Li Yuanqing said with a faint smile: "Mr. morentes, if this is the case, then Yuanqing can only express regret! But --! "

Li Yuanqing's voice suddenly changed: "since the Spanish authorities can not solve this matter, then Yuanqing can only rely on their own means!"

With that, Li Yuanqing looked directly into the eyes of molentes: "Lord molentes, in view of the unforgivable and anti human evil crimes committed by Jack the executioner against the legitimate merchants of Daming in Brunei sea area, I declare that the southern Liaoning fleet of the Ming Dynasty will immediately declare war on the executioner Jack! Within a month, our fleet of southern Liaoning will use the head of the executioner Jack to recover justice for the legitimate merchants of Daming and defend the glory of the Ming Empire! "

With that, Li Yuanqing mentioned the paper and pen that had already been prepared, and wrote down a declaration of war, handed it to molentes in front of him.

"Eh? This, this... "

Looking at the declaration of war, which had not yet been dry, morrentes was stunned for a long time before he began to react.

He, he just didn't dream of it!

In front of me, this tall and powerful man of Ming Dynasty could It's going to be so tough! I haven't said a few words about this. Unexpectedly, they want to declare war directly. This

"Li, General Li, you have considered it clearly! Jack, the executioner, is extremely ferocious and extremely advanced in weapons and equipment. Our Spanish official fleet has encircled him several times, but has not received any results. You, you and your fleet... "

Morents didn't say it, but the implication was clear.

You bastard fleet, you still want to exterminate Jack the executioner. Isn't that the old man hanged himself? Do you think his life is long?

Li Yuanqing gave a faint smile: "Mr. morentes, this is the internal affairs of the Ming Empire! What I need now is a statement from you, and your Spanish government, on this matter! "

Although Li Yuanqing's voice is not big, but I'm afraid that he is a three-year-old child, he can also feel the strength of it!


Morentes has been in Southeast Asia for more than 30 years.

Although he has such flaws and is greedy for money and lust, he has never been able to become the governor. However, in Nanyang, he is the oldest time-honored brand, and he has more qualifications than Valen dagama, governor of Manila.

In addition, he was eloquent, not to mention Valen dagama, but also the Spanish royal family, who also gave him a high degree of courtesy.

To put it bluntly, although he did not have the title of governor, he was the official "broker" of Spain in East Asia.

At this time, with the rise of the Dutch in Southeast Asia, Spain's status as an old-fashioned power was challenged, but it was the mainstream world after all! In everything, the Dutch will give the Spaniards some face.

Therefore, over the years, morentes has become the biggest beneficiary, just like the lawyers of later generations. After eating the plaintiff and eating the defendant, he not only made a lot of money, but also made a lot of money, which was the reputation and also went straight to the sky!

Let's not say that it is in Southeast Asia. Even in the mainstream society of Europe, any prince or nobleman who wants to come to Southeast Asia to do some "business" must first write a letter asking him what morentes means and asking for his advice?

For so many years, he has never been asked by others. How could he be forced to express his position by a humble yellow haired monkey like an aborigine, almost holding a knife against his neck?

But after all, morrentes is also extraordinary. After the initial shock and astonishment, his greasy "old good face" also quickly cooled down. He looked at Li Yuanqing coldly and said, "General Li, you, have you thought about it? Are you really going to declare war on Jack the executioner

Li Yuanqing said with a faint smile: "Lord molentes, the declaration of war is in your hands!"

"Good, good, good!"

Straight suction of morents!

He had lived most of his life, but it was the first time that he met such a tyrannical and despicable Aboriginal yellow haired monkey like Li Yuanqing!

"Now that General Li has made a decision, I will surely hand over the declaration of war to Jack the executioner! General Li, goodbye

With that, he didn't look back, just like a white pig with a short breath. He puffed to the door and spat something in his mouth!

Seeing the departure of molentes, Guan Canghai and shunzi walked in from the side door.

Shunzi couldn't help but spit: "brother, this is his mother's white pig. He is arrogant! I'm going to peel his skin and stew the dog's day in a pot

Li Yuanqing can't help but stare at shunzi coldly, "stew this dog day, do you eat it?"


Shunzi was stunned for a moment. He couldn't help scratching his head and said, "this is also true. This white pig is not only fat, but also his mother is covered with hair Damn it, it seems that you can only feed the dog

But Guan Canghai didn't have shunzi's "fun heart". He looked at Li Yuanqing and said, "general, it's almost what we expected! This is probably the meaning of the old dog Valen dagama! These white haired monkeys, they don't want our Pan Pacific Trading Company to run smoothlyGuan Canghai said, deeply spit out a turbid gas.

Li Yuanqing nodded slowly, took out his cigar and threw it to Guan Canghai and shunzi.

Shunzi came quickly, took out the flint and the fire folder, lit it for Li Yuanqing, and ignited it for Guan Canghai. Finally, he was himself.

