Different from the truly generous and tall City, at this time, the Houjin army jumped down from the wall, belonging to the high and low place.

At such a time, how dare Li Yuanqing neglect half a point?

With a big wave of his hand, he snapped, "Spearman, go up! Kill them

The spearmen in front of them had been preparing for a long time. As soon as they heard the order from Li Yuanqing in the rear, they formed a neat line under the command of their respective officers, and the wind generally rushed to kill the Tartars.

"Wan Sheng!"

"Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng

I don't know who called out the first time. Without thinking about it, the young men of the long spear soldiers who rushed up were shouting wildly, straightening up their shining spears and going straight to these Tartars to stab them.

At this time, the long Spearman's front array is about 40 steps away from the wall.

The reason why Li Yuanqing set aside such a distance was that the birds and spears could retreat smoothly. Moreover, with 40 steps, the long spearmen could make a complete sprint and maximize the power of the assassination.

However, the Tartars who first rushed into the wall were not ordinary people. Most of them were the bravest and bravest warriors in all banners and Niulu.

Long life camp's long spear soldiers have been well-known, and they are more prepared.

"Don't be such a fool! Javelin, flying axe! Don't let them rush

A tall bashiku took the lead to react, yelled, took the lead to pull out the flying axe pinned on his waist, and smashed it fiercely at the spearmen of the Ming army.

The other Tartars also responded, smashing their flying axes, javelins and various kinds of concealed weapons to the long spearmen of the Ming army.

For a time, the heavy short weapon concealed weapon, which was more terrible than the arrow rain, was scattered in front of the spearmen of the Ming army commander like a dense swarm of locusts.

At such a close distance, even though these Tartars can't reach the maximum throwing power, their damage power is extraordinary.

In a flash, fifty or sixty spearmen fell in the line.

Fortunately, all long spearmen and soldiers have excellent armour to protect themselves. They have breastplates on their chest, shoulder pads on their shoulders, elbow pads on their elbows, wrists on their wrists, and octagonal iron helmets on their heads. As long as they are not directly hit by the vital point of the front door, they will not be worried about their lives in a short time.

But Rao is like this, originally shoulder to shoulder, uniform long Spearman arrangement, or instantly opened a lot of gaps.

Even, a few of the general flag, a long, also won the move, fell behind the queue.

"Oh! God! Well, these despicable barbarians, they, they should go to hell

Around Li Yuanqing, Joseph covered his mouth as hard as a girl, his eyes full of panic.

Beside him, Thomas and Peter were also frightened and at a loss.

After the shelling, they rushed to Li Yuanqing as soon as possible.

These white haired ghosts of dog days can barely make sense of collecting money, but they have a clearer vision when they are on the high platform.

At this time, the post Jin army has almost launched a general attack. How can these foreign devils in dog days stay on the high platform and put themselves in danger?

They are not stupid. Li Yuanqing is the safest place with intensive guards and intensive troops.

Li Yuanqing 's eyebrows are also tightly wrinkled.

At this time, he was located in the south of the ditch excavated before. A pile of soil about 50-60 cm was piled up to prevent the river from spreading.

Standing on this mound, plus Li Yuanqing is tall, you can see everything in front of you.

Of course, his relatives and soldiers dare not neglect Li Yuanqing's safety.

In front of Li Yuanqing, Niu Gensheng and his feet lined up three rows of human flesh shields. In the front of Li Yuanqing were sword shield soldiers, which firmly supported the shield to prevent Li Yuanqing from being injured by the loss.

In the past, the long spear soldiers used to rely on the high and generous advantage of the city. Once the long spear soldiers launched an attack, they were hard to organize an effective attack because of the bitter terrain. They could only be slaughtered by the children.

But at this time, the space in front of them is big enough, and they also have a greater use of the field, and give full play to the side they are best at.

Li Yuanqing seems to have gone back to the scene when he was riding the rear Jin cavalry from the lowlands in the beach battlefield on the west side of yangguanbao.

In this war, casualties are inevitable!

But at this time, the Ming army still occupied a certain geographical advantage.

Although the main force of the war is too much time, the main reason is that they can't rush through the wall.

And this small gap is the biggest opportunity for the camp!

They must kill all the Tartars that rush in in in this small gap!

At this time, although the situation is chaotic, the overall situation is still stable. At this moment, Li Yuanqing can only choose to trust his children.

On weekdays, the training specifications of the spearmen of Changsheng battalion commander are unimaginable. Under the guidance of Li Yuanqing, the officers also have a big brain cavity. They have simulated how to deal with various difficulties for countless times.Keep the army for a thousand days, use it for a while!

This is the army built by Li Yuanqing himself and his greatest confidence!

At this time, after discarding a round of short weapon concealed weapons, the Tartars in front of them took out their own weapons one after another, yelled and roared, and rushed towards the spearmen of the commander of the Ming army.

This round of attack by short soldiers and concealed weapons also gave them great confidence.

What camp?

What long Spearman?

Is it not different from the Ming army they met in the past? In other words, the queue is a little bit tidier.

But the queue is neat. Can you eat it?

Just now he called out that tall bashiku was the first one. He was holding a mace which was almost one person high. When he swung it round, he hit the spearmen of the commander of the Ming army.

