Abatai, with his three cattle records under the blue flag and two cattle records with yellow flag, quickly arrived at the front of the battlefield.

But they did not rush to join the battle, but stopped about a mile or so near the wall.

At this time, the soldiers of three cattle records in the blue flag of abatai headquarters took off their sacks and poured out the contents.

It was a pile of wet branches and rotten leaves.

After a while, these branches and leaves were piled up dozens of piles, a straight line, placed in front.

Daishan, Amin and manggurtai, who were not far ahead, saw abathai's actions and rushed to them.

Amin was depressed all day. She was angry and said, "seven, are you crazy? When the hell is this? You're still fooling around here

Although Amin ranks second, he is actually the big Baylor, the first of the four Baylor, and has a high status.

Usually he was used to domineering, and abatai didn't care about him.

But at this time, it is just when abathai wants to do a big job, he is scolded by Amin in public. How can abatai give him a good face?

He snorted coldly and regarded Amin as nothing.

Amin's violent temper was about to break out. At this time, Dai Shan had a vague understanding of abatai's intention. A flash of light flashed in his eyes and quickly stopped Amin saying, "second, what are you worried about? It's not too late to finish

Manggutai also had some reactions, "Lao Qi, do you want to..."

Amin also returned to his senses after hearing the speech. It was the north wind at this time

But even if we understand the intention of abatai, how can Amin apologize to him? Busy picked up the arm, deliberately did not look at this side.

Seeing that Dai Shan and mang gurtai had already understood, abatai's mood was much better. He said, "the second brother, the fifth brother, Li Yuanqing and the Ming army are already tired. Once the smoke rises, it will be the best time for us to capture Li Yuanqing!"

All the people in Daishan were overjoyed and said, "Lao Qi, a good way! If it's a success, you should be the first to win this battle

Manggutai also laughed and said, "Lao Qi, you are a brain melon seed, I am convinced!"

Abathai is under his blue flag. If abathai made great achievements in this battle? How could he have been without him?

At such a time, mang gultai naturally wanted to stand up for his seventh brother, who was not loved by his grandmother and uncle.

Amin also wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, he still didn't say it.

Soon, the piles of leaves on this side were ignited one after another, and the thick smoke began to rise. Under the influence of the north wind, it drifted to the southern battle line of the Ming army.

Although the burning power of these rotten branches and leaves is not strong, they are almost rotten through. The moisture in them is enough, and the effect of making smoke is just like smoke bomb.

Soon, the smoke quickly covered the wall of the Ming army in the south at a speed visible to the naked eye, and was drifting towards the battle line of the Ming army in the south.

The soldiers in the front of the rear Jin army all got the news and bent down one after another. But the Ming army thought that today's war was about to end. How could you think that there was such a thing in Houjin? There was no preparedness at all, and the situation was in chaos for a moment.

Li Yuanqing was also shocked.

Although he had expected that being located in the downwind would have some impact on his own defense, Li Yuanqing did not expect that the Jin army would use this tactic.

In fact, "smoke bomb" has been used in the early Ming Dynasty.

During the war of resisting Japanese aggression and aiding Korea in Wanli period, the famous general Li Rusong mistakenly inhaled his own smoke bomb, which led to several months of cultivation before he recovered.

At that time, there were many smog bombs in the army of Guangning, most of which were accumulated in the military warehouses of Guangning.

Before the surprise attack on Zhenjiang, Li Yuanqing had the opportunity to get some when he went to Guangning to run for a relationship. However, the use conditions of this item were very limited, and it had to be used smoothly. In addition, it was sold very expensive. Instead of purchasing, Li Yuanqing chose some more practical armor.

Although there was much to do with Chen Guangning's army, in fact, it was not related to the rise and fall of Chen Guangning's army.

In fact, Li Yuanqing did not know much about many traditional weapons in the Ming army.

But unexpectedly, at this time, it was actually won by the later Jin army by this means.

For a moment, the smoke was getting bigger and bigger, covering the sky and blocking the sun. People could hardly open their eyes. There was an indescribable odor in the air.

After several times of experience in the face of fire, Li Yuanqing was deeply aware that the deterrent power of these smogs at this time was simply greater than that of rockets.

Children's respiratory system is destroyed by smoke is light, if the later Jin army takes advantage of this time to rush in, the consequences are simply unimaginable!

"Come on, get some rags, wet your mouth and nose! Water, urine! Don't be stupid! Hold on to me

Li Yuanqing also lost his usual calm and couldn't help shouting.The soldiers around also responded and shouted.

Fortunately, when setting up the camp, facing Dudu's rocket attack, the Ming army had some experience.

At such times, life is at stake. Where can soldiers care about face? One after another, they tore off the cloth on their sleeves. Those near the ditch were soaked with the water in the ditch, while those far away from the ditch were directly wet with urine and covered their mouth and nose.

The smoke is getting bigger and bigger, and the visibility is getting lower and lower. I'm afraid it is less than ten steps.

However, both Changsheng camp and Chen Zhongbu had strict military discipline. After a short period of chaos, the situation was quickly stabilized.

