There are many Han people who do not understand Korean and Japanese, but few of them do not understand Chinese, especially in the military.

At this time, listening to this group of Han Army Flag cooks laugh, these Chao ~ fresh troops, almost one by one are about to burst out fire.

But they also understood that, at this time, if they had a little extra action, the Houjin cavalry, not far behind them, would soon rush over and crush them into meat.

The situation is better than the people.

People under the eaves have to bow their heads.

It is park lie, the elite of the Chaoxian and Xianjun who were born in aristocracy, have bowed their heads. What can they do to resist?

Not to mention, after a morning of high-intensity physical labor, almost all of them will be tired into dogs.

These vegetable soup, let alone spit, thick phlegm, afraid that even if it is urine, they have to eat ah!

Because if you don't eat, you will starve to death and freeze to death!

Soon, these Chao ~ Xianjun even dare not have a word of complaint, one by one like a poor Pug general, with their rice bowls, squatting on the ground, eating constantly.

These Han Army Flag cooks saw this, and these barbarians were so soft that they didn't have much interest in them. They didn't make fun of them anymore.

After all, this is the battlefield.

If something goes wrong, they will be jointly and severally liable.

The situation, which had been somewhat chaotic, began to calm down gradually.

At this time, park lie on the surface is eating with relish, but in the heart, it is even more disgusting than eating flies!

This is the shame of the great dynasty ~ the Xianzu!

They are no longer worthy of being human beings. Even pigs and dogs can't be compared with each other!

Pigs and dogs at least have a clean meal to eat!

At this time, a senior officer of Chao ~ Xian approached Pu lie carefully and said in a low voice, "my Lord, these Tartars don't treat us as human beings! If we go on like this, our warriors will be tortured to death by these Tartars if they are not killed by minggouzi! "

On the other side, an old soldier also said, "yes. Mr. Park, you have read books and you have insight. You have to think of a way to live for your brothers! Otherwise, the river mouth will be our burial ground. "

Around the Korean army heard this, they could not help but move towards Park lie, as if in the cold winter, found a small sun.

Park lie has been frowning, silent.

However, with more and more people around him, the corner of his mouth, but can not help but slightly cocked up.

At this time, the old army of the Chao Dynasty said: "Lord Park, Jin Zidian has sold us to Tartars by ordering the dog offal that eats inside and outside! If you don't show the brothers a way to live, I'm afraid no one can live! Mr. Park, all of you are old at the top and young at the bottom. "

"Yes. Lord Park, our brothers of the rebel army, we will recognize you! As long as you tell us, there will be no difference between us

"Lord Park..."

Looking at his familiar faces full of hope, park lie's blood in his chest and abdomen began to rise slowly.

But he knew that he must not be too aggressive, otherwise, as these brothers said, this is their burial ground.

After pondering for a long time, park lie said in a low voice: "brothers, at this time, I don't have many good ways. We can only go one step at a time. But I promise you that as long as the brothers listen to me, I promise that they will live! "


"Mr. Park, that's very nice!"

"Mr. Park, you can rest assured that the little one will follow you closely."


Looking at the excited faces around him, park lie's fist could not help clenching. For a moment, he whispered: "brothers, this is not the place to speak. You can choose a few representatives and come to me. I'm going to tell these representatives what's coming and let them tell you. Don't worry. We still have a lot of chances to live before the sky falls! "


At this time, in shuoto temporary residence on the Bank of the river, Jin Zidian was leaning against a wall, staring at the sky in a daze.

The ideal is full, but the reality is very bony.

Although it has been known for a long time that Tartars may regard their elite warriors as cannon fodder, Jin Zidian has always been dreaming that jir Haran will make changes to fulfill his promise.

But as the morning went by, there was no reaction at all.

As if, he had already thrown them out of the sky.

At this time, Jin Zidian wanted to confront Jil Harang and discuss with him, but Jin Zidian didn't dare.

Even if he did not know his position, it would be more dangerous for him to ask.

After all, it's because he has no strength!If the Tartars are so powerful that they have no strong face, how can they look at them? Great dynasty ~ fresh elite warriors, why should be so wronged?

But the reality is that the post Jin army is like a big spider weaving a big web, and their brave warriors are just like little flying insects trapped in this spider web, so they can't resist at all!

Jin Zidian also knew that his strategy of uniting with the enemy against Ming had made a major mistake.

But he must not admit this mistake, otherwise his political life, even his little life, will come to an end.

At this point, even if the front is a sea of mountains and rivers, even if the front is a cliff, he can only go down bravely!

He could only pray silently from the bottom of his heart: "dear, you must not pit me! Otherwise, I will not let you go as a ghost. "


Lunch lasted about half an hour.