He was an elite with yellow flag and a personal guard slave of laonu. He had already had rich experience against Ming army.

Before and after that, he had heard of the defeat of Jin Jun against Changsheng camp.

According to his analysis, the spearmen of the commander of the Ming army were well arranged, but they were not invincible.

The most important thing is that the space of the warriors of the later Jin Dynasty was too narrow to fully expand during the siege.

In fact, there are some terrible traps under the wall in his heart.

However, after a glance at the situation, he found that the Ming army had left an empty block behind the wall. How could he still neglect it?

In particular, his huge mace is full of spines on its head. As long as he meets people, he will be killed or injured. It is most suitable for attacking the neat line of the Ming army.

"Ha ha! You mean dogs, die! "

This bashiku rushed forward with a ferocious sneer. He seemed to have seen that he had to have at least five or six minggouzi to see the king of hell.

At this time, it's like Mars is going to hit the earth, and the distance between the two sides is less than ten steps.

Although this round of javelin and flying axe of the later Jin army caused 50 or 60 casualties to the spearmen, they did not have any confusion due to the harsh practice and the cry most familiar to the officers. They kept a tight line, relying on their most familiar officers and partners, and continued to accelerate their rush towards these Tartars.

"Stab to the right -- stab!"

Just before the two sides were about to touch each other, the most familiar password of all the children rang instantly.

There are three handlebars in a row, nearly 400 long spearmen. All of them instinctively turn the gun head to the right. The wind generally rushes towards the Tartars in front of them.

"Die! Dog Tartars

I don't know who it was, and suddenly he called out.

At the next moment, Mars collided with the earth violently. The bright red Ming army torrent and the yellow, red, white and blue color rear Jin army torrent collided violently in an instant.

This tall bashiku was very brave. Just as he had predicted, he hit the big stick and hit the top of the head of a gun soldier of the Ming army who came roaring forward.

Even though the spearmen of the Ming army commander had iron helmets to protect themselves, they only heard the sound of "click". Although the spike of the mace did not directly penetrate the iron helmet of the Ming commander's Spearman, this bashikuming had already cracked the head of the Ming commander's spear.

He couldn't help but laugh and vent his evil fire. But before he could laugh, he suddenly found that the Spearman, the commander of the Ming army who had already broken his head, was looking at him with a grim smile. He was actually dying.

"Humble minggouzi, dare to see your grandfather?"

This bashku couldn't help spitting hard. He just wanted to push away the despicable commander of Ming Dynasty. However, he suddenly found that his side chest and abdomen, an unspeakable pain, suddenly came up.

In an instant, the pain was doubled.

Then, double, triple, quadruple

Bashiku didn't understand what was going on. Suddenly, he felt the consciousness in his mind began to blur. Between his chest and abdomen, it seemed that the river had been overturned. A heat flow that could not be suppressed at all was pouring out from his internal organs and was about to burst his throat.

For a moment, he could not help but cry out in pain. The blood mist was splashing in front of him. It seemed that there was something still mixed with the solid which he could not say, which was not clear, but actually existed.

"I grass your mother's dog tartar! How dare you look at your grandfather

A Ming army armour commander fiercely stabbed the spear into bashiku's chest and abdomen. He grabbed the armor piece on his chest, and even though his face was splashed by the blood mist from bashiku, he hit his face fiercely with his head.

Unfortunately, bashiku was chained into a meat kebab by four spears. His consciousness had already been blurred. Under the fierce impact of the Ming army's armour leader, his remaining consciousness was instantly dissipated, his neck was crooked, and his head was in a mess, and he had no life.

"Tartars, come on! Come on

The commander a of the Ming army couldn't help but roar.

At this time, he came to realize that his brother was seriously injured just now. He turned around and looked at the Ming soldiers who were hit by the bashiku mace, "Dongzi, Dongzi, are you ok?"The Ming army soldier named Dongzi was pale, his eight edged iron helmet had been smashed and flattened. The dark red and white mixed liquid flowed from under the brim of his hat, which had already flowed most of his face. However, he still maintained the position he had just held, holding the spear in both hands, and staring at bashiku fiercely with determination on his face.

"Dongzi, Dongzi! Wake up, wake up! I'm your brother Gangzi

This Ming army commander a couldn't help but shout and shake Dongzi's body.

Unfortunately, the strength of bashiku just now is too strong. Dongzi's body has begun to become stiff, but his mouth suddenly shows a smile of relief.

For a moment, his head drooped, and there was no life left.

"Dongzi, Dongzi! Ah

The first commander of the Ming army couldn't help crying out and his tears were pouring out.

For a moment, he put his foot on the body of the tall bashiku, pulled the spear out of his body, and exclaimed hysterically, "dog tartar, grandfather, you eighteen generation ancestors! All of you, all of you

He said, lifting the spear, crazy, looking for the dog tartar still standing.

Unfortunately, in this round of sprint, all the Tartars in front of them fell to the ground. The rest of them were scared out of their wits and retreated behind the wall.

Within a dozen paces of the Ming army, there was no tartar to stand on.

His eyes had already begun to turn red, and with a roar, he wanted to rush towards the remaining Tartars in front of him.

But at this time, behind him came Shangguan's most familiar cry, "the third corps, withdraw! Leave space for the brothers behind! "

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