The tartar sentries are all elite riders. They are all double horses, or even more than three horses. They are in groups and always keep a safe distance from the Ming army.

Although there are only one or two hundred of them, they are not a real threat to the Ming army, but they are like flies, and they are always around the Ming army camp, which is really annoying.

At this time, both Li Yuanqing's Changsheng camp, Chen Zhongbu, Zhang panbu, or Chen liangce department had a few elite sentries.

But these elite sentries are all the treasure of each one. If they go to war rashly, they will certainly cause damage.

What's more, tartar sentries are all elite and difficult to deal with.

At this time, the Ming army was only just out of the battle, less than 10 li away from Tieshan city. The main force of the later Jin Dynasty was afraid to have approached the Seoul area. There was no substantial threat to the Ming army by the main force of the later Jin Dynasty. Li Yuanqing was not worried.

His strategy is simple.

Tomorrow, we will choose elite bird gun soldiers to ride horses. If these tartar sentries dare to get close to the range of 90 steps of Changsheng camp, they will have to have a good drink.

Even if you can't kill them, you have to let them understand that it's OK to be so close to his mother.

At this time, although the imperial court's instructions have not been passed down, Li Yuanqing knows very well that the buttocks decide the head. How can the big men in Beijing allow their face to be threatened?

It is inevitable to coerce Mao Wenlong into the army.

However, although the headquarters of Dongjiang was strong at this time, there was still a qualitative gap with the main force of Tartars.

For example, the main force of Tartars is college students, and Dongjiang headquarters may only be junior high school students.

Although junior high school students can also choose a lot of mature players close to college students, but this number is too small, and without the support of such mobile horses, how to play, how to suffer losses.

At this time, the best way for the Ming army was to push forward step by step, push to the hinterland of Chaoxian, block several major nodes, cut off the return path of Tartars, and slowly play with them.

In particular, last year, sweet potato had a bumper harvest. Both Changsheng island and PiDao, as well as the surrounding areas of Tieshan and Zhenjiang, had abundant grain and grass.

Li Yuanqing and Mao Wenlong have the ability to hold on and fight continuously!

However, under the pressure of the imperial court, Mao Wenlong had to raise his troops to advance rashly.

In order to prevent Mao Wenlong and Dongjiang headquarters from suffering tragic losses, Li Yuanqing can only speed up the pace of promotion and arrive at the first line of Anzhou, Daning River and Jincheng Lake as soon as possible to block these important nodes and provide strong support for Mao Wenlong.

Fortunately, although there are waves in today's "standing in line", the problem has been solved by peaceful means. There is no fraternity.

This also gave Li Yuanqing more sufficient strength to firmly control the general situation in his hands.


The next day, Li Yuanqing, Chen Zhong, Zhang pan, and Chen liangce, relying on the official way, guarded the horns and advanced together.

Sure enough, these tartar sentries still have the heart of a thief. Relying on their horsepower, they always want to come forward and investigate the details of the scouts.

However, after the accurate dozens of blunderbusses and the fall of more than a dozen people, they became honest and did not dare to come forward any more. They only dared to keep a distance from the Ming army and spy on the movement of the Ming army.

More than ten days later, on February 18, the main force of the Ming army arrived at Anzhou city smoothly.

But by this time, Anzhou city had already been captured by Tartars, and there were a lot of ruins everywhere. Even though the traces of the fire were covered by two snows, they could not be covered at all.

Li Xianqing's troops are stationed outside the city to investigate the enemy's situation.

Because Anzhou is a port city, located in the lower reaches of the Daning River. Although it was freezing at this time and the whole river had been frozen for a long time, it solved Li Yuanqing's big trouble.

The follow-up supplies do not have to go overland at all. Instead, they are directly transported from the fleet to the Daning River Estuary. They are transported all the way along the frozen river. In an instant, more than 90% of manpower is saved!

For Li Yuanqing, the tartar wanted to fight with the Ming army in the Korean - xianbattlefield. For Li Yuanqing, it was like a tiger with wings - looking for abuse!

In the temporary tent, the bonfire in the brazier is burning vigorously. On the greasy iron shelf, there is a huge boar back seat. The attractive grease of the fire oil is constantly dripping on the charcoal fire below, sending out an indescribable fragrance.

A few days ago, Chen liangce hunted him from a downhill forest when he was leading people to investigate the enemy's situation. It was three or four hundred jin.

In addition to the water, pig's head, and more than a hundred catties of meat, they were all given to the brothers, but the four pig legs and the back seat (where the pork buttocks and meat are the most) have been eaten by the four Li Yuanqing for more than three days.

Chen ~ liangce finally understood why Zhang pan cried, even if he wanted to break with Mao Wenlong, he must follow Li Yuanqing.

Well, where the hell are you going to fight? It's clear that you are out on holiday.From Tieshan to now, more than ten days have passed, and none of the four men's children have been reduced in battle.

Except for a few nights when the brothers were investigating the enemy's situation, they didn't fall down very much. It was almost zero casualties!

