"Oh! blamed! What the hell is going on here? Are we ambushed by the monkeys, Jack? "

On the main ship of the Spanish warships, morentes blushed, like a fat pig's head roasted. He looked at the tall figure around him in a hurry.

Jack, the executioner, frowned.

He didn't expect that such a change would happen at such a time.

"Don't worry, mollen, it's just a bunch of annoying little mice. I'll get rid of these troubles soon. There won't be any problems. "

He said, smiling and patting molentes on the shoulder, "mollen, this is a mess. You'd better go back to the cabin, have a glass of wine and have a good rest."

Although molentes was not happy, he clearly knew the strength of Jack, the executioner, and spat bitterly: "Jack, you'd better kill these annoying mice! Besides, I hate the bodies of these mice! I've had enough of being here. I'm going back to Manila early tomorrow morning

"Good, good. Mollen, you go to rest! Give this to me! "

Morrentes swearing back into the cabin, Jack the executioner looks around like a school of fish in the nameless boat, can not help but frown.

These despicable yellow haired monkeys want to die, that is no wonder he!

For a moment, he exclaimed, "strengthen your firepower! Blow these rats into the sea and feed the sharks

The pirates around did not dare to neglect, and quickly conveyed the order of the executioner Jack to the front line.

At this time, in these Western fleets, the main carrier used to command the subordinate fleets nearby, and the main way of communication was still by the flag.

However, the effect of the semaphore is good in the daytime, but at night, especially in this extremely dark and moonless night, it will be more difficult to pass it on.

In order to let the surrounding ships see the command of the main ship more clearly, they can only light the fire and use the fire light and flag to enhance the signal.

However, when the fire broke out, the signal of the main ship was obvious to the surrounding ships, but it was also obvious to the children of Changsheng camp.

At this time, on a boat thirty or forty paces away from the main ship, a Ming army soldier saw the messenger under the signal at a glance and said to the general manager nearby: "look, brother Hou! Look over there! It's the heralds of those white monkeys! Do you want to get him down? "

Hou Jiangong, the commander-in-chief of the 6th regiment of Changsheng camp, was not only clever, but also said in a low voice: "where is it?"

The soldier around him said in a low voice: "Lord, head, East, head! See that? A little sunspot. "

Hou Jiangong looked up. Sure enough, a local Herald was waving the small and medium-sized flag with great efforts, as if to give orders to the surrounding fleet.

"Haha! Ma Xiaoliu, you son of a tortoise, his eyes are so poisonous! Good boy! Kill the dog! I have a great achievement for you

Hou Jiangong is an old fisherman of Zhenjiang origin. His hometown is in the middle of Sichuan. Even though he has been to Liao for many years, he still has his local accent. In the first year of Tianqi, when Li Yuanqing escaped from Zhenjiang City through a tunnel, he had already followed Li Yuanqing.

Although he was only a hundred households at this time, he was a deputy thousand household, and he was a general strength group. He had experienced many battles and had extremely rich experience. He belonged to Li Yuanqing's beloved general.

If Li Yuanqing hadn't set up a new camp all the time, he would have been promoted to a thousand households, or even a "senior member" of a thousand Corps.

At this time, although Hou Jiangong had no experience in naval warfare, he could see at a glance that the flag in Xiaohei's hand must be used to convey orders! Busy will be a blunderbuss, handed to the side of the small soldier Ma Xiaoliu.

Ma Xiaoliu's ancestral home is Wushan County in the middle of Sichuan Province. In his early years, he married his mother and came to the land of Liao. Although he grew up in Liao, because of his mother's relationship, his accent is not as pure as that of ordinary Liao people, and has a trace of Sichuan flavor.

Because of this, Hou Jiangong takes good care of him on weekdays.

Ma Xiaoliu didn't disappoint Hou Jiangong. Just over a year ago, the boy's shooting skills had already taken off. In their total, they all ranked in the top three.

At this time, Ma Xiaoliu was very happy when he heard the order of Hou Jiangong!

He picked up the bird's blunderbuss, quickly filled the bullet, lit the fire rope, and aimed at the little black just a few dozen steps away.

Xiao Hei was busy issuing the flag command under the fire. He had no defense at all.

"Boom, boom..."

With a burst of shrill gunfire, at this moment, no one noticed the crisp sound of "bang". The little black body, like a leaf rolled up by the wind, swayed twice and fell to the ground.

When the cannon was fired, the angle was very low.

The little bamboo raft around them was almost knocked over by the water waves caused by the shells. Fortunately, they were all men who grew up on the beach. They also wore the traditional Mandarin Duck battle jacket of the Ming army, but they all wore leather armor, cotton armor and bare arms.A is black color, in such weather, it is thirty or forty steps away, without fire, it is difficult to see.