However, affected by the smoke, the Ming army has completely lost its initiative.


The old slaves battle of the later Jin army.

Looking at the smoke rolling ahead, the old slave couldn't stop nodding. The old wrinkles on his old face instantly expanded a lot, revealing the real smile that had been lost for a long time.

"Lao Qi, it's a good way. It's very good! Ha ha ha

Dourgen's eyes are also straight, he never thought that seven brother abatai could come up with such a means.

In fact, it was not something that was too confidential, but he, why, did not think of it?

See Dourgen some anxious scratching ears and cheek appearance, the old slave can not help but smile, "14, do you think your brain is not enough?"

Dourgen busy way: "back to the Khan Amar, seven elder brother's wisdom, the son minister is really out of reach!"

The old slave couldn't help laughing, "fourteen, you are still young and have too little experience. You need to remember. The road is dead, but man is alive. Don't panic when things happen. Only carefully calm down to think of a way to get a real solution to the problem! You seven elder brother, must have thought of this method for a long time. But only now did he bring it out. What he planned was not small! However, this is also good! My son Nurhachi should have such ambition! Ha ha ha

"Thank you very much for teaching me. My children have been taught!" Dourgen nodded again and again, and quickly gathered his eyes to the front battlefield.


By this time, the smoke was getting bigger and bigger and rolling.

Seeing that the time was almost ripe, abatai said to Dai Shan: "second brother, fifth brother, the opportunity is ripe. Let's try our best to win Li Yuanqing!"

The situation is completely on the side of the post Jin army. Who dares to neglect Dai Shan people? One after another, the horses rushed forward, ready to call on the warriors to rush forward.

How can abathai waste the opportunities he has so hard created? The three cattle records of the headquarters and the two cattle records of the old slave inlaid with yellow flags were hastily summoned to join the battlefield.

At this time, Amin did not care about his face and rushed to his blue flag battle.

After the war, the army of imitation gold was attacked.


At this time, Li Yuanqing has also completely calmed down.

This move of the later Jin army is really too poisonous. It's just a family killing scheme!

However, the battlefield is this way, either the enemy died or we died, there is no room for women's benevolence!

"The spear soldiers are all on top of me, and the bird and spear soldiers support! Come on! Take the wall back to me! " Li Yuanqing called out.

The order was passed by word of mouth and soon reached the front.

Military orders are like a mountain.

No one dared to neglect them. Under the shouting and drinking of their officers, they lined up a neat square array and quickly pushed towards the wall.

Under the protection of more than 100 soldiers, Li Yuanqing rushed across the ditch and rushed to the front.

Now that's it, pitchers can't keep it.

They followed behind Li Yuanqing and pushed forward quickly.

Behind him, hundreds of auxiliary soldiers, carrying wooden boxes full of grenades, followed closely.

At this time, many Tartars jumped off the wall and rushed to the battle line of the Ming army.

However, although the smoke was drifting along the north wind, because of the barrier of the earth wall, their visibility was not high, and they soon scuffled with the spearmen in front of them.

In such a state, the vision is not clear, and the advantages of spearmen can no longer be brought into play.

But the biggest dependence of the Changsheng camp children is their team.

Under the shouting and drinking of officers from all departments, they held tightly into a group, kept a close rhythm, and pushed forward step by step.

On the top of his head, although there were various short soldiers, concealed weapons and arrow rain of the later Jin army attacking the Ming army, the suppression of the bird and spear soldiers and the cooperation of the sword and shield soldiers behind them were not enough to pose a fatal threat to the Ming army in a short period of time.

At this time, although the visibility was not high, the Ming army was closely packed together. The information from the front could be transmitted to Li Yuanqing's ears in the shortest time, and Li Yuanqing could grasp the general situation of the battlefield at any time.

About ten minutes later, the long Spearman in front of him and the tartar vanguard were in complete melee together. In the dim light, Li Yuanqing could see the wall in front of him, about 60 steps in front of him.In front of them, the shrill cry became more and more intense. Countless black shadows jumped off the wall and rushed towards this side.

Due to the obstruction of the sight line, the accuracy of the bird and spear soldiers dropped greatly, and they could not carry out accurate attack any more. For a time, the fire network of the Ming army had already seen the signs of collapse.

How dare Li Yuanqing neglect? "All pitchers have it," he said in a low voice! Don't leave your hands behind the wall, and do it to me

More than 200 pitchers behind him have been waiting for a long time.

One after another, they took the treasures that the auxiliary soldiers had moved to the wooden box under their feet, lit the fire clasps, ignited the wires, and swung their arms, "whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.

The weight of a grenade is about five Jin. The distance of throwing a grenade for an untrained adult man is about forty or fifty steps.

However, these pitchers are all elites who have been carefully selected and have excellent inborn conditions. They have also undergone rigorous training. Their throwing distance is generally in the range of 78-80 or 80-90 steps. Some more elite pitchers can throw more than 100 steps.

At this time, such a state, the overall situation is close to collapse, Li Yuanqing has no time to take into account, will hurt his own people!

The wall is the best reference!

He can only choose to trust his children!

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