Li Yuanqing naturally noticed Zhao Mei's scornful sneer.

But for a moment, Li Yuanqing's mouth also showed a slight smile.

As the old saying goes, "no man is as good as a thousand days, and no flower is red for a hundred days.".

There are too many things, even if it's an emperor, I'm afraid, for a long time, I can't do what people want.

As long as Li Yuanqing thinks, a green and astringent little grape like Zhao Mei can be eaten into his stomach by raising his hand. But if so, isn't life less interesting?

As a matter of fact, Li Yuanqing has been thinking about what sun Chengzong told him: "Yuanqing, I'm worried that you have gone too smoothly along the way."

Li Yuanqing can walk to today, Changsheng camp can have the present state, including Changsheng island can have the present scale. During this period, although there are many difficulties, there are also many difficulties, but on the whole, Li Yuanqing basically did not go through any detours.

Along the way, Li Yuanqing's foresight was of course a decisive factor. However, Li Yuanqing also understood that luck played a major role in the rapid establishment of the foundation industry in southern Liaoning Province.

Now to think about it, the core point is that Li Yuanqing took Mao Wenlong's chariot at the most appropriate time.

As the famous saying of Pan Lang, a talented scholar in Zhao and Song Dynasties, "the tide maker stands at the head of the waves, and the red flag is not wet in his hand.".

Unfortunately, this has been maintained in the crest of the wind and waves, how can long lasting?

If you often walk by the river, you can't keep your shoes wet!

The sky, the setting sun has slowly sunk into the horizon under the sea level, the sky has gradually dark down, cold sea breeze, mixed with a faint smell of wet salty sea, from time to time passed by the ear.

Xiaolian and Xiaohe feel cold, like a small oriole, close to Li Yuanqing's body.

Li Yuanqing said with a smile: "the tent over there has been put up. Go to the tent to rest first. Make some hot water, make a pot of hot tea, and then we'll drink it in the tent

"Well." The two little girls nodded behind.

Although the scenery here is good, it's too cold. It's more comfortable to go to the warm tent.

Li Yuanqing glanced at Zhao Mei, "what are you doing? You go and help. "

"Why? Oh. "

Although Zhao Mei was not happy with Li Yuanqing, she did not dare to resist Li Yuanqing's authority and left quickly.

It's always easier not to see this nasty villain.

For a moment, there was only Zhang die around Li Yuanqing. Her pretty face became more red. In the cold wind, she was like a delicate little green seedling.

Li Yuanqing looked at her with a smile? Have you untied the knot these days? "

"Thank you for your grace. I want to understand a lot of things these days. Perhaps, sometimes always good to you, is not necessarily true

Li Yuanqing couldn't help laughing: "this is a dialectical statement. We can't generalize everything. The dragon has nine sons, and the sons are different. Ten fingers are long and short, not to mention human? Zhang die, life is a good thing. Otherwise, if there is no hope in life, what is the interest of life? "

Zhang die raised her head and looked at Li Yuanqing's side face all the time. After a long time, her pretty face became more red. She said respectfully, "thank you for your teaching. I know. In the future, I will try my best to look for the better

Li Yuanqing a smile, casually grasped her small hand, gently played for a while, "you can understand the best. It's too cold. Go and warm up in the tent. "

"Yes." When Zhang diegang was about to leave, she suddenly thought of it and asked subconsciously, "Sir, don't you go back to your account to rest?"

Li Yuanqing suddenly laughed: "you go back first. I still have some things to think about carefully. "

"Yes." Zhang die this just cleverly left, leaving only a faint fragrance.

Li Yuanqing deeply breathed the delicate fragrance, but his eyes gradually became chilly.

Looking at the misty night sky and the dimly lit urban area at the foot of the mountain, Li Yuanqing could not help but spit out a long breath of turbid air.

In fact, up to now, everything has been maintained under the control of Li Yuanqing.


There is only one problem. Li Yuanqing is unwilling to face it all the time. He is always in a state of semi evasion. That is governor yuan.

There is a saying: "the times make heroes.".

Understanding the history of reincarnation, Li Yuanqing is very clear, things, always need someone to do, escape, not only can not solve any problem, but will only make the problem more and more complex.

But Li Yuanqing is really a little bit Some helpless, more sad

On the one hand, governor yuan's coming to power will speed up the actual formation of guanning Jiangmen, and then evolve into the tumor of the whole Daiming.

From the general situation, it is like a spreading cancer cell, which will quickly spread throughout the whole body of Daming, and eventually, drag the huge Ming Dynasty into a bottomless abyss.But on the other hand, without governor yuan, I'm afraid that some of Li Yuanqing's deep desires, including the biggest "fulcrum" for Li Yuanqing to make great strides ahead of time, would be far away

A cold wind suddenly swept over his ears, blowing Li Yuanqing's clothes and clothes, but Li Yuanqing did not seem to notice.

If we really want to talk about the issue of the general of the Ming Dynasty, I'm afraid we can't finish it for a few days and nights.

In the final analysis, Lao Zhu's military household system was an almost genius like idea. It could only be that the stars were moving and the sun and the moon were reincarnated. The skeleton of the military household system had already collapsed. Now, there are only a group of the most humble and humble slaves in front of Daming.

But the matter develops to now, this cancer, already tail end big.

If the court wants to maintain the border, it can only rely on these generals.

