When they saw the morale of the children, they were immediately raised. Chen Zhong and Zhang pan were somewhat surprised. They asked themselves that they had no such ability.

Especially at this time, Li Yuanqing's tall figure standing on the mound was like a God, Chen Zhong, who was closest to Li Yuanqing. For a moment, he felt that Li Yuanqing was like a holy saint, which was hard for ordinary people to get close to.

But as long as Li Yuanqing is there, it will be like a lighthouse hanging in the sky, and everyone will have a direction.

At this time, Li Yuanqing waved his hand to make everyone quiet.

The clamour of the tide dissipated in an instant, and the crowd was suddenly as silent as water. No one dared to make any sound. Only the north wind whirred by his ears.

Li Yuanqing pointed to one of the stout generals and said, "Li Hu, get out of here for me!"

This is called Li Hu's general one Leng, a moment, can't help but smile, quickly came to Li Yuanqing body, respectfully knelt down, "humble Li Hu, met the general."

However, Li Yuanqing did not wait for him to kneel down steadily. With a fierce kick, he directly kicked him in the chest and turned the man to the ground.

Li Hu has some grievances, but how dare you refute Li Yuanqing? He quickly got up and knelt down in front of Li Yuanqing, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

Li Yuanqing stares at him and shouts: "what is the Second Military regulation of my longevity camp?"

Li Hu then responded and hung his head and said, "my colleagues are brothers of paoze! Those who threaten, insult or beat their colleagues will be severely punished. "

"What did you shout just now?"

Li Hu knew what was wrong, but he did not dare to refute it. He kowtowed respectfully and said, "general, your humble position knows that you are wrong. Your humble position is willing to accept punishment."

Li Yuanqing nodded, "still count your boy brain good use."

Said, Li Yuanqing did not have a good temper in his body kicked a foot, "get up! A fierce battle, brothers are hungry? What are you doing here? Why don't you wash your hands and eat? "

"Eh? Yes

Li Hu was stunned for a moment, but he couldn't help but be overjoyed. He ran to the crowd, pulled his duck's throat and yelled: "brothers, what are you doing? Why don't you wash your hands and eat? "

Although he is a bit rash, he is not stupid.

Today, it seems that he was kicked by the general, but his skin is rough and his flesh is thick, and he has three layers of armor on his body. The general doesn't use his strength at all. He doesn't feel much at all.

Although the general's punishment was not clear, it was not for the sake of punishment.

To tell you the truth, Li Hu, who was so oppressed and beaten by a dog tartar today, has a lot of sadism in his heart.

Just now, Li Yuanqing said that some people did not listen to the orders and broke the rules. His anger would not stop surging.

But after he said that, he also had some regrets. As the military regulations said, after all, it was paoze brothers. Even if there were mistakes, they should not rise to the contradiction between ourselves and the enemy.

Especially when Li Yuanqing called his name just now, he was really shocked.

But after looking at Li Yuanqing's means, he also understood that the general just wanted to find a reason to suppress this matter.

Li Hu, though he was beaten by the general, was also remembered by the general. This business is not a loss.

Watching Li Hu leave, the soldiers also returned to normal order, Li Yuanqing's mouth, also revealed a faint smile.

The army should be defiant.

As the old saying goes, "one soldier will bear a nest."

For example, Li Hu, though a bit rash and hot tempered, can not be denied that in the crucial wartime, Li Yuanqing still appreciated his bloody man more.

Just now, Li Yuanqing could see clearly that on the right side of the Middle Road, it was Li Hu and their general manager who, under this desperate cry, took the lead to fight against the turbulent tide of Tartars.

This guy has always performed well. He is an object that can be promoted and reused.

Things have passed, and Chen Zhong and Zhang pan have relaxed a lot.

Both of them also understood Li Yuanqing's intention, more clearly understood Li Yuanqing's determination to fight this war, and made their hearts more decisive.

At this time, some relatives and soldiers brought broth to Li Yuanqing and Zhang pan respectively.

After a few drinks, Li Yuanqing warmed up a lot, his face gradually became bloody, and his spirit improved a lot.

After drinking some, Zhang pan gradually regained his composure and said, "Yuanqing, we have blocked the Tartar's attack at any time today. We will not give up tomorrow, but we must be prepared for it

Li Yuanqing nodded, "brother Zhang, that's the truth! So, we can't rest yet! Come on, eat first, after dinner, let's all go and stare. "


After a simple meal, Li Yuanqing, Chen Zhong and Zhang pan all took charge of the front line, and the departments quickly and orderly began to operate.

In addition to the hygiene of eating, the sanitation of the camp is also the work that Li Yuanqing attaches great importance to.The main reason is that the camp is located in the downwind, and the original dense forest has been cut down. This is a very unfavorable unstable factor, which Li Yuanqing does not dare to neglect.

Fortunately, the latter Jin army was frightened by the grenades and did not dare to continue to launch the offensive, which also gave Li Yuanqing and the Erlangs more time.

Soon, the Tartars were stripped of their bodies, cut off their heads, and discarded on makeshift wooden rafts, dragging them from both sides of the camp to the rear.

All the places they passed were sprinkled with quicklime.

