At this time, the atmosphere in Huang Taiji's big tent was very relaxed, different from that of dashou, the ancestor of the city, who was fighting with the generals, relatives and servants.

He poured a glass of wine for Jill Haran himself and drank with him with a smile.

"Xiao Liu, you've lost a lot of weight when you come back from Chao to Xian. Come on, have a drink and eat more meat. "

With that, Huang Taiji cut a leg of roast lamb and handed it to Jil Haran.

Zierharan respectfully took over the leg of lamb, and tears welled up in his eyes: "sweat..."

Huang Taiji waved his hand with a smile, "Xiao Liu, don't worry. Let's talk slowly. Now, eat this leg of mutton first. "


Zilharan nodded hard and began to eat.

Looking at zierhalang's wolfing appearance, Huang Taiji's mouth showed a gentle and warm smile.

Different from abatai's coldness, Huang Taiji is full of tolerance for the little six who grew up behind him since he was a child.

There is an old saying in our ancestors, which is called "one thing reduces one thing.".

As a matter of fact, it is difficult for brothers, especially the royal family, to live in harmony for various reasons.

But people are not cold-blooded animals after all.

Even if Huang Taiji is such a hero, there will be a soft place in the bottom of his heart.

Of course, the premise of all this is when there is no threat to his throne under his ass.

However, zierhalang, who grew up with Huang Taiji since he was young, is called a cousin. In fact, he is more intimate than his brother.

Not to mention, the battle between Korea and Xian was precisely because of the wise decision of jierhalang that he did not choose to fight Li Yuanqing, which saved the main force of the Jin army after entering the dynasty.

Zierharan had something on his mind. He ate it very quickly. In a couple of times, he had eaten the roast leg of the smaller lamb. He choked and dried up the wine.

"Oh, eat slowly. Don't worry. "

Huang Taiji poured a glass of wine for Jil Harang himself. He also cut a small piece of mutton, put it into his mouth and chewed it slowly. For a moment, he said with a smile, "Xiao Liu, isn't your heart still unhappy?"

Zierharan took a sip of wine and said, "it's not that I'm upset that I'm a slave, sweating. However, Li Yuanqing left a deep impression on the servants. Da Han, really, the fire power of Li Yuanqing in the first battle of Anzhou is simply amazing! Now, every night I dream, I still dream of that scene. The cannon and the blunderbuss sing together. Mortals are afraid that there is no room for resistance. "

These days, after returning from Chao to Xian, jierhalang followed Huang Taiji and carried out an expedition to western Liaoning. All his time was basically spent on his way.

He wanted to have a good talk with Huang Taiji, but he didn't find a chance. At this time, he finally had the opportunity, and Jil Harang did not reserve it. He told Huang Taiji all his "nightmares".

Because he knew that he had to tell the truth whether to his mynax or to his sweat. Only by telling the truth can we guarantee that the warriors of Dajin will not repeat the tragic mistakes of Anzhou.

Huang Taiji tasted the wine lightly and nodded slowly.

Before that, he had simply heard the description of the battle in Anzhou, but it was not detailed, because there was no time.

Although he was an opponent, Huang Taiji was also very interested in Li Yuanqing's firepower composition. He said with a smile, "Xiao Liu, you don't have any burden. You can tell me the story of the battle of Anzhou in its original form."

"Yes. Sweat. "

After listening to Huang Taiji's opening, jierhalang no longer keeps it. He tells Huang Taiji in detail about the battle of Anzhou and the process of the main force of the Jin army against Li Yuanqing.

After speaking for more than half an hour, the two had already drunk four pots of wine, and Jill Harang finished.

"Myna, to tell you the truth, at that time, the work of the second brother and the second brother had been very perfect, basically without any mistakes. If it's normal, I'm afraid we can attack even the capital of Ming Dynasty. Unfortunately, Li Yuanqing's firepower is too fierce! It's just blocking out the sun. It's hard to breathe! Especially Li Yuanqing is too cunning. He did not fire ahead of time, but waited for the warriors to rush into a small half of their camp before firing. With firepower, we have cut off the connection between the vanguard of our warriors and the follow-up. "

When he was drunk, jierhalang completely let go and said, "myna, Li Yuanqing's firepower is no longer the armor of our warriors. Seventy or eighty steps away, they can even break through the top three of our warriors. Many warriors, often have not been able to play, they have fallen under their gun mouth! Myna, we will never fight positional warfare against Li Yuanqing in the future. Instead, we must take the advantage of cavalry and charge them directly. "

Huang Taiji nodded slowly: "Xiao Liu, I understand what you mean. However, with this experience, you should also know Li Yuanqing. This man is a hero. It's more slippery than loach. He won't give us a chance to attack him with cavalry. ""Well, what shall we do? myna. Can't, can't let Li Yuanqing keep pressing on us? "

Zierhalang was a little anxious, and his blue veins on his neck were bulging up. He said quickly, "myna, to tell you the truth, Li Yuanqing is strong, but his long-term camp has no more than ten thousand troops, which may not be able to cover all aspects. Slave, slave is worried, at this time, in our court, there are many people, look too light on Li Yuanqing. If it goes on like this, if we really meet Li Yuanqing, they will suffer a lot! Eight elder brother, we big gold, but can't suffer such loss again

Huang Taiji nodded his head.