Li Yuanqing is also included. Why is he not the representative of the new generation generals in Liao?

At this time, behind him came a burst of cheers from his relatives and soldiers. For a moment, Niu Gensheng ran over excitedly: "general, today's brothers are lucky! If a wild boar is hunted, it must have at least five or six hundred jin! "


Li Yuanqing looked back. Sure enough, a fat, dark boar was being carried by seven or eight soldiers with sticks and came here quickly.

The smile on Li Yuanqing's face could not be covered up, and his mood suddenly became bright and bright. He laughed and said, "good fellow! Geng Sheng, you take some brothers and clean up the fat boar. Everyone has a share tonight. Let's have a good meal! "

"Yes Niu Gensheng was overjoyed and rushed to work.

Close to the soldiers are also cheering, startled around a bird flying.

Looking at the cheering relatives and soldiers, Li Yuanqing's haze also instantly dissipated most of the haze, "fatten the pig and kill it again," ha ha Isn't that what Chinese people like most?

It's just like when old Zhu attacked the prime minister.

Even if he knew that Hu Weiyong should be cut into thousands of pieces and be as tough as Zhu, would he not have endured for more than ten years?

Stand after breaking, how can we stand without breaking?

At this time, according to Li Yuanqing's strength, he obviously chose the latter in front of "everyone" and "small family", which was more in line with the vital interests of him and his brothers!

The firemen among the family soldiers have already had strong experience in cleaning up wild boars.

After a while, the fat boar had been skinned and cramped and chopped into pieces of fat meat.

In five or six cauldrons, the hot water is already boiling.

Seven or eight strong firemen first copy these pieces of meat with hot water, and then take them out quickly. Then they put oil in the pot and stir fry them directly.

After a while, the strong meat aroma began to diffuse in the camp.

At this time, Li Yuanqing came to the tent to rest. Xiaolian and Xiaohe had already prepared hot tea and wine. Zhao Mei and Zhang die also tidied up the small table beside them, waiting for a grand dinner.

Lying comfortably on the wool cushion, and letting Xiaolian and Xiaohe knead their body, Li Yuanqing's mood became more and more clear.

Since the problem of governor yuan can not be stopped, why not follow the trend?

After all, the Ming Dynasty was still under the control of Wen Chen. It was unwise to openly oppose such "new stars" as governor yuan.

To some extent, it is necessary to further improve and close the relationship with him.

Before, Li Yuanqing wanted to meet Gao Di in western Liaoning at the end of the year, and by the way, he went to see governor yuan. Now, we must advance the schedule in this respect!

After a while, a good dinner was served.

They are big pots, big pots of fat wild pork, big pot stewed pheasant, and a few dishes of vegetables and crisp fish.

At this time, Zhao Mei also had to admire Li Yuanqing, with him, not to say anything else, just the food, but far more than her in the cattle bow village when dozens of times ah!

After climbing the mountain all afternoon, everyone was hungry. In front of Li Yuanqing, other rules were very good, but there were not too many rules for eating.

Even Zhang die and Zhao Mei can eat at the same table with Li Yuanqing.

After figuring out the key links, Li Yuanqing was also in a good mood. He filled the glasses for Xiaolian, Xiaohe, Zhang die and Zhao Mei.

However, after drinking with them for a round, Li Yuanqing left with a smile, and he had to go for a walk among his relatives and soldiers.

The relatives and soldiers are also very excited today. They have never thought of catching such a big boar on the island.

This also proves that Changsheng island is rich in natural resources, and the general is wise and powerful. Otherwise, how could they have such luck?

In fact, the work of Li Yuanqing's relatives and soldiers is very cumbersome and heavy on weekdays, but it is not without benefits to follow Li Yuanqing's side.

These close soldiers are basically officers' airs. Li Yuanqing can even call out their names and know their details.

And these people, in the future for a long time, will become his most powerful support.Therefore, Li Yuanqing has enough patience with them.

It has been more than half an hour since he came back from his relatives and soldiers. Looking at the flickering lights in his big tent, Li Yuanqing's mouth could not help but show a happy smile.

As the old saying of Li Taibai: "you must be happy when you are satisfied in your life.".

But Li Yuanqing was just about to enter the tent when a plump and delicate figure rushed out of the tent and hit Li Yuanqing's arms. It seemed that he had drunk too much and wanted to go out to vomit.

Li Yuanqing already knew who it was by his waist feeling. He couldn't help laughing and said, "what's the hurry?"

Seeing that she bumped into a person, Zhang die was shocked. But when she saw Li Yuanqing, she was already full of rosy face. In an instant, she was red to the skin. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, maid..."

Li Yuanqing but a smile, pulled her to one side, gently patted her behind, "after, with the Ye don't be so polite, uncomfortable, just throw up."

At this time, how can Zhang die be scared out of the booze? She didn't dare to look at Li Yuanqing. She stuck it close to the tent, just like a little green seedling that was about to fall down when the cold wind blew. "Master, your servant is OK. When the cold wind blows, your servant is much better..."

Li Yuanqing suddenly remembered that Zhang die's entourage had always stressed that Zhao yiku was a "waste".

Li Yuanqing can't help but look at Zhang die's pretty face and delicate body. Isn't that

Li Yuanqing couldn't help laughing at himself for a moment. There should be some antialcoholic drugs in the auxiliary account. Here, I'll get you some... "

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