Li Yuanqing has never done anything like using booty to "relax" the soldiers.

The most recent one was in the third or fourth year of the apocalypse. When he was in Beidi, Li Yuanqing briefly established a "military prostitute camp" in order to gather the hearts of the army.

However, in the end, the tartar women who were still fair were basically divided up by the officers and soldiers, and they would not leave too many sequelae.

As a matter of fact, even the officers and soldiers of the Ming Dynasty have always turned a blind eye to this issue.

After all, no one is a saint.

In particular, these generals who "pin their heads on their belts" are under much greater pressure than ordinary people.

Today is fine, maybe tomorrow, it will become a cold corpse.

Therefore, even in the guanning army, where the imperial court was "rooted in Miaohong", although military prostitutes were illegal, there were almost no obstacles in getting in and out of the barracks.

But in Changsheng Island, Li Yuanqing has been very strict with this requirement.

On the one hand, military prostitutes are, after all, inhumane to women. After all, military barracks are no more than brothels, and they may be one to many Epidemic diseases are easy to occur.

On the other hand, there are many boys and girls on Changsheng island. Almost every soldier has more than one wife and concubine. Unless the fighting capacity of this person is really too fierce, and several female dependents are pregnant at the same time Most of the time, it can be dealt with.

As the saying goes, "everything goes well with home.".

The stability of his small home can make Li Yuanqing more comfortable in controlling the overall situation.

He never grudged his children's reward, nor set up obstacles to prevent his sons from taking wives and concubines.

On the contrary, Li Yuanqing has always encouraged the men of Changsheng island to marry as many as possible to ensure the prosperity of the next generation of Changsheng island.

In every war of plunder, Li Yuanqing will try his best to give more wives to his children.

However, even for military prostitutes, Li Yuanqing has always maintained enough humanity. Even for black girls in Africa, as long as conditions permit, Li Yuanqing will try his best to award them to children and stabilize their lives.

He would never do anything to "kill the chicken and get the egg.".

But at this time, the ignorance, ignorance, ruthlessness and total inhumanity of these Aborigines have completely broken Li Yuanqing's cognition, and even completely smashed the values formed by Li Yuanqing from later generations!

How could Li Yuanqing give them "human rights" to these animals, or could they no longer be called beasts?


Time has come to noon, Li Yuanqing has returned to his command ship.

In the spacious and comfortable cabin, Zhang Chunxue is carefully filling a cup of tea for Li Yuanqing, but Li Yuanqing is lying on the table beside him, writing and painting something.

At this time, nearly an hour has passed since Li Yuanqing's order was issued. It is about to arrive at the meal point. The original shrill cry outside has been reduced a lot, and the whole world seems to be quite quiet.

Zhang Chunxue did not know at this time, her heart, in the end is what taste.

On the one hand, Zhang Chunxue was deeply moved by Li Yuanqing's daring to marry Liu QingHan in spite of the world's disrespect.

But on the other hand, Li Yuanqing is so cruel to these Aboriginal women

At this time, Li Yuanqing put down the pen in his hand, stretched out a little tired, looked at Zhang Chunxue with a smile and said, "what? Have an idea in mind? "

Zhang Chunxue was silent for a moment and then said, "general, in fact, they are all the same. In fact, these innocent women

Li Yuanqing smiles and holds Zhang Chunxue's slender waist full of softness and elasticity: "Chunxue, I understand what you mean. However, you must know that weakness to the enemy is cruelty to yourself! How can I forgive these despicable aborigines, as the most humble and inferior people, dare to treat our Chinese compatriots like this


Zhang Chunxue also wanted to say something, but Li Yuanqing waved with a smile, "Chunxue, you need a lot of work, why waste your mind here? Those Chinese women still need the care of your female guards. Go and see them. It's over here. It's time for us to eat. "


Li Yuanqing has already made a speech, and Zhang Chunxue dare not refute any more. He goes to the cabin below to check the status of the Chinese women.


Li Yuanqing called out.

"I have a humble job!" A moment later, Niu Gensheng appeared in front of Li Yuanqing.

Li Yuanqing smiles: "what? You didn't go to the island to have fun

Niu Gensheng's old face turned red and said, "general, these Aboriginal women are even blacker than the black sister. They don't have this appetite for humble positions."

Li Yuanqing burst out laughing: "better than nothing! Don't use it now. There will be no chance in the future! It's revenge for those Chinese sisters

Niu Gensheng blushed with embarrassment.With a smile, Li Yuanqing patted Niu Gensheng on the shoulder, but his face was solemn: "it's almost time! Go! Call up all the generals and officers above the general level to come here for dinner and a meeting


Niu Gensheng was about to leave, but Li Yuanqing said again: "wait a minute! All the children on the island must take a bath before they can get on the boat! "


Niu Gensheng is stunned for a moment, but he also understands the meaning of Li Yuanqing. Busy Gong respectfully calls it, and goes to be busy.

