It's like a hurricane that can't be seen or touched, but it's real.

This time, Li Yuanqing's attack on the spy stronghold on the island comes fast and goes faster!

The next day, when the sky was bright, the whole world was covered with a light white, solemn and holy, as if ~ ~, nothing happened.

Although Wenxiang nephrite is in her arms, Li Yuanqing gets up early in the morning before dawn. In the guest hall of other hospitals, he patiently waits for the report from Shang Laoliu and Ma housekeeper.

Li Yuanqing did not have to wait for long. Soon, Shang Laoliu and Ma housekeeper came to report on the work.

Although they did not sleep all night, the spirit of Shang Laoliu and Ma housekeeper was extremely vigorous.

Shang Laoliu laughed: "Yuanqing, this offensive, we won a complete victory. Last night, nearly 300 spies of all kinds were arrested. More than a dozen strongholds have been broken. However, most of them were the imperial court, western Liaoning, and double-sided spies who were inclined to the later Jin Dynasty. As for the intelligence of those strongholds in Houjin, we have more and more information. I'm afraid it won't take ten days

Housekeeper Ma also said with a smile: "marshal, this time, we are only aiming at those strongholds which are more aggressive and have been spreading rumors all the time. For those with deep roots, we have mastered a lot of information, but we are not in a hurry to act rashly."

Li Yuanqing nodded with a smile, "brother Shang, Ma ye, it's hard. Well Keep these people in custody. You go back and have a good rest. We'll talk about it later this afternoon. "

Of course, Shang Laoliu and Ma housekeeper understood Li Yuanqing's meaning and reported some specific details to Li Yuanqing. Then they left with a smile.

Watching the two people leave, Li Yuanqing came to the window, opened the window, lit a cigar, light looking at the white world outside the window.

Espionage is like flies and mosquitoes. Although it is very unpleasant, Li Yuanqing also knows that it is impossible to eradicate such things completely.

It is better to guide them according to the circumstances and let them pass on the information that Li Yuanqing wants to express to their master son.

Especially in such a state, the stability of the island is more important than everything else.

Li Yuanqing also knows very well that, compared with PiDao, the espionage activities on Changsheng island are undoubtedly much more.

This is also determined by the root.

The land of PiDao is more like a "planned economy". Although there is a large population, it is basically confined to a certain place. In a very small area, Mao Wenlong wants to control it very easily.

But Changsheng island is quite different.

Because of Li Yuanqing's Kaihua commercial policy, Changsheng island has a large number of immigrants, tens of thousands of people, and it is still increasing.

These immigrants have constantly added vitality and wealth to Changsheng Island, but also brought some bad things and influences.

But in comparison, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

With the experience of later generations, Li Yuanqing knows very well that only by opening up, opening up, and opening up again and again, constantly absorbing fresh nutrients from outside, and constantly forcing himself to become more powerful, is the living water and can it grow normally and healthily.

On the other hand, if we build a car behind closed doors, it is doomed to have only one bitter fruit

If we make a metaphor, at this time, the whole Changsheng Island, like a strong, tiger headed teenager, is trying hard to absorb various nutrients. In this process, because the growth is too fast, some small colds and fever are inevitable.

This is also the price that growth must pay.

At this time, the snow outside the window has stopped, occasionally there is a gust of wind, with a silk of snow foam.

Li Yuanqing slowly exhaled a puff of smoke.

This year, it was a bit too bad. It was a winter in Changsheng Island, but there were only two snows.

It is conceivable that in the inland areas, what is the scale.

The ridiculous emperor Chongzhen and the officials of the imperial court were staring at Li Yuanqing's painful feet. They didn't know that the whole situation had begun to go out of control.

But to some extent, Li Yuanqing actually In fact, I also understand the hardship of emperor Chongzhen

Emperor Chongzhen's choice at this time can not be said to be wrong

From his point of view, Li Yuanqing is indeed much more ambitious and dangerous than the mudlegs of Gao Yingxiang in Northwest China

However, Changsheng island is the foundation of Li Yuanqing and the foundation of his life in this world. It is not so easy to let Li Yuanqing hand over his foundation like this!

At this time, Qi Xiaorong's palpitating cry came from the inner room: "brother, brother..."

Li Yuanqing couldn't help laughing and strode towards the inner room.

After tasting the real taste, Li Yuanqing found that Qi Xiaorong was more delicate than the ordinary Daming woman."Why don't you sleep more? So early? "

Qi Xiaorong is white and attractive. She is about to get up. Li Yuanqing smiles and covers her warm quilt. Her eyes can't stop looking at the attractive cover.

Qi Xiaorong blushed with shame and joy. She was so sweet and greasy in Li Yuanqing's arms that she said in a panic: "brother, I don't want you anymore..."

