In a short time, more than 50 people were willing to follow Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong, and even two salt field guards.

When Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong met, they didn't expect such a rich harvest.

This is mainly due to the fact that the life of the coolies is so miserable that they almost work endlessly every day, cooking salt, drying salt, loading salt and unloading salt, but their salary is poor, and they can't earn one or two silver a year.

This winter, many people only wear thin single clothes, they are not enough to eat, but also with a small salary, to support their families.

Many of them are the pillars of their families. A family, from the elderly to the children, has to rely on their salaries.

If we put it on a daily basis, we can say that people in China have the highest tolerance for suffering.

However, Liu Baosan, the three housekeepers, can't bear to take advantage of them. He not only wantonly withholds their salaries, but also allows them to eat food that neither pigs nor dogs eat. The key is that he is also lecherous. He always swindles the family members of Yanding coolies into the saltworks and does whatever he wants.

People's hearts are all flesh long, Liu family is powerful, Yanding coolies are really dare to anger but dare not speak.

But it doesn't mean that people don't have a steelyard in their hearts. Tonight, on Li Yuanqing's breakthrough, all contradictions, like a repressed volcano, have collapsed.

Before they heard about the situation of the two members of the Liangli family, they didn't hesitate to send them to the salt market.

As for the coolies who did not want to leave, Li Yuanqing also gave them one or two settlement fees, but they could not go now. Instead, they had to move all the salt stored in the warehouse to the boats of Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong. After the families of more than 50 people arrived and Li Yuanqing and others left, they could not leave.

At this time, the effect of speaking is far less than that of real silver. With the silver going down, the whole salt field quickly starts to work.

It's a pity that Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong brought few boats this time. Otherwise, they would like to empty the whole salt field.

Seeing that everything was on track, Chen Zhong said cautiously, "Yuanqing, if some of these people went to sue the secret, what should we do?"

Li Yuanqing has long thought about this problem. Speculators are everywhere in the world. It is almost impossible to control everyone's heart.

After all, the Liu family is powerful. If it is not guaranteed, some people will feel regret on the way, and instead stand opposite to Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong.

Don't panic. it will be OK. They're willing to whistle, so go ahead. It's thirty miles from Dengzhou. I estimate that even if someone informs, the Liu family and the government will send troops, at least until tomorrow noon. We still have plenty of time. "

In this era, different from later generations, information is so convenient that sending troops is a major event. Without several discussions and reports, it is absolutely impossible to make a move.

Moreover, the sea is next to it. If the Liu family and the officers and soldiers come, Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong only need to lead their troops back into the sea.

They didn't touch the details of Li Yuanqing and did not rush to pursue them easily.

Chen Zhong also wanted to understand and nodded.

In fact, he is not afraid of officers and soldiers and the Liu family, but he and Li Yuanqing have special identities after all. If they really go to that stage, they will have to kill for their own safety, which will be the most tragic thing.

Fortunately, Chen Zhong's worries didn't happen in the end. Before daybreak, 49 of them came back with their families.

They are all villagers near the salt field, including military households and civilian households. It is said that this kind of thing happened in the salt field, and the cubs have collected money from others. If the Liu family wants to know about it, can they still be spared?

What's more, these Yanding coolies portray Li Yuanqing's image very tall, and they hear that Li Yuanqing can manage food and clothing. How can they still hesitate?

However, a very small number of people took Li Yuanqing's silver, but were afraid of the Liu family's influence, so they hid in their homes, closed their doors, and waited for the progress of the matter.

For this kind of person, he has no responsibility. Naturally, Li Yuanqing will not pay attention to it. For Li Yuanqing, it is a matter of ten or twenty Liang silver?

Soon, as the population gathered more and more, Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong found a huge problem. With so much salt and population, their boats were not enough.

Fortunately, a new guard named Yanding told them that there were several large cargo ships in the salt field in the small bay behind. Li Yuanqing was overjoyed. He immediately rewarded the guard with two liang of silver and asked him to take people to drive the boat.

The Liu family is indeed a rich family. The large cargo ship of the salt field is bigger than the sand boat given to Mao Wenlong by the water camp of juehua Island, which can hold 2-300 people.

With the help of these five big boats, the team of Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong has become very skillful.

Under the command of the soldiers, Yanding coolies acted as sailors one after another, carrying their families and their hopes. On a snowy morning, they sailed all the way to the north.

However, Li Yuanqing did not directly return to Guanglu island. These salt coolies, together with their family members, were 3-400 people, most of them were old, weak and women. Li Yuanqing did not bring much grain on his trip. There was not much grain left in Guanglu island. Even if there was so much salt, salt could not be used as food. Li Yuanqing had to find a way to change the salt into silver and grain.The fleet stopped at an uninhabited island more than ten miles away. Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong also called together several representatives of Yanding coolie to inquire about some local things in Dengzhou.

Although Huang Guoshan is brave and has a high prestige in Yanding coolie, he does not have much wisdom and is the same type as Chen Zhong before.

But the salt yard guard named Yang Xiaobo, who told Li Yuanqing about the salt yard cargo ship, was quite clever. In addition, he was the management class of the salt field, and he was also familiar with the things around him and the salt field.

