With the addition of these headmen, nobles and slaves who were familiar with the surrounding terrain, in two or three days, the Ming army drew up a relatively detailed map of the tribal settlements in Jiangbei area and adjacent to the Beishan area.

In fact, in recent years, Li Yuanqing has also been thinking carefully about abandoning these local Aboriginal settlements directly, instead of going directly to the seaside to build new settlements on his own.

As the saying goes, "it's better to start first and suffer later.".

Compared with the Western European powers, Lao maozi's understanding of "maritime affairs" is still quite good Quite dull.

It was not until after Peter the great and Ekaterina the great that they completely got rid of the northern powerful country Sweden, as well as the strong enemy and neighboring Poland, that they opened the northern sea port and shifted their target to the sea.

But this period of time, almost to 1750, even after 1770.

By this time, the colonial territory of the whole world had been basically divided up by the Western European powers.

In addition, Lao maozi's "congenital" disadvantage

In terms of the army, maozi is indeed a natural "fighting nation". He is not only powerful and powerful, but also hard-working and hard-working. He is brave and good at fighting, and has a high degree of obedience. He has almost all the excellent conditions for a strong army.

But the navy is obviously not as simple as the army.

In terms of the army, soft power and hard power are integrated. Even if Lao maozi's weapons and equipment are backward, they will be defeated by them because of their strong fighting genes. Even if they can't fight hard battles, they may be forced to win.

In particular, Peter the great and the wind ~ Sao ~ empress Ekaterina, have conquered the surrounding areas of the Cossacks.

With these strong fighting nations who are born like "prairie wolves", laomaozi has greatly improved their mobility.

The key is that these Cossacks are a pack of wolf dogs

They can not only fight, but also the most natural and pollution-free cannon fodder How much to die will not hurt.

For the Moscow group, it's just like adding wings to the tiger!

But the navy is by no means like the army If you are so "savage", you can get things done.

The Navy needs not only strong soft power, but also strong hard power.

The fleet is better. If you have money, you can always buy warships, especially in Europe.

However, mature Navy commanders and officers, including excellent sailors and soldiers, can not be bought for much money, and must be accumulated and polished through countless actual battles.

In this respect, Lao maozi is obviously a lot worse.

Not to mention that although the Ottoman Turkish Empire at this time was in decline, the "lean camel is bigger than the horse". The proud Sultan would never bow down easily.

Around the Caspian Sea, how can those caliphs and religious leaders who have been used to enjoying all kinds of beauties in the golden tent, give up their interests that have lasted for hundreds of years?

Although the threat of these Muslims will not directly hit the heart of the Moscow group, it will not cause them much headache and headache.

In addition, in Crimea, including the Caucasus, the influence of the gold family's Golden Horde is still not completely wiped out.

This means that at this time, it will take at least a hundred years, or even more, for laomaozi to really spare his hands and focus their eyes on the vast Siberia and Far East.

In other words, at this time ~ ~, Li Yuanqing took this step first, at least one hundred years ahead of Lao maozi!

What's more, it's still under the condition that Li Yuanqing is just building defense positions and not taking the initiative to attack.

Although Li Yuanlang and Li Yuanqing had been able to advance to Siberia for a short period of time, it was obvious that Li Yuanlang had been able to advance to Siberia for a short time.

Even in the Far East, although it was Li Yuanqing's "mouth meat", Li Yuanqing could not really eat it at this time.

This makes, Li Yuanqing can only bear the temperament, step by step to come, slowly and map.

As a matter of fact, Li Yuanqing often laments that if he can possess the strength of the Ming Dynasty, the monarch and his ministers serve their orders, and the generals and men are of one mind, what can he do with his mother?

What a pity.

The cruel reality is in front of us

If he wants to expand to the outside world, Li Yuanqing can only "clear the snow in front of his own door" first, and make sure that his roots are firmly rooted, so that he and his children have no worries about the future, so that they can free up their hands.

Just like this time, although Li Yuanqing had 50000 soldiers, he could only start with the surrounding small aboriginal tribes and accumulate them bit by bit.

Fortunately, the only thing that makes Li Yuanqing happy is that he and his children still have enough time.

Now, why can't we build a stronghold by the sea.

As a whole, there are three key elements in building a stronghold.First, strategic position.

We must choose a place where we can attack and defend when we advance, and where we can strategically cover a whole area to build this stronghold.

The second point is to facilitate transportation.

It is better to have a relatively good bay for the fleet to arrive directly for replenishment. The harvest in this stronghold can also be transmitted in time to form a "living water" circulation to create value and wealth, rather than relying on the blood transfusion of the mother of the camp.

After all, a stronghold, to say less, requires two or three troops to garrison the total number of troops. This is not necessarily enough for people to eat and drink, and people eat horses to chew, and in addition to various aspects of construction affairs, 100000 Liang silver a year is not necessarily enough.

If only one, or three or two strongholds, Li Yuanqing will be able to stick to it.

But if there are more than ten or dozens of them

This can not be ignored by Li Yuanqing. Under the condition that living water can be formed, it must be formed.

The third point is to build strongholds.

