Taking over the list in the hand of Guan Canghai, Li Yuanqing glanced at the corner of his mouth and couldn't help showing a trace of unspeakable smile.

It's better to calculate by man than by heaven.

Even though he had tried his best to cover up and reduce the first harvest of the battle as much as possible, these excited children, especially the Salvage workers, really gave Li Yuanqing a big surprise.

After a whole day's hard work, the Ming army retrieved more than 1100 Tartars and nearly 3000 horses from the sea.

There are numerous flags, weapons, armor and leather armor.

If it is converted into silver, at least, it should be in the scale of 300000 or 400000.

In this way, even if it is to force the death of inspector yuan in Ningyuan City, he can't compare with him!

Since it's the will of God, Li Yuanqing can't do anything on these heads. Next, it's time for him to eat meat, Jin Guan and Yao Fumin to mix some soup.

Li Yuanqing smiles and winks at Guan Canghai, indicating that he should go down to guard first.

At this time, although the situation was very good, the main force of the later Jin army had been defeated, and it was almost impossible to threaten the safety of juehua island. However, Li Yuanqing did not dare to be slighted in terms of defense.

The main force of the first line garrison of the commander-in-chief will still be in the front line after the commander-in-chief of cang'er-hai will be the main force of the second-line guard of the general army, including the second-line soldiers of the general army.

Of course, in terms of food and all aspects of treatment, Li Yuanqing's children will never be wronged at all.

Standing up, smiling and stretching his hands and feet, Li Yuanqing whispered a few words to Niu Gensheng, and quickly came to the viewing platform here.

At this time, the observation platform has become a lookout point, with more than a dozen soldiers and flagmen on duty.

Seeing Li Yuanqing coming, a group of soldiers kowtow to Li Yuanqing with a smile.

Li Yuanqing waved his hand with a smile, motioned them to get up and said with a smile, "how do you feel, brothers? Can you hold up tonight? "

A small flag officer in his early twenties said with a smile: "general, don't worry, we've all had enough to eat and drink tonight, and we will firmly complete the duty task."

Li Yuanqing slapped him on the shoulder with a smile, "is everyone's wine pot full?"

The flag took out his wine pot with a smile and opened it for Li Yuanqing to have a look at it. However, he said with a smile: "general, it's good to have wine on duty every night, but it's too little, isn't it? Two liang per person. This is not enough! "

Li Yuanqing looked at the flag with a smile.

The little flag also knew that it seemed to be a little too much. He stood up respectfully and did not dare to look into Li Yuanqing's eyes.

Li Yuanqing smiles and kicks his ass, "what? You little bunnies, step on your nose and want to face? Want to drink! But what is duty? On duty is to protect the safety of the whole camp and protect the safety of all brothers! If you have a hangover, where do you put the brothers? If other brothers on duty have the same idea as you, can you still have a good sleep? Do you dare to give your own lives to your brothers? "

"This, this..."

The little flag was speechless and said, "general, I know I'm wrong. The wine on duty is to make the children full of warmth and drive away the cold, not for fun. If you know that your humble duty is wrong, please punish the general! "

Li Yuanqing at this time but a smile, the cold and fierce color on his face faded, "drink it. It's nothing. Which man doesn't like drinking again? Especially our children in Liaoning? But, you have to distinguish between primary and secondary black and white! When to drink, when not to drink! Have a spectrum in your heart! Otherwise, if you really committed taboo, something happened! Even if I can accommodate you, God can't accommodate you! Do you understand? "


How dare the soldiers around you neglect? They fell to their knees.

Li Yuanqing waved his hand with a smile: "OK. Don't be one by one like an angry rooster. Tomorrow, the reward should have a result. You bastards, but you have enough money to buy wine! Yeah? Remember, don't spend money indiscriminately. Don't forget your wife and children! "

The soldiers were overjoyed, and they kowtowed to Li Yuanqing in succession, "thank you for your grace! Thank you, general

"Hey, hey, hey! The reward will come tomorrow! Ha ha ha! How wonderful

"My mother-in-law is clamoring to build another backyard. Now, she has a place to go! I don't have to listen to her talking about my ears every day


Looking at the excitement of more than a dozen soldiers, Li Yuanqing's mood was also infected by them, unspeakably relaxed and happy.

Is that what men are looking forward to?

Not only do you want to live a good life, but also follow his brothers!

At this time, Yao Fumin and Jinguan also got the news and quickly came to the observation platform.

Seeing that someone was coming, a group of soldiers did not dare to cheer again. They rushed to their respective posts, closely guarded, and did not dare to say more than half a word.This is also Li Yuanqing's profound experience in running the army through countless actual battles.

When you are superstitious, you should be able to speak to yourself, especially when you like it. But when necessary, you should keep in touch with yourself.

Thus, the whole architecture can be completely and firmly controlled in our own hands.

"Humble Yao Fumin, Jinguan, see Li Shuai!"

