The return of Yang boat and fleet not only brought back a huge amount of cash silver to Li Yuanqing, but also brought back all kinds of commodities and rare things to Changsheng island.

For example, the gems of Ceylon, the jadeite of Myanmar, the tin wares, carpets and cloaks of Arabia, the spices of the South Asia, the glass crafts dominated by Europeans, and the seeds and fruits of various fresh crops such as tobacco and pepper.

Naturally, most of the good goods are possessed by Li Yuanqing to reward the meritorious officers and men under his command, as well as gifts to welcome and send off. As for those ordinary and not so good goods, Li Yuanqing directly rewards Zhang yunniang and Qu minqiu, and allows them to sell them directly on the island at a very low price, which is half sale and half free.

Of course, in order to maintain the stability of the order, "purchase restriction" is inevitable.

In a short period of time, Changsheng island has become more lively than the new year's Eve. The women's family members of various families have gone out to "Taobao" in order to buy some treasures as heirloom.

Men are also very new to these treasures, and they also want to make some to please their wives or lovers.

Li Yuanqing is also happy to encourage this phenomenon.

History has proved that capital is the driving force of the world's fastest expansion.

Although Changsheng island has only been established for a few years, Li Yuanqing's campaign to the north and the South has hardly been unfavorable. The vested interest class of Changsheng island has basically taken shape.

In addition, with the help of a large number of wealthy businessmen, including the scale of Li Yuanqing's southern Liaoning commercial bank, a capital with considerable impact has been gathered, and the conditions have become mature.

Time soon came to the beginning of March.

In the past ten days, Li Yuanqing spent a lot of time in the daytime to discuss the specific plan of the voyage in detail with the military, merchants, and Political Affairs Department of Changsheng Island, including Joseph, Thomas and Peter Luo.

In the evening, he discussed the details with Yang Xiaobo.

After more than half a month's complicated and hard work, Li Yuanqing temporarily prescribed a route map for the long-distance voyage plan.

Starting from Changsheng Island, he took some of the local products of Liao, and then went to the south of the Yangtze River to buy Porcelain, silk and tea from the south of the Yangtze River. Then he went to Fujian to have a good talk with the Zheng family. Then he went to Macao and went straight to Nanyang.

As for Japan, because Changsheng island has no commodities that can open up the Japanese market and the distance is so close, Li Yuanqing is not in a hurry at this time.

At this time, he had already reported the route to the imperial court in the early days of the second month, but he had already reported the route to the imperial court.

Li Yuanqing did not dare to neglect, and hastened to take over the confidential document and examine it carefully.

Scanning carefully, the corner of Li Yuanqing's mouth, can not help showing a trace of fun.

Governor yuan is indeed a non mortal!

Gaoning is not only the follower of Gaoning, but also the general of Gaoning.

Zu dashou and Wu Xiang were both vice generals. Although Zhu and Mei have been promoted to the commander-in-chief, they should not be promoted to the left.

On the other hand, because of his compromise with governor yuan, he also got a huge bonus. His post of deputy commander in chief of Ningyuan was finally confirmed and officially promoted to General Commander of Ningyuan, which was his greatest wish.

It's just that things are a little bad for Jinguan and Yao Fumin.

Both of them did not get the most wanted position of commander in chief, but both were promoted to vice general.

Jin Guan was promoted to Vice General of juehua Island, and Yao Fumin was promoted to Vice General of juehua island.

At this time, the reward granted by the imperial court has not been completely settled, and the matter is not completely settled. However, the intelligence of Li Yuanqing was collected from both the capital and Western Liaoning, which should be close to ten!

As for Li Yuanqing himself, he was diluted a lot in the campaign. It should be unrealistic for him to give a large reward to his official post. However, governor yuan was also a man of understanding. There should be some reward in terms of property.

Through the circumstances of Jin Guan and Yao Fumin, Li Yuanqing also knows that his two old brothers, for their own reasons, have entered the "blacklist" of governor yuan.

However, although governor yuan is "proud of his horse's hooves", he should still focus on stability in the current affairs of western Liaoning Province. Even if he would make symbolic difficulties for Yao Fumin and Jin Guan in details, he should not make rash moves and hit himself in the foot.

As a result, the days of Jinguan and Yao Fumin will not be too sad.

On the other hand, manchui

After thinking about it for a moment, Li Yuanqing summoned Xiaolian and Xiaohe, who were waiting on the side, to put paper and ink on them, and wrote more than a dozen "congratulatory letters" to manchui, Jinguan, Yao Fumin, including Zuo Fu, Zhu Mei, Zu dashou, Wu Xiang, and a group of officers in western Liaoning who had been promoted and made rich.

After all this, it was dark.

Give the letter to Niu Gensheng and ask him to arrange for someone to send him off tonight. Li Yuanqing stretched out tired and lay on the big bed, letting Xiaolian and Xiaohe rub their shoulders and legs for him.Originally, Xiaolian is pregnant, so she can enjoy Li Yuanqing's treatment as his wife. She doesn't have to wait here any more. However, the little girl doesn't want to be separated from Li Yuanqing for a while. She still insists on serving Li Yuanqing.

