After three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Li Yuanqing said with a smile: "elder brother, how is your health recently? How are you feeling, brothers

Chen Jisheng tasted the wine lightly and said with a smile: "it's OK. These days, although the rainstorm continued, but the commander-in-chief had been prepared in advance, which was not a big obstacle. The brothers are very excited and are waiting for the reward from the court. "

Li Yuanqing nodded with a smile, "yes, big brother. Do you want to go to West Liaoning first or go directly to Beijing? If you have time, you may as well stay in Changsheng island for a few more days, and our brother will also have a good time to talk about the past. "

Chen Jisheng said with a smile, "Yuanqing, I would like to live in Changsheng island for a few more days, but the commander-in-chief and the brothers are waiting for it. Come back later. We'll have a good drink when we get back. "


Chen Jisheng was really in a hurry. After lunch, he exchanged greetings with Li Yuanqing for a while, and then set off in a hurry.

Li Yuanqing personally sent Chen Jisheng to the dock, until his boat completely disappeared at the end of the field of vision, Li Yuanqing did not turn back.

At this time, it was afternoon. Although the sun was a little bit westward, the sun was still vicious. The whole world was like a large steamer.

Work on this side of the dock stopped. After all, it's impossible to work in such weather.

Li Yuanqing is also very humanized in this respect. He takes more rest at noon. Later, when the sun goes down, he starts to work, and he works more at night.

"General, the sun is too poisonous. Shall we take a rest in the shade under the tree?" Niu Gensheng's forehead has exuded a lot of sweat. Be careful to Li Yuanqing.

Li Yuanqing nodded, "go straight to the labor camp and have a rest. It's just that I haven't been here for some time. Let's go and have a look

"Yes." Niu Gensheng is so happy that he hastens to arrange.

Li Yuanqing came to a shady place under a big tree and looked at the vast western sea. His eyes narrowed slightly.

Li Yuanqing understands the feelings of Mao Wenlong, Chen Jisheng and Dongjiang brothers.

In the battle of Zhenjiang last year, the brothers of Dongjiang have already tasted the sweetness. How can they let go of this opportunity this time when the eastern line is a great victory?

Let's not say that everyone gets promoted and made a fortune. However, if one or half of them get a promotion or a half of a grade, they will get some reward. This should be a matter of holding hands.

After all, their achievements are here.

Especially at this time, Duke Wei was "shining brightly", and the eunuch party overthrew Donglin. As a military force "affiliated" to the eunuch party, when would he not be promoted and made rich?

I'm afraid that even Mao Wenlong should be so worried. Strike while the iron is hot, so that his long cherished wish to be a marquis can be further enhanced.

However, Li Yuanqing is clear and clear.

According to Wei Zhongxian's small-scale peasant nature, unless Mao Wenlong really killed the later Jin Dynasty and captured the old slaves alive, Mao Wenlong might have a chance to become a marquis.

But it's basically impossible.

How could Dongjiang's military strength be able to compete with that of the whole country in the later Jin Dynasty?

Even if Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong are included, it is just a drop in the bucket.

After the Jin Dynasty was already powerful, how could it be so easy to completely exterminate it?


Li Yuanqing could not help but spit out a long breath of turbid gas.

For Mao Wenlong and the brothers in Dongjiang, they just want to express their normal demands and exchange their hard-earned achievements for what they want.

Unfortunately, for those high-ranking officials, for the so-called elite scholar bureaucrats, the normal demands of Dongjiang brothers are likely to be regarded as a signal of the castration Party's provocation by these mud legs!

But the matter has come to this point, in this respect, Li Yuanqing also has not many good methods.

As the saying goes, "it's going to rain, your mother wants to get married.".

Mao Wenlong, Dongjiang brothers' appeal is normal, reasonable and natural. After all, it's all due to the fact that the brothers took their lives by pinning their heads on their waistbands.

Even if they think that this is "spoiled and arrogant", what can be done?

In this case, someone must be wrong.

However, who is right and who is wrong can only be tested by history!

Li Yuanqing's eyes suddenly flashed a shade that could not be covered up. "No poison, no husband."!

If he wants to achieve his long cherished wish, he can only bear this tone when he looks at the brothers who have reached the edge of the cliff.

At this time, Niu Gensheng and a group of people came to the scene quickly. The leaders took the lead in kneeling, and then the large group of people "Hula" fell to their knees.

"General, why are you here at this time? The sun is going to eat people

"General, come and have a cup of herbal tea to relieve the heat?"


Li Yuanqing smiles and waves his hand to these people. "I'm here for a while, and I'm looking forward to your Haihan."How dare these people take Li Yuanqing's polite remarks seriously? In a hurry, Li Yuanqing came to the camp.

Up to now, the scale of nanxinkou wharf is very large, and the work is very complicated.

At this time, on Changsheng Island, in addition to the south, the north and the west, there were several secret military ports. Most of the materials in and out of Changsheng island had to pass through the nanxinkou wharf.

The labor force here is also maintained at the scale of 5000 people all year round.

Most of the managers of these docks are the skeletons of retired veterans and disabled veterans. After the establishment of the political affairs department, some non-governmental forces also joined in.

