Beauty is beautiful, but it's over.

At this time, Li Yuanqing was no longer forced to stay here. He picked up the contracts and said goodbye to Warren dagama with a smile.

Valen dagama was not polite, smiling and waving with Li Yuanqing.

Li Yuanqing just walked out of the door when a short and thin Filipino servant came quickly and said in hard Chinese, "General Li, please follow me. This way to the banquet hall."

After all, Li Yuanqing didn't want to go to the luncheon. After all, he didn't have much interest in the Spanish food of bird hair. Instead, he might as well have a large pot of mutton and a few kilograms of liquor to make people more comfortable.

But I think of the pretty face of Valen dagama's beautiful daughter

Especially the white chest with white flowers

Li Yuanqing changed his mind, nodded with a smile, waved to Niu Gensheng and followed the Filipino maid to the direction of the banquet hall next door.

The dwarf Filipino servant respectfully leads Li Yuanqing inside, and then to the door to greet Niu Gensheng and his relatives and soldiers.

At this time, there were many people in the banquet hall. The men were all in straight suits, and the women were wearing full length dresses and formal clothes, with heavy makeup.

Looking around, Li Yuanqing suddenly thought of an interesting word -- clothes and animals.

Most of these white haired monkeys speak Spanish that Li Yuanqing can't understand at all. Only a few people occasionally pop up a few familiar English sentences.

At this time, it was about 11 o'clock in the morning, and it was about an hour before the lunch officially started. The crowd gathered in twos and threes to talk and laugh, showing the small circle of upper class society.

Li Yuanqing, who could not speak Spanish, was too lazy to join the party. He asked a Filipino servant to pour him a large glass of brandy. He took the document and sat down on the sofa in the corner, thinking about his own thoughts.

This time, although there are some losses in the warship trade with Valen dagama, it is worth the 120000 taels of silver at this time!

After all, Li Yuanqing's time is limited. He has already paid a great price for this voyage. Naturally, it is impossible for him to spend too much time on the sea, wait, or happen to meet these foreign devils and have new warships for sale.

As the saying goes, "when you get long, you look at Shu.".

Although the land of Sichuan is good, it is necessary to ensure the foundation of Longdi.

Only when Changsheng island and southern Liaoning, including the whole Daming, are stable, can Li Yuanqing have more time and energy to focus on the stage of the whole world.

Therefore, even if these used ships are more expensive, as long as they can play their role, it is worth it for Li Yuanqing.

At this time, although Li Yuanqing's cash reserve was not rich enough, he had so many high-quality goods and so many Chinese businessmen helping him. It was only a small matter.

Li Qing's mind is clear and clear, and his mind is clear.

Later generations, people often say "blonde.".

And the inherent concept of blonde beauty, will generally point to romantic French.

Indeed, romantic France has always been the heritage of blondes.

But in later generations, because of the invasion of colonial and pluralistic culture, even in France, the number and quality of blondes are constantly decreasing and declining.

Li Yuanqing remembers that a world-famous Playboy once said, "French is the most beautiful language in the world. Especially in the case of golden hair

In order to prove this, Li Yuanqing once went to see a lot of French movies. Slowly, Li Yuanqing also understood the deep meaning of this big guy. It was just a piece of gold and jade! He must be praised for his "6".

However, after a lot of comparison, Li Yuanqing still found that compared with French beauties, Spanish beauties from Iberia peninsula were slightly higher in body shape and appearance.

At this time, the scene in front of him also confirmed Li Yuanqing's judgment.

These high-ranking Spanish ladies are obviously superior to the previous banquets held by Juan Thomas in Macao.

However, it is a pity that there are many women among these women, but not many girls, or girls.

However, with the company of fine wine and some tropical fruits and vegetables, sitting on the sofa, sipping wine and eating fruits and vegetables at the same time is like watching the scenery in the zoo and watching the big drama in the circus. Li Yuanqing is not too lonely.

Of course, what he has been waiting for is the "heroine" to appear.

Not long, the direction of the door suddenly remembered a burst of applause, the crowd all around the past.

A moment later, Li Yuanqing saw that the daughter of Valen dagama, holding the old man's arm, walked into the arena with a smile in the eyes of all. It was just like a big star in later generations!

Li Yuanqing can't help but feel a little bit tongue tied. Let alone, the etiquette of these white haired monkeys really has that kind of taste.Li Yuanqing also got to know the name of Valen dagama's daughter through the mouth of a Filipino servant, "megana dagama.".

After megana appeared, naturally, she became the brightest star in the field.

Li Yuanqing is used to seeing beautiful women, but he is also a little lost in his mind.

Megana's beauty is only one aspect, but more importantly, the holy breath in her body is just like an angel. People can't help but want to take her into his arms and take good care of her.

