The night has been a little bit deep, the majestic Yalu River seems to be quiet, the waves slowly, gently patting the shore.

At this time, on the East Bank of the Yalu River and the waters on the Korean side, several small boats, like the spirits of the night, quietly drove towards the other side of the river.

Although it is summer, but the river wind is very cool, blowing the hair on Li Yuanqing's forehead, also let his mind, more clear.

Next to him, Chen Zhongfu was in the bow of the boat, staring at the other side of the river. In his eyes, he was expecting and excited.

"Yuanqing, this time, the general gives us two brothers the main task of attack. We must not let the general down." Chen Zhong shook Li Yuanqing's hand.

Li Yuanqing said with a smile, "yes, brother Chen, we will succeed. At this time, it's still early. After crossing the shore, let's find a place to hide, eat some food, and let the children rest. "

"Well." Chen Zhongzhong nodded emphatically.

In fact, Li Yuanqing did not expect that, tonight, Mao Wenlong will give himself the main task of attack.

But after careful consideration, Li Yuanqing was also somewhat relieved.

Before the two wars of Sanchahe and Guanglu Island, he and Chen Zhong cooperated very well, which should have left a very good impression on Mao Wenlong.

Chen Zhongyong Meng, his side cautious, let himself two partners, I am afraid Mao Wenlong also after careful consideration, choose the most secure scheme.

In addition, in addition to the headquarters of Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong, Mao Wenlong allocated another 100 young men and women in this attack. The two men's forces are close to 200, which can be said to be strong and strong.

Zhang pan has gone to Jinzhou to replace Chen Jisheng's work. Chen Jisheng will come back soon. Li Yuanqing must take advantage of this gap to lay a more solid foundation for himself.

However, Li Yuanqing suddenly remembered that in history, Mao Wenlong used Chen Zhong to beat Zhenjiang, while Zhang pan went to Jinzhou. Unfortunately, Zhang pan successfully took root in Lushun, while Chen Zhong, because Zhenjiang's goal was too big, eventually survived with the city.

In the final analysis, this time, I am still in the light of Chen Zhong.

In less than half an hour, the team successfully crossed the Yalu River and arrived at the land of Daming.

At this time, the position of the team was at the lower reaches of Zhenjiang City, about five miles away. The time appointed by Mao Wenlong and Chen liangce of Zhenjiang central army was about midnight, which was less than two hours. Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong had to get to the predetermined position. The task was not easy.

The team settled down temporarily in a reed pole on the bank, ate some food and drink some water to replenish their physical strength. The night was getting deeper and deeper.

Here, you can see the lights on the head of Zhenjiang not far away.

"Yuanqing, shall we go to the city now?" Chen Zhong is impatient and can't wait.

Li Yuanqing smiles, "elder brother Chen, don't worry. Wait a minute. It's still early. The garrison in the city hasn't gone to bed. Let's be patient first. "

Before he left, Mao Wenlong took Chen Zhong as the main general and Li Yuanqing as the deputy, but he also specially ordered Chen Zhong to discuss with Li Yuanqing if he had something to do.

If it is someone else, it is inevitable that there will be differences. However, with the relationship between Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong, there is no such problem.

Along the way, several times of cooperation, Chen Zhong was very convinced of Li Yuanqing, nodded his head and said, "let these dog Tartars live a little longer."

The team had a rest here for half an hour. At about 10 o'clock, Li Yuanqing said, "elder brother Chen, it's almost over. It's time for us to have an activity."

Chen Zhong couldn't hold back for a long time. He couldn't help but be overjoyed, "OK. Come, call the brothers, and go. "

Soon, 200 people of the team, quietly toward the direction of Zhenjiang City in the past.


The so-called Zhenjiang, as its name implies, is to suppress this river, or to suppress it, just like Zhenjiang City in Jiangsu Province. Such cities are usually on the head of the river. However, the town of Zhenjiang in Liaoning Province is Yalu River, and that of Jiangsu Province is Yangtze River.

Although it was night, the morale of the troops was high. In less than half an hour, the team had arrived in a small forest a mile away from the town of Zhenjiang. Here, we can clearly see the figures of the guards on the head of Zhenjiang city.

"Chen liangce of dog day, why hasn't news come?" Chen Zhongmo wiped his hands with his fist, but he couldn't stand it.

Li Yuanqing was more and more calm at this time.

As the old slaves besieged Shenyang City before, the time, the place, the people and the people have all occupied.

At this time, Zhenjiang city is like a girl who has been stripped off her clothes and tied her hands and feet. She can't have much resistance at all. Why rush for this moment?

"Brother Chen, please be calm. I guess they should be in touch with us soon. "

At this time, although Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong are the actual operators, Mao Wenlong has already made a detailed arrangement. In other words, Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong are the pawns of Mao Wenlong, but they are cars and guns.Chen Zhong nodded. I'm not in a hurry. Damn it, the town of dog days can still run

Li Yuanqing smiles and says nothing more. If Zhenjiang city is really Chen Zhong's destiny, then Li Yuanqing will pull him back from Yan Wangye.

As time went on quietly, there were obviously fewer soldiers guarding Zhenjiang city. It seems that most of them went to bed. What they left were either laborers or poor people. Ha ha ha.

Li Yuanqing also mentioned the highest spirit. It's about time.

At this time, in a corner of the city wall, Li Yuanqing suddenly saw that there was a small basket which was put down with ropes.

A figure in the basket, like a monkey, disappeared in the grass under the wall in a blink of an eye. It seemed that he was coming towards his side.

Li Yuanqing couldn't help being overjoyed. It must be Chen liangce's arrival. He was busy informing Chen Zhong.

