In a flash, seven or eight days have passed.

During this period of time, Li Yuanqing was almost too busy to touch his feet. He personally sorted out and carefully inspected all the key issues in the island.

As the old saying goes, "if you can't change the world, change yourself first.".

For the general situation, Li Yuanqing obviously can't reach it at this time, so he will do his duty more beautiful, and tie his roots more firmly.

Although there were some twists and turns in the affairs of female guards, they were soon diluted in the busy work of various affairs.

In the final analysis, everything is still based on silver.

It's their ability to join and become female guards.

Many people think that they are not qualified.

He expressed his support to Li Yuanming on several occasions, not even in public.

Li Yuanqing also repeatedly stressed, "there are no idle people in Changsheng island. As long as you have the ability, as long as you have the ability, whether male or female, is always less, he Li Yuanqing will be willing to provide you with this opportunity. Of course, all the premises, you have to show the ability to move him. "

On June 23, it began to drizzle in the sky.

He spent the morning in the barracks of Kong Youde's sixth regiment. At noon, he had a good drink with the gang. In the afternoon, Li Yuanqing also took a break and found some time to go fishing by a small pool in a gully in the west of the city.


Later generations, Li Yuanqing has many friends who love this sport very much. Even, many people are fascinated by it, and their wives and children are ignored.

But later generations, Li Yuanqing has not found this sentiment, not very keen on this matter.

But at this time, Li Yuanqing some like this movement.

There is no other, concentrate on the quiet Qi.

According to the general environment of Daming at this time, it was the undercurrent surging and the cattle, ghosts, gods and snakes emerging in large numbers. Li Yuanqing also needed to restrain his temper, think carefully and work step by step.

The small pool is not big. It is about fifty or sixty square meters. The water is quiet and green. It can't be seen at all. It is surrounded by stones and stone walls. A stream comes down from the mountain. In front of the pool, a small waterfall is formed, and a stream flows slowly downstream.

His relatives and soldiers set up a small grass shed to cover the rain. Li Yuanqing, dressed in a coir raincoat and barefoot, stepped on the smooth stones in front of him, and quietly watched the lake surface drenched with small bubbles by the drizzle.

Niu Gensheng and his relatives and soldiers all set up drafting sheds in the woods not far away from the rain. These days, they are also exhausted. Li Yuanqing comes to relax, and they can finally have a rest. In addition to some of the staff on duty, others can have a good sleep in the thatched shed.

Only Li Yuanqing's maid Xiaolian, sitting on a small bench beside Li Yuanqing, helped Li Yuanqing clean up the bait and some sundries.

The air in the rain is very fresh.

Mingled with the faint fragrance of virgin on Xiaolian, Li Yuanqing's spirit is also very relaxed.

Changsheng island can be said to be a natural treasure with abundant resources.

Although there is a lack of mineral resources and the cultivated land is not fertile enough, the scenery and water resources, including some wild herbs, are quite abundant.

This is a very suitable place for the elderly.

Li Yuanqing suddenly appeared in such a year.

But for a moment, he couldn't help shaking his head and laughing. Now it's too early to mention pension and enjoy life!

When the world is peaceful and the nation is prosperous, and there is no foreign invasion, perhaps it is the time for Li Yuanqing to really enjoy his life.

Unfortunately, Li Yuanqing's luck was not good. After waiting for more than half an hour, there was no fish bite.

Xiaolian is also a little depressed. She thought she could catch some big fish today and go back to make soup. Now, I'm afraid she will return empty handed.

At this time, however, some close soldiers came to report quickly, "general, the old letter from sun Ge in southern Liaoning."


Li Yuanqing originally relaxed spirit suddenly raised, "take it!"

"Yes The soldiers quickly handed the letter to Li Yuanqing's hand and respectfully withdrew.

Li Yuanqing unfolded the letter and looked at it carefully. His eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

In his letter, sun Chengzong strongly praised Li Yuanqing and Mao Wenlong's offensive in the Liao Dynasty, without sparing praise. At the same time, he also told Li Yuanqing to guard against arrogance and rashness, go down step by step, and strive to make new contributions for the Ming Dynasty.

However, sun Chengzong did not reveal much about his own future. He only told Li Yuanqing to be loyal to the emperor and the imperial court.

After carefully checking the letter, Li Yuanqing couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of turbid gas.

Sun Chengzong's not expressing his position is actually the biggest one!

I'm afraid that the old man's time in western Liaoning is really short!

Li Yuanqing's heart for a moment also has some unspeakable melancholy.

Sun Chengzong should be the most unbiased civilian official in the Ming Dynasty who Li Yuanqing contacted, especially in his identity.It can be said that sun Chengzong himself promoted Zhao zhuangjiao, Zujia, Wujia, Mangui, Shanhaiguan general soldier Ma Shilong, and Li Yuanqing.

At that time, Liaoyang was defeated miserably, and Zhao led his religion to flee from Liaoyang. If sun Chengzong did not protect him, he would have been dragged to the capital for questioning and beheading. How could he have recovered Qiantun later?