However, after several Liang silver coins, Li Yuanqing got a more important news from a Filipino servant.

The banquet will be attended by a prince of the Spanish royal family.

And the prince, the reason why he came here from Europe, is for megana!

Under the guidance of the Filipino servant, Li Yuanqing soon found the prince.

He was about 20 years old. He was tall and handsome. However, Li Yuanqing's first impression of him was, is this a barbarian?

Because, no matter on his face and hands, he is full of fluff. He is simply bringing his own "natural sweater"

Even if these parts show very little, it still makes people can't look directly.

After a speech of excitement from Valen da Gama, the banquet soon began. Musicians played music, and people pushed cups for cups. But soon, one by one, dressed in clothes and animals, had gathered on the dance floor.

Li Yuanqing has been hiding in the corner of the dark, secretly looking at meigana as if the general star.

However, Valen dagama has been hiding very well. The Spanish Prince wanted to invite megana to dance several times, but he was refused by Valen dagama. He accompanied the prince to drink with a smile, and megana served here like a little oriole.

At this time, Li Yuanqing understood the intention of Valen dagama, "this old thing is really a good idea!"

It was not until the end of the lunch that Valen dagama let megana dance with the prince, but it was only a dance.

After the banquet was over and walked out of the door, Li Yuanqing's mouth was filled with a funny smile.

This matter, interesting!

Niu Gensheng and his relatives and soldiers rushed to meet him. Niu Gensheng said in a low voice: "general, these white monkeys here, are you ok?"

Li Yuanqing smiles, "it's OK. Come on, I'm not full here. Let's go back and have some more. "

Just out of the gate of the governor's office, Li Yuanqing has arranged a new task for Niu Gensheng. Niu Gensheng nods to do it.

It's almost three o'clock for the fleet back to the dock.

At this time, the trade transactions here are already in full swing and lively.

After a brief meeting with Chinese and Chinese businessmen, Guan Canghai and Xu Heizi rushed to Li Yuanqing's captain's room to report on today's trading situation.

Guan Canghai said: "general, according to the current scale, today's trading quota will be about 200000 Liang. Among them, about 50% of them are on the civil class side, and on the official class side, there is a little more than 100000 transactions. "

Li Yuanqing nodded and handed over the agreement reached with Valen dagama to Guan Canghai and Xu Heizi.

After seeing it, Xu Heizi said, "general, 120000 taels of silver, the old Spanish dog on dog day really dares to ask for it! How can we promise them? "

However, Guan Canghai understood Li Yuanqing's intention and said with a smile, "Lao Xu, it's expensive, but it's not unacceptable. General, when will these ships reach us

Li Yuanqing said with a smile: "the deadline given to us by the old dog is within two days. Pay the money on one hand and the ship on the other. "

Guan Canghai nodded with a smile, "there is still a gap of 20000 Liang silver, I will do it now. It should be finished today. "

But Li Yuanqing said, "don't worry, Canghai. Today, another 50000 taels of silver will be sent out! Set aside thirty or twenty thousand cash for a rainy day

Guan Canghai also understood the meaning of Li Yuanqing, nodded his head and went out to work.

"General, we are suffering a little bit," Xu said

Li Yuanqing a smile, throw a cigar to Xu Heizi, "sunspot, can't bear the child, can't cover the wolf!"


With the support of Chinese and Chinese businessmen, the shortage of 50000 Liang silver was quickly made up.

After all, China's silk, tea and porcelain are far ahead of the world in manufacturing technology in this era!

Originally, the Chinese and Chinese businessmen in Nanyang wanted to get these things only through "shady" private means.

That is, pirates, or smugglers, bring them here.

The quality and level of the goods are obviously unable to compare with the official sources brought by Li Yuanqing.

These things, as long as they take them down and change hands, they will be white silver!Even if Li Yuanqing left all these goods in Manila, the Chinese businessmen would definitely be able to eat them!

However, where is it that rain and dew should be evenly stained? It's just Manila, just entering the South Ocean.

Naturally, Li Yuanqing will not play all the cards.

The silver came here. That night, Li Yuanqing sent someone to inform Warren dagama.

Valen dagama also attached great importance to it. He came over overnight and personally signed a specific transaction agreement with Li Yuanqing.

The two sides agreed that after dawn tomorrow, in the military port area in the northern part of the wharf, the two sides will hand in the money and the ship.

At the same time, Li Yuanqing purchased 3000 shells of all kinds from Spain, and employed more than 100 retired sailors, namely, some white haired monkeys' loafers, to cooperate with the operation of the fleet.

The final price discussed between these men and the shell was 30000 taels, plus 120000 taels of silver for the ship. All the silver of 150000 taels fell into the pocket of Warren dagama.

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