Chen Zhong also quickly excited, "where are the people?"

"It should be here soon."

Sure enough, not long after, a thin man appeared in front of them. He knelt down and said to Li Yuanqing: "two adults, my adult is ready. At the moment of midnight, he will take people to attack the gate of the city. I hope the two adults will go on time. Both sides should cooperate with each other inside and outside, and take Zhenjiang City in one fell swoop."

Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong were both very happy. Chen Zhong said, "don't worry. It will be a certain time. "

"Take this brother down to have a good rest and reward him 20 Liang silver," Li Yuanqing said to the old businessman

"Yes." Shang Laoliu rushed down with the messenger.

This messenger is also very happy, hastily kowtow to Li Yuanqing, "thank you very much." Then I left.

With the deepening of the night, Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong, with the main force of the team, slowly came to the grass under the city wall, waiting for the movement inside.

Just after the moment of Zishi, a fierce cry of killing came from the direction of the city gate, and the fire started everywhere.

Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong who dare to hesitate, Chen Zhong immediately took out the waist knife and rushed out first, "children, the city gate has been opened, rush."

Li Yuanqing was not backward. He rushed to the gate of the city with six merchants, shunzi and his troops.

But the team rushed to the gate of the city, only to find that the gate had not been fully opened. It must have been Chen liangce who met with great resistance inside.

Chen Zhong was in a bit of a hurry. He was busy and forced to hit the city gate. However, the city gate was made of huge wood and iron, so he was afraid that he could not get down to a thousand pounds. He did not have a heavy siege tool on his side. He hit the gate with flesh and blood, and the effect was not good at all.

Li Yuanqing had an idea and suddenly cried out: "the Royal division of the imperial court has arrived. The garrison at the head of the city should surrender quickly. You can avoid death."

Seeing a human arrest, Li Yuanqing was so busy that his relatives and soldiers were shouting at the same time. He almost called out "hand in the gun and not kill.".

Dozens of people and hundreds of people yelled together. The momentum suddenly resounded through the heaven and earth, and the defenders inside were also flustered. Soon, the gate of the city was opened, and a thousand families and a dozen people quickly ran out, "brothers, don't do it. I'm Chen liangce."

Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong were both very happy. Li Yuanqing said, "Lord Chen, you are loyal and righteous. We will definitely report your achievements to the general. Now, we'd better go to the city first."

Chen liangce was overjoyed, "just like this."

Soon, the troops rushed into the city like a wolf, the number of defenders in the city was not large, and it quickly disintegrated, and no effective resistance could be formed at all.

After sending people to guard the gate, Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong, under the leadership of Chen liangce, go straight to the town hall to kill them.

At this time, Tong Yangzhen was in his sleep. Where could he have thought that someone would dare to attack his Zhenjiang City, and had already killed him in the city. He quickly put on his armor and called on the slaves, and came out to meet the enemy. However, he was running into Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong who were rushing towards him.

In the night, the fire is as bright as day.

Tong Yangzhen is a silver armor, surrounded by dozens of slaves. He simply doesn't need to look for it. He is a living target.

Chen Zhong said happily: "children, in front of you is the dog thief Tong Yangzhen, follow me."

In an instant, Chen Zhong, with 70 or 80 people, has rushed to Tong Yangzhen.

Li Yuanqing was afraid that Chen Zhong would suffer losses, so he took his headquarters to keep up with Chen Zhong.

In a moment, the two gangs were fighting each other.

Although Tong Yangzhen was extremely passive at this time, he was fearless and brave. He killed several Ming army soldiers in succession, all of them under Chen Zhong's command. Chen Zhong cried out in pain, "dog thief, take your life."

He didn't care about it either. He directly rushed to Tong Yangzhen with a knife.

The soldiers nearby were shocked and rushed to catch up.

Li Yuanqing didn't expect Chen Zhong to be so reckless. He quickly called his relatives and soldiers to rush to Chen Zhongbao.

Tong Yangzhen was also flustered at this time. During the battle, many domestic slaves around him had been killed and injured. At this time, there were not many people who could stand, but he didn't want to retreat. He took the slaves around him, bravely, and entangled with Chen Zhong. He even lost the battle for a while.

However, as Li Yuanqing's vital strength rushed over, Tong Yangzhen quickly fell into a panic. After a while, there were few slaves left.Li Yuanqing flies a foot, directly Chuai in Tong Yangzhen's chest, Tong Yangzhen a stagger, painfully lying on the ground.

At this time, the steel knife in Li Yuanqing's hand had already reached his neck, "surrender. I will not kill you. "

Tong Yangzhen, seeing that the situation has gone, sighed and closed his eyes.

Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong looked at each other with great joy. Chen Zhong cried out: "come on, tie this dog day to me."

Soon, Tong Yangzhen was tied up in all sorts of ways, and he was carried to the back. The official hall of Zhenjiang city was completely exposed to Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong.

Suddenly, two of my father's men came out of the street

Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong did not dare to be slighted, but quickly commanded their subordinates to meet the enemy.

The soldiers of Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong were already a little tired in the battle just now. The sudden killing of this fresh army made Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong a little confused for a while, but they quickly reacted and quickly got entangled with this fresh army.

Although the street in front of the hall is very wide, it can not withstand the fighting of hundreds of people, and it is in a mess.

Although this new force was fierce, it was tangled for a while, but Li Yuanqing found that there were few young and strong people in it, full of old and weak workers. Although the leading man was brave, he was already helpless.

Catch the king first.

Li Yuanqing winked at Shang Laoliu and shunzi around him, and let the soldiers behind him rush forward to open the way. The three men quietly headed for the man.

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