Lu Jinshan laughed, "general, in fact, there is nothing complicated. The humble duty just added some strength training after training. Slowly, for a long time, it will be like this. "

Li Yuanqing also laughed, "Jinshan, how can you think of training your own strength? You know, the training tasks of our Changsheng camp children are not easy. "

Lu Jinshan hurriedly said: "general, in fact, I am humble, which is also a feeling. In the past few times, when I fought with Tartars, I failed to grasp several good opportunities. On one occasion, a tartar was stabbed in the waist by a humble spear, but it did not kill him. The tartar was so powerful that he waved at his humble position. If it wasn't for the quick reaction of tiger master of the 7000 corps at that time, I'm afraid I would have to account for my humble position. "

"Since then, I've been thinking about why I can't kill the tartar because my technical essentials are very accurate? After thinking about it, I realized that it was because the strength of the humble position was too small, and that tartar was too strong. After returning to the island, after training every day, my humble duty insisted on strengthening every day. But after a period of practice, the effect is not obvious. Suddenly, I remember that when I was a child in humble duty, I used to have a neighbor who was a martial arts master. At that time, he often told his humble position that to train people, he should first practice his waist. The waist is the foundation of the body and the basis of exerting force. Since then, I have been practicing waist and strength together

"Slowly, after several meritorious deeds in a humble position, I was promoted to an official post, and my food was getting better and better. Then I got to this scale."

Lu Jinshan said, some shyly scratched the back of his head.

Li Yuanqing nodded with a smile.

Although the surface is calm, but in the bottom of my heart, it is turning up the waves.

Although Lu Jinshan's words are very vulgar and straightforward, they clearly show a truth. If you persist, you will gain.

Although the young men of Changsheng camp were already hard-working, they were excellent sources of soldiers in Liao and even in the whole Ming Dynasty.

However, due to the limited conditions and various reasons, in many cases, these soldiers only know how to obey, and they also agree with others. On the contrary, they lose their pursuit of themselves.

Most of the time, they just want to complete their day's training task, but never thought that they should use more efforts to make up for their shortcomings.

Li Yuanqing suddenly remembered a classic case of later generations.

in that year, in the famous Manchester and the world famous Old Trafford, there was a young man from China standing on the same starting line with the famous Portuguese superstar Ciro.


This young Chinese boy named dongfangzhuo has to keep a steady head over Ciro in terms of strength, speed, explosive power and even the sense of the ball. He is highly praised by Sir Alex Ferguson and once known as the "star of hope" in China.

However, more than a decade later, the Portuguese has become the world's top superstar, while the "magic" Chinese "star of hope" has long been gone. Even in the Chinese Super League, he has not been found.

Later generations, various Chinese media have also followed and reported this incident. The summary of all people can be summed up into one sentence or two words: "persistence and effort".

As a professional player, the Portuguese superstar's daily training lessons are enough to become a model for every professional player in the world.

But the "star of hope" of China

"Jinshan, good, good."

Li Yuanqing nodded with a smile and glanced at the people around him. You have a good habit. If there are children on the scene who are willing to follow you for more training, you can take them with you. Well, for all the children who participate in the training, they can add two or two more crisp fish for each meal. Adhere to more than three months, every meal with half a jin of fish. If you can insist on more than a year, dinner with half a kilogram of meat. Give priority to promotion! "

Lu Jinshan was stunned. After a moment, he could not help but kowtow to Li Yuanqing with great joy. "The general is wise, the general is benevolent and righteous, and the humble rank dares not to serve the general."

Around a crowd of soldiers are also jubilant, "humble duty dare not serve the general!"


After leaving nanxinkou military camp, the ferry returned to Changsheng Island, got into the carriage, and pondered for a long time. The surging blood in Li Yuanqing's chest and abdomen made him a little more stable.

Genius is one percent talent and ninety-nine percent perspiration.

This sentence is easy to say, but how many people can really do it?

Perhaps, you will have a whim, but it should be noted that constant flow and perseverance are the most solid foundation for change.

Back in the official hall, although Li Yuanqing was somewhat exhausted, he still ran to the martial arts arena in the central courtyard. After running for dozens of laps, he did hundreds of push ups and sit ups. He played with the equipment in the arena one by one, and then he came to the central courtyard to take a bath.

After a comfortable hot bath, the pain and stiffness of his body muscles slowed down a lot. Li Yuanqing felt refreshed and relaxed, as if his tired nerves were also relieved.

She tells Xiaolian to go to the back kitchen to make more meat dishes. Li Yuanqing is going to eat in the guest room, but a maid comes to report that Shang Laoliu has something to see.Li Yuanqing also had to restrain his mind, moved a little, and quickly came to the front court hall.

The old businessman's six spirits were tired and his spirit was also depressed. However, he still forced himself to greet Li Yuanqing with a smile.

With a smile, Li Yuanqing shook the big hand of the sixth brother of Shang and said, "brother Shang, these days, it's hard for you."

As the chief administrative officer of Changsheng Island, almost everything big and small has to be put on the head of Shang Laoliu. Especially in these days, with all kinds of big and trivial affairs constantly going on, how can he be relaxed in this position?

