The bay where the refugees lived temporarily was originally a small fishing village. However, due to the sea ban policy of the later Jin Dynasty, it had been abandoned for a long time. The buildings left by the fishermen were also dilapidated. These more than 2000 refugees could only gather together to light a campfire and use the strength of the crowd to fight against God.

When Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong led their troops to arrive, the whole refugee camp was in a snowy white, and the crowd looked like an ice sculpture.

"How many young people are there in the camp?" Li Yuanqing turned his head and asked Ma Wudao.

Ma Wu suddenly knelt down and said with tears in his eyes: "my Lord, we are almost no longer young and strong. All the men go back to stop the Tartars. Only women and children are left in the camp."

"Grass." Li Yuanqing spat hard.

Chen Zhong is also displeased.

If there is no youth, even if these refugees are saved, I am afraid that it will not help them at all, but it will be a burden that can not be thrown away.

But the matter has come to this point, Li Yuanqing can not leave, directly to Ma Wu: "let the villagers quickly pack up things, go now."

Ma Wu did not dare to neglect, and the soldiers, young men together, rushed to inform the camp people.

Soon, the originally silent camp began to have vitality, one by one like snow sculptures, like ants moving, began to move.

But even with the help of soldiers and young men, the speed of these people still can't be mentioned.

There are almost no men in their families. Most of them are old and weak women and children. Although they have little money, they always have to put away their food, clothes, bedding and bedding. There are also hungry children who need to be fed by their mothers. There are also elderly people who can't walk easily and need help and care.

Until dawn, almost just sort out.

Li Yuanqing finally understood Liu Bei's sufferings during the Jingxiang retreat.

Fortunately, all difficulties are temporary. As the sky gradually brightens and the snowflakes drift larger and larger, the refugee camp finally tidies up, and under the command and help of soldiers and young men, they gather orderly towards the sea side.

However, the army of refugees had just entered the sea and had not made a few steps. At this time, there was a shrill howl from the shore. A group of dark figures, like evil spirits crawling out of hell, slowly emerged from the horizon in the distance.

"It's Tartars. Here comes the tartar. "

"Ah. Run for your life. Here comes the Tartars

In a moment, the refugees were in a mess and ran towards the sea like crazy. The situation was on the verge of being out of control.

Although Li Yuanqing had expected this situation for a long time, he did not expect that these refugees were even more unbearable than he thought. They could only shout at the young people around them to quickly maintain order, and ordered the soldiers to quickly gather around them.

Chen Zhong was also flustered and said with some guilt: "Yuanqing, I'm to blame for this. It seems that our brother, I'm afraid we have to explain it here today. "

At this time, the figure on the horizon had been fully exposed. There were thousands of people, all of them were cavalry.

In the central part, there are several big flags with red edges. These are the men and horses inlaid with red flags.

They were not in a hurry. They did not rush up at once, but gradually approached like a hunting hunter, until the prey was frightened and exhausted.

Li Yuanqing's eyes showed a touch of unspeakable ferocity.

In terms of animal instinct, the Han people on our side can not be compared with those Nvzhen Tartars who are accompanied by crisis day and night. Their growing up experience makes them all the best hunters. Once they are targeted, they are the same as being watched by death.

Li Yuanqing looked back.

At this time, the refugee army was almost a mile away from the ships on the edge of the ice layer in the sea, while the Tartars on the opposite side were a little more than a mile away from their own side.

At least in a few years, it seems that men need to run for more than a minute.

But at this time, the foot is not a plastic track, there are no super light running shoes, but each of them is wearing a thick cotton padded jacket. The ice under the feet is cold and slippery. If you are not careful, you will fall over.

What's more, there are few young and old women and children who are not able to move. It is not necessary for them to go out of this place for an hour.

However, these rear gold cavalry on the opposite side, I'm afraid, as long as the horses charge, they can rush to their own side in the blink of an eye.

"Yuanqing, what to do?" The situation is in danger, even Chen Zhong is flustered.

Fortunately, the soldiers under their command were all elite. At this time, most of them had gathered around them.

"What? Cold sauce. "

Li Yuanqing's eyes narrowed, "don't panic, big brother. We must line up first, otherwise, the cavalry will rush and we will die. I don't think these Tartars are in a hurry to attack. We still have time to find a way. "

Chen Zhong nodded quickly, and together with Li Yuanqing, beckoned the soldiers around him and lined up in a straight line to escort the refugees.

The red flag Department on the opposite side was also very curious about what this small group of Ming army was going to do, and moved forward a little, keeping a distance of one mile. This is the distance that the other side can see clearly with the naked eye, and it is also the best distance for cavalry to charge.After that, the army of refugees became a little more stable, but the speed was not raised at all. Although the heavy snow continued to fall, maintaining some of the friction on the ice, but these old and weak women and children, the more flustered, the more busy they were.

The cold sweat on Li Yuanqing's forehead has seeped out.

If the situation goes on like this, even if it can be delayed for a while, our own side will surely be doomed.

