Jingya'an is located in the northwest of Changsheng Island, less than five miles away from the main urban area.

The main structure of the building is located between the two small peaks, covering an area of about 100 mu.

At the top of the mountain, the pines and cypresses are green, stacked layer upon layer, like scallion boundless. A murmuring brook flows slowly through the middle. The environment is very quiet and elegant, and the scenery is very pleasant and beautiful. This is the name of Jingya temple.

Jingya'an is also one of the great efforts of Changsheng island in developing infrastructure construction in recent three years.

Originally, after Li Yuanqing conquered Zhenjiang, because of the affairs of abbess Huimin, Li Yuanqing just built a small nunnery yard in his back house. He thought that it was covered up and wanted to have a golden house to hide its beauty.

It is also the experience that Li Yuanqing got when he arranged Caihong girl.

But soon, Li Yuanqing found out The exception of

Many of the maids and wives in the back house are very respectful to the Buddhist incense and memorial tablets offered in the nunnery. Many people go to offer incense when they have nothing to do.

Later, as the "communication" between Li Yuanqing and abbess Huimin was not deep enough, she also instilled a lot of ideas into Li Yuanqing that were not touched by later generations.

To put it bluntly: "no matter it is poor or rich, people always need to have faith."

Later, Li Yuanqing discussed many times with Shang Laoliu and Ma housekeeper, including many veteran generals in the army. What made Li Yuanqing speechless was that they almost agreed to build a large-scale temple or nunnery to worship gods and Buddhas.

At that time, Li Yuanqing fully understood that feudalism and superstition, even in the era of knowledge explosion, could not be immune from vulgarity, let alone at this time?

Li Yuanqing, even if he did, would choose Fengshui treasure land in Changsheng island to build a large-scale nunnery, or temple.

The main reason why he didn't choose a temple was that there were no monks around Li Yuanqing who could be trusted enough, or, in other words, dignified monks.

At the beginning of the 20th century, after the first World War, the economy of the United States was depressed, and there were many oligarchs and Howling everywhere. The people were in dire need of living. Outside, they had to face the extremely strong German and Japanese will, which was rampant and rising. It could be said that it was on the verge of collapse.

But then president of the United States.

Roosevelt, who is also known as a meritorious president, is trying to turn the tide back!

With his superb political art, personality charm, and iron handed means, he pulled the huge United States of America out of the mire, bit by bit.

As has been mentioned above, Roosevelt's foreign policy at that time was the famous "carrot and stick", attracting and suppressing a group of people.

At home, however, Roosevelt's methods were more subtle, or even bolder!

The most important point is that Roosevelt used the national financial resources to vigorously build various kinds of infrastructure in the United States, such as roads, reservoirs, power stations, railways and so on. With the national financial resources, he created employment opportunities for the common people, so that they could support their families and maintain internal stability.

After that, he made use of the external contradictions to divert the attention of the people at home and made them concentrate their energy on the outside, so as to form a unity within.

At the same time, the situation of Changsheng island in recent years is similar to that of the United States.

In terms of military affairs, Li Yuanqing had almost no direction and was not good at all. Especially after opening the channel of Nanyang, the overall economic level and overall economic strength of Changsheng island had been improved by leaps and bounds.

However, Li Yuanqing's political interests, or the right to speak in the whole Daming country, could not be guaranteed enough.

This makes Li Yuanqing seem very passive.

But Changsheng island is still full of human and financial resources.

The lesson of the past is the teacher of future generations.

Li Yuanqing was a bit clumsy and began to learn from Roosevelt's strategy. He first stabilized the interior, digested it internally with his huge financial resources that he could temporarily maintain, while on the outside, he was like a pack of wolves, waiting for opportunities in silence.

Fortunately, even though Li Yuanqing's methods were somewhat clumsy or even clumsy at the beginning, everything went smoothly.

Li Yuanqing's political foresight, or implementation skills, is also becoming more and more sophisticated. By this time, it has already been perfect.

At this time, although jingya'an was only built for more than a year, it has become a holy land in the hearts of Changsheng island and even the whole people in southern Liaoning Province.

The common people like to come to Jingya temple for marriage, future, wealth and family harmony.

Of course, the reason why Jingya nunnery has such a great influence is that on the one hand, its main project is so grand that it can suppress the common people as soon as they come here.

On the other hand, it is because of the influence of abbess Huimin herself.

When abbess Huimin was in Zhenjiang in the early years, some celebrities had already been known to "help all living beings". However, there were a lot of "gossip" between Li Yuanqing and Huimin.But This kind of thing Who has seen it with his own eyes? Who has seen it with his own eyes?

Not to mention, who is Li Yuanqing?

Changsheng Island, including the whole southern Liaoning Province, all the people are his descendants.

What is his style of Li Yuanqing? What kind of mind?

Other people don't know. Don't the people in southern Liaoning know it?

