The blue sea rippled with blue waves.

The billowing flag of the sun and moon waves and the Red Eagle Flag of killing are waving in the wind and swinging back and forth.

Like a giant dragon, like the roof of the sea like a huge fleet, against the dim sea breeze, all the way north.

At this time, it was the afternoon, some dry and hot sunshine Lin Lin spread on the sea surface, occasionally emitted some dazzling light, in the distance, the sea and the sky connected as a line, a line could not see the end.

Li Yuanqing, with bare arms and only a pair of big underpants, leaned against the deck sail on the shady deck chair. He looked at the surrounding scenery lazily, but could not say with dignity.

At this time, it has been more than a month since the Ming army set out. The time has come for the middle of June. Li Yuanqing and his children have begun to adapt to the lonely but restless life at sea.

As a matter of fact, there are the business models of Sakhalin Island and Nanyang fleet. The routes from Changsheng island to xiharwei and from Changsheng island to Nanyang are very well-known.

From Changsheng Island, to Chenghuang island in the north and south, to PiDao, to Jeju Island, to Vladivostok not far ahead, to xihar'erwei, even further north, the whole framework system of Changsheng camp has been very perfect. There are dozens of supply points only.

Although it was an expedition at this time, due to the limitations of science and technology and productivity, the speed of the fleet could only be this way, and the rhythm was actually very slow.

This also made Li Yuanqing have an illusion, this trip, where is the war, is clearly a holiday

However, although the body is relaxed, the string in Li Yuanqing's heart has been tense.

At this time, Lao maozi's control in Siberia was still very weak, far from being as rampant as in the kangxiaomazi era decades later. Most of the people living in the vast Siberian region were the local Tu people, and there were very few hands on laomaozi's side.

But even if Siberia is vast and sparsely populated, such as fur, wood, precious Chinese herbal medicine and other local products, it is not a small number.

"It's better to start first, and then suffer!"

The vast Siberia was originally under the rule of the great minnurgandus. Even though some old maozi have settled here, the local residents are naturally mainly yellow people of East Asian origin.

In the whole world, is it King's land.

These yellow people, of course, were all the people of the Ming Dynasty, including the Houjin JianNu who was still in rebellion and had not been exterminated.

Of course, Houjin JianNu was just a dog in Daming's family, barking.

Even if the dog is very big and fierce, it is only the internal affairs of Daming, but ~ ~ ~ on the Siberian side, it is necessary to deal with foreign enemies first!

Before, although Li Yuanqing "clamored" to fight to Moscow, it was only a means to boost morale, but also to motivate himself and win over the hearts of the people.

Of course, Li Yuanqing understood that it was not impossible for the Ming army to reach Moscow with its fighting power at this time. However, it was necessary to pay a heavy price.

With Li Yuanqing's consistent behavior pattern, he naturally would not choose such a brainless hard hitting, not to mention the vast Siberian wilderness, which is killing people without blood.

However, this was not to be prevented. Li Yuanqing expelled laomaozi's stronghold in Siberia and established a stronghold in the south of Liaoning Province, and formed a line with xihar'erwei.

Once this overall goal is formed, Li Yuanqing and his children will at least monopolize the fur business in Northeast Asia and even in East Asia, at least 60% or more.

In addition, with the smooth business of Nanyang, the total profit is no joke.

Of course, the most important thing is to make these old people hurt and scared. It's better to lure some of their main forces.

If we can successfully annihilate the main force of Lao maozi and let them "willingly" pay for the expedition, then ~ ~, this trip will be a good start. Li Yuanqing and his sons could go all the way to the south, enter the hinterland of Mongolia, seize the most needed horse resources, and then return to Liao by land.

However, this is only the ideal state of the plan.

We have been leading the army for many years. We are invincible! Li Yuanqing deeply understands that the plan is far from being able to keep pace with the changes.

Even if it is as advanced as later generations, which is almost able to directly face-to-face communication and command, there will inevitably be twists and turns.

Not to mention, this is such a poor communication era.

Any link in the middle, even if there are only a few small problems, is enough to affect the overall situation.

How to choose, it depends on the commander-in-chief's choice.

This is also the main reason why Li Yuanqing must personally lead the army to go out to the army.

At this time, the fleet has been in the sea of Japan for more than ten days, but even though the fleet has been all the way north and the latitude is getting higher and higher, the sea breeze on the Japanese sea does not mean to cool down, and the whole weather is still very hot.

I'm afraid it won't turn cold until at least the end of July.However, with the supplement of the surrounding strongholds, the fleet is well stocked with fresh water, vegetables and medicinal materials.

At this time, Joseph, who is today's deputy leader of the adjutant team, trotted over and reported to Li Yuanqing: "commander in chief, before evening, our main force will be able to reach the Vladivostok stronghold. Shall we stay on the shore for a night's rest or continue our journey?"

The so-called "adjutant system" is a kind of "adjutant pilot system" initiated by Li Yuanqing in the fleet.

The main reason is that the life of sailing is too boring. In order to keep the excitement and initiative of the children, Li Yuanqing will make Duan Xiliang, shunzi and Kong Youde, the generals under his command, take turns to lead their ships and lead the way ahead.

On the one hand, it can arouse their interest and maintain their fighting ideology. On the other hand, it can enable these generals to enter the state as soon as possible and be familiar with the surrounding environment.

