When the news of Jinzhou's "great victory" reached Ningyuan, it was noon the next day.

Inspector yuan was taking a nap.

These days, the victory of Li Yuanqing and Mao Wenlong in the dynasty really put great pressure on Yuan supervisor.

As the old saying goes, "don't be afraid to compare people with people, just be afraid to compare goods with goods.".

If there is no comparison, there is still a reason to prevaricate. However, with the living achievements of Li Yuanqing and Mao Wenlong in front of us, they will be quite embarrassed.

You know, Li Yuanqing's Changsheng Island Department, Mao Wenlong's Dongjiang department and Chen Zhongguang's deer island Department add up to less than 800000 Liang a year, which is hardly a fraction of their western Liaoning Province.

In the past, we could talk to the court about the importance of mountain customs and Liaoxi corridor.

But at this time, Li Yuanqing's defense line has been pushed to the front line of Gaizhou, and Mao Wenlong's defense line has also been pushed to the deep mountains and old woods of Kuandian. Why can't the main force of the latter Jin army attack them?

Although the Lords of the imperial court have their own interests, no one is a fool.

This makes Liaoxi about the importance of geographical location, also began to stand on the ground.

Especially Huang Taiji.

Mingming said well in the negotiation at the beginning of the year to "safeguard the peace of both sides and maintain the common interests". However, this humble dog barbarian, after only a few days, turned his back and raised his butcher's knife to western Liaoning.

In the west of Liaoning Province, although the government spent a large amount of food and money these years, it could not wait to empty the national treasury. It is said that it has trained hundreds of thousands of powerful new army and built hundreds of strong fortresses.

But ~ ~, others don't know that it is insidious. How can he not count in his mind?

At this time, the real combat power in western Liaoning was afraid that only Ningyuan was the only city, and there were only twenty or thirty thousand soldiers available.

Originally, there was man GUI, who could barely fight with Tartars, and could be used to revolve around. However, manchui was just a big prick, and he often didn't listen to him. His supervisor Yuan made great efforts to get him to the position of commander in chief of Shanhaiguan.

Injustice has its head, debt has its owner.

At this time, such a situation, man GUI this guy, is also never want to hope on.

Governor yuan can't imagine it.

If, in case, Jinzhou City is captured by Tartars, then how should he explain to all parties.

Fortunately, he still has Ningyuan city.

Ningyuan city is a military city built by him personally. It has abundant food and salaries. There are nearly 30000 elite soldiers and dozens of red coated cannons in the city. Moreover, all the generals under his command are his commander in chief. This has become the last card and the greatest confidence of governor yuan.

As long as Ningyuan city does not lose, he will still have a chance, and he will have room to continue bargaining with the imperial court.

However, even if Ningyuan city's bottom card was there, so many tangles and various tangible and intangible pressures were about to put the pressure on Governor yuan, causing him to be extremely angry. These days, he could hardly sleep at night.

Finally, when he finished his work at noon, supervisor yuan was preparing to have a rest for a while, but suddenly he heard cheers and thunders outside.

Governor yuan was about to break out and give a good lesson to these humble servants. However, he suddenly heard the news of Jinzhou's great victory and jumped out of bed at once.

For a moment, his confidant, the old servant, did not care about etiquette. He rushed in with tears in his eyes: "master, great victory, great victory! In Jinzhou City, general Zu successfully defeated the Tartars' attack and captured 73 Tartars' heads! "

"Where is the good news? Bring it to me

It's like a small boss who has been urged by the bank every day and is about to go bankrupt. When he is about to fail, he suddenly finds that he has won the lottery

Governor yuan was like an instant tonic. He wanted to fly to the sky, shoulder to shoulder with the sun He didn't even care about the etiquette.

The old servant didn't dare to neglect him, so he quickly handed the report to governor yuan.

Inspector yuan quickly glanced at him, and he felt a long sigh of relief, but for a moment, his brows wrinkled tightly.

But who was his supervisor yuan?

No matter, no back to Taiwan, no status, just with a final fame, a momentum of blood, alone, went to Liaoxi to take root for more than ten years, alone and silently endure the cold wind and frost in Liaoxi, it was simply a picnic.

Is there anyone else who doesn't want to play more smoothly with the so-called "rules"?

"Pass on the official's military order, and immediately summon civil servants from all departments and officers at or above the guerrilla level to come to the official hall for discussion! Besides, spread the good news to the whole city

"Yes. Master

The old servant didn't dare to neglect and went out to work in a hurry.

Looking at the old servant's departure, governor yuan tightly held the victory report of Zu dashou in his hand, and carefully looked it up several times. His brow became even tighter.

Although the diction of the victory report is extremely gorgeous and makes people feel excited, how can governor yuan not see that it is insidious?

Zu dashou is not strong enough.

The "great victory" is only 70 or so, and the real slave is only over 20You know, Jinzhou City can have more than 15000 elite soldiers. Not counting the surrounding Tunpu.

But governor yuan also understood that although Zu dashou was known as "veteran general", in fact, he had not achieved much merit after so many years. If there were not so many people supporting him in Liaoxi, how could it be his turn to sit on the throne of deputy general of Jinzhou?