If we fight now, our side may still be able to fight a way out. But the longer the time goes by, let alone these refugees, there will be fear in the hearts of the soldiers. The most terrifying of all, this emotion will spread among the army with even a small action.

But the ranks of the refugees behind him have spread out. Even if Li Yuanqing wants to run now, it is impossible. Almost there is no way to heaven, no way to enter the earth.

"Yuanqing, why don't we drill. Cut through the ice and see if they dare to rush in. " Chen Zhong suddenly had a crazy idea.

Li Yuanqing couldn't help laughing and shaking his head. Ice drilling? How could that be possible?

The ice layer on the coast is the deepest place of ice. It is at least tens of centimeters thick. Soldiers have no tools. If they use weapons to drill ice, it will be suicide.

"Big brother, it's not good to drill ice. But we can't be so passive. " Li Yuanqing looked at the dense cavalry lines of the rear Jin army, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Yuanqing, do you have a good idea?" Chen Zhong knows that his brother has a far better brain than others. At this time, listening to Li Yuanqing's words, he can't help being pleased.

Li Yuanqing did not explain, "brother, let's go forward ten steps."

Chen Zhong was stunned. However, he saw that Li Yuanqing had already led his soldiers forward ten steps. Chen Zhong didn't dare to neglect him, so he made his soldiers follow.

At this time, the defense line of Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong was less than a mile away from the rear Jin army, and nearly 30 steps away from the coast in front of them.

Along the coast, the beach has been frozen solid, bumpy, and uneven.

Li Yuanqing spat on the ground, and the ice formed instantly. In this weather, it can be said that water drops into ice.

Thinking about it, Li Yuanqing suddenly had an idea in his heart. If he could pour water on the beach, these horses might not be able to rush over so easily.

Unfortunately, even if we can cut through the ice behind us, there is no water pipe, no pressure, and the sea water can not achieve the desired effect.

If there is no other way, we can only leave people dead and fill in with their lives.

It's just that Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong only have 350 people. Even if they take their lives to fill in, how long can they fill in? The cavalry will catch up sooner or later.

"Damn it." Li Yuanqing spat hard.

In the field, it is almost impossible for the farming people to fight against the nomadic people without square array and thick armour.

But now, in addition to the flesh and blood body and the steel knife in his hand, Li Yuan Qingzhen has no sharp weapon to fight against them.

At this time, the cavalry of the later Jin Dynasty on the opposite side seemed to be running out of patience. The horses kept ringing their noses. Some Tartars in the shape of officers were approaching the big flag with red flags. They did not know what they were discussing.

Looking at the ugly and disgusting faces on the opposite side, Li Yuanqing's palms had already made sweat.

But the situation is like this, the initiative has always been firmly grasped in the hands of the Jin army.

At this time, shunzi could not bear to be frightened. He could not help roaring, "adult, fight with dog day. Killing one is enough, killing two makes one. "

"My Lord, it's dog day."

"Spell it."

The two soldiers almost reached the limit of their hearts. Under the leadership of shunzi, they burst out almost at the same time.

Li Yuanqing is about to reach the critical point. If he wants to have such morale, he can really compete with these rear gold cavalry. However, with infantry without thick armour, he can fight with the cavalry with neat lineup, and the opponent is more than three times the number of his own side. What a stupid commander can make a mistake.

But for now, there seems to be no other choice but this most primitive method.

At this time, Li Yuanqing suddenly saw the cloth in the hands of the youth behind him. Almost in an instant, a crazy plan suddenly came out of Li Yuanqing's mind.

Li Yuanqing looked back. At this time, the large army of refugees was less than half a mile away from the ships in the sea. With the help of the young people, the first refugees began to board.

Looking back to the front of the body, the later golden cavalry seemed to be unable to wait, and they were going to take their own side of the knife.

Li Yuanqing suddenly sneered and turned to look at the soldiers and young men around him, "brothers, are you afraid?"

Shunzi took the lead in yelling: "my Lord, I'm afraid of a ball. Since I have eaten this bowl of rice, I have expected this day for a long time. Killing one is enough, killing two makes one. "

"Killing one is enough, killing two makes one."

Behind him, soldiers and young men almost cried out without thinking.

Li Yuanqing laughed, "you are all good boys. How can you die here? If you follow me, I will have a way to take you out of here alive. "People can't help but look at each other. They can't imagine that this is already the case. What else can adults do to lead them to escape from the heaven?

But in the instinctive belief of Li Yuanqing, no matter the soldiers or the young men, there is hope on their faces. My Lord may have a way.

But at this time, Li Yuanqing began to take off his clothes. First, he took off his armor, then his cotton padded jacket, and then his underwear. Finally, he took off his underpants and was naked.

People can't help but look at each other, Chen Zhong is also a bit stunned, "Yuanqing, you, you..."

Li Yuanqing didn't care. He let the cold wind blow his body. He quickly picked up his armor, picked up his steel knife, and threw his clothes not far in front of him. He yelled: "what the hell are you doing for me? Take off your clothes. Come on

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