Of course, as Joseph, he can't be the leader yet. However, he was born in a white aristocratic family. Although he was a little lax, his education, especially in the fields of natural science and geography, was much better than that of his children, and his sensitivity was also very high.

These days, every three to five, Li Yuanqing summoned him to his boat, and asked him to act as Li Yuanqing's adjutant.


Li Yuanqing gently tapped on the small table beside him, looked at the vast sea ahead, pondered for a moment, and said, "the children have worked hard all the way. Tonight, let's have a rest in Vladivostok. Give orders to the boys ahead


Joseph was overjoyed and rushed to the captain's room.

From Jeju Island to the sea of Japan, the road north, has been floating in the sea for nearly 10 days, this guy has been unable to bear, want to step on solid land, good "down-to-earth.". Of course, it would be better if there were women

Li Yuanqing was too lazy to pay attention to Joseph's careful thinking.

To be honest, the longer you contact them and the deeper you understand them, the more deeply Li Yuanqing will understand them.

It's no wonder that later generations of American soldiers and British soldiers will come up with some tidbit news every now and then.

Comparatively speaking, in terms of discipline and obedience, the yellow people are the most tidy and superior.

Especially the little devil, it's just the whole frightening.

It's a pity that there are short feet and strong points in every inch.

Compared with these white haired monkeys, in terms of bloodiness and explorability, yellow people are still slightly worse.

Looking at the battle plan that stayed up late these days to revise, imperceptibly, the sky is gradually getting dark, and the sea breeze is also slightly cool.

Li Yuanqing was about to get up when the children around him cheered. Li Yuanqing looked up and couldn't help laughing. The legendary Vladivostok arrived.

There is a speedboat ahead to inform the children of this stronghold. There are more than 100 children riding Changsheng camp waiting here.

However, the huge fleet berthing is not a small matter. In addition, although the harbor in front of us is wide at this time, it is almost all in the original state. It is necessary to have some busy work for the children.

Guduo with a cup of hot tea, carefully came to Li Yuanqing side, whispered: "Ye, you drink tea."

Li Yuanqing laughed: "what about Daisy? Are you up? Wait a minute. I'll take you to the shore. "

Li Yuanqing took two concubines with him on his trip.

One is conggulun's maid and Guduo. The other is daisy, Dai Shan's concubine, who was "captured" by Li Yuanqing.

Originally, Li Yuanqing didn't want to take his concubine. After all, there are two old friends of Li Yuanqing in the female escort. In addition, Meng Qingzhu has also been here in person. Li Yuanqing is already at ease in all aspects

However, after careful consideration, Li Yuanqing still took two girls.

The main reason is that Li Yuanqing has long been used to the splendor and wealth of this era. There is no one around to serve him, or in other words, it is inevitable that he will feel uncomfortable when he is replaced by a big hand.

In addition, Guduo is a female immortal, while Daisy is from the wild people tribe in the northern region. Even when she comes here, she will return to her hometown. Li Yuanqing doesn't have to worry too much about their health.

Li Yuanqing also needs to have "intimate people" who can introduce the local conditions and customs to him in detail.

Gu duo hears speech not from big joy, busy carefully put down the teacup, joyful Jiao voice way: "Ye, Daisy elder sister already got up. The maidservant went up and called for her

Looking at Gu duo's graceful back, Li Yuanqing's eyes narrowed slightly and his mouth showed a faint smile.

This little beautiful snake needs to be cooked a little more


Half an hour later, after a simple dinner, Li Yuanqing, accompanied by Daisy and Guduo, and escorted by Joseph, Yang Lei, and 200 armed soldiers, went ashore in an orderly manner to inspect the Ming army stronghold of Vladivostok.

Vladivostok was known as "Yongming city" in Mongolia and Yuan Dynasty. It was an important trade port in Northeast China in Yuan Dynasty.

Because it is everywhere in the far north, but it belongs to the "ice free port", and the surrounding Bay conditions are extremely superior. In the year of the Yuan Dynasty, it once flourished for a time.Unfortunately, in Daming, due to the implementation of the sea ban policy, this side began to gradually desolate.

Especially at this time, because of the rise of Nuzhen in the later Jin Dynasty, the tribal disputes here were more complicated, and the conflicts continued and withered.

At this time, due to the limited manpower of the Changsheng camp and the "contract" between Li Yuanqing and Huang Taiji, the Ming army did not occupy Vladivostok. Instead, they purchased a small island from the local Nuzhen elite and tribal leaders to build fortifications and serve as a stronghold.

In the face of the private, with these local Nuzhen elite, tribal leaders, private trade.

These leaders of the Nuzhen clan and tribe gradually got the sweetness of trading with the Ming army. In addition, the Ming army had a stronghold on the sea, and they could not attack it even if they wanted to attack, so they acquiesced in this situation.

At this time, the Ming army stronghold was about thirty-four miles away from Vladivostok.

Otherwise, the huge fleet size of the Ming army would have to frighten the local Tartars.

In fact, before, both Wang Damao and Shu LUOHUAN had proposed to Li Yuanqing many times to win over Vladivostok city.

Shuluohuan, in particular, wanted to take Vladivostok as his own stronghold, instead of mixing with Wang Damao.

However, Li Yuanqing refused their proposal several times and chose to maintain the status quo.

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