It's like a lot of stars supporting the moon.

Almost without guessing, Shiyuan has confirmed Li Yuanqing's identity.

Li Yuanqing's appearance is similar to Shiyuan's imagination. Tall, powerful, imposing, high above, but with a plan in mind.

However, Li Yuanqing is younger and calmer than Shiyuan imagined.

In particular, Li Yuanqing's momentum is not as overbearing as he imagined, but as calm and introverted as towering mountains.

People can clearly feel the momentum of Li Yuanqing, but this momentum, but it will not be rash to hurt people, but just right.

However, what Shiyuan never dreamed of was that Li Yuanqing's first sentence here was not to ask the master of Lianshan pass, Baiyin Artu, but to ask him about Shiyuan, which is

How could Kong Youde not understand Li Yuanqing's intention at this time?

For a moment, tears were pouring out of his eyes. He wiped it hard and strode to Shiyuan. He respectfully said to Li Yuanqing, "general, he is Shiyuan."

Li Yuanqing looked at Ishihara with a smile. Shiyuan also instinctively looked up at Li Yuanqing.

For a moment, Li Yuanqing suddenly laughed: "general Shi, I've heard a lot about you."


Ishihara was stunned.

After a while, he could not help but gnash his teeth and said, "Li Yuanqing, if you are a hero, you can give me a happy one! I'm convinced! Is it heroic to write like a woman and humiliate me

"Grass! The dog's mouth is very smooth! Dog traitor, I dare not kill you

Chen Zhong was so angry that he took a knife and asked for the original stone.

Li Yuanqing waved his hand with a smile, stopped Chen Zhong, and looked at Shiyuan with a smile: "general Shi is a man of understanding. You're damned, and, what's more, a thousand cuts! But this is not the time. "

With this, Li Yuanqing stopped looking at Shiyuan directly, strode to the front of Baiyin Artu and said with a smile, "are you Beiyin Artu?"


Although baiyinatu is a king and a nobleman, he is still a child who has grown up among women and has not yet been completely weaned.

How can he have the courage to face the prestige of Li Yuanqing?

For a moment, his tears all flowed out, and he was busy kowtowing to Li Yuanqing: "Li Yuan, no, Li junmen, slaves, slaves are worshipping Yin Attu. Li junmen, the two countries are at war. Don't kill envoys. Please don't kill me, don't kill me... "

On one side, Ishihara was already pale.

By this time, he had fully understood that he had no chance, and was about to fall to the abyss hell.

Shi Yuan struggled desperately and cried out: "Li Yuanqing, you must kill Laozi now! What is the ability of bullying Laozi? A knife is coming at me! Come on! Come on! Come and kill me

Ishihara 's body is very strong. Although he is over forty years old, he is still as strong as a leopard with strong head. Two Ming soldiers beside him can not hold him down for a while.

If he hadn't been strapped with thick and strong ropes, he would have been injured.

"Ishihara, you..."

Next to him, Bai yinatu's tears could no longer be held back.

I can't help but cry when I come here.

The faces of all the real slaves around were different. I didn't know what to do.

"Hey, you son of a bitch!"

Chen Zhong couldn't help but spat, and then he kicked his foot toward Shiyuan's chest.

Chen Zhong's strength was not small, so he gave Ishihara a big stagger and fell to the ground with a thump.

Under the pain, Shiyuan's mouth oozed with blood. He didn't know whether his mouth was broken or his tongue was broken. Instead, he became more and more excited. He screamed angrily: "Li Yuanqing, kill me, kill me! Why is it difficult to be the young master of Laozi? If you dare to hurt my young master, Lord Baylor will not let you go! Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha! Lord Belle will avenge me

"Li Yuanqing, you son of a bitch! You're bound to be skinned and cramped and made into a human stool! Your wife, your children, will become other people's slaves WOW

Shi Yuan still wanted to scold, but Chen Zhong suddenly put his foot in his face.

This foot is more vicious than that one.

The sole of Chen Zhong's leather boots immediately made Shiyuan's face bloom. He cried out in pain.

Li Yuanqing then said with a smile: "big brother, what's your anger with this dead dog? Somebody, stop the dog's mouth! Also, bring baiyinatu to the official hall! "

With that, Li Yuanqing said with a smile: "big brother, brother miaocai, let's go and have a cup of hot tea in the official hall."

Chen Zhong still wants to fight Shi Yuan and lose his temper. But Li Yuanqing has already said that if he does it again, he will lose his identity. He spat hard and strides with Li Yuanqing into the gate of the official hall.Yang miaocai also responded, and hurriedly followed them into the official hall.

Because LIANSHANGUAN is a Guancheng, it is higher than the ordinary fortress in strategic significance and administrative level. The official offices are also quite luxurious, which is not inferior to some big cities.

Inside, the children have already cleaned up the quickness.

Li Yuanqing several people sit down, immediately have fire soldier to offer hot tea.

Chen Zhong was still a little upset, "Yuanqing, why don't you cut him with a knife? The dog barks annoyingly

Li Yuanqing a smile: "big brother, Shi Yuan is the enemy of Xiaozi. Moreover, this person is not shallow in the later Jin Dynasty. Let him hop for a while more."

With that, Li Yuanqing took out his cigar box and handed it to Chen Zhong and Yang miaocai. Finally, he lit one and took a deep breath. He looked at Yang miaocai and said, "brother miaocai, at this time, do you have any suggestions?"

Yang miaocai has been used to the strong rhythm of cigars these days, and he has already fallen in love with it.

