"Ha ha."

With a faint smile, Li Yuanqing simply narrated the name of the person in his mind to Zhu Youjian.

Zhu Youjian did not expect that Li Yuanqing would suddenly mention these Ming generals and stars.

Even Mao Wenlong was deeply pondered.

Li Yuanqing is not in a hurry. He takes a sip of the wine with a smile and waits for the reaction of all.

Just now, Chen Zhong's account of the battle of Zhenjiang has pushed the indoor atmosphere to a small climax. However, Li Yuanqing, who has a deep understanding of it, knows that this is far from enough.


Iron and blood.


It is often the deepest and most instinctive desire in a man's heart, even if he is a scholar who is weak and helpless?

Who has never dreamed of pointing out the mountains and rivers and beating the country?

Especially for Zhu Youjian, who has just entered adolescence and is full of longing and fantasy for the future.

For Zhu Youjian, the battle of Zhenjiang was full of sense of substitution, but after all, it was the place of his brother Zhu you school, and he could not fully reveal many things.

But the generals and stars of the Ming Dynasty, such as Xu Da, Chang Yu Chun and Li Wenzhong, are totally different.

They are the pride of the Ming Dynasty, but also the glory of the Zhu family!

Seeing that Zhu Youjian clenched his fists, Li Yuanqing sighed deeply and said: "the state affairs are so, we all have the responsibility. It's hateful. We can't wait to drive out the Tartars and restore the Chinese nation like the king of Zhongshan and the king of Kaiping! "

Chen Zhong also came back to God and sighed deeply: "yes. Yuan Qing is right. Although our victory in the battle of Zhenjiang was small, the actual results were still too few. The Tartars of the later Jin Dynasty were as cunning as wild animals. In the future, we still have a long way to go

Zhu Youjian then said: "Li Shuai, Chen Shuai, you two don't have to belittle yourself. To this day of Ming Dynasty, when I let the Tartars of later Jin Dynasty grow bigger, it is still the defeat of the battle of Sarhu. But the meal to eat one bite at a time, this kind of thing, can not be anxious. The battle of Zhenjiang is a good start. I believe that with the development of this situation, we will recover Shenyang and Liaoyang, drive out the Tartars, and recover the rivers and mountains of Daming in a short time

After all, he was a prince. He had received a good education since he was young. Zhu Youjian's words are very good, and he has become a kind of emperor.

However, he seems to be enlightening Li Yuanqing, but Li Yuanqing is still sensitive to catch one of the key points.

Zhu Youjian was very anxious about the disaster of the later Jin Dynasty.

Although he tried to hide, his expression and words betrayed his heart.

Chen Zhong said with a smile: "Your Highness, the king of faith, said it well. haste makes waste. As long as we play steadily, Houjin Tartars are like the tail of rabbits, and will never grow any longer! "

Li Yuanqing also nodded with a smile. Compared with Tartars, our disadvantage in mobility is too obvious. It's like the battle of fishing Erhai. Lanyu spent a lot of effort to find the Royal Court of Mengyuan. But as long as they are found, the Tartars are just a group of fat pigs and sheep. "

"The battle of fishing Erhai?"

Zhu you's eyes are bright.

Chen Zhong and Mao Wenlong are also busy looking at Li Yuanqing.

The battle of fishing Erhai is a model of the peak of Daming.

It is also a very high top level for Chinese civilization to drive out the alien race.

In the 21st year of Hongwu reign of the Ming Dynasty, the general Lanyu led 150000 elite soldiers to march northward. After wandering for several days in Qingzhou, he finally found out the trend of the main force of Mengyuan. It was near the fishing Erhai (now Baikal Lake). However, when the army marched 40 Li to the fishing Erhai, the trend of the Mongolian Yuan's main force was still not found.

Lanyu was a little flustered at this time, and had the intention of retreating. However, the Ministry of Commerce would wait for Wang Bi to say, "we have more than 100000 troops going deep into Mobei, and we have nothing to gain. So how can we explain to the emperor when we return to the imperial court?"

Lan Yu thought that this was the same truth, and he immediately adopted Wang Bi's suggestion that "cook in a cave". As a result, Meng Yuan's spies could not find the fireworks of the army.

Finally, a few days later, they killed the Royal Court of Mengyuan in one fell swoop in the northeast of fishing Erhai.

The Yuan emperor made a mistake in judgment and had no defense at all. The yuan army almost had no decent resistance and was defeated.

In his desperation, Timur took the crown prince tianbaonu, Zhiyuan to be timid, the prime minister lost liemen and other dozens of people to flee in a hurry.

The Ming army won a complete victory.

The battle of fishing Erhai, including the second son of tuogutimer, the concubines and princesses, 123 people, more than 3000 officials, a population of more than 77000, more than 150000 cattle and sheep, and innumerable supplies, all entered the hands of the Ming army.

And the experience of Tuogu Si Timur is also a tragedy. On the way of escape, he happens to meet the descendant of alibu brother, also sudie'er.

As a descendant of Ali Bu Ge, he has been deeply impressed by Kublai Khan for a long time. At that time, the death of Ali Bu Ge was simply a tragedy.In such a state at this time, I am a victim and a fish.

How could sudie'er protect Kublai Khan's descendants?

Tuogustimur and Prince tianbaonu were killed on the spot. Knowing that the court was timid and the prime minister lost liemen to escape, they were forced to surrender to Daming.