Li Yuanqing smiles: "what are you thinking about in your little head? How can my brother not give up such a delicious dessert? "

Qi Xiaorong's pretty face became even more red. She could not help leaning against Li Yuanqing's ear and whispered in a low voice: "brother, yes, but I haven't bathed yet..."

Li Yuanqing burst out laughing: "now, I'm not in a hurry to eat. In the evening, I'll eat it when I go back to my house... "

Two people frolic for a while, the air began to stop burning.

Qi Xiaorong is in her early twenties. She is like a ripe peach. In addition, she has a very good constitution. Naturally, Li Yuanqing doesn't have to be too pitiful.

Comfortable again came a high-intensity "morning exercise", lying in the warm and comfortable quilt full of Qi Xiaorong's unique fragrance. Li Yuanqing played with Qi Xiaorong's delicate plumpness with a smile and said, "rong'er, you should rest here for a while. I'll have your breakfast delivered. Wait a minute. The second lady will come over and tell you the details of the night's visit. You must pay more attention. Do you know? "

Qi Xiaorong quickly nodded, "brother, rong'er will do well."


The third warehouse is only a wall away from Li Yuanqing's official hall.

Of course, this door is only available to Li Yuanqing, and no one else has the qualification.

After breakfast, she arranged for the maid to inform Zhang yunniang and Qu minqiu of Qi Xiaorong's affairs. Li Yuanqing went back to his study to rest.

Not long, outside there will be relatives and soldiers reported: "marshal, Duke Wei has come."

Li Yuanqing put down the document in his hand, stretched out a stretch and said, "let Duke Wei have a rest for a while. I'll be right there."


Let Xiaohe, who serves today, helped himself to tidy up his appearance. Li Yuanqing strode to the study not far from the next door.

Wei Liang had been waiting for a while. He got up to salute respectfully. "I've seen the commander-in-chief."

Li Yuanqing laughed: "Wei Gong, you are so polite. Between us, there is no need for that. By the way, Wei Gong, what's the harvest in this period of time? "

Xiaohe came and offered the tea. Wei Liang bowed his hand, but he said with a bitter face: "marshal, the situation is not optimistic. I went to the capital for more than two months. I found a lot of relationships and made a lot of silver. But the effect was Ah. Marshal, this time, the emperor is afraid that he has been determined. We have to be well prepared. "

Li Yuanqing nodded slowly and pondered for a moment. Then he said, "what do you mean by Duke Wang?"

Wei Liang said, "marshal, what Duke Wang means is You, you must obey the order of the court. This is the key core. "

Li Yuanqing slowly tasted the tea and nodded slowly, "I know about this. I will reply to the court as soon as possible. Wei Gong, what about other aspects. Is there any valuable news? "


After chatting with Wei Liang for more than an hour, it was time for lunch. Li Yuanqing accompanied Wei Liang for lunch, calming his mood. Wei Liang left respectfully.

Back in the inner study, leaning on the most familiar tiger leather sofa, Li Yuanqing rubbed his temple a little tired.

People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong.

Look at this. Emperor Chongzhen is clearly thinking about it. He has to fight Li Yuanqing to the end!

After a short rest, he asked Xiao He to bring his pen and ink, and Li Yuanqing wrote a fold for emperor Chongzhen himself.

In the book, Li Yuanqing made it clear that he was a general of the Ming Dynasty and a servant of the emperor. He should obey the emperor's orders and orders.

However, at this time, the affairs in the south of Liaoning were complicated, and he needed some handover time.

Li Yuanqing wrote the book with a brush. Although the handwriting was not good-looking, Li Yuanqing wrote it in a neat way. Xiaohe dried the ink carefully. Li Yuanqing directly ordered his relatives to send them to the capital in a hurry of 800 Li.

It's just that, although this can be used as a delaying tactic, it is impossible to really solve the problem.

If he wants to keep the regulation of the southern Liaoning, he can't help Li Yuanqing's dangerous moves

She put Xiao He on the tiger leather sofa and had a good time of tongue addiction. She stepped on her back for a while and had a good rest. Li Yuanqing asked Xiaohe to help him clean up and straighten up. He came to the study outside and called Yang Lei.

At this time, the letter to the emperor has been issued. The "long tongue" in Changsheng island has been basically eliminated. It is time for Li Yuanqing to disclose the news that he has returned to the island!

Yang Lei went to do it in person, and Li Yuanqing called his own soldiers and ordered Shang Laoliu and Ma housekeeper to go directly to the nanxinkou military camp and the dungeon where the spies were held.Li Yuanqing is going to the South Xinkou camp and the residence of Li Sansheng. He must have a good chat with Li Sansheng, who has been stationed in Gaizhou

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