After careful consideration, Li Yuanqing finally decided to transfer Laoliu to Changsheng island to coordinate 500 soldiers and survey a series of construction work of Lu Dadao and craftsmen.

To this extent, the efficiency of concealed construction was obviously too slow. Li Yuanqing directly gave Shang Laoliu a new order to vigorously build defense measures at the two outposts of nanxinkou and beixinkou.

In fact, although the freezing period is terrible, it is not without solutions.

In addition to the most primitive manual ice drilling, there is a very simple method, which is similar to some criminals in later generations, who fry fish under the frozen lake bottom.

Drill holes on the ice surface in advance and form several rows. Fill each hole with explosives. Use the vibration generated by explosive explosion to crack the ice surface that has been drilled. Next, clean the ice manually.

This method is time-saving, labor-saving and labor-saving. However, at this time, high-strength explosives have not come out, and Li Yuanqing is not very proficient in gunpowder. However, according to Li Yuanqing's understanding of this era, even if there is no high-strength explosive of later generations, there are still some performance propellants. Chinese civilization has used gunpowder from a very early time To many aspects of life, such as mining.

Since ancient times, mining has been a kind of profiteering business. In the early Ming Dynasty, this kind of business was still controlled by the imperial court. However, from the middle and late Ming Dynasty, it has been widely spread to the landlords. By the end of the Ming Dynasty, these businesses were basically controlled in the hands of the powerful landlords.

At this time, Li Yuanqing was not easy to get hold of these mineral deposits in the Liao area. However, as long as there was silver in Denglai, there was enough room for operation.

As long as one or two craftsmen in this field can be found, the ice breaking problem will certainly achieve twice the result with half the effort.

As for the defense of Changsheng Island, if we can have a few guns in red

Unfortunately, Li Yuanqing did not have time to think carefully about his own local construction plan. At this time, Chen Zhong's messenger rushed to Changsheng island to tell Li Yuanqing that the main force of the old slaves had already gone out at the end of the first month.

Li Yuanqing thought that the spring offensive of the later Jin Dynasty should be the same as last year. At least, he had to wait until the end of February and the beginning of March. Unexpectedly, the old slave was so impatient.

At this time, Chen Zhong had already led the Ministry to rush to Lushun in advance, meeting with zhangpan department. He urged Li Yuanqing to lead the headquarters to Lushun as soon as possible. The time was urgent.

Li Yuanqing did not dare to neglect that he did not have time to wait for Shang Laoliu to come to Changsheng island. He directly ordered Xu Heizi to coordinate the work of Changsheng island for the time being. After Shang Laoliu arrived, he went directly to Lvshunkou.

So that the sailors drove full power, Li Yuanqing rushed back to Guanglu Island overnight.

At this time, Shang Laoliu had already gone to Changsheng island and Guanglu island. There were only 700 soldiers left and thousands of old and weak women and children left.

As the situation was critical, Li Yuanqing had no time to arrange too much. Zhang yunniang and Qu minqiu were directly in charge of Guanglu Island government affairs. Li Yuanqing himself led the 700 soldiers to Lushun.

At the same time, Li Yuanqing also sent a speedboat to inform Guan Canghai in Heidao, asking him to lead his department, mainly to take more boats, and go to Lushun as soon as possible.

Originally some slow pace of life, because of the cloud of war, quickly raised to the highest critical point.

On the evening of the first day of February, Li Yuanqing led 700 soldiers to Lvshunkou.

Zhang pan and Chen Zhong have been waiting here for a long time, so they rush out to meet them.

Li Yuanqing and Zhang pan were old acquaintances. Although they did not have much experience of fighting side by side, because of Chen Zhong's face, they soon got rid of their differences and got acquainted.

After a simple dinner, the three people in zhangpan station, jointly discuss the specific action strategy.

At this time, Guangning, the Ming army arranged a total of three lines of defense.

The first line of defense is to use the Liaohe River to pull up the first barrier with the help of natural power. However, at this time, although the center of Liaohe River is thawed, both sides of the river bank are still in the freezing period. This line of defense has more symbolic significance and less practical effect.

The second line of defense is to form a second artificial line of defense by making use of several large fortresses outside Guangning City, such as Xiping fort, Zhenwu fort and Zhenning fort, combined with several small ones around.

The third line of defense is Guangning city defense.

At this time, according to the latest information from the front, more than 60000 troops of the old slave's main force had just assembled and reached the Sanchahe line, and had not yet approached the Liaohe River's first line of defense.

Chen Zhonghe and Zhang pan were optimistic about the defense strategy and situation of the Ming army.

After all, the Guangning army has more than 130000 troops, while the old slaves have only a little over 60000.

Moreover, the Ming army had a favorable geographical position, such as Xiping fort and Zhenwu fort, which were easier to defend and harder to attack than ordinary cities. Because they are entirely military fortresses, the purpose of which is to give priority to military defense.

But in Li Yuanqing's heart, there are always some inexplicable worries.

Although he knew there would be a Shaling fiasco, Li Yuanqing did not know the exact time.

Before the end of the new year, the old slaves started to mobilize the masses. Presumably, the preparations for the later Jin Dynasty should be very adequate.Having experienced the fall of Shenyang, Li Yuanqing always had an instinctive doubt about the defense system of the Ming army.

For example, Shenyang City is not high, the walls are not thick, the soldiers are not too many, the weapons are not not advanced enough, and dozens of red coated cannons were never seen by the post Jin army at that time.

Moreover, at that time, the reinforcements of Zhejiang and Baigan soldiers were on the way, only a few days' journey. However, even in this case, Shenyang was completely defeated in less than two days, and there was no decent process of resistance at all.

Liaoyang, however, only lasted three or four days.

