More and more rain, the sky thunder and lightning, the whole world, a fog and rain.

Molentes only wore a shark skin vest on his upper body, but only a pair of underpants on his lower body. It was like a round white ball, and he was thrown into the sea with a thump.

"You mean monkeys, I, I must kill you..."

The sea waves rolled, but fortunately, the buoyancy of the sea water was so strong that he choked two mouthfuls of water, and with his inertia, he suddenly rushed out of the water, but couldn't help shouting abuse.

But he did not finish scolding, a strong arm, fiercely strangled him, pulled him out of the water, "mollen, don't talk. When the Yellow haired monkey on the top hears it, we will die. "

Molentes saw that it was Jack, the executioner. He was so determined that he said, "Jack, what should we do? I'm fed up with this terrible weather

Jack, the executioner, made a silent gesture to molentes, pulled him hard, and quickly swam to the side of a small bamboo raft.

Fortunately, it's just early autumn, even if you wear a little, it won't be cold.

If it's winter, even in Brunei, which is almost tropical, for a long time in the water, the body's heat will drop sharply. Even if you are a good swimmer, you will soon have cramps in your hands and feet, and there will be no place to die.

Instead of lifting molentes onto the raft, Jack, the executioner, asked him to hold on to one side, sink to the bottom of the water, and whispered, "mollen, hold on. We rowed slowly towards the shore

Morents was shocked.

Because many pirates were stabbed to death by the small javelins of the Ming army, the smell of blood in this sea water has been very strong, and around, there are many dark fins, surging back and forth.

"Jack, are you sure? Well, there are a lot of sharks here! I don't want to be their food

Jack, the executioner, was already on the other side and whispered, "don't worry, mollen. You don't have wounds on you. They won't come to you. These corpses are enough for them to eat. "

At this time, there were several "plop-p-flops" behind him. Several native pirates, Jack's confidants, jumped into the water one after another. They also imitated Jack's appearance and leaned on a small bamboo raft.

As soon as Jack waved his hand, there were three native pirates who swam over and helped Jack row together.

Jack whispered to molentes, "mollen, the situation may be more difficult than you think. These yellow haired monkeys, on shore, are likely to be on guard. We have to take a long way. "

Where else was morentes thinking? He nodded his head.

At this time, he can only choose to put all hope on the executioner Jack.

Soon they rowed diagonally across the ship and cruised to the shore.

At this time, with the beginning of the rhythm of Pirates jumping, the Ming army had basically controlled the situation of these Spanish pirates in the Gulf.

However, at this time, the weather is really bad, this kind of control, can not be completely turned into victory, no one dare to neglect.

At this time, it's like a huge hot pot standing in the bay.

The rain hits the sea, forming bubbles, like rolling soup. These pirates are pieces of fresh fat. Boats and bamboo rafts are vegetable seasoning. These Spanish Main warships are like heated vents.

However, although the Ming army had already set up the "net", it took a lot of effort to collect the net.

Fortunately, the children of Changsheng camp have a strong executive power. Even if the weather is bad, Li Yuanqing doesn't have to worry too much about where there will be a big mistake and he needs to send someone to "block the gun hole.".

Time flies by, and soon, after midnight, the rain is getting worse and worse, and there is a water mist everywhere.

Fortunately, the wind is not too much, just a simple rain, not like a big storm.

During this period of time, the boys on both sides had already cut off hundreds of pirates' heads, which was in the front bay where Li Yuanqing personally guarded. Zhang Yang and Yang Lei also cut down more than 100 pirate heads.

These pirates are just pirates!

They may be very strong when the wind is favorable, but once they are faced with such a big headwind surrounded by scattered cutting, they are just a group of mobs who just want to escape and break through the encirclement, but they don't know. The more like this, the more the Ming army likes it.

Unless they can get together and kill one of the Kaimings. Otherwise, they can only be slaughtered like fish.

But even so, Li Yuanqing did not dare to be careless.

The main reason is that the weather is too bad, the visibility is too poor, and the inherent advantages can't be transformed into victory in the shortest time, so that we can't clean up the battlefield and digest the victory.

However, Li Yuanqing is not in a hurry.

Everything is under control. All he needs now is time.

These pirates, unless they become fish, can shoot for miles at a time.Otherwise, as long as tomorrow dawn, they can only be reduced to his Li Yuanqing's booty!

However, Li Yuanqing was patient because there were several sheds built temporarily by his relatives and soldiers to protect them from the wind and rain, as well as drinking.

But Jack and molentes, the executioners, had been soaking in the water for three hours. Even with the support of the bamboo raft, they were close to the limit.

During this time, they have been cruising here, looking for gaps to land on the shore. As long as they enter the jungle, they can find a place to hide, slightly slow down, and replenish their physical strength.

