Li Yuanqing nodded slowly.

Relying on the advantages of the existing terrain on the island and defending according to the city is also the normal idea of normal people.

What a pity.

The terrain of juehua island is low and gentle, and there is no high mountain and steep pass at all. Even the so-called grain city is not as good as an ordinary small hamburger in the inland.

In such a city, it is difficult to give full play to one's own advantages even if it is a long-term camp.

The most important thing is that although juehua island is small, its population is not small. It has nearly 20000 people. In terms of political standards, it is still a "county" level system.

In addition to most of the military facilities, many other civilian facilities and houses are located in the middle and South sections of the island.

Once the city is under control, this means that the island has to give up these houses.

But at this time, when the weather was freezing, the grain city could accommodate 10000 people. There was still not enough soldiers for the Changsheng camp and the island. How should these people be resettled?

Li Yuanqing did not speak and went all the way to the sea.

Jin Guan and Yao Fumin did not dare to ask more questions. Together with several main generals of Changsheng camp, they quickly followed Li Yuanqing behind them.

This is also the greatest benefit of being a leader.

Whether it is a person or something, they have enough initiative and enough room for maneuver. Instead of being a subordinate, you are in a passive state everywhere.

At this time, the snow is very ethereal, the whole world, shrouded in a vast.

Walking in this environment, people, like leaves in the cold wind, have no room for resistance at all, and can only be passive defensive acceptance.

However, although the environment is bad, Li Yuanqing's mind is extremely clear.

After hundreds of steps along the coast of the ice, Li Yuanqing has basically mastered the specific structure of juehua island.

At this time, if you follow Yao Fumin's point of view and defend the city, it would be a total blunder and give up the biggest advantage on the island.

However, Li Yuanqing is also very aware of Yao Fumin's hardship.

"It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice.".

According to such a state at this time, it is very difficult for people to walk in the wind, not to mention, to work in this kind of environment and ice breaking operation.

Even if we use coercion to force the common people and soldiers to drill ice, I'm afraid they will all be frozen to death before the Jin army arrives

At this time, the best way is to make use of the majestic sea.

The best way to defend the enemy and protect the property and manpower on the island is to resist the enemy and the outside of the island.

At this time, although the ice on the sea seems solid, Li Yuanqing has just personally explored several places, and the thickness of the ice layer is just over 30cm.

The thickness of this ice layer, if it is the river ice or lake ice of freshwater river or lake, is already very solid, but the sea water will change a lot because of the tidal force.

But if we follow the ice breaking methods of the long-lived campers, it doesn't take much effort to "do something" on this kind of ice which has been cut out.

However, at this time, Li Yuanqing can not easily reveal.

That's a good old saying.

"You can't have a mind to harm people, but you can't do nothing to prevent people.".

The "engineering firepower" of Changsheng camp is far from being exposed to everyone's eyes.

After pondering for a long time, Li Yuanqing looked back at Yao Fumin and Jin Guan behind him, "Yao Shen general, Jin Shen general, what's the name of this place?"

Jin Guan quickly licked his face and said with a smile: "back to Li Shuai, this is the most important port on the island. All the import and export goods and materials on the island are transferred in or sent out by the mouth. It can be said that this is the throat of the island."

After thinking about it for a while, Jin Guan added, "Li Shuai, my humble position is that if Tartars come to juehua Island, this mouth should be its main target. We must be well prepared to deal with it here."

Li Yuanqing nodded with a smile.

Although golden crown is greasy, it is a general after all, and there is still a strategic vision.

Yao Fumin can't bear to see Jin Guan "wagging his tail and begging for mercy" in front of Li Yuanqing. He can't help but spit and scold. But thinking of Li Yuanqing's warning, he can only swallow the dirty words at the edge of his throat and swallow it back into his stomach.

But he was busy asking, "Li Shuai, at this time, the situation is critical, can Li Shuai think of a good way to deal with it?"

Before Li Yuanqing had said anything, Jin Guan said angrily, "Lao Yao, Li Shuai's general of many battles. The emperor is full of red men. How can you, the clay leg, interrupt here?"

"You --"

Yao Fumin was not only angry, but also attacked.

Li Yuanqing waved his hand impatiently and glanced at them: "they are all brothers of their own family. It's not over, right? If it's dry here again, I'll throw you all into the sea! "

"Eh? This... "Golden crown not from a Leng, but hurried subconsciously closed his mouth.

In his contact with Li Yuanqing, Li Yuanqing has always been pleasant, rarely see him lose his temper.

At this time, although Li Yuanqing's words seem to be light, but Jin Guan has no doubt. If he dares to offend Li Yuanqing's Huwei again, Li Yuanqing will really throw him into the cold sea.

Jin Guan couldn't help but shiver and covered his mouth with his hand. He didn't dare to say more than half a word.

Although Yao Fumin was very upset and wanted to refute something, he had to shut his mouth and no longer dare to say more than half a word when he saw Li Yuanqing's upright side face and his close relatives who seemed to be ready to go.

Seeing that the two men were finally honest, Li Yuanqing also focused on the layout around xiangkaikou.

After thinking about it for more than ten minutes, Li Yuanqing said: "it's windy outside. Let's go. Let's go back first. Drink some hot wine to keep warm, and then discuss the military deployment. "

"Yes Jin Guan and Yao Fumin dare not talk more, and they follow Li Yuanqing respectfully.

Back in the grain city, he had some hot food and drink some hot wine. He also discussed with Jinguan and Yao Fumin about the arrangement and camping of the children of the longevity camp, as well as the layout and defense of the whole grain city. Li Yuanqing directly sent Jinguan and Yao Fumin to work on these matters.

