Mao Wenlong a smile, "Yuan Qing, accompany me to go out for a walk."

Li Yuanqing was busy smiling and nodding. He picked up a pot of wine and picked up two glasses. "Marshal, please."

Looking at Li Yuanqing's respectful and humble appearance, Mao Wenlong suddenly lost his mind. He suddenly realized that his understanding of Li Yuanqing was not as deep as he thought.

Mao Wenlong and Li Yuanqing left the big account one after another, and the atmosphere in the big account became more active.

After all, the commanders of both armies are here, and they dare not let go.

Mao Wenlong and Li Yuanqing must have something important to talk about. Although they can drink wine tonight, there are not many of them. It is not easy to get such an opportunity. The generals and officers of all departments should take this opportunity to bring their feelings closer.

When he came to the tent and listened to the noise inside, Mao Wenlong's brow also opened a little and said with a smile, "Yuanqing, we haven't been so busy for a long time."

Li Yuanqing smiles, "marshal, it's just the beginning. We have a long way to go. When the Tartars are destroyed, I will also go to the south of the Yangtze River to buy hundreds of acres of good farmland. "

Li Yuanqing said, looking to the south.

Mao Wenlong couldn't help laughing, "Yuanqing, you're not wrong. Heaven and earth, earth, Jiangnan. If you buy land in the future, you must go to Hangzhou! "

Hangzhou is the hometown of Mao Wenlong.

Even though Mao Wenlong has shown great restraint, Li Yuanqing can see that his yearning for his hometown is like a baby's instinct for his mother's breasts.

If there are no gullies in the chest, who will give up the prosperous land in the south of the Yangtze River?

Li Yuanqing poured a glass of wine to Mao Wenlong and filled himself with a glass. He touched Mao Wenlong and drank it all at once. His face suddenly became dignified and said in a deep voice, "commander-in-chief, I want to try to break the city today."


Mao Wenlong's eyebrows are not a choice.

He had long thought that Li Yuanqing would have wisdom, but he never thought that Li Yuanqing would be so bold. Just now that he has set up a camp and has not yet pushed earth to fill the ditch, he actually wants to destroy the city?

However, Mao Wenlong was extremely human. After being shocked, looking at Li Yuanqing's calm face, he also realized that to the extent of Li Yuanqing and his identity as Li Yuanqing, he would never speak out and shoot at a target.

Since he said so, he must have been prepared and had a good plan.

"Yuanqing, what do you want to do?" Mao Wenlong steadies his mood and looks directly into Li Yuanqing's eyes.

Li Yuanqing's expression was relieved a lot, and said slowly, "commander, the so-called war is not full of fraud! Today, we are not in a hurry to attack. In addition to the heavy snow tonight, the tight heartstrings of the Houjin garrison are likely to be slightly relaxed. It's better to let go of it than to grind and haw! "

"Yuanqing, when did you have this idea?" Mao Wenlong said quietly.

Li Yuanqing a smile, "marshal, in the afternoon I have some thinking, but not mature. But tonight, after Chen Jisheng spoke, I suddenly wanted to understand. "

Mao Wenlong at this time has fully understood Li Yuanqing's intention.

Li Yuanqing has made a decision, but the reason why he has not put it into practice is that the headquarters has not come here. If we can win Zhenjiang City tonight, there will be no merit of this department

"Yuanqing, how sure are you about this?" Mao Wenlong slowly exhaled a long breath, and forced himself to suppress his emotions.

But Li Yuanqing can see that his eyes are filled with unspeakable excitement. It is obvious that he has been looking forward to this day for a long time.

"Marshal, it's not good to be humble. If it goes well, it may be 80% sure. If not, it may be only 50% or even lower. "

With a trip to the north, Changsheng camp has already had deep experience in attacking the city.

But Zhenjiang is far from Beidi, and Li Yuanqing dare not say too much.

When Mao Wenlong heard the speech, his spirit was not shaken. "Fifty percent, but also quite a lot."

After a short pause, he said, "Yuanqing, what do you want to do?"

Li Yuanqing also made no secret of his plan and simply narrated it to Mao Wenlong.

Mao Wenlong can't help but fall into a long time of thinking. He thought that Li Yuanqing would be bold, but he never thought that Li Yuanqing could be so bold. This is simply bold!


However, Mao Wenlong can not deny that Li Yuanqing's plan is clean, resolute and ruthless. Even if Zhenjiang city is dominated by Dai Shan and ah min, who have been in battle for a long time, as long as Li Yuanqing's attack is fast enough, they can hardly react to it.

For a long time, Mao Wenlong suddenly dropped his glass on the ground and looked directly into Li Yuanqing's eyes, "Yuanqing, this matter, I support you! At this time, although there are not many troops in our department, they are all elite. I will give them to you, and you will dispatch them completely! "

Li Yuanqing was overjoyed. "Marshal, if this battle is successful, it's all your achievements!"

Mao Wenlong suddenly realized the deep meaning of Li Yuanqing, and he couldn't help but smile with a meaningful smile, "Yuanqing, you and I must not be negative!"……

When he went back to the banquet, Mao Wenlong laughed and brought a few more cups of wine, and announced the end of the party directly. The reasons were open and aboveboard. The children were tired and needed a rest.

Most of the generals of Changsheng camp also scattered, but Li Yuanqing indicated with his eyes that Guan Canghai and Xu Heizi had stayed.

Looking at their eyes, Li Yuanqing didn't reserve much. He said straightforwardly, "brother Guan, brother Xu, I've already thought about breaking the city tonight!"

Although Guan Canghai and Xu Heizi had long expected that there might be a big move, they never thought that Li Yuanqing would be so decisive and decisive!