At this time, hearing Li Yuanqing's question, he frowned slightly and thought for a moment and then said: "Marshal Li, I didn't expect that our battle of Lianshan pass would be so smooth, and we completely captured such a number of slave chieftains of Lianshan pass. To be honest, Ishihara is really damned. The man is too resourceful. However, my younger brother thought that he should not die now


Chen Zhong's eyebrows could not help wrinkling, "Mr. Yang, how can you be so unpleasant? What do you mean

Yang miaocai had already adapted to Chen Zhong's rhythm and took a sip of his cigar with a smile


They had a rest in the hall for a while and had a few sips of tea. At this time, the dinner outside was also ready.

The main reason is that Bai yinatu killed pigs and sheep in advance. Unfortunately, these Tartars had not been enjoyed yet, and the city had been forced to do so. Everything was reduced to the spoils of the Ming army.

Chen Zhong asks Yang miaocai to go out for dinner.

When Yang miaocai went out, he couldn't help complaining to Li Yuanqing: "Yuanqing, there are so many talented scholars in this dog day. Damn it, I really want to slap him. He had to make the simple thing so complicated. Ah

Li Yuanqing smiles: "big brother, don't worry. What brother miaocai said is not unreasonable. We really need to take a longer-term view. Big brother, why are you angry about these little things? Wait a minute. Let's have a good drink

After chatting with Chen Zhong alone, he calmed down Chen Zhong's mood. Li Yuanqing also came to the official hall to breathe.

However, the corner of his mouth, but can not help but slightly up.

At present, after Li Xiongwei finally shared with the people, why did he want to share with the people.

Sometimes, the role of literati is even better than the oil in the car engine.

But it's not so easy to grasp this string.

In the long run, Li Yuanqing can hold this string because he has been a man of two generations, has rich experience, and is a pure "working generation". He has laid the foundation of his present career.

However, if Li Yuanqing's descendants were born with golden spoon, it would not be so easy to grasp this string.

We should rely on the system to reform and innovate everything.

Dinner is stewed whole sheep, big pot of spare ribs and meat.

Baiyin Artu has cleaned up everything, and Li Yuanqing naturally accepted it impolitely.

At this time, although the Ming army had completely controlled Lianshan pass, it was the hinterland of Houjin after all. It was impossible for the Ming army to stay here for a long time. At the latest, they would set out to return early tomorrow morning. The children should have a good dinner and drink.

After a sumptuous dinner with the children and a few small drinks with Chen Zhong and Yang miaocai, Li Yuanqing gave Kong Youde a few words alone, and then he took Chen Zhong and Yang miaocai to inspect the defense, blow the wind, and dispel the spirit of wine. By the way, he also enjoyed the customs of Lianshan pass.

Li Yuanqing and his party left, Kong Youde also strode to the next room, Shiyuan's body, coldly looking at him.

At this time, Shiyuan had been cleaned up by the children. His face was covered with blood and looked like a fierce ghost.

But he was still full of energy and spirit. He looked at Kong Youde as if he wanted to eat people. He said with a sneer: "Kong, I can't believe that you stink salted fish, and you will turn over one day? Yes? Do you think you are very happy now! Holding Li Yuanqing's thigh? Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha! I tell you, in front of Laozi, you are always a loser! Think of Xiaoya Ouch

What does Shiyuan want to say, but Kong Youde has a big mouth and mercilessly pulls on Shiyuan's face.

Waving his hand to his side, he said, "you all go out and maintain the external situation. I have something to interrogate him alone!"


The children around him all know that Kong Youde has obtained the special permission of Li Yuanqing and has the right to dispose of Shiyuan, so he quickly steps out of the door.Shi Yuan was slapped and more angry. He was staring at Kong Youde like a leopard. For a moment, he laughed: "Kong Youde, you egg less trash? Yes? I'm afraid those things will be told by Laozi and let others hear them! Ha ha ha Ouch. Unexpectedly, up to now, you have such a thick skin! How can Xiaoya fall in love with you? Take it easy. In my heart, even if you still want to press me! Ha ha ha

"Oh. By the way, surnamed Kong, almost forgot to tell you, Xiaoya's skin is really called a water spirit! Especially the unique skill of playing flute. Now I think of it, I am still reluctant to part with it. Ha ha ha! Kong Youde, you rubbish! Even if you now hold Li Yuanqing's thigh and possess Xiaoya, what? In the end, it's not the old shoes I used! Ha ha... "

Ishihara burst out laughing, almost as if to see the world's most funny joke, are about to fork gas.

But he suddenly found that Kong Youde's face also hung with a faint smile, without the slightest appearance of anger.

Like the natural instinct of wild animals, Shiyuan suddenly felt the approaching crisis. He raised his head and looked at Kong Youde, "Kong, what do you want to do?"

Kong Youde slowly laughs and pulls out his waist knife. He grabs Shi Yuan's front of the chest and presses him to death on the wall behind him.

Then, a knife will be Shiyuan's trousers belt pick rotten, when, Shiyuan's lower body instantly exposed in the air.

"You, you, Kong, you son of a bitch, what do you want to do? There's a way to give me a good time

Kong Youde laughs. He lifts his knife and falls. He doesn't have half a scratch. He only hears Shiyuan's scream of killing a pig. A small piece of blood and flesh actually falls to the ground.

"Kong, I will not let you go as a ghost! You son of a bitch! Ah --! "

Shi Yuan almost fainted in pain, but his body was extremely strong. Kong Youde started his hand very fast. Although his lower body blood was gushing out rapidly, he still managed to retain the last trace of consciousness.

Kong Youde was close to Shiyuan's ear and whispered: "Shiyuan, I won't let you die so soon. I heard from them that your daughters are very water-saving! "

"You --!"

"The surname is Kong. I must kill you. I will not let you go as a ghost!"

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