If the first two conditions can be determined, it seems that the third point will be much simpler. But this is a completely wrong perception.

The first two are only preconditions, and "building a stronghold" is the real necessary condition.

It's very simple to build houses, build blockhouses, build forts, and build watchtowers in the Liao area. But don't forget, it's a cold north, and it's about to enter the heart of Siberia.

In the Liao area, looking for water sources, building warehouses, including this series of infrastructure construction, the three generals of Changsheng camp can complete by themselves.

But at this time, especially here, I wish there was snow all the year round If we do this blindly, "crossing the river by feeling the stones", we don't know how many good guys need to give up their lives here.

It's just like the great emperor in later generations of Lao maozi said, "although we have a lot of territory, we don't have an inch. It's redundant."

In the same way, although many of his sons and daughters were Li Yuanqing's brothers at this time, no matter which one was his brother, how could he leave his good life in this cold and piercing wilderness in vain?

If there are native slaves, why waste their lives in vain?


August 15, the full moon night of the Mid Autumn Festival.

Li Yuanqing held a grand dinner in yemuhewei, where all the children took part in eating meat and drinking.

But tomorrow, more than ten thousand of them, new and old, will be divided into more than ten shares, and they will step into the vast Jiangbei and begin to clear up these native tribes.

Although Chinese people have inherited from ancient times, they pay attention to the mid autumn moon and family reunion.

But in fact, at this time, in Daming, the Mid Autumn Festival, far from being so grand in later generations.

Besides the most important new year's day, there are only two key festivals in a year, one of which is the 15th day of the first month, also known as Shangyuan Festival.

Another one is July 15, ghost festival, which is the night of the moon.

Including later generations, in the northern region, the solemnity of July 15 and the Mid-Autumn Festival was far greater than that of August 15.

Because the Zhongyuan Festival is second only to the new year's festival, it is necessary to solemnly sacrifice to the ancestors.

At this time, with the strong military provisions of Changsheng camp, the children naturally did not attach too much importance to the festival.

In August, you can have a good time, but you can have a good time.

In particular, tomorrow, they will embark on the journey and make contributions.

Li Yuanqing also took great pains to attack these aboriginal tribes.

These aboriginal tribes have been called the armored people in the later Jin Dynasty. Their whole society is famous, and they are not much better than the primitive society.

But they also have a unique advantage, the harsh natural environment, so that they are brave and good at war, is the best city and territory of the slaves.

In addition to their weapons and equipment, they are too backward

In history, in the journey of Manchu and Qing Dynasty, these armored men did not work less.

Of course, the Han women captured by them also had a very positive impact on their inheritance, including in all aspects of life.

It was too harsh, obviously not beautiful, but too kind to these armored people. These tribes, which still had some beast like temperament, were obviously not so easy to accept.

Li Yuanqing's final plan is to supplement strategy and give priority to deterrence.

If they are willing to obey and submit, everything will be easy to say, but if they refuse to submit and want to die, they can not blame Li Yuanqing for his ruthlessness.

As for the means of maintaining or ruling these aboriginal tribes, Li Yuanqing's method is also very simple.

That is the general trend in name.

All these chieftains of the aboriginal tribes, if they want to be legitimately inherited, must first be granted a "reward" by Li Yuanqing.

After all, Li Yuanqing was only a local warlord at this time. If he used "canonization", he would have coveted it.However, this does not prevent Li Yuanqing from using this powerful method.

The second point is that they must demand proton and tribute!

Moreover, it is not only to pledge a son, but to hand over at least two-thirds of their sons and daughters.

More than 30% of their harvest.

Of course, if Li Yuanqing is willing to reap the same amount of grain as Li Yuanqing, he will not give them any money as long as he is willing to do so.

As for the third point, Li Yuanqing will be stationed around their tribe.

However, Li Yuanqing's overall thinking on this point is not too mature. For the specific situation, we still have to wait until we get the concrete results before making detailed plans.

The bonfire was burning, and the whole camp was full of laughter and laughter. The cold wind seemed to have been pushed aside.

Chen Zhong's spirit is also very exciting.

After a few months at sea and half a month at yemuhewei, Chen Zhong could not sit still.

After drinking a few glasses of wine with Li Yuanqing, he said his idea with a smile, "Yuanqing, yemuhewei, it would be nice if you would come to the town in person. This time, brother, I want to go to the depths of the north to have a look at the situation, and by the way, bring the military academy these incompetent bastards. Hey, hey. "

Li Yuanqing couldn't help laughing.

He guessed Chen Zhong's "playboy".

Originally, Li Yuanqing wanted Chen Zhong to be in charge here. He personally went to the front line to investigate the situation.

However, since Chen Zhong first mentioned it, Li Yuanqing naturally had to satisfy his careful thinking and said with a smile: "brother, this matter is OK. But I also have a few demands. "


Chen Zhong looks at Li Yuanqing unhappily.

However, Li Yuanqing had already let go of his mouth. Chen Zhong also responded immediately, and could not help laughing: "go ahead. Yuan Qing. What's the requirement? My brother promised to deal with all the quickness

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