The most important thing is that Xiong Tingbi, the newly appointed Minister of the Ministry of war and the left deputy governor, did not seem to be so harmonious with Wang Huazhen, governor of Liaodong.

Under such a situation, how can Li Yuanqing feel at ease?

"Yuanqing, are you too pessimistic? Our Guangning army is strong and strong. Even though the Tartars in the later Jin Dynasty are brave and brave, it is not so easy to get a bargain from our Guangning army. "

Zhang pan saw Li Yuanqing look worried, smiling and patting Li Yuanqing on the shoulder, "Lao Chen, Yuanqing, you see."

Zhang pan pointed to the map, "the main forces of the red flag inlaid in the south of Liaoning Province have gone westward with the old slaves. Now that we are strong and strong, we can first map Nanguan and then force Jinzhou. After taking Jinzhou, we can directly plunder the hinterland of southern Liaoning and threaten the city of Fuzhou. According to my information, there are less than 1000 Tartars in Fuzhou City. Most of them are Han military flags. We have a lot to do. "

Chen Zhong deeply thought that he nodded his head. The strategy of opening the plate was very steady and steady. He pushed into the hinterland of southern Liaoning, which coincided with his idea.

"Lao Zhang, this is the safest way. Now Yuanqing is here too. We can start at Nanguan tomorrow. It's just a tiny place. Half a day should be enough to win it. "

Chen Zhongzhi was very satisfied. Obviously, he had great confidence in the fighting power of his soldiers.

After they finished, they could not help but smile at each other, as if they could have foreseen the victory of tomorrow.

But Li Yuanqing did not speak. He seemed to be wandering in tianwai and didn't care what they said.

Zhang Pan's respect for Li Yuanqing is just a matter of face. After all, there is no intimate relationship between them.

Although Li Yuanqing has made a lot of contributions under Mao Wenlong, Zhang pan and Li Yuanqing are almost two systems. This kind of service is often exaggerated. Zhang pan only thinks that Li Yuanqing has some skills and can fight, but that's all.

After all, Li Yuanqing has a lot of seniority.

At this time, Li Yuanqing has been silent, Zhang Pan's face has been a bit unhappy.

However, Chen Zhong is Li Yuanqing's brother and elder brother. They came all the way. He had a personal experience of Li Yuanqing's ability. At this time, seeing Li Yuanqing like this, Chen Zhong asked in a low voice: "Yuanqing, what do you think about this matter?"

Li Yuanqing vomited a long puff. Of course, he saw Zhang Pan's face and straightened his mind. Then he said, "the two brothers are right. It's really the safest way to force Jinzhou from Nanguan. Just, I'm afraid that the old slave won't give us so much time to force us to Fuzhou City. "

Seeing Li Yuanqing open his mouth, Zhang Pan's face also eased a lot, can't help but smile, "Yuanqing, you don't have to worry about this. With only 60000 old slaves and no wings, how could they break through the dense defense lines of Guangning? I estimate that it will take at least two months or even more than three months for the old slaves to fight under Guangning city. We have enough time to prepare in southern Liaoning. "

Li Yuanqing looked at Zhang Pan's confident appearance, his throat moved for a moment, and then he said with a smile: "that's the case. It's just like what the two brothers said. Tomorrow, we'll close the military guide."


Lushun, in later generations, is a famous tourist resort. At this time, the ecological environment has not been polluted by modern science and technology, but is full of the most primitive flavor of nature.

From zhangpan's camp, Li Yuanqing did not directly return to the camp, but came to the seaside.

The distant night sky is clear and transparent. With naked eyes, you can see the bright stars, such as the Big Dipper, Leo, Scorpio

Not far away, under the ice, the waves rise and fall, gently beating the shore, sending out bursts of rhythmic "Shua Shua.".

Although the weather is a little wet and cold, but this kind of environment, Li Yuanqing's mood, also slightly bright some.

People have as much stomach as they eat.

At this time, although Li Yuanqing and Zhang panping level, but Zhang pan after all seniority, in the absence of accurate information from the front, Li Yuanqing is not willing to conflict with Zhang pan.

Vast China, tens of millions of people, why is it so embarrassed by little Nvzhen?

To a large extent, it was the internal struggle of Daming, which was too fierce and consumed too much energy.

In the court, the big men would not accept anyone.

In the Liao Dynasty, the generals looked down upon Li Yuanqing, an officer with mud legs.

Mao Wenlong is also firmly standing on the side of Wang Huazhen and disobeys Xiong Tingbi's Yin and Yang worship.

The headquarters of the Guangning army, needless to say, is under the command of Mao Wenlong. Some of them are old and others are not. This unspeakable thing is like an invisible shackle, which is really very uncomfortable.Frankly speaking, there is nothing wrong with the opening strategy.

But he is based on an important premise. The main force of Guangning army must be able to resist the later Jin army for two months or more.

Can Guangning army really do it?

Even though zhangpan gradually pushed forward, defeated Nanguan, Jinzhou, and even conquered Fuzhou City, once the war in western Liaoning was over, the main force of the Jin army would return to the south of Liaoning Province. With this strength of zhangpan, could it defeat the later Jin main force?

Of course, Li Yuanqing also fully understood Zhang Pan's mind. Lushun, after all, is his governing the land. He has gradually pushed forward, steadily and steadily. His contribution to the restoration of the land can not be denied either by him or by Mao Wenlong.

But they seem to have forgotten how Zhenjiang lost it that day

After a long breath, Li Yuanqing's eyes became clearer.

At this time, there was no first-hand accurate information in front of him. In order to maintain the overall situation, Li Yuanqing could only endure for a while.

"Yuanqing, how did you get here? Come on, have a drink. " I don't know when, Chen Zhong came to Li Yuanqing with a smile and handed him a small wine pot.

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