This must be someone who deliberately discredits their most respected marshal and Bodhisattva like master Huimin!

In addition to Li Yuanqing's deliberate efforts, this incident not only did not discredit jingya'an, but also made Li Yuanqing and abbess Huimin more and more famous.

It is also in line with the old saying: "history is always written by the winner..."

Of course, there is a key reason why Jingya temple is so prosperous.

The urban area of Changsheng Island, including the whole Changsheng Island, leads to jingya'an, which is basically cemented and easy to walk.

People come here to offer incense and pray, which is basically a smooth journey.

Many intelligent people even spontaneously formed a small market near the foot of the mountain, which was very prosperous and lively.

The time, the place and the people are all together.

If Jingya nunnery is not prosperous, then it is not allowed by heaven.

At this time, Jingya Temple consists of five parts.

They are the front courtyard, the middle courtyard, the backyard, the north courtyard and the South courtyard.

The place of worshipping and worshiping is the place for worshipping and worshiping the common people.

The middle court is a large-scale Buddhist hall and a Dharma hall, which is used for holding great ceremonies on good days and auspicious days, or for offering incense and praying for the families of high officials and dignitaries on the island.

The back yard is a place for nuns to live and rest.

As for the northern and southern bieyuan, they are all guest rooms for worshippers to pray.

It's just that the South bieyuan is open to the public all the year round, but the North bieyuan is full of money and even connections, so don't try to come in.

Shihui's property is private.

At this time, Li Yuanqing and his party came to beibieyuan along the path paved with bluestone slabs.

The nuns and young nuns in beibieyuan are different from those in the front yard and nanbieyuan. They are all "hermits" with hair.

But in fact, more than half of the girls came out of the training echelon of Wuyu Pavilion, and some of them were acquired by the personal influence of abbess Huimin.

In this era, it is too easy to collect some innocent little girls and boys

After the carriage stopped steadily, Jin Huizi, with 50 soldiers and coachmen, quickly retreated to the stone steps dozens of steps away, leaving ample space for Li Yuanqing.

Although Jin Huizi is a bit reckless, he still has a clear understanding of what should be done, what should not be done, what should be seen and heard, and what should not be seen or heard.

Otherwise, this guy would never have sat on this throne for such a long time.

Li Yuanqing personally helped the Hakka get off the carriage.

Although his relatives and soldiers are far away, but in jingya'an, Li Yuanqing is not worried about his safety at all.

Not to mention the small bazaar at the foot of the mountain, there are two soldiers stationed on both sides of the general regulation, that is, not far from the south, the nanbieyuan is opposite, and there is a more sophisticated Fort garrison, two solid general regulations.

At several commanding heights on the mountain, there are watchtowers, each of which is a first-class organization.

If anyone wants to commit a crime here, even if he can insert his wings, even if it doesn't take a moment, he has to be held down!

At this time, the Hakkas did not expect that the Jingya nunnery mentioned by Li Yuanqing was actually It would have been on such a scale

It suddenly occurred to her that Li Yuanqing said, "even if it's worse here than in the palace, I'm afraid it won't be much worse..."

This is a beautiful and secret palace group.

In the beibieyuan, abbess Huimin had received news for a long time. An old nun in her forties respectfully saluted the Hakkas, "Amitabha. Please follow me, benefactor

At that time, the Hakkas became nervous. "Yuanqing, this..."

Li Yuanqing smiles: "you go to settle down first. Call me when you're settled. I'll go to the hall and serve incense. "


Hakka was still a little frightened, but for a moment, she suddenly came to her senses. Here, she had no choice at all. Why should Li Yuanqing be in trouble?

What's more, if Li Yuanqing wants to hurt her, does she have to wait until now?

The middle-aged nun couldn't help but look into the house.

Li Yuanqing told the young nun around him to bring some hot tea to warm his soldiers. He strode inside and walked towards the main hall.In the hall, a little nun had already prepared incense for Li Yuanqing.

Li Yuanqing respectfully put a stick of incense on the Buddha statues, prayed silently for a while, and then opened his eyes.

On one side, a pretty young nun was busy and respectful and whispered, "master, please come over."

Li Yuanqing nodded and waved his hand to let the little nun lead the way.

Out of the hall, after several corridors, about three or four hundred steps, Li Yuanqing was guided to a hall.

The burning of sandalwood in the hall.

The light blue smoke is around, and the air is filled with a light and quiet fragrance. It is easy for people to be calm. On the middle of the futon, there is an elegant but graceful and plump woman. Who is abbess Huimin?

The little nun respectfully helped Li Yuanqing close the sliding door similar to the architecture of the island. Li Yuanqing sat on the futon opposite abbess Huimin with a smile.

For a moment, abbess Huimin's long eyelashes blinked and slowly opened her eyes, but she spat in a low voice: "if it wasn't for that woman, you wouldn't want to come to me this time, would you?"

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