At this point, the Mongol Yuan royal family, the descendants of Genghis Khan, and the legendary golden family have gone into a complete split and never recovered. The disaster of Mengyuan in the north of the Ming Dynasty suddenly decreased, and Lao Zhu's buttocks could sit more stable.

Of course, after the battle, Lan Yu was too excited. In other words, she was so arrogant that she asked the imperial concubine of tianbaonu to sleep with her

Unfortunately, he was really happy at that time, but he also buried a deep foreshadowing for his being killed later.

But Lanyu's arrogance is only a small flaw that can't be regarded as a flaw in this battle. The battle of fishing Erhai is almost the commanding height of Daming peak, and is also the pride of all Zhu royal children.

At this time, as soon as Li Yuanqing brought up the battle, Zhu Youjian, a young man, became more and more excited.

He drank a glass of wine heavily, and smashed his small fist on the table. He said in a rude way: "hateful! Mongolian Tartars can't stand up to me yet. They are just east slaves... "

Mao Wenlong also took a quiet look at Li Yuanqing. His eyes were a little complicated.

Li Yuanqing's control of emotions in the field is simply

Even he can only be out of reach.

Chen Zhong also responded and said with a smile: "Your Highness, don't worry. I am the orthodoxy of the world in Ming Dynasty. How can it be compared with the Tartars of later Jin Dynasty? Sooner or later, my old Chen will surely enter Shenyang and bring all his children and grandchildren to the capital! "

Chen Zhong said that he was full of domineering spirit. Zhu Youjian was also mentioned at once. He could not help laughing and said, "Marshal Chen, I believe that sooner or later, this day will come!"

He said, but looked at Li Yuanqing, "Li Shuai, I really hope this day can come earlier."

Looking at Mao Wenlong again, "Mao Shuai, I believe you can do it."

Rao was Mao Wenlong, who was also excited by Zhu Youjian's words. He quickly bowed his hand and said, "I will devote myself to the great Ming Dynasty and die!"

Li Yuanqing said with a smile: "Your Highness, Mao Shuai, elder brother Chen, today is a good day. How can we say such unlucky words? Although Tartars are strong, we are not necessarily weak. The battle of Zhenjiang is just the beginning

Chen Zhong laughed, "Yuan Qing said well. Zhenjiang, it's just the beginning. At this time, Zhenjiang is deserted. Both the headquarters and the southern part of Liaoning Province will have more spare power to entangle with dog Tartars. We must not make them comfortable

Zhu also laughed, "good. This ebb and flow, our strong enemy weak. With Zhenjiang as an example, I will have more confidence and never give them any chance to breathe. "

Mao Wenlong took a look at Li Yuanqing, and he suddenly felt that compared with Li Yuanqing, he was really a bit gloomy.

The fact is true. If Li Yuanqing hadn't made up his mind and Changsheng camp was well-equipped, I'm afraid that the Ming army would never have another chance to attack Zhenjiang city.

However, Mao Wenlong is by no means mortal.

Although Li Yuanqing is powerful, he has not fulfilled his long cherished wish to be a marquis. What's more, he brought him out by himself. How could he admit defeat in front of Li Yuanqing?

For a moment, Mao Wenlong couldn't help laughing, "come on! Today, his highness, the king of Xin, came to visit in person and became a great white. The battle of fishing Erhai is even more refreshing. Come on, let's have a toast

Mao Wenlong brought the wine himself, but Zhu Youjian didn't dare not give face. People laughed and picked up their glasses and drank them out. The atmosphere became more and more warm.

Wang Chengen, who has been waiting on Zhu Youjian's back, nodded in secret.

It's the turn to control. The whole Daming is afraid that few people can compare with Li Yuanqing.

It's no wonder that Li Yuanqing was young enough to get to this position.

As long as Li Yuanqing is here, all that has just been said may not be impossible. Even, this time, perhaps not as long as imagined.

But the people were drinking briskly. At this time, there was a loud noise outside the door. Someone said in the door, "you dog slaves, please get out of here. Yes? Do you want to play with me? I tell you, hurry to tell those dog scum inside, talk to ye to be quiet. If you don't open your eyes again, you will regret coming to this world! "

This man spoke very loud. In addition, Li Yuanqing ordered his soldiers to move their hands and feet in the lotus room at this time. The sound proof screen barrier was moved to the position, and the voice of the man outside was clearly transmitted to the inside.

People's faces were not good-looking for an instant.

Even the calm Mao Wenlong and Wang Chengen were gloomy.

Zhu Youjian was drinking wine on his head, but suddenly he seemed to have eaten a fly. He could not hold the wine glass in his hand. He could not help but slap it on the table? Yelling all over here? Mate, you go out and have a look! Blow these flies as far as they can go. "Wang Chengen nodded hard and was about to step out of the door.

Li Yuanqing then stood up and said with a smile, "Mr. Wang, how can I help you? Just go out and have a look. Maybe it's just a little misunderstanding. Don't disturb our drinking

Li Yuanqing just sat at the door, which was the position he had planned for a long time. He said that and strode out of the door.

Wang Chengen nodded slightly.

Li Yuanqing is a man who can handle affairs with others. It's really hard to say.

Although he was a slave of Zhu Youjian, he was also a leader in the top class of the Ming Dynasty.

To tell you the truth, for such a small matter, let him come forward. It's really a bit of a loss. If it can't be done well, it will be very embarrassing.

However, he knew that this warm fragrant Pavilion had always been a favorite place for scholars.

If for this little thing, if you can poke the hornet's nest, it will not be worth the loss.

With Li Yuanqing's shrewdness, he can handle this matter properly.

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