It is said that he left at the beginning of Mao Dynasty, but in yinshizhong, Chen Zhong had already ordered his headquarters and the Han slaves to start withdrawing.

Li Yuanqing was also awakened from his sleep.

Of course, he understood Chen Zhong's meaning. If the team withdrew a little earlier, he could give Li Yuanqing and the children of Changsheng camp more preparation time.

However, Chen Zhong was not as patient as Li Yuanqing. If these Han slaves were disobedient on the road, they would have to suffer.

The terrain around the trees is very flat, and it is adjacent to the official roads. In addition, the Han slaves have long been like "frightened birds". After daybreak, at about 6:30 in the morning, the tail team has been evacuated, and the surrounding spacious land is reserved for the officers and soldiers of the Changsheng camp.

Of course, because he was about to merge with the advanced materials from Gaizhou, Chen Zhong also left a large number of dry cakes and gunpowder from his headquarters to Li Yuanqing.

After a simple breakfast, Li Yuanqing was just about to call the main officers under his command for a meeting, and then came the news from the front sentry. In Houjin, there were almost a dozen cattle records, about 5000 or 6000 people, who had already arrived in the North less than 10 Li. Looking at the banners, most of them were blue and yellow flag teams, full of cavalry.

"Dog Tartars, they are coming fast! General, our blunderbuss will probably work. This time, we must be tough with them

The way for shunzi to gnash his teeth.

After being chased by the Jin army like a ghost account, how can he feel better?

Duan Xiliang said: "general, there are not many Tartars. If we line up, I'm afraid they won't rush easily. But if there is a stalemate, we are afraid to suffer losses. "

Compared with the latter Jin army, the Ming army's sentry had limited coverage. At this time, it was possible to explore the intelligence of the surrounding 20-30 Li.

If at this time the young men line up to meet the enemy, but the Tartars do not rush, then the matter will be in trouble.

Once a stalemate is formed, the children will not be able to advance or retreat, and they will easily be besieged or even killed by the following Jin army.

Duan Xiliang is no longer the child of that time. After years of war experience, he has grown into a qualified Veteran General. Naturally, he can see this very clearly.

Guan Canghai also said: "general, the Tartars are in a hurry, so I must be very anxious. We'd better make a quick decision, not with them. "

Kong Youde said with a smile: "well, we can only show a flaw first. Seduce these Tartars into battle! "

"Tartars are not fools. It's not so easy to seduce them. This is not very easy to handle

Li Yuanqing nodded.

Most of the generals of Changsheng camp, especially the main generals, were the "capital" when he started his career. His years of experience in the war, especially the successful experience in the war, made their military literacy far higher than that of the ordinary Ming army.

In particular, after the establishment of the General Staff Headquarters, Li Yuanqing only needed to set a general direction for many battles, saving a lot of energy.

But at this time, things and time were very urgent. Li Yuanqing could no longer control and guide the officers to play. He said directly: "it is not easy to seduce them. The key is to look at the chips. If I were here, you say, would they come? "

"Eh? This... "

"General, this, this is not possible! The tartar cavalry is more powerful than we thought

"No, no, no, general, how can you risk your life? We'd better consider a more secure method. "

"Yes! yes! brother! Don't worry about it! If you take risks with your own body, you will lose your backbone, brothers

How can the generals around him not understand the meaning of Li Yuanqing? Busy persuasion.

Li Yuanqing suddenly sneered: "as the saying goes, I can't bear that the children can't set the wolf! My brothers are here. What am I afraid of? Every department has it! "


How dare a group of officers disobey Li Yuanqing's order and kneel down.

Li Yuanqing looked at the most familiar faces around him, "very good! Now, let's start the task! "


At this time, ten miles to the north of the tree forest where Changsheng camp is located, six cattle records of Amin department, three cattle records of tambai department, two cattle records of menggang Dudu department, and one cattle record of zhenghuang banner and Zhenghong banner were gathering at a small stream on the south side of the official road for breakfast.

After a hard night's journey, Amin's face also can't hide the fatigue.

It was only yesterday morning that they found the Majia shop where the Ming army was hiding from the flood. Then, all kinds of sentinel came out to track down the Ming army's movement.

Finally, late yesterday afternoon, the exact location of the Ming army was found.

A min when even to the old slave war, to take this opportunity, one fell swoop Li Yuanqing.

Unfortunately, at this time, the epidemic disease was prevalent in the army of the later Jin Dynasty, and the number of diarrhea had already reached tens of thousands. The old slave couldn't provide too many troops at once. Therefore, Amin and Tan Bai, who were the most active in fighting, went out to fight, squeezed their teeth and pieced together a dozen cattle records for them.

At this time, although the land dried up a lot, but there are still many places full of mud.Amin and tambai should cherish horsepower and prepare to launch an attack today. They dare not let their march speed too fast.

It's mainly night blindness.

Otherwise, if they rush too fast, they will fall and die first for fear that they have not found Li Yuanqing.

Because of the shortage of food and grass in the later Jin army, they didn't have enough dry food at this time. They only had five or six days' rations, and most of them were dry and stinky dried meat, which made people have no appetite.

However, thinking that he would be able to kill Li Yuanqing immediately, Amin's mood became more and more excited, and the stinky dried meat he chewed in his mouth was also sweet, "eat quickly. Li Yuanqing is ten miles ahead. We must take advantage of the fact that they are still in battle, take Li Yuanqing down and cut off the dog's head! "

These people don't need to be encouraged by the hatred they have for Li Yuanqing.