Chen liangce pours a glass of wine to Li Yuanqing with a smile and says: "Yuanqing, things are more smooth than we expected! I'm afraid it will take another six or seven or seven days to get to Anzhou. Yuanqing, what should we do next? "

If Chen liangce had been worried about his decision to change his fate before, but by this time, his heart was already comfortable in his stomach.

As long as Li Yuanqing is here, I'm afraid we can't win the war?

At this time, we have received the news of hanpin, and we are afraid of breaking the wine. Our follow-up materials have not come along much, and we are not in a hurry at this time. Let's settle down in Anzhou for a few days first

Anzhou is only a short distance from Seoul, which is the key hub for the northward movement of Seoul.

The peninsula is mountainous. According to the weather and climate at this time, Tartars can return to Liaozhong in addition to the plain areas along the north coast. There are only two roads left for Tartars to return to Liaozhong.

One is to return to Anzhou, and then turn back from Anzhou to Tieshan and Yizhou.

This road is an official road, and people are flourishing. It should be easy to walk along.

The other is to walk in the mountains of Jincheng lake, bypass Anzhou, and then go to Yizhou and Tieshan.

But in such weather, Tartars are full of cavalry. They can know the consequences when they walk in the mountains and think with their buttocks.

In the northern part of the country, the terrain is complex and sparsely populated. According to the urination of the post Jin army, it can not be replenished by looting, which is basically a dead end.

Therefore, it blocked Anzhou and occupied this important fulcrum. In this battle, Li Yuanqing and the Ming army have been invincible!

Originally, Li Yuanqing thought that it would be a waste of effort and blood to capture Anzhou, but the fact is that Amin didn't stay here at all. Obviously, this soldier left his troops and went to Seoul to rob him.

Chen Zhong and Zhang pan also relaxed a lot.

Although the Ming army has not yet rushed to the battlefield at this time, but in the whole situation, the Ming army has been stuck in the pulse, and then, it is a small fire stewed rabbit -- slowly boil.

"Yuanqing, although the river in Anzhou is blocked, the weather is freezing and there is almost no danger to guard. Our camp must be well arranged!"

After all, Chen Zhong is a veteran general. He has been fighting with Li Yuanqing for many years. He is very clear that the core of Li Yuanqing's layout is to have a strong fulcrum so that dog Tartars can't break through.

Li Yuanqing nodded and said, "the camp can't be neglected. I have a simple plan in my mind. We can make a decision after discussing the details."

Li Yuanqing said, took out the map, picked up a simple charcoal pen, and began to draw on the map.

Zhang pan and Chen liangce quickly gathered around.

This is also the most comfortable place for Li Yuanqing to let Zhang pan, Chen ~ liangce, including Chen Zhong.

In fact, marshal Li and Yuan Qing understand that they are the same as marshal Li Xingu.

However, Li Yuanqing never makes a "one word talk". Even if he has already had a problem in mind, he always wants to listen to his brothers' ideas. Especially in military affairs, even if it may be a trivial matter, Li Yuanqing has to exchange views with his brothers and listen to their ideas.

All of them are veteran generals, and it is impossible for them to have too much disagreement on the arrangement of camp defense. Soon, the four men reached an agreement.

Based on Anzhou City, Chen Zhong lived in the north, stuck in Jiangtou, Zhang pan and Chen liangce were in the middle, and Li Yuanqing lived in the south.

The four parts are supported by each other in a "trapezoid" shape. They are horns for each other and guard the plain behind them.

According to the truth, it should be the children of Minister Li Yuanqing's health camp, who are in the position of Chen Zhong and stuck in the core of the fortress.

But at this time, Li Yuanqing's follow-up main force has not yet caught up, and it will take two or three days. Of the four, Chen Zhong's department is the most powerful. At this time, even if there is no main force from the later Jin Dynasty to harass him, it is still necessary to prepare for the layout.

Chen Zhong is going to take over the task.

After the layout was arranged, the four men immediately ordered the soldiers to call on the generals of each department to implement it, while the four men continued to discuss and exchange views on some remaining details.

By this time, for the Ming army, food and grass were no longer a problem. There were plenty of dried beans to feed the horses, but there was not much hay. This meant that the Ming army's horses could not fight for a long time, and good steel must be used on the blade.

The most important point is the shortage of firewood.

Especially at this time, it was a cold winter, which was more terrible than no food.

Fortunately, around Anzhou, the ecological environment has not been seriously damaged. There are a lot of old forests. The four decided that starting from tomorrow, a large number of auxiliary soldiers will be sent to cut firewood around.After all the discussions, the four men were full of dinner and went to urge each department to implement it.

Li Yuanqing came to the Bank of the river outside the tent and lit a cigar. Looking at the cold Daning River, he felt thousands of times.

At that time, when he went to Beidi to attack secretly, there were only a few thousand people. He had to be on guard everywhere and would never dare to make any mistakes.

But at this time, the young eagle has grown into an eagle, with the support of Chen Zhong, Li Yuanqing's strength has become unprecedented. Even Mao Wenlong and Dongjiang headquarters can only bow to the wind at this time!

The future is really worth looking forward to!

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