"Is everything ok?" he said with a smile. Yuan Qing. There are several things that disturb you so late. One is Wang Damao and Cao Jizhou. Their fleet is about to arrive at Changsheng island. These children's reward, fur goods received, you need to decide. Second, spring will soon begin and fishing season will come again. You need to make up your mind about the general situation in this respect. Third, the news came from Denglai. In early April, it was the birthday of master Shen yourong, and he sent us an invitation card... "

It was already evening. It was almost eight o'clock. Shang Laoliu obviously didn't want to waste Li Yuanqing's too much time. He directly brought up the information.

Li Yuanqing nodded slowly, "Wang Damao, Cao Jizhou, the affairs of their fleet, follow the normal procedures to go. As for the reward, Wang Damao was promoted to 1000 households, and Cao Jizhou was promoted to vice thousand households. The rest of the children, in accordance with the achievements reported in the report of the township secretary, will be carefully checked and reported, and I will personally reply. As for fishing season. "

Li Yuanqing stopped for a moment. "Now that the population on our island has grown so much, we'd better continue to increase the scale. Wang Hai was informed that he would try to recruit some people with fishing experience from Zhenjiang immigrants with equal treatment. As for Mr. Shen's birthday... "

Li Yuanqing could not help thinking deeply.

If you remember correctly, Shen yourong is already 68 years old this year. According to the laws of physics, the old man is afraid that the time limit is already

If someone else is sent, it seems that Li Yuanqing does not pay enough attention to this matter.

The reason why Changsheng island can avoid the entanglement of Denglai is that Shen yourong has contributed a lot.

"The old man's birthday is at the beginning of the month, but I'm in a hurry. This time, I'm afraid it will take half a month. What do you mean, brother Shang? "

Shang Laoliu said, "Yuanqing, how can I say this? Go and go, don't go, don't go. We still have a lot of people to rely on in Denglai. "

Li Yuanqing nodded slowly. Of course, he understood what Shang Laoliu meant. "Send a letter to Shen Fu immediately. I will arrive as promised and leave tomorrow. "

Shang Laoliu nodded with a smile and was about to leave.

Li Yuanqing said with a smile: "brother Shang, there is one more thing that I have been thinking about for a long time."

The old businessman was stunned and said with a smile, "Yuanqing, what's the matter?"

Li Yuanqing laughed, "about the island's government affairs. I have decided to set up a political office. Brother Shang, you command the political affairs department as a quasi deputy general. Housekeeper Ma was promoted to deputy director of political affairs with the rank of nine grade secretary. It has established agricultural, civil, commercial, political, maritime, educational, infrastructure and ordnance branches. The list of section heads should be discussed by these people in your political affairs department. Well, we should try to attract some gentry from the people. When I come back from Denglai and make a detailed investigation, I will confirm the name list and clarify my position. "

Although Shang Laoliu had been prepared for this, he also knew that the title of the head of the political affairs department did not run away from him. However, after listening to Li Yuanqing's words and confirming his identity, he was still excited beyond words.

What's more, he is still a general at this time. Li Yuanqing's words make it clear that he will be an assistant general in the future.

Deputy general.

Don't say it's in Changsheng Island, or even in the whole of the Liao Dynasty, or even the whole Ming Dynasty. This is a person who has a name and surname, and can be ranked on the top.

"Yuanqing, you, this ha-ha. You really know how to be a shopkeeper. "

Li Yuanqing looked at the change of Shang Laoliu's expression and patted him on the shoulder with a smile. "Brother Shang, Changsheng island is mine, it's yours, and it's from our kids. Therefore, there is no reason for us to avoid too many things. We can only try our best to do our best. "

Shang Laoliu thought deeply and nodded with a smile, "not bad. Yuan Qing, don't worry. I will try my best to do it. "


After seeing off Shang Laoliu, Li Yuanqing's spirit was relaxed a lot.

As a leader, it seems simple, but it is extremely difficult.

We should delegate power to subordinates, but we should know how to collect power and firmly grasp the core of affairs.

Over the years, Li Yuanqing has become more and more familiar with the mystery.

At this time, Xiaolian and several maids will bring the wine and vegetables.

Hungry for most of the day, Li Yuanqing soon is a gust of wind, the residual clouds, two Jin of mutton, a few dishes, eat clean.

Xiaolian covers her mouth and laughs.

She was bought by Li Yuanqing since she was a child. Although she is a maid, she has been serving Zhang yunniang. She has deep feelings with Li Yuanqing.Although she was called a maid, she was actually equivalent to half of the master of the family, and she was treated like a lady with a marked price.

This congenital advantage, no one can shake.

At this time, only she and Li Yuanqing were in the spacious official hall. She didn't have to pay attention to too many rules. The girl's nature naturally showed itself. She couldn't help laughing and said, "please eat slowly, sir. Your maid will pour you wine

Looking at the most familiar pretty face in front of her, smelling the faint fragrance of her body, Li Yuanqing suddenly found that the original young girl, at this time, has grown up.

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