After all, the quality of veterans is higher than that of civilian soldiers.

This labor camp covers a large area, extending along the coastline and the wharf, at least 20 mu.

Not far from the side of the labor camp is Duan Xiliang's 1000 th Corps.

The architectural styles on both sides are quite different.

On the other side of the 1000th general team, there is a fierce atmosphere and tight defense, which makes people feel afraid when they see it.

However, the construction style of the labor camp is much softer and closer to civilian use. There are many blank rooms, and the conditions are much worse.

However, the camp is clean and tidy, and the affairs are in good order.

On this side of the labor camp, it belongs to the military control. In fact, it is also the private property of Li Yuanqing.

These 5000 strong men, together with nearly 3000 mules and horses, eat horses every day, and the consumption is not small.

Of course, the value they create is also very high.

At this time, it was midday. Most of the laborers were taking a nap. They were all large shops, but they were clean and hygienic. They had toilets, bathhouses, mules and stables.

Li Yuanqing did not disturb the workers' nap. After all, they did physical work, and it was high-intensity physical work. Originally, there was less rest time. Naturally, Li Yuanqing would not bother them for the sake of face.

After a brief tour of the camp, he inspected the situation, and asked several stewards about the basic issues of catering, sanitation, rest, and payment. Seeing that several officers were able to cope with the situation in an orderly manner, Li Yuanqing took a short break and returned directly to the official hall.

Although the emperors of the Ming Dynasty seem fatuous, Jiajing, Wanli and now the little emperor of Tianqi have their own ways to control the imperial court.

To put it bluntly, there are two points. One is the money bag and the other is the official hat.

As long as we grasp these two points, even if we don't go to the court for decades, the whole court is still firmly under their control.

In this regard, Li Yuanqing also learned a lot from them.

In the seemingly loose scope, he has delegated sufficient rights to these supervisors, but in terms of audit and supervision, Li Yuanqing has maintained enough initiative.

Small accounts are basically checked every day, large accounts are short for three or five days, and long accounts are seven or eight days. Detailed records should be kept on record.

In this case, however, it is difficult to hide Li Yuanqing's eyes.

And if there are taboos, Li Yuanqing will never be a bit soft hearted about their punishment. If it's light, it's a slave. If it's heavy, it's a case of family theft.

Back in the official hall, he drank a cup of iced sour plum soup handed over by Xiao Lian, and read the ten minute residence newspaper. Li Yuanqing was still in a low mood.

The pattern of the Ming Dynasty at this time has been towards an abnormal extreme.

For those big guys, if you don't knock your opponents down and let them never turn over, then this matter will never be over.

Who is in charge of your court and nationality?

It can be summed up as a sentence: "if the opponent says yes, we will always be right, whether it is right or not."

With the gradual decadence of emperor Tianqi, Duke Wei also gained more and more rights. To a large extent, the old eunuch with a strong sense of small-scale peasants began to lose himself, playing big cards, showing off, forming parties for personal gain, and suppressing dissidents.

In the past, a lot of things that could only be said in private have been put on the surface.

Even, some of the people who flatter their beards are crying and crying to build a Shengsheng temple for Duke Wei.

Li Yuanqing did not know how to describe his mood.

In front of the general trend of the times, with his energy at this time, it is still too insignificant.

Daming, it's rotten on the root.

However, at this time when the "Dark Age" is approaching, it is also an excellent opportunity for Li Yuanqing!

Stand after breaking.

No break, no break.

The original situation has become rigid. If it is not broken, how can a new structure be formed?

After pondering for a long time, Li Yuanqing waved to Xiaolian and wrote a long letter to sun Chengzong with his clumsy brush.

In the letter, Li Yuanqing gave a detailed account of the course of this double line battle in Liaodong and southern Liaoning, and carefully analyzed the situation of the Ming Dynasty's confrontation with the army of the later Jin Dynasty.Although the previous war reports have been sent to western Liaoning, there is no analysis by Li Yuanqing.

However, Li Yuanqing did not reserve much about this analysis. He elaborated his ideas in detail. At this time, the war with the later Jin Dynasty should focus on confrontation and consumption rather than large-scale reckless use of swords and weapons.

The advantage of Daming lies in the general trend, while the advantage of Jin lies in the local.

According to the situation at this time, the national strength of the latter Jin army was already in difficulty. If they wanted to develop, they could only start with Daming.

At that time, it will be Daming's best chance.

Of course, Li Yuanqing did not forget to flatter sun Chengzong in secret, showing his loyalty and expressing his support for sun Chengzong from the most firm position.

After writing the letter, blow it dry carefully, put it in an envelope, seal it with fire paint, and send it to the relatives and soldiers with an urgent speed of 800 Li and send it to West Liaoning.

After all this, Li Yuanqing's mood became clear.

What he cannot control can only be allowed to develop, but what he can control will never allow any deviation!

No matter how hard it is, the fire of hope should be kept!

Lying on the soft couch, looking at Xiaolian's graceful figure not far away, Li Yuanqing suddenly laughed, "Xiaolian, I'm a little tired. Come here and rub it for you."

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