At this time, Ma Xiaoliu also saw that Xiaohei had fallen on the ground. He was overjoyed and called in a low voice: "brother Hou, you hit me! Hey, hey, hey

Hou Jiangong was also very happy, but he was more experienced in the battle, and he was busy sweeping up. As expected, as expected, after Xiaohei fell to the ground, another "substitute" came up and began to take up the small flag to issue orders again.

Hou Jiangong immediately responded and said in a low voice, "brothers, let's not rush up first. Liu'er, it's up to you now! See! Who dares to take the pawn, you will destroy for me

Ma Xiaoliu also responded, and said with a smile: "brother Hou, you can rest assured! It's on my little six! "

For a moment, there was another crisp sound, and the little black flag bearer fell to the ground. There was a shout from the bow of the boat, but no one dared to come forward to flag.

The artillery of the Spanish warships in the surrounding area is no longer as neat as before.

Hou Jiangong was overjoyed and said in a low voice, "all cats, all cats! Dog, take armour in front of the fire, don't let dog day find us

"All right." The soldier called dog quickly took off a layer of cotton armour and carefully blocked it in front of him.

At this time, there were more and more Ming army boats around, like a school of piranhas besieging the whales, rushing towards this side. Many people had already rushed onto the bow of the ship with the claws of Flying Tigers, fighting hand to hand with these pirates.

Before, in order to prevent rain, Li Yuanqing's main offensive preparations were mainly cold weapons.

With bare arms, four or even five armours, and only short pants, the boys rushed to the Spanish boats and fought with them close to each other.

There is also a key reason for this. Li Yuanqing does not know whether the Spaniards are equipped with a firerope gun or a shot gun.

If the firerope gun is still OK, but if the gun is fired immediately, the bird and spear soldiers of Changsheng camp will shoot at them, and there is almost no chance of winning!

Li Yuanqing can only bite his teeth and be ready to bear casualties when he confronts a higher civilization with a lower civilization!

But at this time, the current situation is completely beyond Li Yuanqing's expectation!

These Spanish dog hair, after the gun's power lost its effectiveness, was obviously in a panic. Although there were gunshots on board, they were few and not dense.

With more and more children rushing to the bow of the boat, the whole bay has been in chaos.

The sound of guns, the sound of guns, the sound of shouting, the sound of killing, it was like the end of the world.

At the same time, at the outlet of the Bay, a large number of wooden oil barrels were piled up on the sea.

In the rear, there were still two or three large Spanish ships and five or six medium-sized ships not coming in. However, in such a situation, they did not dare to rush in. They could only scan the darkness with artillery, and one was blinded.

At this time, in the woods on the left side of the Bay exit, "whoosh, whoosh," three bright signals popped up into the night sky.

For a moment, three flares on the right also burst into the night sky.

Li Yuanqing no longer hesitated and couldn't help laughing: "give them orders! Fire


Niu Gensheng did not dare to neglect him, and he ordered the boy around him to light the signal bomb.

For a moment, there were three signal bombs in the jungle, which rushed into the night sky.

How can the children on both sides of the Gulf exit hesitate? One by one was ignited fire spears, whizzing into the sea.

In an instant, a raging fire rose from the sea and fell into the air, probably more than ten meters high.

On the side of the Spanish main ship, Jack, the executioner, was also flustered. He realized that this was not a little mouse, but a complete premeditation!

"Come on! Come on! Don't mind so much! Turn around the main ship! Let's get out of here first! "

In the captain's cabin, a white helmsman was about to pee.

Although they are elite and strong pirates relying on the official Spanish Navy, after all, they are still too few white people. Most of them are local aborigines and Chinese.

In particular, the command system of the entire fleet was completely marked to death by Hou Jiangong and the five flagmen on the main ship were all dead.

The entire command system of the fleet, in fact, has been paralyzed.

At this time, the white helmsman was about to turn around with full rudder, but suddenly found that the two battleships in front of him had blocked their way, and it was impossible to turn around. He hastily sent the rudder back and stopped the main ship from swinging.

With the fire at the mouth of the Bay, the whole bay became more and more chaotic.

More and more Ming army soldiers, through flying tiger claws and ropes, climbed to the big ships and medium ships, and fought with these Spanish pirates.

However, these pirates are very easy to play sea battles. Unfortunately, if we talk about individual combat and team cooperation, how can they be the opponents of the elite people who have been growing up in the battle with the main force of the later Jin army?Soon, the Pirates of several Spanish Main warships showed their decline and lost their initiative on the deck. They had to retreat to the cabin to fight.

On the deck, more and more Ming soldiers boarded the ship successfully and continued to expand their strategic advantages!

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