In the rustling rain, more than 3000 Ming army horses swarmed down the hillside, splashing mud and water.

The whole earth seemed to tremble with the frigid hooves of the horses.

The post gold sentry who had been guarding around this area were immediately flustered. Their eyes widened one by one and looked at the Dark Red Cavalry torrent of the Ming army at a loss.

"They, what are they doing? Are they coming after us? "

"God knows. Let's get away from them. If they're looking at them, I'm afraid they can't even do it. "

When a group of rear gold whistles were on the spot, they were like birds in a panic, and they quickly fled in all directions.

But the Ming army paid no attention to the Ming army's sentries, as if they were flies and mosquitoes, and went straight to the North Road.

After a long time, these post gold sentinel detectives came back to their senses and realized that the Ming army was not aiming at them, so they carefully followed the Ming army's cavalry frenzy and wanted to play the detective army's movement.

In front of the battle line of the Ming army, Chen Zhong held the horse's Reins with one hand and the stirrup with his feet. With his legs sandwiched against the horse's belly, he stood up directly on the horse and roared up against the rain on his head.

"Ha ha! Ha ha ha ha! Happy, so happy! These dog Tartars have today! Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha... "

Li Yuanqing is on Chen Zhong's side.

Next to him, there were successive horses and children. Not far behind Li Yuanqing, there were more than a dozen flag bearers of Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong.

Sun and moon waves flag, red eagle flag, Li flag, Chen flag, the battle flag of the generals, more than a dozen powerful flags, facing the north wind and the intermittent rain, fluttering in the wind.

At this time, just like later generations opened a BMW sports car, Li Yuanqing's heart is also extremely happy, very happy!

How many years.

How many years.

Li Yuanqing's children finally got together. Such a powerful cavalry that could make the earth tremble!

Although the cavalry is still very weak, compared with the real eight flag cavalry, it is not far from the point. However, the Ming army's prestige has risen.

Even if the Ming army did not get the expected harvest, at least, this scene has been deeply engraved into the bone marrow of these post gold sentries!


Li Yuanqing also imitated Chen Zhong's appearance, stood up directly on the horse, and let out the wolf's howl in his mouth!

"Oh! "Ouch, ouch..."

Almost without thinking, the boys around him imitated the appearance of Li Yuanqing and gave out a wolf like howl.

In an instant, the howling quickly spread around, just like a billowing billow. In an instant, it exploded over the whole Ming army cavalry, and it almost burst into the sky.

Chen Zhong couldn't help laughing. He also imitated Li Yuanqing and his children and gave out the most primitive and wolf like howl.

At this moment, the whole sky and the earth seemed to be trembling for the power of the world that was afraid of changing, and did not dare to face its edge.

Li Yuanqing is not far from his side, and Yang miaocai holds the reins tightly.

He didn't have the superb riding skills of Li Yuanqing, Chen Zhong and children Lang, who could stand up on the high-speed running horses. He still maintained enough restraint and calm.

But with the surging waves around him began to rise, Yang miaocai suddenly found that he had some can not himself.

This kind of feeling, simply than he gallops on the red leaf body, lets him excited ten thousand times.

At this moment, like ~ ~ ~, the whole world has become a huge whirlpool, which makes Yang miaocai involuntarily sink into the whirlpool.

Even though his mind is still firmly controlling his emotions, at this time ~, his mouth seems to be involuntarily general, following Li Yuanqing, following the children around him, instinctively will send out wolf like roar!


"Ouch, ouch..."

Cheering mixed with the trembling of the earth, quickly ran to the north.

Behind the Ming army, dozens of Houjin Shao detectives, who were almost scared to urinate, finally dared to breathe a little.

"These minggouzi, they are really too rampant, too rampant! They, they simply don't pay attention to us big gold

"When and when did minggouzi become so powerful! If you go on like this, is that ok? How can I deal with myself after I get rich? "

"Damn it, it's Li Yuanqing. It's really... "

"Brother, be careful. There are some real slave vests over there

There was a lot of talk around.

However, most of the people who howled and spat were real slaves, while most of the Chinese flag vests around them were silent.

At this time, they suddenly found that their choice, as if, was not very wise

However, even if the heart is afraid, as long as there is no landslide, their task must go on.Soon, a blue flag of the Han military flag vest took the lead in response, and could not help but exclaimed: "no! Minggouzi was sent away by Lianshan pass! At their speed, I'm afraid they can feel Lianshan pass before dark! "

"What the hell are you doing! Come on! Come on! Report to the master. "

Several of the blue flag waistcoats of Lianshan pass finally reacted. They rushed and rode their horses in succession. They took a detour along the path and rushed to Lianshan pass.

They must tell this news to the master and son of Lianshan pass as soon as possible.


Time flies, blink of an eye, more than an hour has passed.

At this time, the cavalry frenzy of Ming army had been running to the north for more than 40 Li, and the horses in their crotch were already a little tired.

But as riders, people are more tired than horses.

The main Ming army was retrograde all the way to the north, facing the roaring north wind, mixed with this drizzle. Even if the rain was small, it could not help but infiltrate for such a long time.

