Seeing Li Yuanqing, who was dressed in a red official robe, appeared, the crowd was stunned and confused.

For thousands of years, the psychological accumulation of people's fear of officials is not just a talk.

But for a moment, someone in the crowd exclaimed, "Li Yuanqing, we have been living in Zhenjiang for hundreds of years. Why do you want to move us away from your ancestral land? "

"Yes. Our ancestors lived in Zhenjiang and multiplied for more than ten generations. Why do you want to migrate to us? "

"Li Yuanqing, what's the difference between you and Tartars? no You are more hateful than Tartars! Tartars only want our money and food, but you want to cut off our roots. "


Led by some people, the crowd's anger instantly suppressed the fear of Li Yuanqing, and it was noisy.

Li Yuanqing couldn't help smiling.

At this time, how can he not see that it is the intentional people who are obstructing?

However, Li Yuanqing really needs such an opportunity to explain to these people face to face.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please don't be impatient and listen to me, Li Yuanqing."

Li Yuanqing waved to the crowd, indicating that the crowd was quiet.

After all, most of these people were ordinary people. Seeing Li Yuanqing's words, they instinctively began to calm down. In addition, the surrounding buildings, including the eaves, were already covered with live ammunition of long-term camp birds and spears. People who had a heart did not dare to take a head in this kind of joint, and the atmosphere became silent for a while.

Li Yuanqing steps forward with a smile. Niu Gensheng quickly takes people with his body to protect Li Yuanqing and firmly guard Li Yuanqing's safety.

At this time, if someone wants to assassinate Li Yuanqing, it's not for fun.

Li Yuanqing glanced at the crowd with a smile and said in a loud voice, "ladies and gentlemen, I know your hardship very well. The ancients are hard to leave. If it is not a matter of necessity, who will easily leave their hometown? But at this time, the Tartars were so powerful that our Ming army could not compete with them in the front. I Li Yuanqing can protect the safety of Zhenjiang city for a while, and how can I protect the safety of the whole life? "

"Moving to Jiangcheng, I and Mao Shuai have already reported to the imperial court. The court, including the emperor, was very supportive. You are all the people of Ming Dynasty. No matter who he is, I will not give up easily. At this time, since we could not hold fast to the town and the Tartars were defeated by us. Why don't we take this opportunity to step back and go to a safer place

"Of course. That's true. All of you are the people of Zhenjiang. You can't leave your hometown and your property will be greatly damaged. But I can guarantee it here. You can take all your belongings to Changsheng Island, and I will guarantee your interests. In addition, in terms of land distribution, people in Zhenjiang will be the same as those in Changsheng island. You are just leaving here for a while to build a new home. And sooner or later, we'll come back. Why not

The court, of course, did not know about it, but with the support of Mao Wenlong, Li Yuanqing came. Even if the court asked in the future, Li Yuanqing and Mao Wenlong had enough coping styles.

Of course, the key to everything is to get things done first.

At this time, hear Li Yuanqing's personal explanation, the crowd suddenly quiet a lot.

In these days, most of the people in Zhenjiang City have experienced Li Yuanqing's prestige, courage and discipline of the children in Changsheng camp.

To a large extent, Li Yuanqing was not authentic enough, which damaged everyone's interests.

But from another angle, why is Li Yuanqing thinking about the people in Zhenjiang?

After all, the common gentry were not as powerful as the common people.

The crowd fell silent for a moment, and no one spoke again.

In the elegant room next door, Qi Mingwei's eyebrows also wrinkled tightly.

Compared with these small rich local Zhenjiang households, his vision is undoubtedly higher.

After the notice was posted, Li Yuanqing invited them to dinner several times, but most of them refused to have an interview with Li Yuanqing for various reasons.

Qi Mingwei suddenly realized that what he did seemed to be in a bit of a hurry.

But at this time, the arrow has been hung on the string, and it has to be launched.

Qi Mingwei also wants to see what attitude Li Yuanqing is on this matter.

At this time, there was a sharp voice in the crowd: "Li Yuanqing, there is no proof of this matter. What guarantee can you use to protect everyone's interests? What's more, when I went to Changsheng Island, there was nothing? What do we eat and what do we live in? What about wives and children? What should we do to make a living? "

"Yes! There are two official characters. You can say what you like? How can we believe you? We have a good life in Zhenjiang city. Why go to Changsheng island? We will never go to Changsheng island. "

"Yes! No matter how good you say, we will not leave our hometown. "“……”

Looking at the crowd was ignited up again, Li Yuanqing's mouth, suddenly revealed a trace of cold smile.