Naturally, he understood that zilharan's words were absolutely enough sincere.

I'm afraid it's only him who can say this in his heart.

"Xiao Liu, I understand your worries. Li Yuanqing is a real talent! What a pity! Even if Cong GuLun is married to him, he can't be used by my big money! "

Huang Taiji said, originally smiling Maitreya Buddha's face, a touch of gloomy, a flash.

However, for a moment, he laughed again: "Xiao Liu, you don't have to worry too much. To tell you the truth, Li Yuanqing's blunderbuss broke my understanding of the Ming army's original blunderbuss. I have decided to recruit gunners and Gunners in the flag of the Han army. In fact, there's nothing ingenious about this thing. Li Yuanqing can use it. We can use it as well! "

Hearing this, zierhalang was overjoyed: "myna is wise!"

Busy again way: "eight elder brother, if we also have Li Yuanqing such firepower, the slave still is afraid of his Li Yuanqing bird miscellaneous hair! As long as we can hold down Li Yuanqing's firepower, then ~ ~, when our warriors rush up, Li Yuanqing will have no strength at all! "

Huang Taiji laughed: "Xiaoliu, that's it. Life in the world, how can everything be as people want? So, in everything, we should think for the good. After knowing your own shortcomings, you should learn from others. ha-ha. Li Yuanqing. I guess his life will not be easy now. "


At this time, Huang Taiji really did not guess wrong, Li Yuanqing was really in trouble.

In other words, there are his hands and feet of Huangtaiji.

In the evening, as soon as Li Yuanqing's fleet arrived in Anzhou area, Mao Wenlong's speedboat came after him. In other words, an envoy from the imperial court had arrived in Anzhou and asked Li Yuanqing to meet him now.

Li Yuanqing did not expect that on his way back, the imperial court threw him such a big problem.

But soon, Li Yuanqing was relieved.

This is the court trying to test his attitude!

Because ~ ~, there are not only eunuchs, but also two ministers.

On Li Yuanqing's boat, more than a dozen generals, including Duan Xiliang, shunzi, Kong Youde and Liu Dadou, are gathering together.

"General, you must not go to Anzhou. This is probably a Hongmen banquet. If it's a big deal, we'll tear our face with the court! Without the restriction of the imperial court, we in southern Liaoning will be even smoother. "

Duan Xiliang some blush, the neck thick big voice channel.

What the court has done in recent years is really chilling!

Whether it was juehua island before or today's Chao ~ Hsien, if it was not for the children of their long life camp, who would have come to the situation today?

But even if the children of the Changsheng camp gave up so much military merit, the court would not let them go at this time. How can we bear it?

"Bastard! What nonsense! Shut up

Li Yuanqing was so angry that he smashed his cigar box on Duan Xiliang's head.

Duan Xiliang did not dare to hide. Shengsheng was hit by Li Yuanqing.

Fortunately, the cigar box is empty and has no strength. Otherwise, Duan Xiliang's head will be smashed.

Although Duan Xiliang was extremely unhappy, Li Yuanqing made a speech, and he would not dare to refute it. He closed his mouth honestly, but looked at Li Yuanqing with expectation on his face, hoping that Li Yuanqing could follow his advice.

Liu Dadou said: "general, Xi Liang is right. The court's move is sinister! For your safety's sake, I don't approve of your rush to Anzhou. General, you are our longevity camp and the backbone of our southern Liaoning Province

Shunzi knows that Duan Xiliang should have had his share in the blow he suffered just now.

Liu Dadou made a speech. Naturally, he could not be silent any more. He said, "general, Lao Duan is right with Lao Liu. You must not go to Anzhou. Even if there is Mao Shuai in Anzhou, but ~ ~, the heart of guarding against people is indispensable! We are also busy with the spring ploughing and the gathering up of these women. You can't delay your trip in Anzhou

Li Yuanqing lit a cigar, took a deep breath, slowly spit out a thick fog, nodded, but not in a hurry.

At this time, Kong Youde, who had been silent, said, "general. This is really a thorny problem that the imperial court has given us! If you go. The risk factor is too high. Even Mao Shuai, I'm afraid, can hardly withstand the pressure of the imperial court. But if we don't go, the imperial court will have the reason to deal with us! General, this is to roast our long life camp and southern Liaoning on the fire. "Niu Gensheng on one side also said, "general. Our main force has already withdrawn from North Korea. Although the fleet can cover Anzhou, it is far from enough to satisfy the needs of the local people. You can go to Anzhou now. Maybe we can try to slow down a bit

"Slow? Old cow, how to slow down? "

Shunzi listened to Niu Gensheng's words, then came to the spirit, busy to see Niu Gensheng.

Niu Gensheng bowed his hand to shunzi and said to Li Yuanqing: "general, at this time, the sea wind is strong and the waves are very strong. Maybe we can get the emissaries of the imperial court to Lushun or Jinzhou... "

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