At about one o'clock in the afternoon, the sun showed his head from the gloomy clouds. The originally gray sky opened a lot at once, but the wind was still strong and the cold was piercing, which made people unable to open their eyes.

In the shouting and shouting of the soldiers of the later Jin army, these distressed Chao Xian troops began their slave like work again, carrying piles and bags of sand, wooden posts and branches towards the Ming army fortifications.

Fortunately, with the foundation in the morning, before the Ming army fortifications, there were already many sand and soil blocks and wooden piles to support, so they could choose more places to hide. They did not have to be directly regarded as living targets by the Ming army as soon as they went up, as they did at the beginning of the morning.

At this time, the temporary headquarters of the Ming army.

Mao Wenlong had gone to tangle up the cavalry, and was ready to wait until the evening, when the main force of the later Jin Dynasty was defeated in the front of the battlefield, he would rush out from both wings and give these Tartars a "heart warming sword" to completely end the attack of the latter Jin Army and directly cut off their thoughts.

The most important thing is to harvest enough tartar heads!

At this time, only Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong were left in the temporary headquarters of the Ming army.

In the trench, Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong lit a cigar and were lying on the edge of the crenels.

In the morning, the Houjin dog Tartars were so sluggish. Obviously, these Chaoxian and Xianyi troops did not work hard. The pace of the whole battlefield was very slow, and Chen Zhong was a bit bored.

If it wasn't for the battlefield, he would have fallen asleep.

"Yuanqing, it's really boring to fight with his mother! I remember that Tartars were not so weak before! What's going on? When did the Tartars become like women

Different from Chen Zhong's laziness and drowsiness in some afternoons, Li Yuanqing's spirit at this time is excellent and quite refreshing.

This kind of weather is really more suitable for sleeping with a lovely wife and concubine, but it is obviously more refreshing to kill Tartars than the former.

"Don't worry, brother. haste makes waste. After working with us for so many years, Amin can't forget. What's more, this is the first time that he has been commander-in-chief of the whole army, so he should be cautious. "

Li Yuanqing did not slow down, slowly spit out a mouthful of smoke.

Chen Zhong said with a smile: "Yuan Qing, ah min is so angry. I'm not used to it when he slows down. However, Yuanqing, let me tell you, this time, unlike the previous fight between us and Tartars, I am not a bit nervous, not even excited. It seems that it is a matter of course that we can defeat Tartars! Yuan Qing, you say, yes, are we stronger or Tartars weaker? "

Only Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong were in the deep trench.

Around the two sides, are the two people's personal confidants, Chen Zhong also said without too much scruples.

Li Yuanqing laughed: "big brother, there are both sides. However, your mind is not good. Against Tartars, we can't take half a point lightly at any time

At this time, the young men of Li Yuanqing's Changsheng camp had almost completed the semi firearms. Although they could not compare with those of the Huai and Xiang armies in the late Qing Dynasty, they had a great sense of superiority in the semi feudal and semi slavery army of the post Jin army, which was still a semi feudal and semi slavery army.

However, the later Jin Dynasty was at its peak.

Sometimes, weapons and equipment are not the most critical and core elements that determine the war's division!

Against this group of wild boar skin, Li Yuanqing also dare not have slightest slightest neglect.

Chen Zhong also understood Li Yuanqing's meaning, and nodded with force, "Yuanqing, don't worry! Even if I look down on these Tartars, I can still distinguish the priorities! Now, brother, I'm waiting for the time to pass quickly


Time is one of the few things that human beings can't control.

Soon, the sun has set more than half of the horizon, the sky has gradually hazy up, evening, has come.

Mao Wenlong has already sent three battle reports to Li Yuan Qingfa. All the troops of the Ming Dynasty united and nearly 6000 elite riders are ready. They are waiting for the front battlefield.At this time, the main force began to move forward.

With the sound of gongs and drums and the sound of antlers, in front of them, there are about three or four thousand dynasties or fresh troops leading the way. Behind, there are nearly 3000 elite armored Tartars, which are like the tide. They are quickly surrounding the Ming army fortifications!

Originally some slow, dreary battlefield, like the bowstring is loose, the woman's firmness droops.

But at this time, the bowstring is suddenly tightened, and the rhythm of the whole battlefield is suddenly tightened.

These boar skins already know that they have no way out. Amin, jilharang, yuetuo, Dudu, shuoto, Li Yongfang, including Jin Zidian, have all been to the front line to supervise the battle.

With the banners and banners, the wild boar PI Xun GUI's shrill cry, the whole battle line of the Jin army is like a raging tide, rushing towards the Ming army!

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