Tan Bai said, "yes, Lord Baylor is right. This is the beginning of the time. When the time is in the middle of the hour, we will surely be able to reach Li Yuanqing. At that time, we can break up their formation and directly surround and kill Li Yuanqing

Menggang Dudu is still a little afraid of Li Yuanqing's power, but at this time, how dare he say anything more? Busy with a smile and nod.

Soon, they had a quick breakfast, and drank enough water in the stream, and quickly forced towards the direction of the Ming army camp in the south.


At this time, after nearly two days of drying up, the land had solidified a lot, especially the solid land near the official road, which was basically no obstacle to the cavalry.

As expected, Wu Er ran all the way. In the middle of the hour, the army of Jin led by Amin was forced to the camp of Ming army on time.

At this time, the children of the camp had begun to retreat to the south.

Perhaps the terrain was too uneven, or perhaps it was the news that the later Jin army forced them to come. The Changsheng camp was a bit disordered, surrounded by the official roads, all over the mountains and fields, and evacuated in a hurry.

Especially after hearing the sound of the horse's hooves, the children of Changsheng camp were completely flustered. They were like the sheep of wolves. They were shouting and running south. Even if there were officers shouting, they could not stop their panic at all.

Among the crowd, a min saw Li Yuanqing's military flag at a glance. It was less than three miles away from him, very far behind the battle line of the Ming army.

It can be seen that Li Yuanqing didn't expect Dajin Tieqi to come so fast. He obviously lacked preparation and wanted to take the road to escape.

Li Yuanqing was surrounded by about five or six hundred elite soldiers. Obviously, he also saw the situation of the gold elite here. He was obviously flustered. He seemed to be shouting and yelling to order the Ming army to form an array and block them in front of them.

"Ha ha! Ha ha ha ha! Li Yuanqing, you dog scum, you also have today

Amin couldn't help laughing. He was so familiar with this situation.

In the past, when faced with the iron horse of Da Jin, these most humble minggouzi were always like this. They were even more vulnerable than sheep.

How can Amin, who has experienced many battles, let go of this opportunity?

"Tambai, I'll come to the Middle Road, and you'll come to the right! Li Yuanqing, the hand blade, is now! "

Ah min called out and took the lead in leading the elite of his blue flag headquarters to rush to the panic of the Ming army!

Although Tan Bai felt that something was wrong, the opportunity had already appeared, and he could not care about other things. He was busy shouting to menggang Dudu: "Monsieur menggang Dudu, you go to the left road, I will come to the right road! Today, we must not let Li Yuanqing run! "

With that, Tan Bai had already whipped his horse and rushed towards the Ming army with his elite yellow flag.

Menggang Dudu is also a little confused. I can't imagine that Li Yuanqing, who has been regular all the time, will have today. Obviously, they are forced to flee by the flood. They are in a hurry and lack of materials and firepower!

For a moment, Meng Gang Du also came back to God and rushed to the right side of the Ming army to kill him with his followers!

Soon, the hoofs roared, and five thousand or six thousand later Jin Jing rode, like a wave of mountains and tsunamis, divided into three roads, straight to the Ming army.

In the battle of the Ming army, although the situation was chaotic, Li Yuanqing's mouth showed a trace of cruel sneer. Ah min, a silly bird, was really taken in!

But the situation was critical, and Li Yuanqing did not dare to neglect him. He waved his big hand and said, "inform all departments and proceed according to the original plan!"


The flag bearer around him did not dare to neglect, and quickly used the flag language to convey Li Yuanqing's orders to all corners of the battlefield.

Soon, the seemingly scattered Ming army suddenly began to gather. Of course, it was not a full-scale battle array, but a small battle array of hundreds of people and 230 people. The sword and shield soldiers were in front, the birds and spears were in the middle, and the long spear soldiers were hidden in the gap between them. They looked scattered, but actually they were quite regular.

Amin also found that the situation seems to be something wrong.

Seeing Dajin's iron horse, these dog scumbags in Changsheng camp didn't run away. Instead, they listed this kind of "vulnerable" formation. They were really tired of it!

These small battle lines are not connected at all. There are countless gaps in the middle. How can they resist him and his warriors?At this time, the Houjin cavalry had already rushed to the maximum speed, which was just like a mountain roaring tsunami. Amin couldn't stop laughing grimly and shouting: "go! Go! Go! Crush these humble clay for me! Catch Li Yuanqing, the dog scum

In an instant, it was like an irresistible torrent. These elite horses of the Late Jin Dynasty, just like the flood of the mountain, rolled and rushed towards the battle line of the Ming army.

In the middle of the battle, Li Yuanqing suddenly sneered, "brother Amin, I'm sorry. Today, you have to leave your life here! "

As soon as Li Yuanqing's voice fell, suddenly "bang bang bang" broke into pieces, and the most familiar bird's blundering shot sounded clear and clear.

Obviously, these Tartars of the later Jin Dynasty, who were charging, did not expect that under such a state, the shooting of the Ming army could be so neat.

For a moment, many Tartars or people or horses were shot in front of them, and they were rolling on the ground in pain, but in a moment, they were trampled into meat sauce by their companions behind them.

However, the cavalry's sharpness had already risen, and these Tartars could not care so much. They all cried out and roared, opened their bows and arrows, and swarmed into the battle line of the Ming army!

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