The official robes of Chao and Xian are basically imitated from the official robes of the Ming Dynasty. They are also red robes, high hats and black yarn.

However, if we say that the official robes of the Ming Dynasty tend to be delicate and realistic, and pay attention to the luxury and atmosphere, then the style of the official robes of the Xianren in that dynasty It's a completely incomprehensible exaggeration.

Especially its high pointed vertebral cap, if changed into black and white I'm afraid people think it's the impermanence of black and white

But at this time, Jin Zidian's high hat had long been discarded, and had experienced two successive battles. Although he did not personally participate in the fight, he was also splashed with a lot of blood and was in a mess.

How can we see that the colorful black is also a complement.

Cui he and Liu Ziqiang, even though they were Liao people, had a lot of contact with Chaoxian people before, but they were not the yuan wailang of Daming ritual department after all.

How can they confirm the identity of Jin Zidian only with his ragged and bloody robes?

"Grass ~ you ~ mother, you son of a bitch, you see your master Liu is good to cheat, isn't it? I told you to cheat, I told you to cheat... "

Liu Ziqiang saw that Jin Ziqiang did not learn from him. He grabbed his hair with one hand and swung it round with the other. It was a big mouth.

Tell the truth.

Although Liu Ziqiang has been in the army for more than ten years, it is not until today that he has seen blood for the first time. In other words, he has only killed people for the first time.

This was his companion at that time. Many people had already mixed up with vice thousand households, thousand households and even guerrillas. However, he was only a humble hundred households.

That was because he had the advantage of geographical advantages. He joined the Dongjiang army as early as the defeat of Longchuan in the first year of Tianqi.

But so many years have passed, Liu Ziqiang has been unknown, timid, like a paper man, it is difficult for others to find his existence.

This also makes it impossible for Liu Ziqiang to have a chance when selecting soldiers to fight.

If he had not been mature and experienced, Chen liangce pitied him and promoted him to a hundred households. He was afraid that he would have to endure on the general flag for a lifetime.

Although Dongjiang is a few emerging military forces in Daming, the so-called "dragon produces nine sons, and sons are different.".

After all, it is impossible that everyone is a warrior and a hero. There is always some dirty work and hard work, which needs him to do by Liu Ziqiang.

But today it is different.

These days, with Cui he's contact, Liu Ziqiang's life is just like a quiet deep pool. A big stone was thrown in. Then, the big rock quickly triggered a chain reaction, directly detonating the volcano at the bottom of the pool!

Liu Ziqiang understood for the first time, oh ~, the original life can be like this! It turns out that the official positions of the brothers are all obtained by pinning their heads on their waistbands.

Especially every time I hear Cui he talk about his beautiful wife and concubine in Changsheng Island, his fields and his homestead, Liu Ziqiang's heart is absolutely envious.

Liu Ziqiang is a mature man, but in fact, he is less than 35 years old this year!

This is just a man, the most vigorous, but also the most mature and stable age, but also full of explosive force!

Even if it's not for women, even if it's not for enjoyment, even if it's not for money, even if it's not for merit, but ~ ~, he always has to consider for his two baby boys!

Their Laozi has been a coward all his life. How could Liu Ziqiang let his two precious sons repeat his old ways, and live like a dog all his life!

Therefore, when Cui he invited Liu Ziqiang to fight today, Liu Ziqiang hardly hesitated and agreed to come down.

On the one hand, this is because of his trust in the Changsheng camp, especially Cui he, who was once a soldier of Li Yuanqing. On the other hand, the situation of the Ming army is so good that Liu Ziqiang is willing to go out. He also wants to see how he is worse than his brothers and sisters!

Even if it's a battle to die!

But now general Chen liangce has joined Li Yuanqing, and Li Shuai will certainly take care of his family!

At this time, Liu Ziqiang has just killed a jinzidian domestic slave. His blood is still boiling, just like the oil in the high-speed rotating engine, and it has not started to cool down. This dog day yigouzi dare to play tricks in front of him. Is he really bullied by Master Liu?

Although Liu Ziqiang's face is simple and honest, his strength is not small.

At this time, Liu Ziqiang was so hard to grasp a big mouth. Jin Zidian almost had to carry his breath. His face was covered with blood, and he hummed and screamed like a girl.

But by torturing Jin Ziqiang, Liu Ziqiang's self-confidence has completely risen.

He left Jin Zidian aside, stepped on his head with his feet, and exclaimed, "Yi Gouzi, do you dare to lie? Do you dare to cheat you, Mr. Liu? "

But Jin Zidian was almost tortured by him at this time, and could not give Liu Ziqiang a response at all.One side, Cui he has been smiling at this scene, and did not stop.

Contact with Liu Ziqiang for so long, Cui he knows that Liu Ziqiang has a heart demon in his heart.

If he wants to get rid of this evil spirit, he can't be helped by others. The only thing he can rely on is himself.

It was just like when Li Yuanqing went to the battlefield for the first time in Fuzhou.

However, at this time, Cui he suddenly found that the clothes ordered by Jin seemed to be made of good materials.

It's mainly night, and the black paint is sloppy. In particular, Jin Zidian's official robe is too exaggerated. It doesn't look like a senior official at all. Instead, it looks like a clown. Cui he doesn't take it seriously.