For a moment, Xu Heizi took the lead in responding, "general, this is a wonderful plan! With the energy of my long-term camp children, the gate of Zhenjiang city will not talk about it at all! We can take advantage of the relaxation of the Jin army and take the city! Even if it is not helpful, we should also disperse the military spirit of the later Jin Dynasty! "

Guan Canghai also understood Li Yuanqing's meaning and thought for a moment: "general, when are you going to start? In my humble position, Yin Shi is the best! At this node, Houjin Garrison should be asleep. Besides, there will be a storm tonight. Let's disperse them first, and the rest will be much simpler. "

Both Xu Heizi and Guan Canghai have deep experience in this respect.

Li Yuanqing's decision seems abrupt, but it is reasonable.

The key is the mature use of gunpowder in Changsheng camp.

With this initiative, no matter when an attack is launched, the initiative is in the hands of the Changsheng camp.

At this time, the weather was freezing and the heaven and earth seemed to be connected together. The moat had already lost its function. In addition, the fortifications outside the city had not been reserved by the later Jin army. As a result, the Changsheng camp had taken the biggest opportunity.

Yinshi, it's three to five.

This node is the most mature time for normal people to sleep. Even the soldiers on duty, because of the biological clock, is also the most tired and listless at this node.

Looking at his two most effective assistants, who had already integrated into them, Li Yuanqing felt more determined. He patted them on the shoulder and said, "Canghai, sunspots, we have lost before, but now, we should take them back! However, you can't make a fuss about it. You two will go to prepare now... "


Half an hour later, Guan Canghai and Xu Heizi left Li Yuanqing's big account.

Seeing their backs disappear outside the tent, Li Yuanqing's eyes narrowed slightly. He picked up his glass, poured himself a glass of wine, sipped it slowly, pondered for a moment, and then suddenly checked the account and said, "somebody, please send me my military order, please come here. In addition, we will invite Huang Guoshan, Kong Youde, Li Sansheng, shunzi and Liu Dadou to come here together! "

"Yes How dare the soldiers outside the tent neglect? Go in a hurry.


Just after Zishi, in the direction of the Ming army camp, dozens of people suddenly slide down the rope on the east wall of ice city.

All of them were dressed in white snow clothes, and their backs were covered with packages the size of a quilt. If not for their vigorous and flexible movements, ordinary people could not see them clearly, these figures were living creatures.

In the sky, the snow is still sprinkling in succession, goose feather like snow flakes, the rate of drift around, the whole world, are shrouded in a hazy.

These dozens of figures immediately slipped down the city head, along the east of the snow shelter, carefully toward the north to climb over.

At this time, due to the snow cover, and there is no moon tonight, the sky is not very clear, hazy, visibility is about two or three hundred meters.

In less than half an hour, about one o'clock in the morning, at the beginning of the ugly time, these dozens of shadows had already approached 350 steps below the city.

A strong man in the lead suddenly waved his hand and said in a low voice, "boys, it's the place. Get ready to crawl. "

He said that he took the lead to tie up the "quilt" behind his back, and suddenly lay prone in the snow.

The children around him also responded and fell to the ground one after another.

In the frequency of the snowflakes, they soon integrated into the whole world.

However, although they are well-dressed thick cotton padded jacket, chest, elbow bend, knee, are tied with thick deer skin cover, but at this point, if the temperature is at least 20 degrees below zero, if you lie down in the snow even if you stay for a few minutes, you will soon be frozen together by the wind and snow.

"Dog's day, it's really cold."

Next to the leader, a young man couldn't help but spat. He followed the leader carefully for fear of falling behind.

At this time, they had entered the scope of 200 steps below the city. The leader couldn't help laughing, "Xing Er Gou, can't you stand this crime? How many beautiful concubines do you want to marry like a bear? "

Xing Ergou could not help getting angry. "Mr. Qiu, this cold is nothing. I, I just didn't wake up. Wait a minute. You'll see what I'm doing. In this war, I must win the first prize. "

The leader laughed and said, "OK! Xing Ergou, whether you are a man or not depends on tonight. I'll give you this chance"Thank you very much. Let's hurry up. There's not much time. "

Said, busy quickly toward the front of the climb.

Behind him, the leader couldn't help laughing. He quickly followed up and said in a low voice, "boys, hurry up. Keep up. "

His name is Qiu, and his name is Qiu Dechuan. He is from Luoyang, Henan Province. He has been rooted in Liao for many years.

However, a few years ago, he had been wandering from place to place. He was nearly forty years old, but he did not even marry a daughter-in-law. He was still suffering from injuries and could not live.

But when he was about to die, a tall figure appeared. Not only did he ask the best doctor to cure him, but also gave him a great future.

The starting point of all this is in the town of Jiangcheng.

At this time, although he was only a hundred households, in the order of Changsheng camp, the treatment of hundreds of engineers was equal to that of thousands of soldiers.

In Changsheng Island, he not only built a large house, but also married a wife and three concubines. He had two sons.

Looking back on the past, Qiu Tokchon felt that everything was just like a dream, and he cherished the life at this time even more.

Just before coming out of the Ming army's ice city, Li Yuanqing personally recruited him to the account, and Wen Yan encouraged him.

Qiu Dechuan knew very well that whether he could break through and become the first thousand households of engineers under the two masters of Changsheng camp, i.e. Laoliu and Xu Heizi, would be tonight!

As for women.

When will the general grudge this reward as long as he has made contributions?

Seeing that the town ahead was getting closer and closer, Qiu Dechuan's eyes became more and more bright. He tried his best to lower his figure and blend with the snow on the ground. He whispered, "boys, cheer up for Lao Tzu, and you will be there soon!"

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