Looking at Niu Gensheng leaving quickly, Li Yuanqing narrowed his eyes slightly and picked up the paper that had been filled and painted just now.


Soon, the officers gathered together, a group of people had a simple lunch, Li Yuanqing handed the paper in his hand to the officers for circulation.

Guan Canghai frowned and said: "general, is this too extreme? We, we are not the match of those white haired men at this time! Once they are anxious, we will be very embarrassed! The trade route may not be able to be established either! "

At this time, do you want to see the black face of the general

"Tear a face?"

Li Yuanqing smiles and shakes his head, "no, no, no! You don't understand me! Not to tear your face, but to make your own voice

"Make your own voice?"

All the generals agreed to look at Li Yuanqing.

Li Yuanqing nodded slowly, "gentlemen, have you found out? My Chinese businessmen in Daming have a good mix in Nanyang. Although there are many poor people, they are much better than most of the natives! "

The generals all nodded.

Li Yuanqing said again: "but, have you found out? The interests of Chinese businessmen in Daming have no protection at all in Nanyang? Yeah? They have little choice but to give their daughters to the white haired monkeys as lovers? "

The generals were silent for a moment.

Li Yuanqing glanced around coldly: "as early as the Han Dynasty, Emperor Wu once said that those who violated the Tianwei of the Han Dynasty would be punished even if they were far away!! Although Li Yuanqing is not a talented person, all the Chinese and Chinese businessmen in Nanyang are my brothers and sisters. Therefore, in this matter, I, Li Yuanqing, can't stand idly by! Nanyang, this place, must have someone stand up! Do justice to them

At this time, the generals had basically passed through the paper written by Li Yuanqing. However, Guan Canghai could not help saying, "general, do you mean to garrison troops in Nanyang? But now, there is no good port! This can easily lead to conflicts with those white haired ghosts! Shall we slow down a little bit? After that, the size of our fleet will be formed... "

Those who offend us will be punished.

In later generations, it seems to have become a joke.

But at this time, Li Yuanqing is not joking, but his thought for a long time.

Just as Guan Canghai said, "fleet" and "fleet" have almost the same meaning, but the difference between one word and the actual distance is also very different!

The fleet is a real armed fleet, an armed fleet and a dominant maritime force.

And the fleet

Li Yuanqing glanced at the crowd, took out a cigar, lit it, took a deep breath, and said slowly, "slow down is right, and it's the safest way. But folks, don't you think that's going to make us miss a lot? If I, Li Yuanqing, don't say anything at this time, maybe one year, two years, three years and four years, it's very short, but you don't know how many Chinese compatriots and sisters are going to suffer the same experience on this island! "

The generals fell into a deep silence.

Li Yuanqing also said, "gentlemen, what is the commercial road? These days, I have been thinking about this problem! Now, I've got some ideas. "

The generals looked up at Li Yuanqing.

Li Yuanqing took a deep breath of his cigar and said, "the so-called commercial road is to use one fulcrum to connect the whole process and route together! Let our fleet, no matter where we go, can find the supply point and sales point! In case of crisis, support can be found everywhere

"However, if we only seek commercial routes and keep the control of others, I think it will not be so easy to do it!"

"General, what do you mean..."

Guan Canghai has some understanding, busy look to Li Yuanqing.

Li Yuanqing nodded, pointing to the map of Nanyang hanging beside him, "as the saying goes, a journey of a thousand miles starts with one step. This trip to Nanyang, time is very tight, various affairs are complicated, the spirit of the brothers has been tense, this is a good thing, but also a bad thing! But at the end of the day, it's a bad thing. Because we don't have a comprehensive plan. "


All the generals did not expect that Li Yuanqing would deny his own plan and admit that it was his own mistake Can not help but are all Leng in the spot.

Li Yuanqing did not care at all, and said with a slow smile: "we are still too ambitious! Think of things too simple! I always think that if we have no future in Liaoning, Daming and Nanyang, we will have no future but disadvantage! But this is not the case! We are faced with many contradictions and pressures! ""Therefore, we should calm down, be down-to-earth, and consider problems from a realistic standpoint!"

The generals nodded repeatedly.

"General, you want to take Brunei..."

Li Yuanqing smiles: "good! Brunei is our first step! The situation in Brunei is very suitable for our Chinese to form a mainstream society! Although this will touch the interests of those white haired monkeys, Brunei's barren land is not a necessary trade port and will not involve their vital interests! It is suitable for us to explore here! "

All the generals responded.

For a moment, Kong Youde suddenly stood up and clenched his fists. "What the general said! People die, birds rise, never die! We're going to take Brunei. What can they do? If they dare to play with a moth, we will fight all the way from the land! Let's have a long memory! I don't believe that they can be closer than us to replenish our forces in Europa

"Yes! Well said keyhole! Whoever blocks the way, we'll kill him! There are more than 10000 Chinese in Brunei alone! It's really cruel. We'll be afraid of them if we compare hands with others? "

Shunzi also fiercely stood up.

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