"I wipe. Yuan Qing, this It's a headache to watch The names of these old people are longer than ghosts. How can people play with it? "

After a long time, Chen Zhong finally couldn't help it. He threw the material on the table beside him, his face was big and he rubbed his eyes.

At this time, Li Yuanqing had already found the way and connected with some residual memories of later generations.

Throwing Chen Zhong a cigar, Li Yuanqing said with a smile: "big brother, this thing is a little complicated. But it's interesting for you to calm down and look carefully. "

Seeing that Chen Zhong was still upset, Li Yuanqing took a piece of fire from the brazier beside him with a smile, helped Chen Zhong light his cigar, and then lit his own. He said with a smile, "brother, let's watch another hour. I'll treat you to roast lamb at noon

Chen Zhong also knew that Li Yuanqing was afraid that he had found the clue at this time, and did not dare to lose his temper any more. He had to bear with himself and continue to study it carefully.

He always wanted to get a little familiar with these names. After all, they are their opponents and their big enemies.

He always has to have a concept in his mind, and when Li Yuanqing explains it later, he will not fall behind.

Seeing Chen Zhong's side quiet down, Li Yuanqing also continued to settle down and analyze these materials carefully.

In later generations, for various reasons, most people have more or less some understanding of the history of polar bears after the February Revolution or the October Revolution.

But before that, the Romanov Dynasty, including the earlier liurik Dynasty.

I'm afraid that even if you are proficient, you can only name Ivan IV, and later the thunderous "Peter the great" and the enchanting empress Ekaterina.

In fact, the relationship between them is very close, almost in the same vein.

But, perhaps because of "the cycle of heaven and retribution", the great Ivan IV, though brilliant and domineering, has no offspring left, his son, the second czar of the liurik Dynasty, fiodor Ivanovich.

At about the end of the 16th and 1990s, the liurik Dynasty died because there was no heir by blood.

As has been explained above, the core of the liurik Dynasty was in the Kyiv region of later Ukraine.

Ivan IV, from the position of Grand Duke of Moscow, rose up all the way, defeated the powerful Swedish Kingdom at that time, swept the Caucasus region, and thus coronated a new title, "czar".

After the death of fiodor Ivanovic, Kiev always wanted to take back the position of the central area, and even used the way of using the inheritance of lineage several times.

But at this time, the new powerful serf landlords with Moscow origin as the core had risen. Of course, they would not allow such a thing to happen. There were several large-scale bloody conflicts between the two sides.

Obviously, the old and conservative Kiev Roth is obviously not the opponent of the serf owners of these new war maniacs of Moscow origin. He is totally defeated.

In 1613, that is, the 41st year of Wanli, the great serf owners of Moscow origin held a joint meeting and decided to select a new Czar, determine the core position of Moscow origin, and ensure that a new czar who is in line with the interests of Moscow origin big serfs will be their nominal leader!

This is also the biggest difference between Russia's feudal serfdom and the feudal system which has been handed down in China for thousands of years.

In the final analysis, the feudal serfdom in Russia has a strong nomadic color, just like the tribal system of nomadic people.

These feudal serfdom had territory, army, population and property. They were nominally subject to the dynasty, but in fact, they were independent of the dynasty.

Some of them are similar to the Western Han Dynasty under the enfeoffment system of Gaozu Liubang period.

Even the empress Jin Nvzhen.

Let's go out for a fight. Let's send troops out. If we win the war, we will get the benefits together. We will share the wealth and the women.

In particular, Ivan IV adopted the so-called "special jurisdiction" to further strengthen centralization and drive a large number of powerful aristocrats out of the core of Moscow.

But even Ivan IV did not dare to kill them.

It can not be compared with the centralization of power in China.

After the extinction of Ivan IV's blood, these big serfs, who had been driven out of the core of power, were eager to return. At the same time, the new big serfs of Moscow origin, who had been confused for more than ten years, realized that they could not control everything independently by their power.

Under the balance of interests of all parties, the joint meeting was formed.

At this time, Mikhail Romanov, the newly elected new Tsar of the Romanov Dynasty, though not the direct blood of Ivan IV, can be said to be the indirect blood of Ivan IV.

He was Queen of Ivan IV and nephew of Anastasia romanovna.

Moreover, Mikhail's father, is the Russian Orthodox group's Archbishop Fedor Romanov.

At this time, the status of religious belief is still quite high.In particular, Fedor Romanov can be called a hero of Moscow origin.

In the chaos after Ivan IV's death, the Polish Dynasty once captured Moscow, approved the arrest of Fedor Romanov and appointed him as the Russian Orthodox patriarch, hoping that he would serve Poland.

However, Fedor Romanov, who vowed to die, was held by the poles for more than ten years and refused to give in to the interests of the nation.

