Chao ~ fresh prisoner camp.

Park lie is standing on a small mound of soil, struggling to shout something.

It can be seen that after a warm breakfast, this guy has recovered a lot and his mental state is not bad.

Under his command, these prisoners were obviously more clever. Whether they were pushing the rooster, pulling the cart, or carrying materials on their shoulders, they were working harder than before.

In the distance, the corner of Li Yuanqing's mouth can not help but show a trace of subtle fun.

This Pu lie really has two brushes.

However, with this skill, it is still too naive to ask for glory and wealth from Li Yuanqing.

"Tell Duan Xiliang that in the evening, give these yegouzi a little bit of hot broth and use the leftovers from the brothers' food."


Niu Gensheng hastily nods down.

"Let's go." Li Yuanqing a smile: "nothing good-looking. After lunch, my brothers should have a good rest today. "


Li Yuanqing had a good sleep. It was dark in the evening, so he stretched out and washed outside the tent.

Niu Gensheng has already got up early, and is busy handing over the latest war report just returned by the sentinels to Li Yuanqing.

After a brief glance, Li Yuanqing's eyebrows wrinkled slightly, but for a moment, there was an indescribable smile: "pass on our military orders, call on two guerrilla or above officers to come to my account to discuss business."


Not long after that, more than a dozen major officers of the two departments, including Chen Zhong, Duan Xiliang, shunzi, Kong Youde, Chen Changyou and Ying Meng, all came to Li Yuanqing's tent.

Chen Zhong also just woke up a few days ago, and still looked a little tired.

After all, he is nearly 40 years old, and his physical functions will inevitably decline.

"Yuanqing, is there any good news?"

Chen Zhong took the cigar from Li Yuanqing and lit it. He took a deep breath. He was intoxicated for a moment. He looked at Li Yuanqing with a smile.

With a smile, Li Yuanqing handed Chen Zhong several war reports.

Chen Zhong glanced at him once, and his eyes widened. Suddenly he came to the spirit, "Yuanqing, this is not possible, right? How can Tartars divide their forces? "


It is different from Li Yuanqing's relaxed and comfortable account.

At this time, in a depression about 30 miles away from the northeast of the temporary camp of the Ming army, more than 2000 people and 5000 or 6000 horses of Amin department were huddled together, shivering in the chilly cold night from the morning to the early spring.

Because he was afraid that the Ming army's spies would find out their whereabouts, Amin did not dare to set the slaves on fire. He was afraid that the main force of the Ming army would pursue them. He had to stand up and endure the bitter cold.

Since last night, almost no life on the road, Amin a group of wild boar skin has been tired.

Although there were still many dried beans on the slaves, and the horses also found a dry grass which was slightly naked or exposed in the evening, and gave the horses a simple supplement. But Amin was very aware that this was far from enough to restore the horse's power.

After many years of fighting, many Mongolian slaves assisted, and the later Jin army was very mature in horse raising.

Usually, the food of war horses is mainly grass, supplemented by a little dry beans.

In wartime, the dosage of dried beans will be increased, and even, if conditions permit, raw eggs will be added to it, so that the horses can produce the most critical energy at a critical time.

Therefore, a lot of wild boar skin will be on the body, or on the horse, with a bag of dried beans to replenish energy for the horses at any time.

What a pity!

When the main force of the Jin army attacked the defense line of the Ming army, the vast majority of them went out to fight with infantry, and the preparations in this respect were obviously insufficient.

Although later, after rushing back to the camp, Amin made the slaves snatch a lot of dried beans, but for the whole situation, it was still a drop in the bucket.

The horses had no horsepower, and the slaves were exhausted, so they couldn't send out sentinels to patrol. They couldn't make a fire. They had to endure.

Without fire, there would be no hot water, not to mention hot food.

Fortunately, there is a stream which is similar to urinating here. These boar skins can drink cold water to avoid dying of thirst.

Listen to the side of one by one servants teeth impact chatter, snivel sound flow continuous voice, Armin forced wrapped up in the body of the sheep blanket, the root of the teeth are almost broken.

The defeat of Ming army didn't make Amin lose heart.

This time, although the main force of the latter Jin army suffered heavy losses in the battle of Anzhou and lost the camp, in fact, it can only be regarded as a wound, but not fatal.

In this morning, they gathered in a large number of deserters, and soon gathered together. There were more than 25000 people, especially the elite main forces of each banner. Except for a few Niu Lu, who were in charge of the battle, none of them was seriously injured.But in the following military discussion, Amin had a serious conflict with yuetuo, Dudu and shuoto.

Amin insisted on rushing to Seoul, using Seoul for supplies, and then plotting a decisive battle with Li Yuanqing to recover the previous field and make up for the loss.

However, Yue Tuo, Du Du, Shuo Tuo, including Jil Harang and Li Yongfang, who had always been like a dog before, seriously refuted his opinion.

They all agreed that the firepower of the Ming army, especially Li Yuanqing, was too strong at this time. They had already lost so many warriors. It was obviously unwise to tangle with Li Yuanqing.

