As soon as the sky was bright, the Ming army set foot on the journey back to the south.

In the city of LIANSHANGUAN, the children captured nearly 2000 horses, more than 1000 mules and horses, and countless supplies and materials, and took away all the old men in the city.

When they came, the children were quick and easy to follow, but on the way back, they were an endless army of livestock and materials, with no end in sight.

Countless Han slaves, under the supervision of their sons and daughters, were carrying goods and materials with the livestock, all the way south.

With the last team out of the city, the soldiers who had been ready quickly lit the wire in front of the gate.

With the "HISHI" fire dragon burning, not long, "boom" a huge sound, LIANSHANGUAN south gate of the huge suspension bridge, instantly broken into pieces.

In this way, the main force of the later Jin Army wanted to catch up with the Ming army. It was impossible for the main force to catch up with the Ming army for seven or eight days, or even more than ten days.

In the middle of the team, Chen Zhong goes to the front to explore the terrain. Li Yuanqing and Yang miaocai ride on their horses and move slowly.

Not far from the two, a row of young men's horses were lined with tartar heads that had just been cut off and wrapped in lime powder.

Although it was covered with lime, it took less than half an hour to cut it off because of the short time. In addition, Zhang Lianfu's secret recipe made these heads very fresh.

As a result, the air was filled with an indescribable smell of blood mixed with lime powder.

Li Yuanqing did not have any abnormality, on the contrary, he enjoyed it.

But Yang miaocai can't bear it any more. If it wasn't for the situation, he would have to find a place and have a good vomit.

But Yang miaocai is very clear that he must not do so.

How could the image of a man, which he had so hard to accumulate, be destroyed easily because of such trifles? Can only be forced to hold a breath, forced to endure.

Li Yuanqing naturally noticed Yang miaocai's discomfort and said with a smile, "brother miaocai is not comfortable. You can wash your face in the stream ahead."

On the west side of the official road, a tributary of LIANSHANGUAN river flows slowly to the south. The river is very clear.

If Yang miaocai was granted amnesty, he quickly bowed his hand: "thank you, Li Shuai." I ran to the front.

Looking at Yang Miao Cai's slightly embarrassed figure, Li Yuanqing's corner of mouth reveals a trace of relaxed and relieved smile.

Although Yang miaocai is still a little immature, he has made great progress.

As the old saying goes, "when winter comes, can spring be far behind?"

At this time, the army was "dragging the mud and water", and the march speed was certainly not fast.

It took only an afternoon to get here from qingtaiyu castle. But at this time, if you want to get to qingtaiyu castle, it will take at least three or two days.

However, Li Yuanqing did not worry about the safety of the troops.

LIANSHANGUAN is like a throat.

Because of Huang Taiji's shrinking defense strategy, the main force of the later Jin Dynasty was in the north of LIANSHANGUAN, and to the south, all of them were weak little baozi.

Li Yuanqing was afraid that they would not come to trouble.

It's a pity that at this time, there are enough prisoners in the Ming army, and there are too few hands for the children. It's a waste of effort to keep them in custody.

Otherwise, Li Yuanqing really wants to clean all these post gold hamburgers to the south of Lianshan pass.

But Li Yuanqing is also very clear, the most important thing is to stop.

At this time, although the strategic goal of going to the old village was not completed, it was more than enough for the imperial court and the new emperor Chongzhen.

What we need to do now is no longer a frontal battlefield, but how to use the resources at hand to maximize our own political interests.

In other words, it's time for Yang miaocai's pens to play

However, Rao is the overall situation is very stable, but Li Yuanqing still dare not have slightest slightest neglect, personally in the front line staring.

At this time, although the threat of the latter Jin army was not big, it was early autumn, and the weather was changeable, which made it easy to form epidemic diseases.

In particular, with so many women and children in the team, Li Yuanqing did not dare to be careless.

Fortunately, there are so many livestock in the team that the problem of foot strength is not too worrying.


Three days later, Li Yuanqing and the main force of the Ming army successfully arrived at the camp on the southwest side of qingtaiyu fort and joined the left behind children.

After a half day's rest, the whole army continued to go south along the sengzi River, ready to arrive at the mouth of the sengzi River and join the fleet.

At the same time, the main force of Zhenglan Banner led by manggurtai also arrived at LIANSHANGUAN city.

The side courtyard of the official hall was in a mess at this time.

Countless headless corpses just began to fester. The strong smell of blood and the stench of corpses almost blinded people.

"Well, what's going on here? Ah! Who can tell me, what's going on here

Manggutai, like a crazy bear, couldn't help but roar up to the sky."Sir, you should be careful. Better stay away from these bodies. Such a situation may easily lead to epidemic diseases. If the warriors were infected, it would be a big problem. "


With a cold snort, mangoultai strode out of the yard.

Tunburu, together with a dozen of his confidants, quickly stepped out and stood beside manggurtai.

At this time, Leng Seng Ji, a servant of mang gurtai's lineage, rushed to meet him and reported carefully: "my Lord, I have already inquired about it. I'm afraid it is. I'm afraid he has been taken away by Li Yuanqing... "

Although he had expected this situation for a long time, mang gurtai couldn't help but be furious when he heard people say it. He grabbed Leng Seng's chest and yelled: "what's the news? Tell me all about it

"Yes... Yes."

