"What? Yuan Qing, do you know this guy, or have you heard of his name? " Chen Zhong knew that Li Yuanqing's contacts in the west of Liaoning Province were very thick, and he was busy looking at Li Yuanqing.

"Ha ha."

Li Yuanqing smiles and shakes his head: "big brother, I know, but I can't talk about knowing. But I did hear the name of Zuo Liangyu. "

After pondering for a moment, Li Yuanqing said with a smile: "big brother, this is it. When we finish drinking, you send someone to inform Zuo Liangyu and say, "I have a way to deal with him."

Chen Zhong also understood the meaning of Li Yuanqing and said with a smile: "Yuanqing, don't worry. I'll arrange it. "


At this time, the business is complicated, and the lunch party must not be full of enjoyment.

Chen Zhong soon left to arrange for Zuo Liangyu's affairs, while Yang miaocai stayed in the fog rain pavilion to have a rest, waiting for Li Yuanqing to meet him alone.

Back in the backyard, Yang Jiao ~ Niang has already made the water boil. Li Yuanqing soaked in the comfortable big bath barrel, and the wine soon dissipated a lot, and his eyes gradually became clear.

The political structure of Ming Dynasty is more complicated than imagined.

The more Li Yuanqing went up, the more profound he realized.

To a large extent, Zhu Youjian hoped that Li Yuanqing could help him to fight against the heaven and earth, with the help of his power. However, he was afraid of Li Yuanqing's martial identity.

If there were no powerful literati available at this time, I'm afraid he would never choose Li Yuanqing.

This is like anti thief. Even though Zhu Youjian thinks that he has covered it up very well, in fact, it is full of flaws.

Even if he and Li Yuanqing have some old friendship, they will soon disappear.

It's not sweet to try hard.

The fact is that Li Yuanqing naturally won't ask for anything.

It's going to rain and my mother wants to get married. Li Yuanqing should first consolidate his own interests.

Half an hour later, Li Yuanqing met Yang miaocai alone in a small backyard.

After this moment of deep thinking, Yang miaocai has caught the main line of the matter and saluted Li Yuanqing.

Li Yuanqing was not polite to Yang miaocai. He left the cigar box on the table and asked him to hold it. Li Yuanqing sat on the sofa to nourish himself.

Yang miaocai lit a cigar, took a deep breath, and then calmly thought for a moment. Then he said, "Li Shuai, by this time, the emperor's intention has become very obvious. My little brother has been thinking for a long time. He has three plans to break this situation. "

Yang miaocai said, looking carefully at Li Yuanqing.

Li Yuanqing nodded slowly: "tell me the bad strategy first. A man who has no foresight must have immediate worries. We have to prepare for the worst. "


Yang miaocai nodded respectfully.

What he admired most was that the more important Li Yuanqing met, the more calm he became.

It's like a natural kingly atmosphere. If he can't help it, he will feel submissive.

"Li Shuai, the strategy is very simple. After you report your achievements, you can choose a reason to leave the capital. The emperor is afraid it will be difficult to stop him. However, it is necessary to destroy the emperor's plan. In the follow-up, it is very difficult for both sides to open up again. "

Li Yuanqing nodded and motioned to Yang miaocai to continue.

Yang miaocai said quickly: "Li Shuai, the central strategy is that you act according to the emperor's will at this time, and make other plans in private. The advantage of this is that it can maintain the relationship with the emperor, but the disadvantages are also obvious. The entanglement is deep. When the wound is disconnected, the wound will be even bigger. "

Looking at Li Yuanqing, Yang miaocai didn't dare to be big. He said, "Li Shuai, the best policy is to turn the passive into the active. Inadvertently, they stir up the changes in the situation and take the initiative back to us. "

Li Yuanqing looked at Yang miaocai and couldn't help laughing: "brother miaocai. The so-called best policy, and how to act specifically? "


Time soon came to the evening.

In Pingyang Inn, not far from Dashilan block, a strong general in his early thirties, dressed in a shabby official robe of thousands of households and full of wind, frost and ravines, was accompanied by two attendants, and some anxiously paced back and forth in the cold wind outside the inn.

He was Zuo Liangyu, who was then the Qianzong general manager of cheyouying in Ningyuan.

Zuo Liangyu is a native of Linqing, Shandong Province. Like most young people with little family background, he came to Liaoxi from an early age to join the army, hoping to forge a future by this road.

Unfortunately, bad luck, ill fated, has been more than ten years down, but this guy is still a thousand households, the future is dim.

Especially recently, there is a thing that makes him feel like a stick in his throat, which is really hard to eat and sleep. He urgently wants to jump out of the circle of Ningyuan.

After walking around for a long time in the west of Liaoning, he had to bite his teeth and come to the capital, hoping to find some ways out of the capital.

Although he had no money in his hand, his brother-in-law didn't love him, but he didn't have any money.However, when Zuo Liangyu was about to despair, this afternoon, Chen Zhong, the famous commander in chief of Ludao in southern Liaoning, revealed a message to him. He had a way to change his fate at this time.

Zuo Liangyu was overjoyed. Before Shenshi, she had already come here to wait. However, she was told that Chen Zhongzheng was taking a nap.