This also makes the Romanov family, in the folk won a huge reputation, deeply loved by Moscow people of all walks of life.

In addition, with the inheritance of various aspects, Mikhail Romanov, a 17-year-old boy who was still somewhat ignorant, was forced to take the throne of Czar by force.

But the actual power was still in the hands of the great nobles.

At this time, Russia was far from being as powerful and prosperous as the later one. Although Ivan IV had laid the whole Russian framework, it was not completely stable. Their enemies were still powerful.

There is a strong Swedish kingdom in the north, and a fierce and fierce Polish kingdom in the West. Especially King Sigmund III of Poland never gave up his covet of Moscow for a moment.

In the south, in the Crimean khanate, the cavalry of the descendants of the gold family and the Tatars remained strong.

There are also Cossacks who roam the Ukrainian steppes, who never give up.

In the first few years after Mikhail came to power, the whole situation in Russia was quite passive, which was simply internal and external troubles.

However, with the death of King Sigmund III of Poland, Mikhail's father, Fedor Romanov, returned to Moscow and became the "supreme emperor", gradually taking over the real power of Russia, and everything began to change.

At this time, Li Yuanqing and his children are going to face the emperor, the archbishop.

See here, Li Yuanqing's heart for a while also some five flavor miscellaneous Chen.

Mikhail is not the material of emperor at all.

But just because of his noble blood, the "big pie" was smashed on his head.

However, although Mikhail seems useless, Li Yuanqing will not underestimate him.

In terms of strategy, this guy is still quite Pretty smart.

When nobles want rights, he gives them rights. His mother wants rights. He also gives rights. His father wants rights. He does the same.

This seems to be fatuous, but in essence, it is to the greatest extent, to preserve his safety.

After all, in addition to his noble lineage, his family's popularity in the folk, compared with the great aristocrats, he still has nothing.

All these materials were put together temporarily by Wang Damao. They were relatively simple for some familiar things that would not be taboo. However, they were obviously unable to do anything about the situation in Moscow at this time, including the specific war situation.

Although Li Yuanqing was a little anxious at this time, he did not have any good methods.

The key is that in his remaining memory, he did not know much about the history of Russia.

However, from the comprehensive and analytical materials, Li Yuanqing can basically confirm that the Moscow group of the Romanov family certainly has no time to look east at this time.

The Swedes, the poles, the Cossacks, including the Tatars of the Crimean khanate, are not good opponents.

At this time, although Mikhail was decadent, his descendants Especially Peter the great, who is more than two meters tall It's really frightening.

Li Yuanqing vaguely remembers that it was Peter the great, and later yekaterina, when Russia really got to the top and began to look East and look for the sea port.

If it corresponds to the track of Chinese history, it should be after the nuchieftain Kang Xiaoma ascended the throne, but the specific time can not be tested by Li Yuanqing.

What impresses Li Yuanqing most is the classic work of great Xia Jin. In the story of the deer tripod, Wei Xiaobao once went to Moscow for a period of time.

It's late in the story.

Kang Xiaoma and Wei Xiaobao are both adults.

According to Jin's writing style and preciseness, the plot may be made up, but there should not be too many mistakes in time.

From this we can infer that the polar bear really began to look eastward, which should be decades later.

However, at this time, their stronghold has advanced to the line of Yenisei River, which is obviously not a good omen!

Seeing that Li Yuanqing finally put down the materials, Chen Zhong was relieved and hastened to come up: "Yuanqing, how about it? What have you got? "

Li Yuanqing smiles: "OK. eldest brother. Although the situation is somewhat grim, on the whole, it is relatively optimistic. We have a great chance! "

At that time, Chen Zhong also put down his heart and laughed: "Yuanqing, I knew that it's just a dog scum. What's the big deal. Yuan Qing, my brother is starving. Let's eat first. "


After lunch with Chen Zhong, Chen Zhong went to inspect the camp, while Li Yuanqing took a simple map of Siberia and thought about it carefully.In less than a year, yermark conquered kashrik, the capital of the Siberian Khanate.

On the one hand, yermark is a serious prisoner, and he has to work hard to wash away his shame.

On the other hand, I am afraid it is the dispute within the Siberian Khanate.

By this time, Li Yuanqing had already understood the tribal regime of the nomadic people very thoroughly.

Tribal regime has great advantages of tribal regime. When a strong king is in power, they are the best hounds and can exert the greatest effect.

However, once the monarch declines, the disadvantages are obvious

At this time ~ ~, the Siberian Khanate no longer existed. Although there were many Tatar tribes living in this area, in fact, the vast and vast Siberian region had become the de facto "land of no owners".

What Li Yuanqing needs to do at this time is to nail down the most critical nodes before all the dust falls to the ground!

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