It's OK.

It's OK.

Zu dashou and their ancestral family finally did not let him down and kept Jinzhou.

After guarding Jinzhou, he had more room for maneuver.

In Ningyuan, there is Zhao Zhijiao, his beloved general, who sits in the town in person. This is far from the "two swords" of Zu dashou. As long as the Tartars dare to come to Ningyuan, his yuan supervisor will make up for the head that the ancestral family can't get!

Now, he has to make the most of this trend!


With the trend of Jinzhou's "great victory" and his excellent strategy, Ningyuan city's morale was high for a time, full of confidence and fighting spirit, waiting for the main force of Huangtaiji's later Jin Dynasty to come and find his death.

What a pity.

What surprised governor yuan was that he had been waiting for five days, and the cauliflower was about to cool. He thought that Huangtaiji and the main force of Houjin might not come. On the evening of April 27, the main force of Huangtaiji's later Jin Dynasty arrived at the lower part of Ningyuan city late.

At the same time, countless news about the loss of garrison in Jinzhou, Dalinghe, Xiaolinghe, nuehe and even the surrounding areas of Ningyuan seemed to be black-and-white and impermanent life symbols, which could not stop flying into the hands of his supervisor yuan.

At this time, the northern wall of Ningyuan city.

Accompanied by the new Guan Ning nobles and the new commander in chief of Ningyuan City, governor yuan inspected the camp of Tartars not far away.

All the other officers and civil servants knew that governor yuan was not in a good mood at this time. They all separated the two men by more than ten steps and carefully examined the camp of the rear Jin army.

At a crenel with a thick hanging door, Zhao led Jiao cautiously reported to governor yuan: "Lord Fu Tai, at this time, we have received more than 50 Tunpu fortresses. Only these Tunpu fortresses, we are afraid that there will be no less than 30000 people. If you add in those who have no news of Tunpu, I'm afraid that at least 45000 people will be afraid. My Lord, these despicable Tartars, their target, I'm afraid... "

What else should Zhao lead the religion to say, but yuan gave him a cold look.

Zhao Zhijiao immediately shut his mouth, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe again.

At this time, although Zhao zhuangjiao was the first red man of guanning army, the actual constructor of guanning army group, and the largest landlord in western Liaoning, it can be said that he covered the sky in western Liaoning.

But Zhao Zhijiao understood very well that his foundation was not very clean.

Especially after sun Chengzong left office, there were many people in the court who were very dissatisfied with him. They put the main spearhead of Liao's salary on his Zhao Zhijiao, hoping that he would lead the religion to carry the black pot and be the scapegoat.

He was not stupid to direct his teaching. How could he let these people do what he wanted?

Fortunately, over the past few years, his relationship with governor yuan has been very good. Since the great victory of Ningyuan in five years, governor yuan's momentum is so fierce that he can hardly let go of this "golden thigh"?

It is different from the lower level generals, or the lower and middle level generals.

As early as the restoration of Qiantun in that year, Zhao Zhijiao had already been registered in the imperial court.

As the old saying goes, "people are afraid of being famous, and pigs are afraid of being strong.".

Fame can bring great benefits, but at the same time, it also hides great dangers.

However, it was not Emperor Xian's reign after all. The frontier was very peaceful, and there was a flash point of the first World War, which was enough for people to eat for a lifetime.

It's like a star of later generations. Even if you were a star in the 1980s, you would sing a popular song, but it would be enough for you to eat for a lifetime.

At this time, because of the threat of the Late Jin Dynasty Tartars, Liao was the first to bear the brunt.

To put it bluntly, you have a good reputation and are easy to be promoted, but you should also be directly responsible.

It's not as simple as singing out of tune.

That's going to lose your head!

After all, it was not after the middle period of Chongzhen that the military official group had become bigger. The imperial court had no practical restrictions on the military officers. Emperor Chongzhen could only vent his anger on the head of civil servants.

At this time, when problems arise, eight to nine out of ten are to use the head of a military officer to be the scapegoat.

At this time, Zhao Daojiao had no choice but to firmly hold on to the "golden thigh" of governor yuan.

Although Zhao Zhijiao didn't finish speaking, how could governor yuan not understand Zhao's voice?


Tartars did not come to Jinzhou and Ningyuan, but to the numerous small Tunpu around.

Although governor yuan is arrogant, he is not stupid. Otherwise, he will not be able to go all the way to today. In terms of the overall situation, he still has a certain level.

In a moment, he had figured out why.I'm afraid that the success of Mao Wenlong and Li Yuanqing is not groundless.

If Huang Taiji still has spare power, how can he just pick these small fish spines instead of gnawing at the big bones of Jinzhou and Ningyuan?

In a flash, governor yuan suddenly hated Li Yuanqing more and more.

This mud leg is a real loser!

However, at this time, the arrow was already on the string, and the overall situation was still waiting to be sorted out. Governor yuan had no mind to think about Li Yuanqing. He told Zhao coldly, "Tartars are not good. If you want to come, they will attack the city soon. We must be fully prepared for defense. "

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