How dare Zuo Liangyu disturb Chen Zhong 's rest? Just waiting outside.

By this time, he had been waiting for an hour and a half, and it was getting dark.

Zuo Liangyu's hands and feet have been numb with cold. At this time, the sky is sprinkled with snow, which is just like ice. He can clearly feel that the heat of his body is slowly passing away, just like bleeding. His body consciousness is not clear.

But Zuo Liangyu knows that he has no choice but Chen Zhong. No one will lend a helping hand to him.

Especially Chen Zhong and the famous Li Yuanqing are brothers. As long as Li Yuanqing can do something about it

Is entangled in thinking, forced himself to play up, at this time, there are several tall soldiers came out, "left Lord, my general please."


It's like seeing a warm stove in the cold winter. For a moment, Zuo Liangyu's tears are about to flow out, and she is busy and respectful to clasp his hands. "Thank you, brothers. I will go to see Chen Shuai immediately. "

After a while, Zuo Liangyu carefully tidied up and straightened up, followed his soldiers and came to a single courtyard in the backyard.

In fact, Chen Zhong had already got up and was looking through a Book of art of war. If it was normal, he would have let Zuo Liangyu in.

However, Li Yuanqing has plans, especially when Li Yuanqing asks Chen Zhong to reveal Zuo Liangyu's "secret", Chen Zhong can only use more thought.

As Zuo Liangyu expected, in the comfortable guest hall, the fire in the hot pot is booming, dispelling the cold outside, and making the indoor fumigation as warm as spring.

Zuo Liangyu didn't dare to neglect him. He knelt down on the ground respectfully and kowtowed to Chen Zhong heavily: "I've seen Chen Shuai, I've met Zuo Liangyu."

"Ha ha."

With a smile, Chen Zhong put down his military book and said with a smile, "brother left, don't be too polite. Come here, come to the brazier to warm up. "

Zuo Liangyu was greatly moved. He bowed his hand and said, "Chen Shuai's kindness is remembered in his heart."

Chen Zhong waved his hand with a smile, "brother left, to tell you the truth, I can't help you with your affairs. At this time, my old Chen helped you because someone said something


Although Zuo Liangyu looks at Lao Cheng, he is over 30 years old, but in fact, it is just the cold and cold weather in the vicissitudes of western Liaoning, which shows that he is older. In fact, he is only one year older than Li Yuanqing, and he is only 28 years old this year.

But the years of grinding, but also gave him a very rich reward, his mind, more mature than his peers.

At this time, although Chen Zhong's words were obscure, Zuo Liangyu understood the meaning for a moment. It was like being hit by a pie from the sky. Happiness was just too sudden.

"Chen Shuai, you mean..."

Chen Zhong can't deny a smile: "left brother. I am a happy man. Talk about your sincerity. If you are sincere enough. I'll take you to the noble man. Otherwise, I can't do anything about it. "

In an instant, the cold sweat on Zuo Liangyu's forehead was seeping out.

He has already understood that the noble man mentioned by Chen Zhong wanted to help him. I'm afraid the purpose is not simple.

But as it was, he had no choice at all.

For a moment, Zuo Liangyu kowtowed hard and said, "Chen Shuai, don't worry. If you have any problems, you must know everything in your humble position. You can say everything you say."


Li Yuanqing met Zuo Liangyu about seven o'clock after half an hour.

At this time, Li Yuanqing is in the small courtyard of Tianzi in Sanford Inn, and he stews a large pot of mutton with his own hands.

Yang Lei and a dozen of his family members were chatting and laughing, waiting for dinner with Li Yuanqing.

Even though Li Yuanqing didn't wear an official robe, Zuo Liangyu found the target accurately and knelt down in front of Li Yuanqing, "I've met Marshal Li."

Li Yuanqing a smile: "left brother, unexpectedly, you unexpectedly come so fast."

Seeing that Li Yuanqing's tone of voice was very soft and did not have too much airs, Zuo Liangyu was stunned at the moment and said in his heart, "you are indeed a man of no illustrious fame. It's no wonder that even manchui's prickly head has to wear a pair of trousers with Li Yuanqing. Just looking at Li Yuanqing's momentum, we can see... "

But Li Yuanqing can relax, how dare Zuo Liangyu relax? He kowtowed respectfully and said, "Marshal Li, I'll make you laugh. I don't know that you have come to the capital. Otherwise, I will visit you as soon as possible. "

Li Yuanqing gave a faint smile.

It must be very difficult for Zuo Liangyu, a poor military man, to inquire about information in the capital. He did not know that he came to the capital, but was normal."Ha ha. Brother left, get up and talk in the room. Yang Lei, get the pot ready for me and bring it to the house! "


Watching Li Yuanqing enter the room, Zuo Liangyu is busy and cautious and follows behind.

Li Yuanqing asked Zuo Liangyu to take his seat with a smile. He sat on the main seat with a golden sword and said with a smile, "brother Zuo, you must have known the matter. I want to know your sincerity. "

Zuo Liangyu had been prepared, and said with one bite of his teeth: "Li Shuai, according to the estimation of his humble position, if the situation in Ningyuan is still out of control, I'm afraid that there will be a mutiny in Ningyuan city before the first month of the lunar month!"

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