Unfortunately, these yellow haired monkeys are everywhere!

They're just like rats. They can't get rid of them.

Jack had found several opportunities to come ashore, but the strictness of these yellow haired monkeys made him wonder!

They are almost a guard in ten steps and a sentry in five steps.

The so-called gap is that yellow haired monkeys are busy cutting the heads of these pirates. They will come back in a moment. They have no chance to land at all.

Jack wanted to cruise to the Bay entrance and go out to sea from here, because the fire has been extinguished by heavy rain. Even if the water temperature still has residual heat, it is not a big problem!

But what made Jack even more horrified was that there were more than a dozen Spanish warships in the mouth of the bay. They could not make it.

Morentes's lips, at this time, were blue and purple, and his eyelids were a little unable to open. Relying on instinct, he grasped the side of the raft.

Even though Jack, the executioner, has excellent physical strength and excellent water quality, his local entourage is dead because of exploring the way. He only controls the bamboo raft by himself, and consumes a lot of energy. He is close to the limit!

"Miss Siena, perhaps, perhaps I will never see you again. But I really want you to know that I really miss you... "

The executioner Jack's big hand, firmly grasped the small round box in front of his chest, caressed it affectionately, and put it on his chest.

For a moment, he carefully opened the small round box and put it on his lips, kissing hard.

Inside is a small strand of golden curly hair, which is delicately wrapped in glass.

It's a pity that although jack, the executioner's brain is still very clear, his body's consciousness has begun to get farther and farther away from him.

At this time, there were several boats and bamboo rafts rowing by. A Ming army soldier saw the abnormality at a glance. He was overjoyed and said, "look, look over there. There are people under the raft!"

It was ma Xiaoliu and Hou Jiangong.

Since they took control of the situation, they have been cruising on the sea. In the past few hours, they have made a lot of money. Brother 30 or 40 has already cut off nearly 100 pirate heads.

"Son of a bitch, liu'er, what are you arguing about? A pirate cut his head! These dog hairs are not Tartars. They are not worth much money! It's all done. It's done! Save the trouble

Hou Jiangong spat.

For Hou Jiangong, the battle was a little subdued.

I thought that these pirates could have any fighting power. But who knows, these dog hairs are just like loaches. They can't do anything except run and drill into the water.

How can Hou Jiangong give them a good mood if they don't have the energy to say that they still have to be in such a heavy rain here?


Ma Xiaoliu answered, holding the steel knife in his hand, he wanted to take the dog's head of molentes lying on the bamboo raft.

But for a moment, he suddenly came back to his senses and said, "brother Hou, it's not right! It's a white monkey. It looks fat! I'm afraid it's a big man


Hou Jiangong a listen, the body is also a smart, quickly ran over, "where?"

"Look! This way

Ma Xiaoliu quickly points to the front of one side.

Hou Jiangong also saw a long time soaked like a dead pig like morentes, can not help but straight smile: "good! Little six! You boy, you have made a great achievement this time! The white haired monkey is so fat. He must be a big man! Somebody! Tie up the fat pig

In this era, because of the limitation of material conditions, the fat people, especially the fat people, can't do it.

Anyone who can grow fat and eat fat has a rich family background.

Although the officers and men of the long life camp were not highly educated, they had been fighting in the front line of the Liao area for a long time, and they understood that they were fighting against each other for a long time!

Soon, a few people pulled the pig like morentes onto the bamboo raft, laughing.

At this time, Ma Xiaoliu said again: "brother Hou, how many brothers, look here, there is another one! This is a big one! Come and help

Several people around him also responded and came to help. Jack, the executioner who was about to sink, was pulled up from the sea.

Looking at his height, which is almost longer than the bamboo raft, and his arm, which is even thicker than ordinary people's thighs, Hou Jiangong and others can't help but look at each other.A moment later, Hou Jiangong responded: "I'm a good boy. These two white haired monkeys are probably big fish! Come on! Report to the general



Li Yuanqing met morents and Jack the executioner more than half an hour later. By this time, he had already captured seven or eight Chinese pirates.

For the native pirates, Li Yuanqing's order is to kill without mercy, but the Chinese and the white people should slow down a little bit. If they can't catch them, they should try to catch them.

At this time, although molentes was almost like a "pickled pepper pig", Li Yuanqing recognized the old boy at a glance, and his mouth was filled with an indescribable smile.

This son of a bitch, is really "where does life not meet"!

Li Yuanqing didn't expect that the old boy molentes would come to this muddy water!

It seems that he did not pay attention to Li Yuanqing and his children!

However, this is also good, with this old boy in hand, look at Manila, what else to say!

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