"Grass! These Tartars don't stop Chen Zhong looked at the dust and smoke in the north with a gloomy look in his eyes.

Zhang Pan's expression is extremely grim, "Yuan Qing, is the cavalry with white flag. Look at the appearance, no less than three cattle records! We have to deal with it quickly. "

Li Yuanqing Yingting face but not too much expression, lightly nodded.

As the distance between the cavalry in front of him gradually progressed, Li Yuanqing also saw clearly that their flag was under Dudu's white flag.

When he was in Beidi, because of the bad climate and environment, Li Yuanqing did not actually have a real large-scale bayonet fight with the main force of the later Jin Dynasty. It seemed that there was an unspeakable tacit agreement between the two sides. It was as if they had reached a point.

However, Du Du, who is a cold headed youth, has become the biggest scapegoat.

At this time, his own side was not stable, and Du Du's people rushed forward like mad dogs. Li Yuanqing also had to admire this guy's courage.

As the saying goes, "random fist kills master Fu.".

The Changsheng camp and the Houjin army have fought many times. To a large extent, they have already occupied a certain psychological advantage. Huangtaiji, Daishan, Amin and manggurtai, such big Bailes, dare not be so rash in the face of Changsheng camp.

However, Du Du is so aggressive and willful.

However, it is undeniable that this fellow's battlefield sense is extremely keen. At this moment, it is indeed the moment when the Changsheng camp is very weak and has not yet launched its battle.

Unfortunately, Du Du is still too conservative. There are only three Niu Lu and more than 1000 people. What is Li Yuanqing's fear?

"Come on! Pass on our military order, let Huang Guoshan and shunzi department go up! Kong Youde then gives his advice! "


The order was passed down in a moment.

In front of the wall, the soldiers retreated one after another. Huang Guoshan said, "don't worry, I'll give it to the slave in the East." Buyantu quickly patted his chest to ensure that, like a wild animal, he pulled out the horse's head and rushed to the East.

After him, the Mongolian slaves, also have a similar style, issued a wild animal like strange voice, swarmed toward the East.

Chen Zhong's eyesight was excellent. He could see the formation of the other party at a glance, and said to Li Yuanqing, "Yuanqing, the East is the scum of the northern prisoners! Damn it, do it again! The life of these northern barbarians is really cheap

Li Yuanqing also noticed that the army of the later Jin Dynasty was divided into two parts, namely, the East and the West. In terms of color matching and equipment, the eastern part was obviously inferior to the western part in terms of color matching and equipment.

Some of them were even more skillful on horseback.

At this time, the 300 long spearmen of Kong Youde's department also came up, and they were ready to stand behind the wall. The defense works of the Ming army were comprehensive.

Li Yuanqing smile, a wave of hand to not far away shunzi way: "take the North prisoner first."

Shunzi immediately understood the meaning of Li Yuanqing, and said with a laugh: "I'm humble and obedient!"

With that, he fiercely drew out his saber and exclaimed, "but how could he have expected that even if the camp was not stable, it was just the powerful firepower that would have killed him.

Only in a moment, six or seven of his followers had fallen.

At this time, although he was wearing thick armor and the wall of the Ming army was less than 50 steps away, he could clearly see that the soldiers of the Ming army raised their blunderbusses again.

Although buyantu wants to be promoted and rich, he is still under 30 years old this year!

He still has a lot of youth, he also has more than a dozen beautiful wives and concubines, how can he give up his little life here?

At this time, the main force of the Western Line inlaid white flag did not rush over as promised. How could Buyan tu be so stupid as to rush up with flesh and blood and hit the stone with eggs?

For a moment, he had already made a decision in his heart, and he was busy shouting, "the dog is powerful, the children will step back first!"

With that, he called out to his side and rushed to the open space.

For a moment, these Mongol cavalry also responded to this, and left behind more than a hundred horses and corpses, and fled to the swamp in the East.

"Ha ha! These dog scum! I thought they had any real skills! It turns out to be a group of cold headed youths Behind the wall of the Ming army, Chen Zhong couldn't help laughing.

Li Yuanqing's face also showed a trace of smile, "big brother, how do you say the old saying? Persimmons should be pinched first. Since these Mongolian scumbags want to get ahead, let's break their heads first. "

After years of fighting with the later Jin Dynasty, no one knew more about the nature of these Tartars than Li Yuanqing.

These are the beasts.

If you are weak, he is strong. If you are strong, you are weak.

They are picky and bullying, which is the true portrayal of them.

Among them, the best breakthrough point is these Mongolian laborers who are not shy of making urine.

They followed the main force of the later Jin Dynasty to eat meat, but if not only the meat could not be eaten, but they wanted to keep the little one alive. Who would be willing to work hard?

Chen Zhong laughed, "good! This is called killing the chicken and warning the monkey! However, Yuanqing, the white flag of the miscellaneous people are also too unsophisticated? Do you really use these Mongolian Tartars as cannon fodderLi Yuanqing's eyes narrowed and looked at the battle line of zhennu with white flag not far away. But for a moment, he suddenly became smart, "dog's day, their poisonous heart!"

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