But at this time, such a quiet heart to take a closer look, the gold from the point on the body of the official robe, unexpectedly like silk.

If before, Cui he certainly did not know what is called Mian silk.

After all, he's a man of mud legs. He's good at fighting and killing Li Yuanqing. If he plays with luxury goods, he can't understand anything.

However, after returning from Nanyang last year, several of his wives had no choice but to quarrel about buying new clothes for the new year. The main reason was that Cui he gave a lot of rewards for his trip to Nanyang, which was more than 150 Liang silver.

He thought about it for a moment, and it was time to give his wife some new clothes.

What's more, the clothes he wanted were all good goods from Madame's shop, and the price was very cheap. It was only one piece less than two liang silver.

Therefore, Cui he went to the lady's shop for a few rounds with his wives, so that his wives were completely satisfied.

At this time, he suddenly found that the clothes that Jin ordered to wear were similar to the silk robes that he had bought for his mother-in-law.

You know, the silk robes in Madame's shop are all silk from the south of the Yangtze River. They are carefully processed by craftsmen in Changsheng island and then sold to the island. They are all cost prices.

If it is put on the market, it will cost at least ten Liang silver. I'm afraid it may not be able to buy it.

But at this time, the wild dog was also wearing a silk robe.

"Lao Liu, come on, let him go. There's something wrong with the situation. "

Seeing that Jin Ziqiang is about to be trampled by Liu Ziqiang, Cui he is busy coming forward and pulling Liu Ziqiang apart.

Liu Ziqiang said, "what's wrong? Mr. Cui, let's not waste our time. Let's take the head of the birdie directly? "

Cui as like as two peas and a little woman, he carefully touched the cloth from his body with his hand. It was almost the same as the cloth of his wife's new clothes. He couldn't help being overjoyed. Come on, give him good luck. "

Seeing Cui and this appearance, Liu Ziqiang did not dare to neglect him. He quickly ordered the soldiers around him to help Jin Zidian up and give him a good temper.

After a long time, Kim finally slowed down and began to breathe heavily.

Liu Ziqiang was startled and rushed to Cui and said in a low voice: "Mr. Cui, what's the matter? This guy... "

Cui and he laughed: "Lao Liu, it's OK! Fortunately, we didn't kill this guy. Have you noticed the fabric of the man's clothes? We may have caught a big fish today

"Big fish?"

Liu Ziqiang also some did not respond, busy stammer way: "Cui ye, this, this bird Si, he, he is a big fish?"

At this time, the soldiers sent out by Liu Ziqiang had already captured two Chaoxian miscellaneous soldiers, and said with great joy: "Master Liu, the leader of Chaoxian army is really called Jin Zidian!"

Another few people also brought the two Chaoxian miscellaneous servants to Jin Zidian and asked them to identify them.

But after a while, the two Chao ~ fresh factotum just react to come over, can't help pointing at Jin Zidian, using Chao ~ fresh language to scold.

When Cui he understood Korean, he couldn't help but be overjoyed. He clasped Liu Ziqiang's hand and laughed: "Lao Liu, we are really developed this time! Ha ha ha! This guy is really the leader of the fresh army! Don't cover the dead. He's dead


At this time, in the front of the battlefield, the Ming army had completely controlled the initiative, and the main force had penetrated into the heart of Houjin camp.

As the reports of the war spread to the front, Li Yuanqing came to the Bank of Daning River with three or four hundred soldiers and two hundred pitchers.

Hundreds of strong torches were lit by the soldiers nearby, forming a huge "concave" shape, which firmly guarded Li Yuanqing in the center, and also facilitated the brothers in front to quickly come back to pass the war report.

At this time, Chen Zhong also drove his horse back, laughing and dismounting.

"Yuanqing, we have won a great victory today! We have captured all the dog Tartars' camps. There are at least two or three thousand cattle and ten thousand sheep left. "

Some of Chen Zhong's fat faces were covered with blood.

But although he was a little fat, but the blood gas in his bones was still there, but compared with that year, his physical strength was slightly lower.Li Yuanqing also laughed: "well done! eldest brother! By the way, where are the horses? Are there any tartar horses left? "

Chen Zhong was a little annoyed and patted his head, "Yuanqing, I was about to tell you about this! These Tartars are so vicious! All the horses that can be taken away have been taken away, and those that can't be taken away are scattered! We can't do it right now. I'll have to wait until tomorrow morning. "

Although he had expected the ending, Li Yuanqing was still disappointed when he heard Chen Zhongzhen say it.

In this battle, there are more than 100000 horses in the post Jin army!

Even if it can leave 10000, it will be enough for the Ming army to directly rush to Shenyang City!

However, Li Yuanqing also understood that war horses were the fate of these Tartars. In such a situation, there were more than 20000 people in the tartar camp who did not fight. Naturally, it was impossible to leave the war horses to them.

However, even if they don't get the spoils of war horses, these cattle and sheep, as well as the first-class combat achievements, can be regarded as the real super victory in the history of the Ming Dynasty!

Li Yuanqing soon adjusted his mind.

"By the way, Yuanqing, what about marshal and Chen Jisheng? How is it going? Where did they kill? "

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