Leng Seng Ji didn't dare to show off any more. He said, "master, Li Yuanqing should not have killed master baiyinatu, but just captured him. If we chase them fast, we will still have a chance to catch up with them and rescue master baiyinatu. "

Mang gultai had calmed down a lot at this time, and nodded his head slowly. "He immediately ordered the front sentry to speed up his pace. He must know the whereabouts of Li Yuanqing in the shortest possible time."


The servant was about to leave, but suddenly a sentry came in and "plop" knelt on the ground, "master, it's not a good thing. The Ming army, the Ming army blew up all the floating bridges in the south gate. If we want to get out of the city, we are afraid it will be delayed for at least seven or eight days... "



It is different from manggutai, who is still in a rage at Lianshan pass.

At this time, the Ming army's journey was very smooth.

With the help of war horses and mules and horses, the Ming army could travel at least thirty or forty miles a day.

The main reason is that the old and the weak have been eliminated by Li Yuanqing, and there are so many horses, mules and horses working together to carry goods and materials, which really saves a lot of effort.

On the seventh day of October, the whole army arrived at the mouth of the sengzi River smoothly and joined the fleet that came to meet them.

However, to Li Yuanqing's surprise, in addition to the fleet from Changsheng camp, there were also two old acquaintances and little brothers of Li Yuanqing.

Because the harvest of this trip is so rich, it will take some time to count the materials, including the allocation of manpower.

Li Yuanqing was afraid that the main force of the later Jin army would not come, so he directly ordered the children to camp at the beach and wait for the affairs to be sorted out and then boarded the boat.

Of course, this is mainly because of the booty.

As for the next action of the surprise attack team, we need to discuss whether to take a boat or continue to practice on land for some time.

Temporary large account.

Shang Keyi and Shang Kexi, a new guerrilla official robe, knelt down in front of Li Yuanqing: "the lowly deer island guerrillas are still gratifying and righteous. I have met Marshal Li."

Li Yuanqing just remembered.

Lu Dao is not far south of the mouth of the whistle. Since brothers Shang Kexi call themselves deer island guerrillas, they must have been enfeoffed to Ludao.

"Ha ha. My brother, don't be polite. Get up. You two brothers, this is a promotion. Good, very good. When did this happen? "

Although shangkexi and Keyi are more than ten times away from Li Yuanqing's "seniority", they are all old acquaintances, and Li Yuanqing's attitude towards them is very gentle.

Because of the relationship between the southern Liaoning commercial bank, the two brothers were also very close to Li Yuanqing and got up with a smile.

In the early days of July, Li Gongyi was busy, but he didn't return. Our brother, who has just arrived at deer island, hasn't established himself yet. When we came across the fleet of Changsheng Island, we knew that Li Shuai had gone out to fight again. I have the cheek to ask for a prize. "

On one side, it's still gratifying, and it's also a straight smile.

Obviously, he was very happy to see Li Yuanqing.

Although Li Yuanqing and the two brothers are far from each other in terms of seniority, in fact, their ages are not much different. Li Yuanqing is only a few years older than the two brothers.

In addition to Li Yuanqing's high status, the three are actually peers, and there is no obstacle to communication.

After a few simple greetings, Li Yuanqing asked about Mao Wenlong's state at this time. Shang Kexi and the two brothers responded carefully.

Li Yuanqing nodded slowly.

These days, Mao Wenlong's small life is quite good.

With the success of Chaoxian, Mao Wenlong captured a large number of materials and supplies of Amin's inlaid blue flag. In addition, Mao Wenlong also "scraped three feet of land" in Chao Xian. Especially this year, PI Dao and the surrounding sweet potatoes have also achieved a bumper harvest. Mao Wenlong is proud of the spring breeze at this time.

Even, just a few days ago, Mao Wenlong had a new concubine.

"Ha ha. This matter, is yuan Qing impolite. I didn't get any news of the incident when I was out on the battlefield. "Shang Kexi said with a smile: "Li Shuai, you have made great achievements in the Liao area. The commander-in-chief will be glad to know that. When the time comes, will it not be a double happiness to send it to PiDao together with the victory report documents? "

Li Yuanqing laughed.

At this time, Chen Zhong, who was busy with the camp affairs outside, also got the news and rushed to him, "ha ha. What is this fairy wind that brings you two brothers here

The three of them met and sat down.

Li Yuanqing laughed and said, "today, what's the matter? Let's talk about it on the wine table. Yuanji, you two brothers, are you ready for the wine? "

The word Yuanji can be happy. Li Yuanqing is his "elder" and even more a guide to him. Naturally, there is no obstacle to call him directly.

Shang Kexi was busy and laughed: "don't worry, Li Shuai. It's already ready. I'll wait for Chen Shuai to come and open the whole business together. "

Everyone was laughing.


After a banquet, it was enough to drink until midnight. Seven or eight of Duan Xiliang, Chen Changyou, Shang Keyi and Shang Kexi all fell down, and Chen Zhong could not find the north. This is the end

But Li Yuanqing is still very sober at this time.

Lit a cigar, facing the cold sea breeze outside the tent, Li Yuanqing quietly looked at the lonely and thorough night sky.

Mao Wenlong even put shangkexi brother on deer island so early

This 80% is the business of Zhang pan and Chen liangce, which greatly stimulates Mao Wenlong

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