At this time, she only two months, still can't see, Li Yuanqing also some doting on this little girl, so she has been left by her side, more doting.

Outside the window, the trees of several old trees have sprouted new shoots. Spring is coming, but the weather has not much meaning to warm up. The cold wind is blowing wildly. On the eaves of the windows and under the eaves, you can still see clear ice.

Xiaolian kneaded Li Yuanqing's shoulder for a while, and then, like a kitten, she shrank directly into Li Yuanqing's arms, languid and drowsy.

Xiaohe has been working hard to help Li Yuanqing beat his thighs, but looking at Xiaolian's eyes, it is full of envy.

Feeling the most familiar fragrance of the two little girls around her and their tender but youthful bodies, Li Yuanqing's mood is also excellent.

At this time, although the local situation is slightly twists and turns, but the general situation, has been firmly in the hands of Li Yuanqing.

By the end of March, the shipyard of Nankai will be completed.

Li Yuanqing has basically determined the navigation route map. In this way, before going to sea, Li Yuanqing still has about a month to plan and arrange the affairs of Liao.

In western Liaoning, Li Yuanqing is not going to go.

At this time, the west of Liaoning Province was "windy and stormy". Governor yuan had already stood on the wave head and was obviously unwise to mix with him.

On the other hand, Li Yuanqing must go there as soon as possible and have a good discussion with Mao Wenlong about the overall war planning and layout in the second half of this year and the beginning of next year.

But it's not urgent.

At this time, it was dark outside the window. Li Yuanqing took out his pocket watch and took a look at it. It was just five thirty. There was still an hour to go before six thirty and the whole family's dinner.

At this time, Xiaolian has been leaning on Li Yuanqing's arms, sleeping very sweetly, emitting a slight and lovely snore.

Women are pregnant, always sleepy.

But Xiaohe, at this time, has come to Li Yuanqing's back, small hand gently pinches the shoulder for Li Yuanqing.

Li Yuanqing felt the mood fluctuation of the little girl and looked at her with a smile.

Xiao He was very sensitive at first. He had been paying close attention to Li Yuanqing's look. When he saw Li Yuanqing looking at himself, he looked down in a hurry. His long eyelashes blinked and he did not dare to look at Li Yuanqing's eyes.

Li Yuanqing was stunned, as if he had a feeling of having an affair in front of his wife. But for a moment, looking at the sweet Xiaolian sleeping in his arms, Li Yuanqing also responded, showing an indescribable smile at the corner of his mouth.

For a moment, he deliberately lowered his voice and said in a magnetic low voice, "don't be nervous. Untie your clothes."


Xiaohe was stunned for a moment, but she also responded. On her pretty face, she was full of inexpressible alluring blushes, but she was busy untiing her delicate waist.

Although winter does not have the convenience of summer, but this heat, but the summer can not compare.

After a while, Xiaohe's pretty face is red and frightening, as if to drip water, but tightly bite the red lip, dare not make any sound, for fear of making a noise to the sweet little lotus who is sleeping.

Li Yuanqing was about to take a step further and enjoy the "little dessert" before eating. At this moment, there was an urgent report from relatives and soldiers outside the door: "report, general, Liaoxi gaojinglue urgent report!"

Xiaohe was frightened and quickly retracted behind Li Yuanqing, like a frightened oriole.

Xiaolian in the arms also some uncomfortable turn over, obviously very hate to be disturbed by others to a good dream.

At this time, there was an urgent report in Liaoxi. Li Yuanqing's eyebrows were not allowed to wrinkle, but he did not dare to neglect. He put down Xiaolian's small hand tightly, turned over and got out of bed, and winked at Xiaohe.

Xiaohe is stunned, and a moment also reacts. He fastens his clothes and gets out of bed quickly.

"I see! I'll be right out! "

Li Yuanqing said, strode to the door, opened the door, out of the door.

The soldiers handed the letter to Li Yuanqing in a respectful manner and reported in a low voice: "general, this is just sent from the wharf. It's urgent for 800 Li."

Li Yuanqing nodded, "hard work, go down and have a rest."

With that, he slowly turned around, closed the door and opened the letter.

The so-called "800 Li rush" does not mean running 800 Li in one day, but refers to the highest level of communication.

Since Gao Di is in such a hurry, there must be something important.

Scanning the contents of the letter carefully, Li Yuanqing's eyebrows wrinkled tightly, and his fair face was gloomy.

Gao Di, this guy, even now invites him to meet him in Ningyuan city!This son of a bitch, this dog day, the words are said to be very beautiful, but this is not to put him Li Yuanqing on the fire to roast?

Beside, originally Xiaohe was full of expectations, but when she saw Li Yuanqing's expression at this time, she also knew that things seemed to have changed. The general's side had been affected by this letter.

What a hateful thing!

Who in the end is it? How can it affect the general's mood at this time?

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