"My Lord, when I posted the account a few days ago, I heard Liu Baosan say that the salt in the warehouse was about 30000 kg, which was good. Liu Baosan said that the owner seemed to sell it to a big merchant in Huaibei, which could be worth tens of thousands of Liang silver."

The reason why Yang Xiaobo betrayed the Liu family and the saltworks was that Liu Baosan was so unsophisticated that he would not let go of his own salt Ding guards. Before she got married, Yang Xiaobo's sister was cheated to the salt yard by Liu Baosan and ruined her life. She had to commit suicide in the sea. Although Yang Xiaobo didn't say so, she already hated Liu Baosan.

Therefore, in the face of choice, he hardly hesitated and set foot on Li Yuanqing's ship.

After listening to Yang Xiaobo, Li Yuanqing nodded. These tens of thousands of liang of salt are really valuable, but the key is that Li Yuanqing has no way to sell them. Naturally, they can't be exchanged for money and food.

Yang Xiaobo was quite good at observing his words and expressions. He said to Li Yuanqing, "my Lord, although the Liu family is covering the sky in Dengzhou Prefecture, they are not without enemies. More than one hundred miles east from here, there is a town called zhangjiaji. There is a big businessman named "timely rain", whose name is Zhang Jinsong. According to people, this picture of Jinsong has a big background and a strong relationship in Beijing. He is a hero, acts chivalrous and righteous, and is also engaged in salt business. He is an enemy of the Liu family. Liu's family tried to find fault several times, but he couldn't get along with him in the end. Maybe we can sell him the salt. "

After listening to Yang Xiaobo, Li Yuanqing looks at Chen Zhong, and Chen Zhong nods.

At this stage, if there is a market, even if the risk is greater, Chen Zhong does not want to give up.

Li Yuanqing but a smile, "timely rain? It's a big name. The boat, this Jinsong, is it true that you are so chivalrous and righteous? "

Just in time rain, as the name implies, is just like when the dry land needs rain, the rain can always appear in time. Song Jiang, the hero of shuipo Liangshan, is the nickname.

No matter at this time or in later generations, those who can have such nicknames must be those who know everything.

Song Jiang's greatest contribution to this nickname was that he, as a public official, ran to chaojiazhuang in advance to inform Chao Gai and his gang of important criminals who robbed shengchen gang.

This kind of courage is not shared by everyone, but colludes with a group of outlaws.

"Ye, villains don't know the details, but people all say so. Even in Dengzhou Prefecture, there are many people who sell salt to this official Zhang. I have never heard that he is short of weight and owes money. "

Li Yuanqing nodded. According to Yang Xiaobo's words, this man could have a try.

At present, after a brief discussion between Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong, they drove the fleet to the East.


Zhangjiaji is not located by the sea, but more than ten miles inland.

In the evening, Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong, led by Yang Xiaobo and Huang Guoshan, quietly arrived at the land and headed for zhangjiaji.

Along the way, Yang Xiaobo also constantly introduced the surrounding scenery to Li Yuanqing.

Although Zhang, a senior official in Jinsong, was a big salt dealer, he didn't have a salt farm. He relied on other people's salt. As a result, there were dense salt farms around zhangjiaji, ranging from hundreds of people to a few or even couples. As long as the people who sold him salt, he protected them and helped in many matters.

This also makes, near zhangjiaji, there is a kind of abnormal prosperity.

Even in the evening, there was an endless stream of people on the way to zhangjiaji. Most of them were small salt sellers, pushing cars.

Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong are both a bit tongue tied.

It's really not to be underestimated that a senior official can have such energy.

As he entered zhangjiaji, Li Yuanqing narrowed his eyes slightly.

Zhangjiaji is not big. There is only one main street and there are simple stone walls around it. However, on this main street, it is full of wine and wine. It is full of flowers and flowers. It is only brothels. I'm afraid there are no less than 10 brothels. There are more inns and restaurants.

Yang Xiaobo explained to Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong, "gentlemen, businessmen from all over the world who come here to buy salt usually choose to stay here. So, at night, it's more lively than Dengzhou. "

Li Yuanqing could not help nodding, and the evaluation of this official was higher.

If Dengzhou government is an official market, it should be a private market here.

This is similar to the small-scale free trade zone of later generations. The tax is very low and the service industry is developed. The owners here mainly use the tax and buy low and sell high to drive the market and earn a huge price difference.It seems that it makes less money than the official market with a benchmark, but in fact, it is much more insidious than the official market. If the operation is good, it is simply a business that makes money than a cash cow.

And through the scene in front of us, this official must be a master.

Li Yuanqing is also a little curious. What is the foundation of this kind of master who can be said to span the times? Is there a genius in the world?

After all, Li Yuanqing knows these things because he is familiar with the laws of things from later generations. But at this time, he can definitely be called a genius in capital.

"Uncle, the girls in the green willow pavilion are all the best in the south of the Yangtze River. Come and have a look, sir."

"My Lord, the fine wine of mingcuilou is just like palace jade wine. The girl is the fairy daughter in heaven. Come in and have a look?"


Just entering the main street, a group of YingYing and Yanyan gathered around.

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