"Fellow villagers, I understand you very well. As I have said before, as long as you are willing to leave Zhenjiang and go with the army to Changsheng island. Each household can not only get one or two silver for settling down, but also I will be responsible for the accommodation and food until everyone has settled down. You can also bring any property you have to Changsheng Island, except for your house and land. "

"Bah. That's nice. A silver or two to send a beggar? It's worth at least two thousand yuan! Li Yuanqing, how can you compensate me for this? I... "

There was another shrill voice in the crowd, but his voice had not yet dropped. Suddenly, two big men came forward quickly and covered his mouth.

When he was about to struggle, he suddenly felt a cold under his neck. It turned out that a sharp dagger had been propped up on his neck.

His pupils suddenly opened up, and he still wanted to struggle, but the big man beside him whispered, "you bastard, you dare to move again. I want you to see the king of hell now!"

With that, the knife in the hand of the big man approached his neck for half a minute. The man felt that his neck had been cut by a sharp dagger, and he did not dare to move or breathe.

Not far from the next door, suddenly there was humanity: "Li Yuanqing, we are not farting people. We are all people with families and businesses. Why do we have to move with you like this? After a long journey, I.... "

The man's voice did not fall, suddenly also saw a strong big hand, a strangled his neck, blocked his mouth.

Two active voices suddenly stopped, and there was a lot of silence in the crowd.

Li Yuanqing said with a faint smile: "folks, who am I Li Yuanqing? I think you already know. In this way, it is already a little late today. From tomorrow on, anyone who comes to register for registration must pay one or two silver to settle down. In the future, food and meals will be provided by the camp! It's getting late. Everyone's gone. Let's go. "

Seeing Li Yuanqing waving his hand to let the crowd disperse, most of them have the intention to retreat, but there are some people with ulterior motives who do not want to give up.

But soon, they found that they had long been watched by a group of big men in casual clothes, and they were firmly caught, and could not make a sound at all.

Without the troublemakers, the crowd also lost the backbone, did not dare to linger here, began to disperse.

At this time, a close soldier on his side ran quickly to Li Yuanqing and reported in a low voice: "general, there are 12 generals, all of them are servants of various families."

Li Yuanqing smiles, "look at them for the moment. Don't worry. "

"Yes." The soldier left in a hurry.

For a moment, another soldier came running over and whispered a few words to Li Yuanqing in a low voice.

Li Yuanqing looked up at the three storeyed restaurant not far from the opposite. Several pairs of eyes inside seemed to see something frightening, and instantly retracted back.

Li Yuanqing couldn't help laughing, "Gensheng, go, accompany me to see some old acquaintances."


How can Niu Gensheng not understand Li Yuanqing's meaning? Teeth root son all hate itching, a wave of hands, hundreds of soldiers rushed forward like wolves, has been surrounded by this restaurant.

In the elegant room on the third floor, everyone was shocked.

"What? What to do? Li Yuanqing seems to have seen us

"No way! This restaurant has been closed for four or five days. Li Yuanqing, how did Li Yuanqing know that we were here? "

"Master Qi, what should I do? Master Qi, you must think of a way. "

"Yes, yes. Master Qi, should Li Yuanqing not kill people? Master Qi, we are all following you to participate in this matter

"Master Qi..."



Qi Mingwei could not help but get angry and let out a roar.

He never dreamed that Li Yuanqing had resolved the crisis below so easily and, in such a short time, locked their position.

It's just

But it's already happened, and evasion doesn't work.

Qi Mingwei's brain is spinning rapidly. He must think about it as soon as possible and put his responsibility aside.

Otherwise, it is not a good thing to be watched by the wolf like Li Yuanqing.

The example of zhangjiacheng is in front of us.

At this time, there was a rush of footsteps on the stairs.

For a moment, the exquisite wooden door was suddenly kicked and cracked. Dozens of black bird spears and bright steel knives were directly aimed at them.

Niu Gen Sheng, with a blue face, strode forward, "dog scum! Who dares to move! I will make you regret coming to this world! "

Who dares to face the prestige of Niu Gensheng? Suddenly stay in place, silent as a cicada, the atmosphere also dare not breathe.For a moment, Li Yuanqing walked in with a smile, "ha ha. They are all acquaintances. Manager Qi, we haven't seen each other for some days, haven't we? "

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