The best way is to go north as soon as possible, and supply and leave around the north coast.

After all, Li Yuanqing's fleet is in the south, and Li Yuanqing is not a fairy, so he can't fly directly.

As long as the main force of the later Jin Dynasty can be preserved, the Khan will not be too harsh on them.

But how can Amin accept this ending? Even though he was furious, he wanted to use his power to oppress yuetuo, who was a powerful man in later Jin Dynasty, to submit to him.

What a pity!

This time, that time.

When in the clouds, each pore is served very comfortably.

But when it comes down, the dog bullies the tiger.

Yue Tuo and Du Du Du, who lost the battle in Anzhou, had strong opinions on Amin.

Because before, they all did not agree to go to the hard gang with such a well prepared Li Yuanqing. They have been in Korea ~ rarely have so much harvest, just need to take these harvests back to Shengjing.

But Amin is determined.

The main reason is that Amin was so irritable that he didn't treat yuetuo and Dudu as people.

Not before.

But at this time, it's a matter of life and death. How can yuetuo and Du Du give ah min face again?

They should even say that they will not go on the same journey with Amin, but return to Laozhai as soon as possible.

Amin had hoped that his brother, the sixth elder brother, would hold up the scene for him. However, ji'erharan refused his request and stood firmly on the side of yuetuo and Dudu.

In particular, the vast majority of the Han Army Flag slaves under Amin's command and inlaid with blue flags did not choose him, Amin, but chose to run with Jil Harang!

"Second brother, the goal of Li Yuanqing's battle is not us, but Seoul! Why do you have to make yourself uncomfortable? We can make up for some losses by plundering Xianbei

Jil Haran's words are in my ear. Amin is more and more angry!

"Old six, you bookworm, you are really stupid to read! My golden warrior has to die standing up. How can he run like a dog? "

"He will let you go, but will he let me go?"

"How can I go back and endure Huang Taiji's humiliation? Let him eat fish? "

"Yes! I can't go back! This time, it may not be a bad thing. As long as I can go to Seoul and get supplies from the city, with more than 2000 warriors in hand, I will soon recover my strength! "

"Huang Taiji, Jil Harang, yuetuo, Du Du, Shuo Tuo, and Li Yongfang, you dog scum! You are all waiting for me. When you recover your vitality in the imperial court, you will surely kill Shengjing, and you will all regret it! "

"I must trample you all under your feet! Ha ha ha! At that time, I would like to see what kind of faces you are

Amin is just about to get into the dream of sleeping.

At this time, there is a night slave who is not open-minded in front of him, and quickly reports, "master son, the sixth master has come. He has something urgent to see you

"What? Old six? "

Amin jumped up, frowned tightly and spat: "what is he doing here? Isn't he already going north? "

The servant said, "master son, six Masters said that they found a grassland in front of them, which should supplement our horsepower. Maybe we can fight Li Yuanqing again!"


Amin didn't expect that things would turn around like this. Suddenly, she was overjoyed and said, "where is Lao Liu? Let him come to see me

The servant said in a hurry: "master son, the sixth Master said that this matter is a matter of secret. I want you to go out and say, don't disturb the rest of the warriors."

Amin didn't think much about it. He quickly got up and said to the slave, "lead the way ahead, quick!"


The servant is busy leading Amin to the side of the dark.

Soon, after a small soil slope a hundred paces away from the camp, Amin saw Jil Harang again, and said with great joy: "Laoliu, did you really find the grassland? Ha ha ha! Eternal life has been revealed! He can't bear to see our big gold suffer so much

Jil Haran's face was a little solemn. Instead of using Amin as a topic, he said: "second brother, this is the end of the matter. You can't be stubborn! If you stay in Chaoxian, sooner or later, you will be broken down by Li Yuanqing! These warriors are the essence of my big gold! You can't risk their livesAmin didn't expect that jir Harang called him out. He was still in this attitude. He couldn't help but say: "Laoliu, what do you want to say? Did you let this slave cheat me

Said, Amin instinctively suddenly turned around, but suddenly found that around him, there have been more than a dozen strong white armor around.

"Sixth, what do you want to do?"

Jil Haran shook his head a little tired. "Second brother, big sweat gave me such an order before we came to Chaoxian! I didn't want to Unfortunately, you Ah, second brother, at this time, you are still stubborn! Do you want to kill us all? Do you want to bring down the foundation that our father and his generation laid down in vain? "

"Old six, I can't think of it. I can't think of it! You, you are such a person! You are going to attack your own brother! Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha! My Amin is so blind! I can't see through you

Looking at Amin going crazy, jir Harang shook his head weakly and waved his hand, "second brother, go back with me and plead with sweat. I'll go and beg for your life

"Old six! You dream! You dog slaves, you can see clearly who is the flag owner with blue flag! You dog slaves, are you going to make trouble? "

Jil Haran finally lost his patience. His eyes were cold and he waved his hand, "do it! Don't hurt his life

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