Yao Fumin and Jin Guan did not know that Li Yuanqing was so late. When they called them to the viewing platform, they were nervous and saluted respectfully.

Li Yuanqing a smile, "two generals, get up!"

"Yes! Thank you

Two people are another gift, this just respectfully rises.

Relying on his intimacy with Li Yuanqing, Jin Guan said with a smile: "Li Shuai, it's freezing. If you have something to do, send someone to call on your humble position. I will arrange it immediately. I'm waiting for you

Although Yao Fumin is not happy with Jinguan's flattery, he also has to admire it. Jin Guan's words make people feel comfortable. He just wants to learn, but he can't learn at all!

Li Yuanqing laughed. "If it's a bad thing to call you here so late, you two old fellows will not hate me, Li Yuanqing?"

"No, no, no, Li Shuai. How dare you do that

"Li Shuai, don't say that. How dare you feel sorry for Li Shuai? Li Shuai, how could juehua island be today without you? "

Li Yuanqing waved his hand with a smile. Don't be nervous. It's a good thing. The results of today's war have been counted out! "


Golden crown and Yao Fumin look at each other, can't help but be happy!

Although Li Yuanqing had long known that Li Yuanqing was not a sloucher, but he was so tired today, and it was also a battle and a body salvage. Originally, they thought that it would take at least two or three days for the merits of Li Yuanqing, but they didn't expect that it would be too late at this time! The results of the war have come out!

They looked at Li Yuanqing eagerly.

With a smile, Li Yuanqing said bluntly: "there is no specific statistics on the Tartars killed by our army in this battle. However, all day today, our army has brought in 1100 Tartars, nearly 3000 horses, and countless flags, armor and weapons. Yao Shen, Jin Shen, now, let's have a careful discussion on how to allocate these achievements? "

At this time, Jinguan and Yao Fumin finally realized what kind of happiness Chen Zhong had!

Being able to follow Li Yuanqing all the time is just

Jin Guan responded quickly and said with a quick smile, "Marshal Li, you are the one to arrange the battle. You are the one who will work and contribute to the battle. All the officers and soldiers of the longevity camp will be the one who will contribute. No matter how you assign it, your humble position will be accepted. "

Yao Fumin also busy way: "everything depends on Li Shuai."

Li Yuanqing laughed: "they are all brothers of their own family. They are so polite, but they are strangers to Yuanqing! I mean, since it's about 1100, it's less than 1200. Let's make it up. Brother Jin, brother Yao, you two, each of you is four hundred, and the rest are all from my camp, how about? "


Two people a Leng, after a long time to react.

Although Jinguan had long guessed that Li Yuanqing would not treat them unfairly, when Li Yuanqing really said the distribution plan, he couldn't help but hum in his mind.

Li Yuanqing, this is just too righteous!

"Li Shuai, this can't be done! What can I do with Yao He De? How can you occupy this, so many heads! Li Shuai, you, you and the brothers of Changsheng camp, you will not reach the level of 300! "

Yao Fumin also responded and said, "Li Shuai, this is a great achievement! Humble duty, humble duty no, I dare not accept it! Li Shuai, if you don't take the big head, you dare not accept your humble position. "

Li Yuanqing laughed: "they are all brothers of their own family. If they refuse, they will be out of sight! In terms of the first level, I account for less, but for the body and armor of the horses, I have more. In this way, we will all be reasonable, and no one will lose, right? "

Yao Fumin and Jin Guan understood Li Yuanqing's meaning at this time. They were all overjoyed and said respectfully: "everything depends on Li Shuai!"

With the first level of sweetness, next, in terms of armor and chariot corpses, as well as some financial distribution, it is much simpler.

In many cases, the distribution plan has been agreed.

Li Yuanqing took three hundred heads, Yao Fumin and Jin Guan, each with 400 ranks. Li Yuanqing gave them 100 horse bodies and 500 sets of armour, and the rest was taken over by Li Yuanqing.

As for the tartar corpses recovered tomorrow, all of them belong to Yao Fumin and Jin Guan, while the horse bodies and property belong to Li Yuanqing.

According to this state of affairs, at least hundreds of Tartars will be salvaged tomorrow.

The most conservative estimate is that the number of Yao Fumin and Jinguan's first class can also steadily break through 500!According to the custom of the imperial court, they are very close to the commander in chief!

They were so happy that they couldn't find the north. They left happily. But for a moment, Jin Guan came back to himself and ran to him and said, "Li Shuai, if you don't mind, how about going to have a glass of water wine at your humble house?"

Li Yuanqing smile, "today is too late, tomorrow! Brother Kim, we have a long way to go

"A long way to go?"

When Jin Guan heard this, he was more happy and said with a smile: "Li Shuai, although I have a smooth mouth and don't count when I speak, I'll leave my words here today! After that, I'll sell it to Li Shuai! Only Li Shuai, if you have orders, I will never die! "

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