Beside the earthen wall, the engineers began to speed up their work, repairing the damaged parts of the wall and cleaning up the debris. The auxiliary soldiers also began to turn to the front of the wall to clean up the sand bag steps piled up by the Tartars, as well as the tartar corpses that they had not had time to take away.

More than two hours later, with the corpses of Tartars on the south side of the camp burning, most of the business finally came to an end.

Li Yuanqing's tense spirit all day can finally relax a little.

The stability of the wall means that he and his children can finally sleep soundly.

At this time, Xu Heizi quickly came to Li Yuanqing's side and said in a low voice: "general, it's much colder at night. We can pour water on the front of the wall. It will be frozen soon. It should be conducive to the stability of the wall. "

Li Yuanqing nodded.

In view of the congenital and topographical constraints, the Ming army's earth wall was piled up in a hurry. Although it was four or five meters wide, it was not rammed earth. It was just the accumulation of common soil, which was not stable enough.

If it is a solid city, the effect of splashing water and freezing will be quite good. But at this time, it is just an ordinary wall, and Li Yuanqing has no idea.

"Brother Xu, I'm afraid the weather will warm up tomorrow and the ice will melt. That will be troublesome."

Xu Heizi nodded: "look at this day, the change should not be too big, it's cold time. General, I want to keep trying. "

Li Yuanqing a smile, heavy grip Xu sunspot's hand, "I believe you!"

Xu Heizi was very happy and moved. Li Yuanqing almost chose to trust him without reservation. How could he not be moved?

"General, I'll leave it to you. Maybe Tartars will attack the city early tomorrow. You should have a good rest Xu Heizi had some heartache.

Li Yuanqing smiles, "don't worry. I know it in my mind. "

Xu sunspot nodded heavily and hurriedly went to the front to be busy.

His combat task is not heavy, but these projects are his responsibility. Tonight, he is afraid that he will not be able to close his eyes.

Li Yuanqing was just about to go to the north wall for inspection. Chen Zhong was almost finished with his work. He quickly came over and said, "Yuanqing, is it old or something? Damn it, how can I always feel that my spirit is not as good as before? "

Li Yuanqing smiles, "big brother, it's almost all right. Let's have a rest earlier. I'll just keep an eye on what's going on here

Chen Zhong said, "Yuanqing, which line? You are our backbone! Now it's time to steal half a day's leisure. Chen, go and get some good wine. Stir fry a few more simple dishes

"Yes Chen A-Mao, his soldier, left in a hurry.

Chen Zhong said with a smile: "Yuanqing, call Lao Zhang here, let's have a drink."

Drinking in the north is not a bad thing. First, it can keep warm, but can prevent and even treat many diseases.

Li Yuanqing has prepared a lot of wine for this trip, but he has to prepare a lot of them.

At this time has passed, the night wind has been very cold, whistling past, there are signs of cold winter.

Li Yuanqing also did not refuse, nodded, went to the side of the ditch on the side of the mound sat down.

Tonight, it's not just a superficial defense task. He and Mr. Xu have discussed before that some gunpowder works will be set up in the moat.

In short, it is like the "land mine" of later generations.

Li Yuanqing knows very well that the children of Changsheng camp can't be the opponents of the brave warriors of the later Jin Dynasty, especially Chen Zhong. Their biggest dependence is the profit of firearms.

The Chinese invented gunpowder, but they did not use it in the most dominant way. But at this time, Li Yuanqing wanted to correct all these things to the right way.

Although the explosive force of gunpowder is not as good as that of explosives, it is better than that of explosives in low cost. The children of engineers in Changsheng camp are more mature in their application and understanding of gunpowder.

At this time, the bayonet was already red, and Li Yuanqing naturally did not dare to reserve any more. It was necessary to widen the distance between the Ming army and the later Jin army, leaving enough room for maneuver.

After all, although the grenade has a certain degree of dominance, but in the case of the other party is on guard, if you want to play a huge role, I am afraid it is difficult to achieve.

Everything should be prepared with both hands.

Not long, Zhang pan also rushed over, three people sit together, drinking and chatting.

Today, although he was reprimanded by Li Yuanqing, Zhang pan knew more about Li Yuanqing's temperament and what Li Yuanqing cared about more. The atmosphere among the three soon became harmonious.Li Yuanqing took up a glass of wine and touched Zhang Pan's glass with a smile, "elder brother Zhang, I am this person, that's my temper. You know me for so many years. I'm also right about things, not people. You don't mind. I'll pay you for this drink

Zhang pan didn't expect that Li Yuanqing would apologize to Chen Zhong in front of him. He was shocked and said, "Yuanqing, why is this necessary? Our brother... "

Li Yuanqing drank up the wine with a smile, "brother Zhang, a yard is a yard. Let's talk about it. Our brother's road can go longer! "

Zhang pan was stunned and understood the meaning of Li Yuanqing. He killed the wine in the cup and laughed, "Yuanqing, good! That's why! Husband, since should take up, can put down! In this respect, I'm not as good as you

Chen Zhong also laughed, "that's right. All of them are brothers of our own family. If we say yes, what can't be done? Come on, let's have another drink

But when Chen Zhong was about to raise his glass of wine, some of his close soldiers came to this side quickly and said in a low voice: "a few generals, the results of our war have been counted out."

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