As the old saying of Ho Sheng in Macao, "Hello, everyone is really good.".

Although the confrontation between Jin Guan and Yao Fumin made Li Yuanqing very upset, for the sake of the overall situation, stability, and even more for the reputation of Li Yuanqing, he had to give Jin Guan and Yao Fumin enough "bones" and give them the same face.

In terms of the overall military layout, Li Yuanqing basically fully listened to the suggestions of Jin Guan and Yao Fumin, and based on the grain city as the center, he framed the overall military layout of the island in the line from Liangcheng to KaiKou.

But at this time, it was freezing and the weather was so bad that it was obviously unrealistic to dig trenches and pile up earth walls.

Fortunately, juehua island is a material storage center. There are many kinds of chariots and jigongs.

Li Yuanqing directly ordered Jinguan and Yao Fumin, together with the generals of Changsheng camp, to use these vehicles to mix sandbags, mud and snowdrifts to frame the defense line along the line from Fukou to Liangcheng.

With the help of these vehicles, it is convenient for the children to set up camp. They gather in the middle of these vehicles.

However, in the specific layout, Li Yuanqing completely broke the cognition of Jinguan and Yao Fumin.

The defense line of Changsheng camp is not a straight line of traditional Ming army, but a continuous "point".

Dozens of chariots, surrounded by a small area, frame up a few tents, then formed a small-scale firepower point.

These firepower points are rolling up and down. Standing on the high side of the grain city, they look like a lot of earth bags, which are very irregular.

But Li Yuanqing is a general in the world. Before that, his prestige was also revealed. Even if Jin Guan and Yao Fumin were confused, they would never dare to refute.

After all this, it was dark.

But Li Yuanqing, with Niu Gensheng, Xu Heizi, and more than 100 soldiers, came back to the coast.

After his death, the flames have been kindled. It is really too cold. It will take at least an hour or two for the officers and men to set up all these strongholds.

Fortunately, juehua island itself is a granary with abundant supplies.

At several connection points around, the bonfire is booming, pot after pot is steaming with strong aroma, and "rubbing" is emitting white steam. As long as the officers and soldiers need it, they can drink delicious and hot bacon and salted fish soup at any time to supplement the heat.

Although it is a big enemy, but Li Yuanqing's mood is very relaxed.

Control beyond the times is here.

For people like Jinguan and Yao Fumin, if the main Tartars attack, it will be a disaster.

But for Li Yuanqing, he was afraid that the Tartars would not come.

He would take as much as he could for God and all the Han people in the world.

"How do you feel? How long does it take to finish the layout here? " Li Yuanqing smiles and looks at Xu Heizi.

At this time, although the weather was extremely cold and cold, Xu sunspot only wore a cow's leather hat without a collar around his neck.

The dark face hall, in the blazing fire light, shows the extra spirit.

In the afternoon, he had accompanied Li Yuanqing to inspect here. He had already got the outline in his mind. At this time, he had already made an inspection tour here for nearly half an hour. He was already ready for it. He said to Li Yuanqing with a smile: "general, if the situation is smooth, the project should be completed before dawn."

Li Yuanqing nodded and patted Xu sunspot on the shoulder with a smile: "it's not urgent to start now. Let's warm up for a while and have a rest. In an hour. Get to work. I 'll get you five hundred auxiliaries. "

Xu Heizi was overjoyed: "general Xie. I'm going to get ready at once

Looking at the leaving of Xu Heizi, Li Yuanqing's mouth suddenly showed a trace of unspeakable smile."Governor yuan, in order to reflect your achievements, I have made great efforts."


He inspected the defense line of the stronghold behind the coast again. Until the structure of the defense line of the stronghold was completed, and the soldiers had entered the tent to warm up and rest, Li Yuanqing returned to the grain city.

At this time, it was about ten o'clock in the evening.

At this point, the flying snow is more powerful, the rate of knowing is one, the whole world is a confused snow white, just like the fairy tale world in legend.

But Li Yuanqing knows that in a few days, it will become the largest "slaughterhouse" in western Liaoning.

The size of the grain city is very small, and the government offices are also very small.

According to the truth, this should be the actual territory of Yao Fumin.

Unfortunately, there are two tigers on a mountain top, and neither of them is "good stubble". Neither of them is willing to give up.

As a result of the compromise, the official hall, which is a house of two or three acres, was divided into two parts, with Jin Guan and Yao Fumin one half.

When Li Yuanqing came here, Jinguan and Yao Fumin naturally wanted to give up the best. However, both of them had their own family. In addition, Li Yuanqing didn't live in any one of them. So they simply refused and settled in a yamen belonging to the military Treasury not far from the official hall.

When Li Yuanqing came back, several women were still awake. Xiaolian and Xiaohe rushed up like birds to help Li Yuanqing get rid of his coat and beat the snow on his body.

Zhang die is still a little shy, but also obediently stood aside, helping Li Yuanqing make hot tea.

However, Zhao Mei was the only one who stood restlessly.

Li Yuanqing smiles: "what are you doing? Come here and warm your hands

Zhao Meibai glanced at Li Yuanqing, but he didn't dare to resist Li Yuanqing's authority. He reluctantly came to Li Yuanqing's side. His warm hands caught Li Yuanqing's big cold hands, but in his small mouth, he murmured in a low voice: "if you want to take someone else to see the battlefield, you will know that you are lying. It's clear that they regard others as caged birds... "

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