This boy, looking at love to make a fool of, actually understand in the heart.

Li Yuanqing took a deep breath of his cigar, slowly spit out a thick fog, looked at Guan Canghai and said, "a piece of cake, originally eaten by three people, has been quarrelling with each other. Now, there is a fourth person. Naturally, none of them is willing to give up their share of the market! "

Guan Canghai nodded, "general, now, the most profitable spice business in Nanyang, the Dutch have accounted for nearly 50%, Portugal's nearly 30%, and the Spaniards are afraid that they can't even keep 20%. They are quick eyed and normal. Even in the gold and cigar business, they can still keep most of their shares, but no one can see that the Spaniards are in the twilight! In particular, there are so many Chinese businessmen in Nanyang. Naturally, they will be more alert to us! "

Shunzi took a good breath and said, "Valen dagama, this old boy, is also very immoral! The old bastard didn't dare to provoke the Dutch or the Portuguese, so he wanted to attack us! This son of a bitch, how can I swallow this breath? Next time I meet him, I'll cut him to death

Li Yuanqing said: "this matter, I'm afraid, is not just Spanish people!"


Shunzi was stunned and some didn't understand.

Guan Canghai nodded: "general, if there is only one Spanish family, we have more room. However, if the three families of dog day have reached a compromise, it will not be easy for us to handle this matter! "

Shunzi also understood at this time and said, "general, Canghai brother, do you mean that these white haired monkeys on dog day have already stood on a line, and want to cooperate with each other to operate on us?"

Guan Canghai nodded: "from Malacca to Brunei and then to Macao, it has always been the traditional sphere of influence of the Portuguese. If there was no Portuguese nodding, Jack, the executioner, would dare to attack the Chen family in Brunei waters? "


Shun Zi has fully understood, "this son of a bitch is not a nest of snakes and rats! These dogs are trying to kill us

Li Yuanqing's face did not have any anxious color, as if this matter, is not worth mentioning. He took a sip of his cigar and looked at Guan Canghai and said, "Canghai, what do you think in your mind?"

Guan Canghai said, "general, we can't worry about this! If we want to fight, we can only fight on land! Otherwise, if there is a naval battle, we will hardly win! My humble position is very complicated now, and I don't have a clue at the moment. "

Then Guan Canghai said, "general, I'm afraid of Yang Xiaobo now. If Yang Xiaobo is on the road now and caught by Jack, the executioner, then... "

Although Guan Canghai did not finish, how could shunzi not understand his meaning? Can't help but jump up: "I grass! If you catch Yang Xiaobo, we will... "

Li Yuanqing waved his hand: "Yang boat is not so stupid. He must have heard of such a thing, and he knew what to do. What we need to consider now is how to remove jack, the executioner, cleanly and cleanly! "

Guan Canghai also understood.

Although young, Yang Xiaobo is very smart and has rich sea experience. At this time, he will never choose to fight with Jack, the executioner.

Now the most important thing is to reach the front battlefield in the shortest possible time!

"General, according to the situation at this time, I'm afraid that the news of our Declaration of war on Jack the executioner will spread out in a few days. According to the nature of these white haired monkeys, we want to find him. He must be looking for our main force! However, it is not realistic to go out on the sea to fight this man. Well, we can only seduce him here. "

Guan Canghai said, his eyes suddenly brightened. "General, do you think it's possible that Jack, our executioner, will hook up to our wharf?"

Li Yuanqing could not help but show a trace of gratifying smile: "Canghai, you can have this idea, very good, very good! However, we don't have a battery or a powerful gun. Even if we hook him to the wharf, we still have no chance of winning. We can't stop them from running. "

"General, do you mean..."

Guan Canghai has some understanding of Li Yuanqing's ideas, but still lack of shortcomings.

Li Yuanqing said with a faint smile: "so, we should pay more attention to this matter..."


From the morning of the third day of September, the news that Li Yuanqing's fleet of the Ming Dynasty declared war on Jack the executioner quickly began to spread throughout Brunei.

Moreover, it is spreading in all directions at a rapid speed!

The whole Chinese society, suddenly boiling ah!

How many years!In Nanyang, this is the first time that the official Army of the Chinese imperial court declared war on the overseas white mainstream class for the benefit of Chinese businessmen!

All of us are jubilant!

Especially at this time, when the Pan Pacific Trade Company led by the Chinese people was established, everyone knew that this was Li Yuanqing's big job!

But different from the ordinary Chinese businessmen, the elite class of Chinese businessmen, after a short period of excitement, soon calmed down.

Li Yuanqing is in the Liao area, the dry dog tartar buttocks urine flow is true, but here, it is Nanyang!

This is the world of strong ships and cannons!

Most of them have some idea of what Li Yuanqing's fleet looks like.

Even if Li Yuanqing is brave again, how can he compete with Jack, the executioner, with such a fleet that has not yet been fully artillery?

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