It can be said that the reason why western Liaoning, including southern Liaoning, has the present scale is completely built by sun Chengzong.

In this respect, no one can match sun Chengzong in terms of qualifications and prestige.

However, sun Chengzong is doomed to be old. No matter in his mind or skill, he is far from being able to compare with his predecessor, the famous first assistant Zhang Ge Lao.

But then again, according to Wanli's temperament, how could he possibly leave his descendants with such a "catastrophe" as Zhang Ge Lao, whom he hated most?

Unfortunately, I'm afraid Wanli never dreamed that the remaining evils that he did not eliminate at that time would eventually push the huge Ming Dynasty into a bottomless abyss.

But things have happened, and irreversible, Li Yuanqing can only choose to face.


"Yes! It's a humble job. "

Just now, his personal soldiers came to deliver the letter, and he had already woken him up. At this time, he heard Li Yuanqing's call, and he quickly ran over.

Li Yuanqing carefully put away the letter and said to Niu Gensheng in a cold voice: "pass on our military order. From now on, keep close contact with Liaodong. If there is any abnormality in old sun Ge, you should inform me at the first time!"

"Yes Niu Gensheng goes to work in a hurry.

Li Yuanqing vomited a long breath of turbid gas.

What's more, he can't do too much for sun Chengzong! But Li Yuanqing didn't need to give him a ride when he wanted to leave!

Because, Li Yuanqing is very clear, this past few years, the old man is afraid that there will be no chance to come back to this piece of land he has been fighting for most of his life!

At this time, Xiaolian suddenly cried out: "yes, the fish is floating, the fish is floating! There's a fish on the hook

"Where is it? Let me see! "

Li Yuanqing also came back to his mind and focused his attention on the fishing rod.


As the saying goes, "if you want to plant flowers, you can't plant them; if you don't, you can plant willows.".

After sitting idly for nearly an afternoon, there was no harvest. But after sun Chengzong's letter came, Li Yuanqing was busy. In a short time, he had caught seven or eight fish, two of which were nearly four or five Jin, enough for his family to make fish soup.

Xiaolian is also very excited, like a happy little oriole, laughter has been constantly.

Li Yuanqing was much better by her. She packed the fish in the fish basket and the party returned triumphantly.

After returning to the official hall, Xiaolian takes the fish basket to the back kitchen to be busy. Li Yuanqing is about to take a breath, but Shang Laoliu comes to the hall quickly. His face is a little dignified and says in a low voice, "Yuanqing, there is news from Beijing about the reward."


Li Yuanqing did not expect that things would come together. He thought for a moment and said, "brother Shang, talk about it."

Shang Laoliu busily narrated the news he had just learned to Li Yuanqing.

Li Yuanqing was silent for a long time, and then he waved his hand, "brother Shang, go and have a rest. I know about it. "

Shang Laoliu didn't dare to disturb Li Yuanqing's thoughts, so he left the door carefully.

Li Yuanqing lightly plays with the tea cup in his hand, but his eyes are gloomy.

What he expected was good. In order to get the reward, Beijing had already fried the pot.

Not to mention Mao Wenlong and Dongjiang headquarters, but he and Chen Zhong were pushed into the vortex.

On the other hand, the eunuch Party advocated that the southern and Eastern Liaoning should be highly praised, but Donglin was firmly opposed to it.

Even, some news came out, and in the previous cabinet meeting, there was even a scene of "pinching".

Li Yuanqing was very clear that although the eunuch Party advocated a great reward for the southern and Eastern Liaoning, it would never really be rewarded.

These big men can praise Wen Chen very much, and they can't reward him too much. However, they don't want to get any honor for him, Mao Wenlong and Chen Zhong.

In the final analysis, this is what the eunuchs wanted to take advantage of the "momentum" of the great victory in the Liao Dynasty, to shake off their arms and Donglin's hard gang and crush Donglin to death.

Damn it!

These dog scum! Isn't that killing without a knife?

I'm afraid that this time, not only Mao Wenlong is in trouble, but also he and Chen Zhong will be stripped of their skin.

But since things have happened, it is obvious that escape has no effect, and we should always try to face it.

For so many years, Li Yuanqing has been very clear about the means of the eunuch party and Donglin.

At most, the eunuch party wanted to give Li Yuanqing, Mao Wenlong and Chen Zhong some illusory titles, while Donglin wanted to demolish the platform, that is, to "pick the bone in the egg" and pick the personal flaws of Li Yuanqing, Mao Wenlong and Chen Zhong.

Originally, Li Yuanqing didn't want to get involved in this dispute at this crucial moment. But even if he was guilty of meritorious deeds, how could he be arrested?I pondered for a long time.

Li Yuanqing suddenly sneered, "hum. The knife in my hand can not only kill Tartars! Which dog day does not open an eye, also don't blame Laozi heartless hand black

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