Even if the children have coir raincoat and oilcloth to protect their bodies, the cold has begun to penetrate into the bones.

In a wide and flat area, Li Yuanqing ordered the young men to get off their horses for a rest, feed them some beans, and let them drink some water, so that they could rest and drink some water to replenish their energy.

But even though the children were very tired and cold, their spirits were almost excited.

Chen Zhong, in particular, can hardly find the north.

"Ha ha! Yuanqing, it's cool, cool! In my whole life, I have never been as happy as I am today! "

Chen Zhong jumped off his horse and stepped on the mud beside him. The cold mud not only soiled his boots, but also splashed most of his trousers team.

This is the real mud leg.

Li Yuanqing was also in a very good mood. He simply moved for a long time, maintained a posture, and some numb hands and feet. From the cloth bag behind his back, he took out a handful of refined beans, spread out his palm, and put it on the mouth of the horse in his crotch.

Although Li Yuanqing is not a famous horse, it is an excellent Mongolian horse.

In other words, this superior Mongolian horse, almost certainly, has a bloodthirsty BMW pedigree.

Li Yuanqing is very familiar with Li Yuanqing. He opens his mouth and licks the beans in his hands with his tongue.

"Big brother, I used to ride horses. Why haven't you been so excited?"

While feeding the horse, Li Yuanqing laughed at Chen Zhong.

Chen Zhong also began to feed the horse, but he laughed: "Yuanqing, it used to be before, can you compare with today? Don't forget, at this time, we are in the hinterland of Houjin! "

Li Yuanqing laughed, but shook his head: "brother, this is not the hinterland of Houjin! It's our land! Is it the king and minister who leads the land! In the whole world, is it King's land! We're just hanging around in our backyard. What's to be happy about? "


Chen Zhong was stunned for a moment, but he also understood Li Yuanqing's meaning. He couldn't help spitting: "Yuanqing, if you don't say it, I almost forget it! Yeah! This is the land of Daming! Even the fat old dog of Huang Taiji is just a slave of Daming! Even if we beat down Shenyang and Liaoyang, we are just clearing away a few domestic slaves who are not good enough and want to fight back in the nest! "

Li Yuanqing laughed: "big brother, that's right! Our horses, our children, should have a long-term vision

With that, Li Yuanqing pointed to the north with his whip in his big hand. "Big brother, in the north of Shenyang, there is a more vast land, which is called the Siberian wilderness by the old maozi in the extreme north! Although it is a wasteland, it is rich in land, rich in materials, high in the sky and broad in the sea! Those old dogs have coveted this wasteland for a long time! It's a pity that we can't get along with these Tartars! It's really hateful! "

Chen Zhong is a senior Liao nationality. Naturally, he knew the existence of Siberian wilderness, that is, nurgan Dusi of Daming.

Chen Zhong also knows the existence of Lao maozi, but he doesn't know much about laomaozi because of the geographical distance and the lack of contact before.

At this time, Chen Zhongxin was just in the middle of his life when he suddenly heard Li Yuanqing saying, "Lao maozi wants to rob the Siberian wilderness." he immediately jumped up.

"Yuanqing, what kind of dog are those old people? How can the wild dogs come to our territory? Did he ask us? "

On one side, Yang miaocai listened to the conversation between Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong.

In the Army Department, Yang miaocai was the official of the Ministry of rites.

Nuergandasi, although it was not valuable in Daming, it was also the land of Daming anyway, wasn't it?

Every year, at least some fresh fish, fur, ginseng and herbs can be provided to the imperial court. However, since the rise of the old slaves, Daming has lost the nurgandu department for many years. Yang miaocai almost forgot all these things.Many people in the imperial court have forgotten about it. After all, it is just a "barren land".

Even if we lost some wealth, we still saved a lot of energy by buying from Tartars.

However, Yang miaocai never thought that this land, which had been forgotten by the powerful people in the Ming Dynasty, was so important in Li Yuanqing's heart.

It's really

Naturally, Li Yuanqing did not see Yang miaocai at this time. He sneered and looked to the north, "big brother, good point! Well said! What is a dog day old dog? Our Daming's things are also what they can covet? When the Tartars are cleaned up, I will surely wipe out the Moscow

Li Yuanqing said, mercilessly a whip, actually pumped in front of the mud, immediately splash mud.

Chen Zhong naturally understood that this was Li Yuanqing's intention. He couldn't help laughing: "brother, that's good! Well said! As long as you want, I Chen Zhong, will accompany my brother! It's just that I haven't tasted that hairy ocean horse in my life! "

When it comes to women, Li Yuanqing's expression softened a little, and his awe Lin's momentum suddenly dissipated. He said with a smile: "brother, maozi is nothing, but maozi's woman is still good. Oh, by the way, big brother, in maozi's capital city, west of Moscow, there is a very fertile land, which we call Taixi! Those Taixi women, although inferior to the hairy women, are better than the noble status! Elder brother, sooner or later, our brothers will marry hundreds and thousands of them each

Chen Zhong burst out laughing: "that feeling is good! Qingyuan! So now, we have to take good exercise and take good care of our health! "

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