still lightly floating, but compared with the daytime, the wind is slightly smaller, but it is colder.

After putting the water, Li Yuanqing hummed a ditty and deliberately took a few steps in situ, but his body, like a civet cat, climbed up the wall quietly.

Sure enough, not far from the gate of the courtyard, a short and strong dark figure was looking for the courtyard.

Li Yuanqing couldn't help sneering, but Hong Qiang was also steady.

In the heart only hesitates for a moment, Li Yuanqing has made a decision in his heart.

In an instant, Li Yuan Qingmeng flew down from the wall and hit the dark shadow's temple.

This shadow did not expect, unexpectedly someone suddenly attacked, unprepared, stuffy hum, soft fell on the ground.

Li Yuanqing stepped on his head, and the big knife without scabbard had penetrated his neck.

A gust of cold wind, a faint smell of blood, quickly diffuse.

Li Yuanqing quickly dragged the short and strong man into the yard, closed the gate, and threw him into the small embryo room where things were stored. He quickly pulled off his cotton padded jacket and put it on his body.

After closing the dilapidated door of the hut, Li Yuanqing quickly came outside and said to shunzi, "shunzi, let's go."

Although shunzi didn't know what had happened just now, he was still a big soldier. He smelled the smell of blood. He called on his mother and sister and quickly came to the door.

Seeing Li Yuanqing's cotton padded jacket with Mongolian style on his waist, shunzi understood about it, and his face was unnatural.

Li Yuanqing patted shunzi on the shoulder and said in a low voice, "shunzi, I'll give you two ways. One, you take my mother and sister and run away with me. 2、 All the things at home are left to you. You can do it yourself. "

Shunzi hardly thought about it and said, "brother, I'll follow you."

Li Yuanqing nods and smiles, "good, shunzi, you've grown up. Don't stand still. Let's go. "

"Well." Shunzi nodded and hastened to greet his mother and sister. He quickly followed Li Yuanqing.


Although with Hong Qiang Hun, the chances of success will be much higher. However, Li Yuanqing is not willing to sell his soul. Moreover, it is easier to get on the boat than to get off the ship. No matter when, his own fate should always be firmly in his hands.

But at this time, the city of Shenyang is so big that it is unrealistic to leave the city at night.

Li Yuanqing is not in a hurry. Although the latter Jin Dynasty is powerful and has already mastered the initiative, they are not immortals after all, and they can't have everything.

Li Yuanqing and shunzi, mother and son three people, quickly came to the alley mouth of a Wendi temple.

It is less than a mile away from the east wall and gate of Shenyang City.

The most important thing is that before, this was a foothold of Li Yuanqing. Under the temple of Emperor Wen, there was a cellar. Originally, it had been abandoned for many years. But Li Yuanqing and shunzi cleaned up this place a few months ago and used it as a "stronghold for sharing the spoils.".

The entrance, too, is hidden, not in the temple, but under a big tree behind the temple.

The four men got into the cellar. Li Yuanqing asked Chen and Zhang yunniang to take a rest here first to raise their physical strength. He took shunzi and came out to look for some food.

In this era, for the common people, it is simply an extravagant hope to be able to eat a full meal.

Fortunately, Li Yuanqing and shunzi are already familiar with each other. However, this time, Li Yuanqing didn't pick out the small families. Instead, he took care of the kitchen of a large house nearby. Unfortunately, the harvest was not much. There were only seven or eight cold steamed buns, a few salted fish and a little bacon.

Although not many, but at this juncture, it is enough.

Two people did not stop, quickly returned to the cellar, each of the food to eat, then nest in the cellar, quietly waiting for the passage of time.

It was very cold in the cellar, but it was not too much of a hindrance for four people to get together and have enough food.

But soon, outside, there was a reaction.

This time, the main attack direction of the latter Jin army was the East and West gates of Shenyang City.

Probably just after the second watch, the East Gate took the lead in the reaction, shouting to kill.Li Yuanqing asked shunzi three people to stay at the bottom. He climbed carefully to the top of the tree to watch by night.

At this time, in the direction of the east gate, there was already a flash of fire. The city gate had been opened, and the city guards scattered for their lives. Outside, there was a faint sound of horse's hooves, rushing towards this side.

Li Yuanqing clenched his fists, but he didn't have any power to control the situation.

Not long after, the vanguard army of the later Jin Dynasty had rushed in, and Shenyang City was completely exposed to their front.

Li Yuanqing wanted to take advantage of this time to rush out of the city gate to escape. At this time, the main force of the later Jin Dynasty has not yet caught up, which should be the best time.

But after a moment's hesitation, Li Yuanqing gave up the idea.

The gun shot the first bird.

There is no one in front to be cannon fodder. It's really unwise.

According to Li Yuanqing's experience, it is not far away to guard the tide of Ming army's breakout after the front men of the Jin army entered the city.

The three will be called out, four carefully gathered behind the tree, ready to stand by.

As expected, Li Yuanqing did not expect, with the later Jin army vanguard controlling the gate, the Ming army's escape tide quickly took shape.

Countless people quickly gathered to the east gate and fled to the outside.

Then the Jin army obviously had experience and preparation in this respect. They ignored the miserable Ming army, let them crowd and trample, and let them leave. The people in the city who were still in chaos were their real prey.

Seeing that the two sides had formed a short-term tacit understanding, Li Yuanqing did not dare to neglect him. He asked shunzi to take care of his mother. He took Zhang yunniang, and the four of them mixed into the stream of people and rushed to the gate of the city.

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